Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 241 Explore

Chapter 241 Explore
Annihilation froze for a moment, so refreshing?He thought Ming Sang would think it over for a long time!This is the result?this one?

One second ago, he said that he wanted to accompany him to share the difficulties, but the next second he heard that there was delicious food, his heart changed immediately, woman, hehe.

"In this case, then I'll go. You obediently back away from me and don't follow me, otherwise I won't buy you delicious food."

Annihilation bid farewell, ready to go to Bingxin Lake to find out.

Ming Sang nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said firmly, "Don't worry, brother, my sister will never follow."

After a pause, she said again: "You must be careful, don't die, I still hope that you will fulfill your promise!"

Annihilation's mouth twitched, and he said with a dark face: "Whether you can speak or not, shut your mouth to me. Before I leave, you just say die and curse me!"

Ming Sang shook her head: "No, sister, I am so kind that I would not do such careless things. Brother, you can go on the road with peace of mind, and sister will wait for your triumphant return."

Annihilation gritted his teeth in anger, his eyes spewed fire, and went on the road?Why does that word sound so awkward, like I'm dead.

"Tongyan Wuji, Tongyan Wuji, I am a mature adult, I don't care about like children."

He took a deep breath, his clenched fist did not let go, he still wanted to punch someone.

Ming Sang smiled like a spring chrysanthemum, and waved goodbye.

Annihilation gave her a blank look, snorted coldly, turned and left without looking back.

He didn't want to see the woman's face again, the more he looked at it, the more angry he was, he was about to explode.

Howling winds swept through the sky, heavy snow fell, and the ground was covered with snow, and a thick layer of snow had accumulated unconsciously.

Annihilation stepped forward on the surface of the snow, with a high degree of control over the spiritual power, without leaving any traces.

Ming Sang stared at his back, the mist mixed with wind and snow engulfed his body.

"You must pay attention to safety! For you, but also for me." Ming Sang shouted loudly.

Annihilation who was walking staggered when he heard the sound, the balance of spiritual power was broken, and half of his leg was inserted into the snow.

"You are poisonous! If you dare to speak again, your promise will be void."

He replied angrily, what are these talking about?For your own good, what a hammer, you just want to eat.

No sound came, Ming Sang seemed to be honest, she was afraid that Annihilation would really not buy her food.

Annihilation jumped up from the snow and landed on the snow surface again. The temperature of the air dropped a lot. He sneezed and set off again.


The sea of ​​clouds is illusory, the blue waves are rippling, and the ripples are flocking to the four directions, and the red sun is shining in the sky, sprinkled with bright sunlight.

Jianglong Arhat was still sitting in the sky, with a dignified expression, like a statue, staring at the light curtain intently.

"Did he still find it? It doesn't look very stupid, but Bingxin Lake is not easy, can you pass it smoothly?" He said to himself.

The golden dragon lay lazily on the rosette, its shrunken body shining brightly under the sunlight, as bright as a light bulb in the dark.

Dragon Subduing Arhat waved his hand, and the screen of the light curtain changed to Mingsang.

At this moment, Mingsang is free and has nothing else to do, and dances again, with red skirts and ribbons fluttering, and her gestures and gestures are all over the country and the city.

"Why did she run out? It's really strange. Why don't you stay at home and come out to harm the youth in bloom? What are you thinking?"

Jianglong Arhat murmured, an unknown light flashed in his eyes, and he smiled lightly: "Could it be that this girl seems to be annihilated?"

There are many thoughts in his mind. Although he is a high-ranking and strong man, he is willing to gossip when encountering emotional problems.


In the land of mist, Annihilation walked a hundred meters cautiously, getting closer and closer to Bingxin Lake.

When we got here, the snow was no longer piled on the ground, but an ice layer tens of centimeters thick. As soon as the snow fell from the sky, it was frozen when it hit the ice layer.

The temperature was so low that he felt palpitations, and the spiritual flames that annihilated his body's surface dimmed a lot, not as vigorous as before.

"The closer the distance, the greater the impact. The radiation range of this Bingxin Lake is really wide enough. I don't know how low the temperature around the lake is?"

He spoke into the air, feeling a little worried that he might not be able to hold on to the lake.

Now the temperature in his area is already inhumane, how about it by the lake, minus one thousand degrees?

Thinking about it, he shivered involuntarily, and quickly mobilized more spiritual power to turn it into flames to protect himself.

The flames burned fiercely, and Annihilation breathed a sigh of relief, feeling warm all over, without any sense of coldness.

"Shoot an arrow and see what happens."

He took out his weapon and shot an arrow. The bow and arrow spun at high speed, clearing away the fog along the way.

Annihilation stared at it, the lake suddenly appeared, the bow and arrow came to the sky above the lake, and the flying speed suddenly decreased. After a few breaths, the bow and arrow froze into ice and smashed into the lake.

"Damn it, the temperature is so extreme that flying bows and arrows can be frozen. If I go over, can I stop it?"

Feeling uneasy, he observed the situation a little bit, and he decided not to retreat, but resolutely chose to move forward.

Suddenly, one after another piercing sound resounded in the air, and countless ice cones shot out from the mist, flying in all directions, heading towards Annihilation.

Annihilation's face changed slightly, and he launched a counterattack without any explanation. The arrow pierced the void, like a rising star, crashing into the icicles all over the sky.

The shattered ice fell like a torrential rain, and when it fell on the ground, it exploded, blasting holes in the ground.

"It's really heartless, and it even has a second attack. If it were an ordinary person, it would definitely be beaten into a sieve."

Annihilation felt cold, and just about to step out, the ground under his feet suddenly shook violently, the ice layer cracked, and a wide gully of unknown depth appeared.

An icy cold wind gushed out of the rift valley, and there was a loud cry, and Annihilation's face trembled. He glanced into the rift valley in a panic, and his pupils shrank into the shape of needle eyes.

In the rift valley, monsters of all sizes are climbing up the valley wall, and there are quite a few of them, maybe hundreds of them.

These monsters are all white, with strong limbs, protruding ice crystals on their backs, blue eyes like gems, and two sharp fangs in their mouths, looking murderous.

[Snow crystal monster, lv40 (in the middle of Kaiyuan realm), a strange beast that lives in extremely cold places, lives in groups, has strong attack power, and its weakness is the ice crystal behind it]

Annihilation almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, level 40 wild monsters, and there are hundreds of them, whoever touches them will die!
He quickly took out a small bag of grenades from his backpack and threw them into the rift like crazy. The explosion was deafening, and many snow crystal monsters were affected, and their hands slipped and fell into the dark abyss.

However, there are still a few snow crystal monsters that successfully landed on the surface, together with the enemy, roaring and rushing towards Annihilation.

(End of this chapter)

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