Proud Bamboo Horse: Eat a small green plum

Chapter 523 Childish Like a Child 4

Chapter 523 Childish Like a Child 4
Su Luoluo couldn't help smiling, "Thank you."

Such a young child knows what is a good match and what is not a good match.

"Hee hee." The little girl smiled sweetly at Su Luoluo.

"I'm done!" said the little boy on the side.

Sure enough, the little girl's attention was attracted, and when she saw what the little boy did, she pouted, "What did you do?"

"Piggy Pig! Doesn't it look like it!" The little boy blinked, wanting to be praised by the little girl.

"This is obviously not Peggy the Pig..." The little girl pouted, a little disappointed by what he did.

"Uh...then...then I'll make another one!" Seeing that the little girl didn't like it very much, the little boy hurriedly said.

Su Luoluo smiled warmly at the interaction between the two children.

I don't know how long it took before Lolo Su breathed out, "I'm finally done!"

Hearing what Lolo Su said, the three of them all looked at the snowman she made.

Gu Chen, "..."

"What is this?" Gu Chen couldn't help asking.

Su Luoluo was dissatisfied with his question, and curled his lips, "This is you, doesn't it look like you?"

Gu Chen, "..."

He really can't see where it looks like.

But...he smiled, "Well, it's very similar."

"Hmph, your answer is very reluctant!" Su Luoluo said, looking at his hands suddenly, "Huh? What are you stacking?"

Gu Chen looked down at what he made, and said with a smile, "A child, can't you see it? Huh?"

Lolo Su took a closer look, "Is this a baby?"

"Yeah." The corners of Gu Chen's mouth slightly raised, "Don't you like children, this is our child."

"Pfft." Hearing this, Su Luoluo smiled, and then looked at what he did, "It's so can you do it so well!"


Su Luoluo couldn't help but picked up his phone and took pictures of everything he did.

He really worked hard, no matter the nose or the eyes, he glued things on it, so it looks more like it.

"Big brother is awesome, you did a great job!" The little girl looked at Gu Chen with bright eyes.

Eyes are worship.

"Big brother, can you help me build a castle?" The little girl asked cautiously, for fear that Gu Chen would not agree.

"Okay." Seeing the little girl's cute face looking at him pleadingly, Gu Chen readily agreed.

Hearing that Gu Chen agreed to help her build the castle, the little girl was very happy, "Thank you big brother!"

Children are always innocent, as long as you help her make something she likes, she will be happy for a long time.

Su Luoluo looked at the work in front of him, and tried his best to say, "It's so beautiful, I want to take it home..."

It's a pity that it melted immediately after taking it back.

"If you want, as long as it snows, I'll make it for you." Seeing that she likes it, Gu Chen couldn't help saying.

"Hey, no need, I'm just talking." How could it be possible to let him do it for him when it snows.

All morning, the two of them were here to accompany the two children to build snowmen together.

Gu Chen felt a little naive, naive like a child.

With her, no matter how mature and stable he is, he will still do some childish things with her.

Because of this, she is very happy.

She is happy, he is happy.

He didn't expect that, because he went to her house when he was a child, he would regard her as a treasure in his hands from then on.

Protecting her all the way, pampering her to grow up.

(End of this chapter)

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