Proud Bamboo Horse: Eat a small green plum

Chapter 520 Childish Like a Child 1

Chapter 520 Childish as a child 1
Shen Dianxin replied, "I'm fine with him, I misunderstood him last night, we're fine now."

Hearing this, Shi Yi still nodded, "Well, that's good..."

As he said, he looked at her seriously, "But no matter what happens, don't cry, just smile, you know?"

He wants her to be happy every day.

He added, "After all, a girl who loves to laugh can't be unlucky, can she?"

Hearing his words, Shen Dianxin smiled and nodded, "Yes, I see!"

Seeing her smile, Shi Yi also smiled.

She still loves to laugh as usual.


Time always flies by quickly, and it will always slip away quietly when you don't expect it.

One semester passed simply like this.

One day, it began to snow quietly.

The next day, Su Luoluo hid in bed and didn't want to get up.

"Little lazy pig, don't you get up yet?" Gu Chen leaned over her ear and said in a low voice.

"Hmm... don't want to get up..." In such a cold weather, sleeping is the most comfortable, so she doesn't want to get up.

"It's snowing outside, don't you like snowy days? Huh?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the little person on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, "Is it snowing?"

Without waiting for his answer, he quickly got out of bed and ran to the window to lie down and watch.

"Wow~ so beautiful~~" Su Luoluo looked up at the light snow falling from the sky.

It's snowing, so beautiful.

Su Luoluo turned to Gu Chen and said, "Shall we go out and play?"

"Well, yes." The corner of Gu Chen's mouth slightly raised, "If you want to go out to play, you have to eat breakfast before going out."

"Oh..." Su Luoluo responded, bouncing into the bathroom.

After washing up, Su Luoluo realized that Gu Chen had taken out a lot of her clothes from the closet.

"Why are you taking so many clothes all at once?" She asked puzzled.

"Put it on." He said, looking at her, "Come here."

Su Luoluo walked over.

"It's so cold, you can't be too cold, what if you catch a cold?" He said, putting on her clothes one by one.

Su Luoluo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Then you don't need to wear so much?"

This made her into a dumpling.

"It's so exaggerated to wear so many..." Su Luoluo couldn't help laughing when he saw him put on her one by one.

Gu Chen smiled, stretched out his hand and scratched her pretty nose pamperingly, "What's so exaggerated, it's normal."

"You put on so many clothes for me, it's hard for me to move..." She looked at him helplessly and amusedly.

Gu Chen said, "Don't take it off, it's snowing outside and it's cold, I don't want you to catch a cold."

Su Luoluo had no choice but to do so.

He lowered his head, and sure enough, he couldn't even see his feet.

Su Luoluo asked him, "How many clothes did you wear for me?"

Gu Chen glanced at her, "Not many, just five."

Su Luoluo, "..." That's not much, so she would be fat to death.

The two went downstairs.

"What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you."

Su Luoluo, "Anything is fine."

Gu Chen glanced at her, then went into the kitchen to make her breakfast.

Su Luoluo sat on the sofa, holding a mobile phone.

Just in time, a phone call came.

It's three words.

Luoluo Su picked it up with a smile, "Hey, three words!"

"Sanyan, Chinese New Year is coming soon, when will you come back, Dianxin and I miss you so much."

"In a few days? Okay, Dianxin and I will pick you up! Hmm, ah Ze? I don't know, why don't I ask him..."

(End of this chapter)

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