Chapter 21 Hard and soft (9)
Xiaoding went to a new client for the first time to sell business.At that time, he only said "My name is Xiaoding", and then put down the business card with both hands seriously, and told the customer which company he belonged to with a little nervousness, and he left after speaking.The leather shoes made a crisp sound when they stepped on the floor of the corridor.Some people say that this silly boy is not afraid of getting tired when he wears leather shoes to deliver express mail.

A few days later, the customer who received Xiaoding's business card had a letter to send, because Xiaoding's business card was on the top, so the customer called him.After more than ten minutes after the phone call, Xiao Ding came over.He was still wearing leather shoes and a tie, and he was still a little nervous when speaking.

After filling out the form, Xiao Ding carefully read it several times and said "thank you", and then paid for the change. Xiao Ding cautiously handed over the change with both hands, as if completing a very solemn handover ceremony.

Because of Xiaoding's thick glasses, suits and leather shoes, and his cautiousness, people actually remembered him because of his "differentness".As soon as there is a courier to be delivered, people are the first to think of him.Compared with other colleagues, he is indeed much more serious: he carefully confirms the identity of the recipient, waits for the recipient to open it after receiving it, and checks whether the items in it are correct before leaving.Therefore, it took him a little more time than others to pick up and deliver a courier, and it was estimated that he would not earn too much money.

"May [-]st" Labor Day is here, and at noon the day before the holiday, Xiaoding found an opportunity to come to the customer. He changed into a light-colored suit, and his leather shoes were still very bright.Holding a bag of red oranges in his hand, he blushed when he entered the door without saying a word.

"It is you"?The customer said, "Is there any express mail from us?" Xiao Ding shook his head, put the oranges on the coffee table, looked embarrassed, and said, "I got my first business here. I will send you oranges." Order some fruit, thank you for taking care of my work, and wish everyone a happy Labor Day."

The customers were a little embarrassed.For such a long time, no one with business relationship has come to give them gifts, and everyone just made a few business calls to Xiao Ding inadvertently.Xiao Ding insisted on keeping the oranges, and quickly said goodbye, turned around and went out.

Maybe because of his oranges, his human touch, and when there is a delivery, the whole office will call him.By the way, he recommended him to other departments.

Through frequent contact, everyone gradually became familiar with each other.Xiao Ding also wears a shirt in very hot weather. The collar of the shirt is neatly buttoned, and Xiao Ding always wears leather shoes.Once a client joked with him that you always dress so well, you don’t look like a courier at all, but like an insurance seller.

Xiao Ding said seriously, those who sell insurance can wear clothes so seriously, why can’t those who deliver couriers?When I was just training, the leader said that you must be clean and tidy when you go to see customers. This is the minimum respect for the other party and respect for our profession.

The client continued to tease him, so you listened so carefully to what the leader said?
Of course, listen to the leader's words carefully.Xiaoding didn't mind the client teasing him at all, and he still explained it seriously.

Xiaoding's courier career lasted for two years.In the past two years, except for changing a pair of glasses, his clothes, words and deeds have basically not changed much.His work attitude is still serious, and he has never heard any complaints from him.

In a blink of an eye, it was "May [-]st" again, and there would always be items coming and going before the festival. That day, Xiao Ding's customer called him to pick up the things. Xiao Ding answered the call, but another younger guy came.He said, I am from a certain courier company, and Director Ding wants me to pick up the things.

The customer froze for a moment, then realized.Say, Xiao Ding is in charge!
"Yes," said the young man, "at the end of this year, he will go to Nanning to be the manager of the branch."

This young man was obviously different from Xiao Ding. He was familiar with the client and talked a lot. Before the client asked, he said that Director Ding's going to be the branch manager was announced at the last company meeting.There are several reasons for the promotion: he is the only courier who has worked the longest in the company, the only courier with a degree, the only courier who insists on wearing a suit, the only courier who has established a customer profile, and the only courier who has not received Couriers complained by customers...

In the afternoon of the same day, Xiaoding’s courier company sent the customer an intra-city courier, which was a box of imported oranges.Although there was no card and no message, the customers knew that he sent it, and after opening it, each person divided a few and put them on the table.

Xiao Ding's story tells us: seriousness has power, and that power is enough to make a little green orange bloom.

Business utilization
Rockefeller was an American oil tycoon. His old partner Clarke commented on him: "He is extremely careful and conscientious. If there is a penny that belongs to us, he will take it; if he gives the customer a penny, he will also take it from the customer. .”

