Proud Bamboo Horse: Eat a small green plum

Chapter 521 Childish Like a Child 2

Chapter 521 Childish Like a Child 2
"Well, okay, that's it, bye." After chatting with Gu Sanyan, Su Luoluo looked at the phone and thought for a while.

During the chat just now, when Sanyan mentioned Ah Ze, he was obviously looking forward to it.

In fact, Sanyan hoped that he would come back.

She was also not sure if Tang Ze would come back.

After all, Tang Ze already had a home in that place, and Mama Tang seemed to be living well there.

Su Luoluo thought for a while, but still called Tang Ze.

It rang for a while before picking up.

Over there was Tang Ze's voice, "Hello? Lolo?"

"Ze, are you busy?"

"Not busy, what's the matter?" Tang Ze's voice was still so gentle.

Lolo Su said, "It's nothing, I just want to ask you, it's almost Chinese New Year, when will you come back?"

There was silence for a while, and then she heard him say, "I might not go back."

Su Luoluo was surprised, "Huh? Not coming back? Why? Didn't you agree to come back during the Chinese New Year?"

"I'm sorry, Luo Luo, I have something to do, so I may not be able to return." Tang Ze said apologetically.

Su Luoluo froze for a moment, "'s okay, if you're not free, then next time, be sure to come back next time! We miss you very much!" Sanyan misses you even more!
Tang Ze chuckled, "Okay, next time."


After hanging up Tang Ze's phone call, Su Luoluo didn't know what to say to Sanyan.

Saying that Tang Ze won't come back, Sanyan must be very disappointed...

Su Luoluo sighed, opened WeChat, and told Gu Sanyan what happened just now.

Gu Sanyan replied with four words, "Oh, I see."

The simple four words seem indifferent, but Su Luoluo can see the sense of loss in the three words.

At this moment, Gu Chen made breakfast in the kitchen.

Smelling the fragrance, Su Luoluo's attention was immediately attracted.

Bouncing to the dining table, watching him make breakfast.

Su Luoluo looked at the breakfast in front of him with a smile, "It smells so good, everyone who wasn't hungry just now is hungry!"

Gu Chen poked her lightly, "Eat when you're hungry."

Su Luoluo touched the place where he was poked, and stuck out his tongue playfully, "Got it."

The two were having breakfast at the dining table very warmly.

After breakfast, Lolo Su couldn't wait to go out and play in the snow.

Gu Chen looked at her helplessly and amusedly, "I just ate my fill, don't be in such a hurry."

"It finally snowed, I want to play!" She became very playful.

"Wait, put this on." He took out a pair of pink gloves and put them on for her.

"Hey, how thoughtful!" She looked at him with a smile.

Gu Chen smiled, then scratched her playfulness, "Let's go."

"Yeah!" The two walked out the door holding hands.

Because it snows, there are almost always children who come out to play. Children like to make snowmen and have snowball fights.

Everything around is covered with a layer of white snow.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Luoluo couldn't help sighing.

There were several children playing snowball fights in front of them, Gu Chen pulled her aside.

Lolo Su smiled and looked at him, "Shall we build a snowman?"

"I'm looking at your pile." He looked down at her.

Lolo Su pouted, "How boring is that? Let's build a snowman together!"

(End of this chapter)

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