Chapter 538 Slapped Her 3
She really didn't understand what Chen Mei was thinking.

From the very beginning, she had a dislike for Chen Mei.

Now, she doesn't like it even more!
Shen Dianxin was really angry this time.

It was also the first time I was so angry.

Suddenly, she thought of something, raised her head and asked him, "You have been drugged, why are you holding back to come back?"

She has read novels and TV shows, this medicine seems to be quite uncomfortable, right?

Moreover, the drug worked almost immediately.

It will take at least 20 minutes for him to come back from the outside.

Gong Yan smiled, he is rich?The magnetic voice said, "Because I love you."

Because I love you, even if the drug works on him, he still has to bear it and go home.

Shen Dianxin hugged him distressedly, "It must be very uncomfortable when you endure it?"

Gong Yan said, "Well, it's hard, my mind is full of what you look like."

"It's a good thing she didn't succeed..." Thinking of Chen Mei, Shen Dianxin became angry.

"She won't have a chance to succeed." He kissed her.

"Honey, are you hungry? I'll make you your favorite food!" It's noon now, it's time to get up and eat, or your stomach will be starved.

As soon as he said that, she was really a little hungry, "Well, a little bit."

He immediately got up, picked up his clothes on the ground and put them on, "Then I'll do it now."

Then he also picked up Shen Dianxin's clothes and gave them to her.

Shen Dianxin took it and put it on.

The two of them went into the bathroom to wash up.

In the mirror, one big and one small, wearing the same clothes, looked very loving and warm.

Shen Dianxin watched, couldn't help but smiled and said, "Look, don't we look like husband and wife?"

Gong Yan also looked at the mirror and nodded, "Well, it really looks a bit like it."

"Hey, I heard that after being together for a long time, they become more and more like husband and wife." She smirked.

Gong Yan couldn't help but hooked her lips into a smile, lowered her head involuntarily, and kissed her side face.

"Ah! You haven't washed your face yet! Look, you still have foam!" She looked at him angrily and funny, and pointed at the foam on her face.

Gong Yan raised the corner of her mouth, "Then how about I kiss you back?"

Saying that, he gave her his profile.

Shen Dianxin rolled her eyes, then hugged his face, and rubbed against his face herself.

He wiped all the foam from his mouth on his face.

"Hahahaha, this is fair!" Seeing that his handsome face was full of foam, Shen Dianxin smiled like a child.

Gong Yan squinted her eyes, then held her face, rubbed it on her face, and returned the foam to her face.

With a dark face, Shen Dianxin snorted at him, "Bastard!"

"Stop making trouble, I'm so hungry, hurry up and cook me something to eat!" She said coquettishly.

"Obey, my wife! I'm going right now!" After washing up, he went to cook for her.

Shen Dianxin thought for a while, then glanced at the man in the kitchen, she smiled, and walked out of the room.

Knocked on the door, no response.

Shen Dianxin frowned, and knocked on the door again.

This time, someone finally opened it.

When Chen Mei opened the door, she saw Shen Dianxin standing outside the door with an indifferent face.

Chen Mei knew what she was here for, but she still pretended to know nothing and asked her, "Why are you here?"

Shen Dianxin sneered, "I think Miss Chen knows what I'm here for, right? Why do you still ask questions knowingly??"

(End of this chapter)

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