Rockefeller has a strong sensitivity to numbers, and he often calculates accounts to prevent money from slipping through his fingers.He once wrote a letter to the manager of an oil refinery in the west, asking sternly: "Why does it cost you 1 cent 8 cents to refine a gallon of kerosene, while another refinery only needs 2 cents and 9 cents? There is also such a letter: "Last month, your factory reported 1 plugs, and at the beginning of this month, you sent 1119 to your factory. This month, your factory used 10000, but reported that there are 9537. What happened to the other 1012?" It is said that Rockefeller wrote thousands of letters like this.This is how he analyzed the company's production and operation conditions and shortcomings from the book figures-accurate to the centimeter, so as to effectively manage his oil empire.

Rockefeller's rigorous and serious work style was developed at a young age.At the age of 16, he first entered the business world and worked as a bookkeeper in a firm.He said: "I have kept income and expenditure accounts since I started working at the age of 16, and I have kept them all my life. It is the only way for a person to know how he spends money, and it is also the most effective way for a person to plan in advance how to use money. .If you don't, money will probably slip through your fingers."

Rockefeller was meticulous about the company's finances, but he was very generous in donating charitable funds to the society.It can be seen that his penny-pinching is more of a serious style of operation and management, rather than a "miser" or "a penny-pinching cock".

Japanese consumers have always been famous for their harshness and pickiness. Being able to open up the Japanese market means that the quality of the products has a certain level.A few years ago, after a lot of hard work at the Jiwei factory in Indonesia, the Sinarma Group finally successfully entered the Japanese market. One of its customers is the famous Ricoh (Richo) company that produces copiers and optical equipment.

Ricoh decided to purchase photocopying paper from Jiwei Factory. In addition to the quality and specifications, the other requirement was that each package of photocopying paper must be exactly 500 sheets.At that time, because Jiwei factory relied on manual calculation of the number of sheets, it was not easy to achieve exactly 500 sheets in each pack.The factory manager who had a headache thought that as long as he gave a few more sheets, the customer should be happy, so he ordered the workers to automatically add 5 sheets after counting each package to ensure that there were no less than 500 sheets.Unexpectedly, after receiving the goods, Ricoh immediately asked to return the goods on the grounds that the number of sheets did not match.Although the factory sent people to communicate, Ricoh still insisted on their requirement: each pack must have exactly 500 sheets, and neither one less nor one more is allowed.As a last resort, Jiwei Factory had to accept returns and purchase new computer paper counters at the same time, just like money counters. Each pack of photocopied paper is counted by a computer to accurately calculate the number of sheets, and each batch of goods is Print the number to mark the time of manufacture and the person in charge.As a result, Jiwei Factory has been well received, not only winning the trust of Ricoh, but also becoming a long-term and stable supplier of Ricoh.

"Ask fifty cents, give one yuan" may not be able to please customers.In order to win the trust of customers, companies should neither cut corners nor add extra oil and vinegar.Only by truly understanding customer needs from the customer's standpoint, and then satisfying customer needs, is it to win the hearts of customers.

Inner rigidity is often overlooked

Original text
Ninety-eight out of ten people overlook it.

Continuing from the previous article: The above, that is, "inner rigidity and softness", are often overlooked, and most people who observe people will ignore this point in all likelihood.

"Bingjian" recognizes people by appearance, but it is not limited to appearance.Zeng Guofan always believed that only by insisting on the combination of external appearance and spiritual inner quality can one fully understand a person.

The appearance is tangible, but the spirit is invisible; the appearance is relatively static, but the spirit is fluid and changing; the real and static things are easy to understand, while the changing and flowing things are difficult to know.Therefore, when inspecting people, many people only pay attention to their appearance. When they see a handsome and outstanding person, they think they are talented people, and when they see an ugly and simple person, they think they have no virtue.

Ge Hong, a scholar of the Jin Dynasty, said with deep emotion in "Baopuzi Outer Chapters": It is impossible to know the essence of a person by looking at his appearance, and his ability cannot be measured by his appearance.Some people are ugly, even ugly, but they are geniuses through the ages; some people, though handsome, are idiots with "gold and jade outside, but rot inside".If you judge people by their appearance, it will result in the result that the person who takes the talent is not the talent or the person who is the talent is not taken.

According to legend, Xia Jie and Shang Zhou were both handsome in appearance, burly in stature, and could be called handsome men. They were also brave and intelligent.If you only look at its appearance, it is nothing less than "the best in the world".Yet they were tyrants who ravaged the people.On the contrary, there are many unremarkable wizards in history.According to "Xunzi Feixiang", Sun Shuao of Chu State has short and thin hair, long left hand, short right hand, and five short stature. Standing on the cart is not as high as the front beam, but he can assist the overlord of Chu and make Chu State a Warring States One of the most powerful countries in the period.

It can be seen that being handsome does not necessarily have virtue, and being ugly does not necessarily mean having virtue. This is obvious.Knowing people through appearance and expression is only an auxiliary means of "knowing people".However, if you make it absolute and turn "knowing people" into judging people by their appearance, you will miss talents and even lose talents.

