Chapter 260
At the same time, in the dark Tianmoyuan, a scarlet blood moon hangs high in the twilight sky, half-covered by strangely shaped dark clouds, the crimson moonlight shines down, and demons and ghosts roam freely on the scorched black earth.

Violent energy erupted, the void trembled, and cracked like glass, and the breath of the gods overflowed, rolling up monstrous waves on the wasteland.

Two heroic men walked out of the void passage, and the bright golden light dyed their whole bodies, as if they could turn the world upside down and shake the sky and the earth with their gestures.

"I haven't seen it for thousands of years, but the air here is still as bad as ever. It seems that the problem has not been resolved!"

Chen Yu frowned, covered his mouth and nose with his hands, and looked disgusted.

Ji Xian's heart moved slightly, and he asked, "The problem? What's the problem?"

His azure blue eyes with halos scanned the area in front of him, his eyes pierced through nothingness, and he could see farther places in his eyes.

Chen Yu hesitated for a moment, and said: "The problem left over from history, should I put it! Yes, the problem of the pollution of Tianmoyuan."

After speaking, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, as if he had sensed something, he pointed like a sword and slashed towards the side ground.

The sword light is like the sharpest weapon in the world, ruthlessly splitting the earth, a gully several tens of feet long suddenly formed, and a tragic cry came from the bottomless abyss.

Chen Yu raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise: "It's not dead, don't give me face!"

He pointed his sword again, and wherever he passed, the void split like a thin piece of white paper, and the power of the palpitation was like a sea of ​​stars bursting a bank, and the nine-day Milky Way poured down, directly leaving a [-]-mile-long cut on the ground.

There was no more sound, and there was no sound from all over the world. Chen Yu waved his sleeves, stood with his hands behind his back, and glanced lightly at the riddled ground.

Ji Xian stared at him dumbfounded, doubts written all over his face, did this brother have a convulsion?Why do you shoot without saying a word? What if you accidentally hurt a player who was leveling nearby?
No, it can't be said that it was injured. Chen Yu's cultivation base is the third realm of the gods. Compared with the players, one is a giant dragon and the other is a weak chicken, which can be killed in seconds.

"Could you tell me before you do it next time, it's scary, even if it doesn't hurt me, it's not good if it hurts Xiaohua Xiaocao!"

Ji Xian's face was serious, Chen Yu was stunned for a while, and said, "Something wanted to attack us just now, so I did it. I did it for the sake of our lives."

As the words fell, he stretched out his palms to fetch objects from the air. In the abyss, a huge creature with its body broken in two flew up and landed in front of them with a crash.

The creature's eyes were wide open, and it was obvious that the death was unknown, very sudden.

The aura emanating from it is very powerful, it is not an ordinary beast, its cultivation level has reached the peak of the unity state, and there is a vague tendency to break through the state.

However, it still died and was beheaded by the Great Demon King Chen Yu with two moves.

Ji Xian looked at the tragic death of the beast, and said, "I didn't expect that what you said was true, but you were really ruthless. Look, his eyes are almost popping out."

Chen Yu was expressionless, and said lightly: "The creatures in Tianmoyuan are all polluted and cruel by nature. If you don't strike hard, you will often die."

He lived longer than Ji Xian, a remnant of the old era, can be said to be one of the people with the fullest understanding of Tianmoyuan in the current era.

In addition, he once participated in a series of secret plans, all about Tianmoyuan.

Ji Xian nodded thoughtfully, and asked again: "By the way, speaking of which, why didn't I notice this creature lurking underground just now?"

Chen Yu stepped forward and said as he walked: "The environment of Tianmoyuan is different from other places, and there are certain differences in the rules of heaven and earth. The monks of the origin star will be blocked here. If you don't observe carefully, it will be difficult. Find."

Ji Xian suddenly realized that Tianmoyuan had such a peculiarity, and this was the first time he knew about it.

The two walked together, turned into two streamers of light and flew across the dark sky, and rushed straight to the place where the River of Death was.

At this moment, in a place where there is no life, the air is cold, piercing, and on a bare mountain, a man stands proudly, his robe rustling in the wind.

"The breath of the human race, one of the third realm and one of the second realm, why come to Tianmoyuan for no reason?"

He stared into the distance with deep eyes, muttering to himself with a hoarse voice.

After a moment of silence, he spoke again: "Mo Yi, go and check the situation, and let me know if there is anything wrong."

A black whirlwind blew past, and a man in black with a demon mask appeared behind the man, knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and said, "Yes, Lord Mozun."

After saying that, his body disintegrated into the wind and disappeared.


The wide black river is located on the ground. The source of the river is unknown, and the end point is unknown. The river flowing in it is extremely viscous. Many corpses sink in the water, and the smell of decay is extremely strong.

Ji Xian and Chen Yu stood by the river, feeling that the river is filled with an indescribable force, mysterious and dark.

"This river is really smelly! It makes me want to throw up." Ji Xian said with an ugly face.

Chen Yu couldn't stand the smell, so he simply closed his sense of smell and didn't smell it.

"The River of Rebirth has existed for countless years. After death, all the creatures of Tianmoyuan will be buried in the past life. This place is a mass grave. It would be strange if it doesn't stink."

As he spoke, he flicked his fingers, and the river surface exploded, revealing a horrific scene. Under the water, there were all rotten corpses.

The stench came over his face, Ji Xian didn't close his sense of smell, his gastric juices were churning, and he almost fainted.

"I'm going, this is a biochemical weapon!"

He couldn't help complaining, and immediately closed his sense of smell, only to feel better.

"Let's go! Find a pure soul, don't waste any more time, someone is already watching us secretly."

Chen Yu stepped onto the water, and in an instant, all kinds of monsters appeared, and countless ferocious ghosts emerged from the water, swarming towards him.

"Disgusting thing, get out of here!"

With a low shout, he wiped out all the ghosts that came to him with momentum like a rainbow.

Ji Xian's pupils shrank, these ghosts are not weak, basically they are above the Nine Apertures Realm and below the Divine Realm.

He hesitated for a moment, and walked into the River of Rebirth.

The Heavens and Stars sword was unsheathed, and the dazzling sword light was like a lotus flower emerging from the water. The storm of sword energy swept around, leaving traces on the water surface.

"Don't be nervous, relax. Among the people I've seen before, many of them died because of excessive tension. The mentality is very important." Chen Yu reminded.

Ji Xian took a deep breath, calmed down the turmoil in his heart, and suddenly said with a smile: "Let's start! Go to the hunting spirit."

 The title is wrong, it is the river of death
(End of this chapter)

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