Chapter 536 Being Poisoned 2
"I didn't expect you to be so fast~~"

"Hey, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to be with him now~"

"Good, good, a guy who values ​​sex over friends."

"Hang up~" Chen Mei hung up the phone, but her eyes still stayed on him.

What to do...he is really handsome...

Why...why isn't he his own man?
How happy would he be if he was his own man?

I really want... I really want to turn her into my man...

Such a perfect man should belong to her, right?

That Shen Dianxin, why can she get him? ?
She is not reconciled, she is really reconciled.

She wants, she wants him! !
Suddenly, a thought flashed in Chen Mei's mind, and then she smiled.

She walked to the bar and ordered another glass of wine.

Chen Mei looked around, everyone else was high and didn't notice this way at all.

From the bag, take out a packet of white powder.

She bought this thing a long time ago, but she didn't have a chance to use it, now...

Chen Mei couldn't help but curled her lips and smiled, he soon... soon became his own man.

While they were not paying attention, Chen Mei poured the powder into the wine.


"I'm talking about Gong Yan, why have you had so few dates with me recently?" The person sitting next to Gong Yan said.

Someone said, "Tsk tsk tsk, needless to say, people are in love, do you have one?? Do you know that people who are in love like to be tired of being together."

"Yes, yes, unlike us single dogs, we will never know what it's like to be in love."

"You can't feel the taste of a woman, can you?"

"Screw you."

Gong Yan bent her lips, "Well, my wife is strict, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Hey, I'm so sour."

"Tsk tsk tsk."

At this time, a waiter came over, holding a few glasses of wine in his hand, and said to them, "Hello, gentlemen, these wines are free gifts from our store, please taste them."

With that said, bring the wine to them one by one.

"I'll go, why don't you come every day??"

The waiter said, "This is an unlimited event."

"Oh fine."

A group of people undoubtedly drank.

Gong Yan didn't think too much, and started to drink.

A group of people started chatting again.

Someone asked Gong Yan, "Brother Yan, when do you plan to get married?"

Gong Yan said, "Wait until she graduates."

"I'll go, it's too urgent."

"It's not too urgent. It's not bad if I didn't marry her when she was in college."

"Alas, when can I get out of the order??"

"Next life."

"Go away."

Gong Yan smiled, didn't speak, just looked at them quietly.

Probably because he drank a little too much, Gong Yan said to them, "I'm going to the bathroom."


Gong Yan left his seat.

Not far away, Chen Mei saw Gong Yan get up and leave, and immediately followed her.

That medicine is about to work!
Chen Mei was glad that he had left his seat, so her chances would be greater!
Gong Yan solved it, washed her hands, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

There seemed to be a fire burning below, and his mouth became parched.

Hot, hot all over.

And I want to get the antidote.

Gong Yan gritted her teeth and cursed in her heart.

He was drugged!
Could it be the problem with the glass of wine just now? ?

Gong Yan cursed again in his heart.

But now, I feel uncomfortable.


(End of this chapter)

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