Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 224 The Demon-Slaying Warrior Finally Becomes a Demon

Chapter 224 The Demon-Slaying Warrior Finally Becomes a Demon

The night is dark and the wind is high, the piercing cold wind howls past, the majestic demonic energy sweeps across the wilderness, the demonic shadows flicker, and the low-pitched whispers ring in the ears. On the top of the cliff, the duel between humans and demons is about to begin.

Annihilation's expression was dignified, and he didn't dare to be careless. The spiritual power in his body exploded, and the golden light shone like a bright lamp in the dark night, resisting all the wanton devil energy.

He couldn't let the devilish energy invade his body, otherwise he might activate his devilishness, lose consciousness, and be trapped in the illusion for a lifetime.

The man strolled over, his dark pupils became darker, giving people a sense of horror, the magic lines all over his face shimmered, extending along his neck to other body parts, the vertical pupils between his eyebrows stopped After turning, a prismatic phantom image appeared on the body surface.

"You have never seen real strength. Today, let me open your eyes. My strength is beyond your imagination."

An indifferent and heartless voice came out of his mouth, he took a step forward, shrinking his ground into an inch, and came to Annihilation in the blink of an eye.

Annihilation lost his mind for a moment, the man made a bold move, his palm stuck out, the sound of breaking through the air exploded, before the move arrived, the billowing air wave had already impacted all directions, gravel rolled, and boundless fallen leaves rustled down.


Annihilation was startled, and in a hurry, he crossed his hands in front of his chest, palms came, and there was a crisp clicking sound, and a spray of blood sprayed, Annihilation flew out as if being hit hard, and his body bowed and flew backwards, smashing several trees in a row. The big tree just stopped.

The man shook his hands and said with disdain: "You are too weak, is this the justice you have always insisted on? The power it gives you is far inferior to darkness!"

Annihilation pushed away the thick tree trunk that was pressing on him, and struggled to get up from the ground. His internal organs seemed to be a little broken, and he coughed and vomited blood.

He stood staggeringly, his hands were limp and his hair was disheveled, covering his blood-stained face.

"Darkness is always darkness, no matter how strong it can make you, its essence is evil after all, just like a wolf in sheep's clothing, it can never change the habit of eating sheep."

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, revealing two rows of blood-red teeth, and Bobo's spiritual power flowed to his arm, healing his injury.

The man walked step by step, and the surrounding area was silent, only the sound of footsteps could be heard, and a strong demonic energy lingered around him, like a demon coming out of an abyss.

"What do people live for? It's for survival, but the prerequisite for survival is that you must be strong enough. I don't care whether the darkness is good or bad. I only know that it can make me live better."

He opened his mouth slowly, with a flash of coldness in his eyes, he rushed out with violent feet, brought a violent gust of wind, and bullied himself to kill Annihilation.

Annihilation shook his arms, and rushed towards the man, his footsteps were light, without any leaves touching his body, like a ghost.

"Head to head? Court death!"

The man sneered, gathered energy into a knife, the cold light of the knife flashed, and a row of trees were chopped off in half.

The corners of Annihilation's eyes trembled, and he sideways dodged the attack. The magic knife slashed across the ground like a piece of paper, leaving a deep ditch on the ground.

"You think this is safe?"

The devilish energy attached to the man's body turned into a devil's hand, which caught him by surprise and photographed it from mid-air, trying to smash Annihilation into a pulp on the spot.

Annihilation unsheathed the short blade at his waist, slashed out with a slanting moon, and his palm collapsed, turning into a cloud of devilish energy, but before he could catch his breath, the devilish energy suddenly turned into sharp raindrops and fell densely.

He couldn't help but take out the big bow behind his back, and shot several arrows in one breath. The bow and arrow soared into the sky, splitting into hundreds of clones. The next moment, the sky was illuminated, explosions sounded one after another, and heat waves spread like ripples.

"That's it? No, it's still too weak."

The man shook his head in disappointment, and said: "I won't waste time with you, I'll beat you to the ground earlier, so that I can help you become a demon."

He twisted his neck, and a set of dark purple armor suddenly appeared on his body, which was condensed by demon energy. Annihilation had also used it when he was enchanted in the Scarlet Plain before. After wearing it, his strength would be greatly increased.

It was also because of the magic armor that Annihilation was able to slaughter thousands of evil spirits by himself.

"This armor, are you familiar with it?"

The man chuckled and took a step. The ground under his feet was cracked, and he simply threw a punch without any fancy punches.

The air exploded, and the place where the magic fist passed was like a prehistoric beast attacking, the ground shattered, gravel flew around, Annihilation stood still, his face was calm, as if he hadn't seen the huge magic fist.

"Do you really think I'm capable? Have you seen the real me?"

He laughed, very coldly.

The man narrowed his eyes and felt that something was wrong. Annihilation's reaction was too abnormal, which kind of confidence.

For the sake of safety, he shot again, and there was a terrifying energy fluctuation in the air, the devil energy covered the sky and the sun, and all kinds of deadly magical powers poured in, sealing all directions.

"Seal, untie!"

Annihilation spat out three words, and suddenly, piercing pain swept across his body, he roared to the sky, the clothes on his back exploded, a pair of golden wings grew out, and his long black hair turned golden.

He shrank his wings, and immediately broke free, his sharp edges danced wildly, bursting out in all directions, shattering all magical powers.

The man's face suddenly changed, and he lost his voice: "How is this possible, why do you have such power?"

Annihilation hung in the air, did not answer the other party's words, flapped the wings on the back lightly, and flew towards the man.

The man suppressed the shock in his heart, stared at Annihilation like a hungry wolf, a steady stream of devil energy gushed out, blessed on the devil armor, and the vertical pupils between his brows turned, full of evil spirits.

"Although I don't know how you obtained this power, but in the face of extreme darkness, nothing is worth mentioning."

The magic knife in the man's hand was condensed, and he said: "In a moment, I will tear off your wings, so that you can no longer fly."

As the words fell, he charged out with incomparable power. When he waved his arms, a large area of ​​forest was destroyed, and the small hills were flattened.

Annihilation raised his hand above his head, and the spiritual energy of Siye came from the chrysalis, continuously compressed and changed, forming a divine bow coiled by a golden dragon.

He pulled the bowstring, and the bow and arrow formed naturally, aiming at the man and shooting out.

The arrow passed without a trace, and the naked eye couldn't catch it, only the shadow of the knife was shattered next to each other, the man's pupils shrank, and a vague light flashed in his eyes.


Blood spilled into the sky, his expression froze, and he lowered his head, a bow and arrow broke through the magic armor and pierced his chest.

"I... lost?"

As soon as his body softened, he knelt on the ground, and Annihilation came in front of him, looking down at him condescendingly, with no emotion on his face, extremely indifferent.

As if unable to accept the reality, the man laughed maniacally: "I actually lost, hahaha, I lost, I lost to the human race."

Suddenly, he suppressed his laughter, looked up at Annihilation, and said, "A warrior who slays demons will eventually become a demon, and you can't get rid of your established fate."

The picture freezes, the illusion is like broken glass, and Annihilation wakes up from the sea of ​​clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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