Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 225 Dragon Subduing Arhat

Chapter 225 Dragon Subduing Arhat
Misty, Annihilation stood in the mist with a complex expression, recalling what happened in the illusion in his mind, and said to himself: "Will the demon-slaying warrior become a demon in the end?"

He subconsciously clenched his fists, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and said in a deep voice: "Even if one day I really fall into darkness and perish forever, my heart will always be toward the light."

The fog suddenly dissipated, dazzling red light came into view, and the temperature suddenly rose. Annihilation couldn't help squinting his eyes and looking forward.

A round of red sun hangs in the air, flames flutter like ribbons, and an arhat sits floating in the air before the red sun, surrounded by dragons.

Annihilation was stunned, the person in front of him was one of the gods and Buddhas he saw on the empty island, the Dragon Subduing Arhat!

He hesitated for a moment, walked to the bottom of the red sun, bowed and saluted: "Your annihilation, I have seen the descending dragon Arhat."

The sea of ​​clouds was undulating, the waves were huge, and the red sun burst into dazzling light. Luohan Subduing Dragon slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on the body of Annihilation.

"You are not from the origin star."

This is the first sentence he spoke.

Annihilation's face changed slightly, and he nodded.

Now that it has been exposed, there is no point in trying to cover it up forcibly, otherwise it will be counterproductive and lower the other party's impression of me.

Arhat subduing the dragon bears a huge red sun on his back, and his body is filled with light, making his tiny body look extremely majestic and sacred.

He said blankly: "The power you used in the illusion is very unusual."

Annihilation had nothing to say and could only nod.

He was a little upset, he came here to inherit the inheritance, not to be tried, and the other party asked him all the time, making him look like a prisoner.

Jianglong Luohan looked at Annihilation twice, then turned to Shenlong beside him and said, "You go back first, I have something to do."

Shenlong uttered a dragon cry, soared out, turned into a thousand feet, rushed straight to the red sun, and then disappeared.

With surprise on his face, Annihilation secretly glanced at the red sun, and his intuition told him that the thing was not simple, it was not just a glowing ball.

"In the past when the Hall of Valor was opened, all the people who came here were from the monster race. I didn't expect that this time they would sneak into your human race. It's a bit unexpected." Jianglong Luohan said.

Annihilation was embarrassed, and said embarrassingly: "The junior can come to such a sacred place as the Hall of Valor, it is purely a fluke from the sky."

Jianglong Arhat smiled and said: "You don't need to be humble, the monster race has been in charge of the secret realm of the holy spring for a long time, and people who have come to the secret realm have gone one after another, and there has never been any foreign race in the middle. Because, it is extraordinary to be able to avoid the guards of the Yaozu and sneak in."

He paused for a moment, and then said: "However, if you are caught, your fate will be self-evident. Maybe the monster race and the human race will have friction because of you."

Annihilation closed his mouth and did not speak, he really wanted to correct what the other party said, he did not sneak in, he came in openly.

After making some digressions, Jianglong Luohan talked about the business: "You are here for inheritance!"

Annihilation nodded heavily, and said: "That's right, I hope the seniors will be fulfilled."

Jianglong Luohan said: "I also want to fulfill you, but I can't break the rules set by the Hall of Valor, do you understand?"

Annihilation is clear, the meaning of the other party's words is very clear, if you want to get inheritance, you must pass the corresponding test.

He thought for a while and asked, "Senior, I have something to ask you, can you tell me?"

"You talk first." Subduing Dragon Arhat replied.

Annihilation relaxed his mind, and said: I want to know whether the inheritance of the predecessors can eliminate the demonic nature. "

He chose the inheritance of Jianglong Arhat because the other party belongs to the Buddha, and it is most likely to help him solve the serious problem in his heart.

Subduing Dragon Arhat pondered for a moment, and said, "Are you trying to eliminate the demonic nature in your heart?"

Annihilation is noncommittal.

The demonic nature has troubled him for a long time, and it didn't start after the Scarlet Plain incident, but many years ago.

It's just that his demonic nature was relatively light at that time, and he could completely suppress it by himself, but it's different now, his demonic nature has grown to a sensational level.

Even if he carried the evil spirit beads specially used to suppress the demonic nature, it still wouldn't work.

The effect of the evil spirit orb was already negligible, and it would not be long before it would completely lose its effect. At that time, it might be the day when he became possessed.

Subduing Dragon Arhat sighed, and said, "I'm sorry to tell you that my inheritance cannot eliminate the demonic nature."

Annihilation was stunned, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, his eyes dimmed, and his heart was filled with bitterness and unwillingness.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Senior, you didn't lie to me? But why did my friend tell me that someone in the Hall of Valor can destroy the demonic nature?"

Subduing Dragon Arhat raised his eyebrows, and said: "I'm not going to lie to a martial artist at the Yuan Kai stage. What your friend said is false."

His eyes became deep, like a vast starry sky, and he said: "Demon nature is something that people are born with, no matter who has it, it hides in the deepest part of your heart, and you can't usually find it."

Annihilation didn't interrupt, and continued to listen to Luohan Subduing the Dragon.

"The demonic nature is equivalent to the dark side of a person. If it is gone, a person will be incomplete. Do you know what an incomplete person will become?" Jianglong Luohan said meaningfully.

Annihilation frowned, this is the first time I heard that the magic nature still has this effect.

He said seriously: "The junior doesn't know, please ask the senior to clarify."

Jianglong Luohan said: "When you came to the Holy Spring Lingzong, did you see the monsters that escaped from the Demon Subduing Cave? If you saw them, then they are what you will become after you lose your demon nature."

His words were like thunder on the ground, Annihilation's body froze in place, his mind was muddled.

He had naturally seen the monsters in Fumocave, and he was almost killed by them.

The appearance of that monster was terrifying, its flesh was rotting, black dust was flying around its hands and feet, and it was neither human nor ghost.

"You mean, they all became like that because they lost their demon nature?" Annihilation expressed the doubts in his heart.

If that's the case, he will resolutely give up the plan to eliminate the demon nature. Although he will lose his mind if he becomes a demon, he will not become a monster anyway.

Jianglong Arhat chuckled and said, "No, they didn't become like that because they lost their demonic nature, but because they were too demonic and completely fell into darkness, plus some factors, they became like that."

Annihilation was dumbfounded, his mouth was dry and he couldn't speak.

How is it possible that the monsters became like that because they fell into darkness?In his memory, becoming a demon will only lose the mind and will not affect the body.

He came back to his senses, went through what Subduing Dragon Arhat said in his mind, and asked, "Senior, what is the reason?"

Facing this question, Jianglong Luohan refused to answer: "This matter is of great importance, I cannot tell you."

Annihilation doesn't bother anymore, he can't force it unless others tell him, let alone, he can't beat the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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