Proud Bamboo Horse: Eat a small green plum

Chapter 507 I Don't Talk To You!

Chapter 507 I Don't Talk To You! (2)

Smelly Gongyan, damn Gongyan, she hates him so much! !

Seeing that the two were still hugging each other intimately, with no intention of letting go, the tears in Shen Dianxin's eyes still flowed down uncontrollably.

However, the next scene, she broke down.

I saw that Chen Mei stood on tiptoe and sent her lips up.

Finally, Shen Dianxin couldn't stand it anymore, turned around, pressed the elevator, and Shen Dianxin left sadly.

His mind was full of images just now, they were hugging each other, not only did he not push her away, they even kissed together just now...

The more Shen Dianxin thought about it, the tears flowed uncontrollably.

Damn Gong Yan, saying that he only likes her is a lie!

Since he only likes her, why doesn't he push her away! ! !
Shen Dianxin ran all the way, not knowing where she went.

At this moment, the picture in my mind is still so clear.

Woohoo, smelly Gongyan, annoying Gongyan, why did you do this...

Why don't you push her away...

why! !

Even if you push her away fiercely, she won't be sad like this.

But he didn't, he didn't push her away!
Tears, can not stop the flow.

Passers-by looked back at the sad girl, wondering what sad things had happened to her.

Shen Dianxin was walking, not knowing where she was going, so she sat down on a chair by the roadside in a daze.

Tears don't know what shed, and I don't know why she walked for so long by herself.

The whole person is still a little confused.

It wasn't until a cell phone rang that Shen Dianxin was brought back to her senses.

Looking down, it was Gong Da.

Shen Dianxin sneered, didn't pick it up, didn't hang up, just waited for it to ring.

After it finished ringing and quieted down, it didn't take long before it called again.

Shen Dianxin still couldn't pick it up, and didn't hang up either.

After thinking about it calmly, Shen Dianxin felt that she was just so stupid.

Why did she run just now?

Why didn't she just go up and slap them? !
Shen Dianxin felt that she was so stupid, she shouldn't have run away just now!

After the phone rang several times, Shen Dianxin turned off the phone because she didn't want to hear it.


the other side.

Shen Dianxin turned around and left.

When Chen Mei's lips were about a few centimeters away from Gong Yan's lips, Gong Yan viciously pushed them away.

Gong Yan looked at Chen Mei with anger in her cold eyes, "It's best not to touch me!"

Chen Mei, who was pushed away, didn't care, she still looked at him obsessively, "Gong Yan..."

The voice was slightly aggrieved.

Gong Yan sneered, "Don't call me by my name, I don't know you very well."

Hearing this, Chen Mei was taken aback for a moment, with some disbelief in her eyes, "I'm not familiar..."

"You said we don't know each other well?" Chen Mei smiled wryly, "Did you forget that when you were in high school, you were very gentle to me..."

"If you think that's gentleness, I'm sorry, you're acting affectionate." Gong Yan's voice was unreasonably cold.

"No! That's gentleness!" Chen Mei couldn't believe it, "At that time, you obviously liked me a little bit. If I hadn't left, you wouldn't have a girlfriend now, right?"

Gong Yan sneered, "You are wrong, even without you, she would still be my Gong Yan's woman!"

"No! It's not like that! Then why...why did you choose someone who looks like me?!"

"She is her, you are you, you are different."

"Did I go abroad, so you found someone who looks like me?"

(End of this chapter)

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