Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 242 Tentacle Monster

Chapter 242 Tentacle Monster

Annihilation's heart was half cold, and his scalp was numb. There were dozens of snow crystal monsters rushing towards him, and there were still a steady stream of snow crystal monsters in the rift valley trying to climb to the surface.

"I'm going, I haven't arrived at Bingxin Lake yet, why did one or two jump out, wish I could die sooner?"

Annihilation was very unhappy, feeling a little sad in his heart, he just wanted to go to Bingxin Lake to see if the things to clear the customs were there, why is it so difficult!
He turned grief and anger into strength, exerted strength with his arms, and the big bow was pulled round a little bit, spiritual power was attached to the bow and arrow, and the fire rose, baking and distorting the air.

The bow and arrow flew out from the bowstring, and a fire dragon took shape. Baizhang's body twisted, its teeth and claws opened, and raging flames spewed out from its bloody mouth, which evaporated the mist and snow, and the eyes suddenly became clear.

The snow crystal monster rolled in the sea of ​​fire as if it had been severely injured, screaming again and again. The thing they fear most is flames, fire overcomes ice, and they are born with it.

The few snow crystal monsters who ran in the front suffered the most damage. The fire burned their snow-white hair black. They wanted to escape, but they had no strength, so they had to die in Huangquan and turned into delicious barbecue.

Annihilation was originally going to run away, but seeing the snow crystal monster's panic at this time, he didn't want to run away again.

"I didn't expect you guys to be afraid of fire. If this is the case, then I will let the fire burn more violently!"

He pulled the bowstring coldly and shot three or four arrows in succession, each arrow turned into a soaring flaming dragon, burning the whole world.

The sound of the dragon's chant echoed in the sky, fiery red figures shuttled through the mist, and the dragon swung its tail, setting off a gust of wind as sharp as a knife.

The snow crystal monsters were terrified and fled in all directions, not daring to move forward. They saw their companions die with their own eyes. It was so miserable, and they didn't want to follow suit.

Life is more precious than anything else, and being alive is more important than anything else.

Annihilation stood on the opposite side of the sea of ​​flames and watched, with killing intent in his eyes, and no mercy at all.

He is not a whore of the Holy Mother. Since others want to kill him, he will naturally not let him go. For him, the law of survival is very simple.

Either you die or I die!
After the roar of the fire dragon, the temperature of the air increased a little, but it was still very cold. Annihilation dared not remove the flame coat, because it would become an ice sculpture.

Doing so consumes a lot of energy, and it is necessary to maintain the operation of the exercises every minute and every second, and dare not make any mistakes.

"I don't have much time, I can't delay any longer, I must arrive at Bingxin Lake as soon as possible."

Annihilation looked at the lake that was close at hand, and he couldn't hide his excitement and impatience, but he was very sad. The sudden appearance of a rift cut off the way forward. If he wanted to go there, there were only two ways to go.

Either fly over, or change directions.

There was a fierce struggle in his heart, and the angel told him to change the road, which would be safer and not easy to die.

The devil told him to fly directly to save time, and he could reach Bingxin Lake earlier and find the things to clear the level.

Annihilation scratched his hair indiscriminately, the expression on his face was rather tangled, his difficulty in choosing had recurred, it was very difficult.

"It doesn't matter, fly over, anyway, the snow crystal monster is suppressed by the sea of ​​fire, and it can't make big waves."

He made up his mind and decided to take the most time-saving method.

The fire dragons transformed from bows and arrows have not yet disappeared. They seized the time to glow and heat up, and increased their efforts to provide fire. In a short time, the entire area of ​​several hundred meters turned into a sea of ​​​​boiling flames.

The ice layer on the ground began to melt, and a large area of ​​the fog disappeared, and the appearance of Bingxin Lake could be clearly seen.

Annihilation put all the luggage on his body into the backpack, stepped back a few meters, exerted strength on his calves, and was ready to go.

The span of the rift valley was too large, and he couldn't get through it with pure body skills, and his cultivation had not reached the Nine Apertures Realm, so he couldn't fly in the air.

"Success or failure depends on one action, we must pass!"

He prayed in his heart, he didn't want to fall into the rift, he didn't know how many ambitious snow crystal monsters were hidden in it, if he fell, he would be quartered by five horses, and there would be no scum left.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment, the ground cracked, and Annihilation rushed out like a leopard, with a figure like a ghost, leaving behind a series of phantoms.

With a loud shout, he flew up and ran with his feet on the air. The snow crystal monsters clinging to the wall of the rift were stunned, and they looked up at the flying men above them one by one.

As the landing ground got closer and closer, Annihilation's tense heart relaxed, and he thought, "We're going to pass, Ness!"

Just when he thought he was about to succeed, a sudden change occurred.

Tentacles flew out of the bottomless rift, pierced the air, and tied Annihilation's ankle.

Annihilation felt a lump in his heart, the smile on his face froze, and a huge drag came, and he fell into the chasm.

A look of panic flashed across his face. He hadn't expected this situation beforehand. In addition to the snow crystal monster, there are strange tentacles hidden in the rift valley. It's really fucking. "

The icy cold wind slashed across his face like a knife, Annihilation's clothes flapped, his hair was disheveled, his mouth was filled with wind, and he couldn't speak.

He forced himself to calm down, and hurriedly took out the short blade to cut off the tentacles, and the speed of his body's fall slowed down.

"It's impossible to kill me."

With one foot in the air, he rushed to the valley wall, thrust the short blade in forcefully, and stabilized his figure.

There was a commotion erupting in the darkness, tentacles dancing wildly could be vaguely seen, and there seemed to be an indescribable creature living under the rift.

Annihilation doesn't have time to take care of these things. The immediate priority is to return to the ground. The fire dragon has disappeared, and the power of the sea of ​​fire is weakening, and it won't be long before it goes out.

When that time comes, the snow crystal monster will make a comeback and no longer have any scruples.

He climbed hard, nimbly like a monkey, the tentacles struck again, like spikes, and a cold light shone from the top.

Annihilation's back felt cold, and goosebumps appeared all over his body. When he looked back, the corners of his eyes trembled wildly, and he turned sideways to avoid it without hesitation.

The tentacles stuck on the valley wall, leaving a hole the size of a basin. Annihilation's mouth was dry, and he rolled his throat with difficulty.

Then, run for your life immediately.

Tentacles rushed out of the darkness one by one, stabbing at Annihilation one after another, Annihilation's nerves were tense, and he concentrated on avoiding the attack.

The tentacles left countless marks on the valley wall, but unfortunately they didn't hurt Annihilation at all. Annihilation's reaction was too quick, and he could always find a way out before the tentacles came.

Finally, with a long suppressed laugh, Annihilation escaped from the rift and returned to the ground.

He sat down a few meters away from the rift, not daring to get too close, for fear of another sneak attack by the tentacles.

"Fortunately, I'm good. If it were Chen Hao, I'm afraid he would have been stabbed to death by the tentacles."

He took out the mineral water and took a sip. Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder, and in an instant, his body froze.

(End of this chapter)

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