Proud Bamboo Horse: Eat a small green plum

Chapter 508 I Don't Talk To You!

Chapter 508 I Don't Talk To You! (3)

Gong Yan looked at her coldly, "Chen Mei, you overestimate yourself, I, Gong Yan, don't like you!"

"If anything I did misunderstood you, then I'm sorry, I just want to tell you now that I, Gong Yan, have never liked you!"

"No! It's not like this!" Chen Mei said sadly.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you now. Let me warn you. Stay away from me in the future. It is best not to touch me." Gong Yan said this sentence coldly, then opened the door of the apartment, walked in, and stopped looking at She glanced at it and closed the door, leaving her alone.

After Gong Yan left, Chen Mei's eyes immediately turned cold.

Want to win his heart, become stronger and stronger.


After Gong Yan entered the door, she immediately took off her clothes and threw them into the trash can.

Except for his little pig woman, Gong Yan doesn't want anything that a woman has ever touched!
Went into the bathroom and took a shower.

He washed all the places that Chen Mei touched just now.

After taking a shower, I checked the time. It was 10:30, and Shen Dianxin hadn't come back yet.

Gong Yan made a phone call.

However, no one picked up.

Gong Yan frowned, and continued to type again.

Still didn't answer.

I called one after another, but still didn't answer, until the other party said that the phone was turned off.

Gong Yan was worried, and worriedly called Su Luoluo.

Soon, Lolo Su answered.

Gong Yan immediately asked, "Is Dian Xin still with you?"

"Ah? No, she went back in half an hour, why, she hasn't returned yet?" Su Luoluo was puzzled.

"You came back half an hour ago?" Gong Yan frowned even deeper.

"Yes, we went back half an hour ago." Su Luoluo heard something, and asked worriedly, "What's the matter? Hasn't Dianxin returned home yet?"

"No, thank you."

After finishing speaking, Gong Yan hung up the phone, and then appeared and played another phone number.

It was the Shen family's exclusive phone number, and Shen's mother answered it.

"Didn't she go back?, we're fine, um...okay."

After hanging up the phone, Gong Yan's deep black eyes were full of worry.

She didn't go back to Shen's house, and her mobile phone was turned off and couldn't get through, so where is she?

Gong Yan was really worried, so she hurriedly changed into another clothes and went out.

While going down the stairs, I was on the phone.

"Well, I want the fastest speed, and you must find it for me."

After going out of the garage to pick up the car, Gong Yan went to the place where Shen Dianxin often goes.

However, neither.

Gong Yan was very anxious and kept calling Shen Dianxin.

Still no answer.

Gong Yan anxiously slammed the steering wheel to vent.

Where did his little piggy go? !

He was really worried about her.

Gong Yan was driving the car when suddenly, the phone rang.

Gong Yan was startled, thinking it was his little piggy calling him.

He looked down, but no, it was his subordinates.

Gong Yan was a little disappointed, he picked up the phone, "Did you find it?"

"I found it, in xx park."

Hearing this, Gong Yan's black eyes flickered slightly, "Okay."

After the response, the car speeded up sharply and drove towards xx.

Gong Yan's heart now wants to see his little pig woman every second.

Drive all the way.

(Ahem, I just suddenly want to abuse... but not very cruel, because I still prefer the side of petting..., abuse, I'm not very good at it... and I don't like it very much...)
(End of this chapter)

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