Proud Bamboo Horse: Eat a small green plum

Chapter 524 Won't Let Anyone Call You Bad Chapter [-]

Chapter 524 Won't Let Anyone Say Bad Words About You
Perhaps, they are destined.

If they didn't go to her house when they were young, would they still be like this now?

Gu Chen didn't dare to think about it.

Because the current time, for him, is very satisfying.

They love each other, from childhood to now, more than ten years of relationship, more than ten years of time, they have been growing up in each other's memory.

For more than ten years, they were each other.

Looking sideways at her as a young girl, Gu Chen's love for her gradually deepened.

Nothing is more important than her being happy.

"I'm so hungry~" I don't know how long they played, the two children left, Su Luoluo groaned while rubbing his stomach.

She looked at Gu Chen pitifully.

Gu Chen naturally knew what she meant, so he held her hand, "Let's go, eat."

"Hey, I want hot pot!" She said bouncingly beside him.

"Okay, I will accompany you wherever you want to eat."

"That's the one, I heard that it's good, let's try it!"

"it is good."

The two entered a hot pot restaurant hand in hand.

Find a place to sit down and wait for the hot pot to be served.

Su Luoluo is so hungry that he wants to eat now.

When the hot pot was served, Su Luoluo was stunned for a moment when he saw a direction.

Huh?She seemed to see Han Chumeng? ?
Su Luoluo blinked his eyes, and looked again uncertainly.

It really is her.

With her was a man.

It's just that that man doesn't seem to be the man I saw last time?

This man looks stronger than last time.

So, she just changed one?

Su Luoluo frowned slightly, but because it was someone else's business, she didn't pay much attention to it, and couldn't wait to eat the hot pot after it was served.

Seeing her eating in a hurry, Gu Chen looked at her helplessly and amusedly, "Don't eat in such a hurry, slow down, no one will grab you."

"But I'm hungry!" Su Luoluo replied while eating.

While eating, a scolding voice suddenly came from not far away, "Damn, are you wronged to be with me?? Just like you look like a stinky bitch, why the hell are you pretending to be innocent with me?" ??"

Lolo Su was taken aback for a moment, then turned to the source of the voice.

Others were also attracted by the sound.

It was Han Chumeng's table!
Su Luoluo was stunned, and suddenly forgot to eat.

Han Chumeng seemed taken aback by her yelling, but she quickly came to her senses and looked at the strong man in front of her coldly, "I don't know where you are so self-indulgent, anyway, get out of here now !"

"Oh, get out?? Why should I get out?! Don't fucking think that I like you and you'll give me a dick!" The strong man looked at Han Chumeng mockingly, "Just you? I don't know how many people were killed I've been fucked, are you still willing to call me? If my mother didn't..."

However, before the brawny man finished speaking, a figure punched the brawny man with a 'swoosh'.

"Ah—" The people around were startled by this scene, and moved away from that table one after another.

The strong man was stunned by the sudden punch, and then he reacted, looked at the man who hit him, and cursed, "Damn it! How dare you hit me??"

The man looked at the strong man expressionlessly, "You were the one who hit you."

Han Chumeng was stunned, "You..."

The man turned his head and looked at her, "I won't let anyone speak ill of you."

Not even one sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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