Chapter 537

I can't go on like this, I have to go home quickly...

Gritting her teeth, Gong Yan endured the discomfort, and strode out of the bathroom.

Not far away, Chen Mei has been waiting.

Seeing him coming out, he immediately observed his face.

Seeing that his face was flushed, it must be the effect of the medicine.

Chen Mei hooked her lips.

She walked towards him step by step, and then wrapped her arms around his waist tightly from behind him.

She stuck her whole body against his body, and shouted in a delicate voice, "Gong Yan~"

Gong Yan's tall body was startled suddenly, and then, he mercilessly opened the hands around his waist.

"Gong Yan..." Chen Mei called out his name aggrievedly.

Gong Yan acted as if she didn't hear, and walked in another direction with big strides.

Chen Mei thought, anyway, he had already taken that kind of medicine, after a while, he would definitely not be able to take it anymore.

Then at this time, I...

Thinking about it, Chen Mei also stepped forward, and hugged him.

"Gong Yan, why don't you go~~" The voice was so tiresome.

She deliberately, purposely hugged him tightly.

Gong Yan was uncomfortable at first, and he was still annoyed after deliberately drugging someone behind his back. Now that he was suddenly pestered by such a person again, his anger became even more fueled.

He moved her hand away without being gentle at all, "Get out!!!"

Looking at her fiercely, "Don't touch me!!"

Chen Mei was a little taken aback by his yelling.

By the time he realized it, he had already walked out of the bar.

Chen Mei came back to her senses, and quickly chased after her.

He was about to get in the car.

Chen Mei walked over, still hugging him relentlessly, "Gong Yan, are you feeling bad?"

She touched him with her hand, wanting to ignite the fire in him even more.

Gong Yan was very uncomfortable, but he was enduring it.

"Chen Mei, don't make me say it a third time, get out!!" He pushed her away ungentlely.

Chen Mei cried for a moment, "Why, why don't you like me!"

Why why, is she that bad! !
Gong Yan looked at her coldly, "As far as the method you are using now, you don't deserve to like it."

"I..." Chen Mei looked at him aggrievedly, "But, I just want you!!"

What's wrong with wanting to get someone and liking someone! !
"Oh, get me? I'm sorry, it's impossible in this life." He looked at her coldly.

Chen Mei laughed suddenly, she walked over slowly, approaching him, "You are feeling very uncomfortable now, aren't you?"

She looked at him with a smile, fascinated, "Now, your only antidote is me."

She knows the properties of the medicine, the properties of the medicine, the average man can hardly stand it after taking it.

Gong Yan looked at her in disgust, "The antidote? You think too much!"

She is not worthy of being his antidote!

Chen Mei wanted to go over and hug him, but Gong Yan noticed it and avoided her touch.

Gong Yan looked at her coldly, but didn't respond to her at all.

Even if he took that medicine, but when facing Chen Mei standing in front of him alone, he didn't have the desired reaction at all.

"Chen Mei, stay away from my life!" Gong Yan left this sentence, got into the car, and drove away.

"No!!" Chen Mei stood where she was, watching his car drive away with tears all over her face.

why!why!why! !

She just wants to be with him, why is it so difficult! !
(End of this chapter)

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