Lie down to get stronger

Chapter 259 The Truth Comes Out

Chapter 259 The Truth Comes Out
It's not that he didn't want to say it, but the picture below really couldn't be explained clearly in a few words, and he even felt a little scary and absurd.

Chu Shengge's eyes were strange, and he said, "Can't describe it? This is a bit interesting. Could it be that there is hell down there?"

Chen Hao didn't care about this question, he hesitated for a while, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Mie, I want to ask, is there a baby here?"

Annihilation was almost choked to death by saliva, what kind of brain circuit is this, we are carrying out such a dangerous mission now, but you care about the baby?

He didn't know how to respond to Chen Hao's helplessness, so he gave Chu Shengge a look, signaling to start spraying.

Chu Shengge understood, moistened his throat, and said, "Is your brain sick? Are you confused about the situation? You are a baby all day long. If you want a baby so much, go down and see for yourself!"

Chen Hao shrank his neck, feeling that he really shouldn't say baby on this occasion, so he closed his mouth obediently and didn't speak again.

Chu Shengge was surprised that this guy didn't talk back. Could it be that his conscience found out?

Annihilation shined a flashlight on a sleeping evil spirit in the black pool, his eyes were thoughtful, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Chu Shengge raised his hand and shook it in front of him, curiously said: "What are you thinking! Don't you want to go down? Let's go."

Annihilation's thoughts were interrupted, he regained his senses and nodded, thought for a while, and said, "How many silver coins do you have?"

Chu Shengge was stunned for a moment, opened the game backpack, took a look, and said, "1000 two million, what's the matter, do you need money?"

Surprise flashed in Yan Mi's eyes, and he said, "When did you have so much money, did you go to Yunxiao City to get it?"

Chen Hao's eyes lit up when he was honest, and he turned his head to look at Chu Shengge in an instant. 1000 two million silver coins is not a small sum. Simply put, Chu Shengge carried 1000 two million RMB.

Chu Shengge didn't shy away from it, and said: "Didn't I say it before, my family is very rich, and I had nothing to do a while ago, so I bought some silver coins from the players for emergencies."

Annihilation said, Chen Hao rolled his eyes and asked, "If you are so rich, why did you owe 500 million silver coins?"

When Chu Shengge first played the game, he found someone from the Wanbao Pavilion in Shenfeng City to order a spiritual weapon, and owed a whole lot of debt. If Annihilation later lent him the money, he would have been restricted from entering the Shenfeng for life. The Windy City is gone.

"You know what. At that time, I didn't bother relying on krypton gold to become stronger. I wanted to rely on my own efforts to become stronger. That's why I was so down." Chu Shengge glanced at him and said indifferently.

Chen Hao is at a loss for words, this explanation is so pretentious, I have money, but I don't bother relying on krypton gold to become stronger, I have learned it.

Annihilation heard this, and couldn't help but said: "Enough is enough, I don't want you to become the next Chen Hao, one mental retardation is enough to torture people, two I am really crazy."

The three quarreled with each other, then took out the rope and fixed it on the rock wall, and slowly slid down to the sky above the black pool.

Chu Shengge and Chen Hao turned on the flashlights and shone around them. The darkness receded and the things hidden in it were revealed.

On the edge of the black pool in the distance, the black mist lingered, and evil spirits walked in the mist, holding an egg in their hands.

They put the eggs in the black pool, and the eggs are eroded by the black water at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into an insect egg. The original normal creature in the egg is polluted by the black water, and the body begins to gradually deform, and finally becomes Take the form of evil spirits.

"This... how is this possible, the evil spirits are not a unique race, but a mutation of other races!?"

Chu Shengge was deeply absurd. He had always thought that the Evil Spirit Race was unique, but now it seems that this conclusion needs to be changed.

Chen Hao frowned, and said, "Niubao! Unexpectedly, the Evil Spirit Race is a large fusion race, no wonder they look so different."

At this moment, the silent Annihilation suddenly said: "No, you are wrong, the evil spirit clan is the evil spirit clan, not a fusion."

Chu Shengge and Chen Hao were in shock, wondering why he said that.

Annihilation picked up the flashlight, pointed it in one direction, and said without squinting: "You will know if you look carefully."

The eyes of the two looked along the light, their pupils suddenly shrank into the shape of needle eyes, the hairs on their bodies stood on end, and goosebumps fell all over the floor.

In the grotesque world of black mist, there are several huge figures. Their appearance is no different from that of evil spirits. They have large and small wounds on their bodies, and they are extremely hideous.

They seem to be dead, and I don't know how long years have passed, but their physical bodies have not decayed at all. Around them, the void is twisted and illusory, and there is a faint tendency to break.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the wounds on their bodies are still bleeding. The blood is extremely dark, and when it falls on the ground, it becomes eggs covered with patterns.

"The evil spirits are formed from the blood in the bodies of these creatures... I'm not mistaken!"

Chu Shengge couldn't believe his eyes, a race was born from the blood of several mysterious creatures, so how strong are these creatures?

Chen Hao was even more dumbfounded, and said in a naive way: "The dog's brains are really big enough, making me think I'm reading a novel."

However, what he doesn't know is that what he has experienced so far is not a game or a novel, but real.

Annihilation moved the flashlight away, and said: "I have to say, the origin of the evil spirits is really amazing."

He has lived for a long time and has seen many strange things, but this is the first time he has seen something like this.

Chu Shengge calmed down the turmoil in his heart, pondered for a moment, and said, "How many places like this do you think exist in the Scarlet Plain? There can't be only one!"

The number of evil spirits in the Scarlet Plain is incalculable. It is simply impossible to give birth to so many evil spirits with only one breeding point.

A sharp light flashed in Yan Mi's eyes. He had never thought of the question Chu Shengge said, and it was worth pondering.

Chen Hao said carelessly, "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Chu Shengge said calmly, "Yes, it's nonsense, but why can't you think of such nonsense?"

There was something in his words, and he satirized Chen Hao.

Annihilation glanced at Chu Shengge, feeling that he was offended.

"What are we going to do now? Go back or continue exploring?" Chu Shengge asked.

"Let's go back! There is nothing to explore. We have figured out the secret of the birth of evil spirits. The inner circle is still waiting for us."

Annihilation gave a reply, and the three stayed for a minute or two before returning to the surface.

The fresh air rushes through the nasal cavity, leaving the dark and foggy environment, the three of them suddenly feel refreshed, and the world is worth it.

"Brother Hao, you finally came out. You almost exhausted Brother Butt and me to death." The long gun went straight to see Chen Hao coming out, and immediately complained.

Feng Chuiliang sat on the ground with his buttocks cold, and said with a wry smile: "You should lose weight, really, I won't lie to you."

Chen Hao was in a bad mood, and gave the two of them a vicious look.

You should lose weight, I am 120 catties, standard weight.

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(End of this chapter)

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