The phenomena of talents and non-talents that are confused between true and false mentioned in the previous sections are easily overlooked if they are not carefully distinguished.Many people often think that they know how to judge others, but in fact they "observe others by themselves", misidentifying the wrong person and using the wrong person.

Utilize the world
"Zhuangzi·Dechongfu Pian" wrote: "There was an ugly man named Ai Taita in the state of Wei, but the women who got along with him did not want to leave because they loved him. After a woman saw him, she He asked his parents, "Rather than being someone else's wife, it's better to be the concubine of Mr. Ai Tai It." There are more than a dozen such women and the number is still increasing. The position of the monarch can save others from death, and can feed others without amassing a large amount of property. Although his appearance is astonishing to the world, and his intelligence is not much higher than ordinary people, both men and women are willing to approach him. "

Cao Cao, who has always been discerning, also made the mistake of judging people by their appearance.

Zhang Song of Yizhou has a photographic memory and is a genius in the world, but he was born with a pointed forehead, nose and teeth exposed, and his body is less than five feet short.When Zhang Song secretly brought a map of the 41 states of Xichuan and came all the way to Xuchang to present it to Cao Cao, Cao Cao felt bored when he saw Zhang Song's "insignificant character"; Drive Zhang Song out of the gate.Liu Bei took the opportunity to win Zhang Song, thus gaining the military advantage in Xichuan.

If Cao Cao didn't judge people by their appearance, but treated Zhang Song with courtesy and gave full play to his talents, then I'm afraid it would be another result.

Business utilization
As an enterprise manager, you must have a comprehensive view of each subordinate, and you should not be preconceived. You should communicate with them more, understand their strengths and weaknesses, and use them according to their needs.

In the branch of Guangzhou Tonghui Bank, there is an unmarried woman who is over [-] years old and works as general affairs.She was said to be mean and difficult to work with, and newcomers generally felt the pain of her.Therefore, everyone in the branch spoke poorly of her.

The newly appointed branch manager learned about this situation when she learned about the work of the branch, and further learned that since she entered the branch, she has been transferred to almost every department.But no matter which department or position she is in, she has a frosty face, behaves eccentrically and withdrawn, does not get along with everyone, and has no choice but to call her to do general affairs.

So, after a private conversation with her, the new branch manager made the bold decision to put her in the window business.This is the most important department in the branch business, and it has long been largely run by men.This unexpected incident made her a little panicked.However, in just one month, she seemed to be a completely different person. The cold face of the past disappeared. She took the initiative to learn business, did her job well, and handled things neatly.His ability is not inferior to the previous male staff.

Perhaps it is because the new job gave her a new attitude towards people and things, and built up her confidence. Even when she treated newcomers, she became more enthusiastic, and the bad evaluation of her in the branch did not realize it. The ground evaporated.

When the new manager heard negative comments about the female employee, she did not jump to the conclusion that she was "no good."As the saying goes, there are only incompetent leaders, but no useless talents.Under certain conditions, everyone has great potential, and even people who are recognized as problematic have the potential for great change.The above is just an example. The female employee should have sensed everyone's distrust of her, and she intensified it out of self-defense.However, when she saw that the new branch manager was able to see herself with a new eye without prejudice, and then trust herself and entrust her with important responsibilities, she experienced a miraculous change as if she was a different person.

If the leaders of modern enterprises want to truly identify talents, they need to conduct a comprehensive review of individuals to see whether they have considerable ability and whether they have development prospects.If you don't pay attention to the cultivation and use of a person's knowledge, wisdom, ability, etc., and don't pay attention to the display of his expertise, you don't measure his abilities in all aspects by his views on certain issues, but only by a person's ability. How to judge the size of one's ability by appearance, and even determine the choice of talents, then it will inevitably lead to the burial of talents.

Many managers believe that by praising subordinates too much, they can become cocky and lethargic.This is actually a wrong concept.As a qualified manager, one of the most important tasks is to be a leader who cheers for his subordinates.That is to say, a manager must be the first to notice the excellent performance of his subordinates and praise them when appropriate.

In the company, whether they are managers or ordinary employees, they all hope that their work can be affirmed.No one wants to work hard for a long time without getting a little affirmation from the leader.If an employee is always not affirmed, then he will definitely lose interest in work and no longer have the initiative in the future.If the leader understands the mentality of the employees, he can give the necessary encouragement to the employees at any time to achieve the effect of inspiring and boosting morale.

Similarly, when your subordinates present the best work, but you turn a blind eye to it, it is easy for subordinates to sigh, why do you have to work so hard, why do you need to do so much, and do so perfectly?Gradually, the quality of work will decline unconsciously.Over time, their work performance also deteriorates.There is no doubt that everyone needs to be motivated and recognized by others.So when someone has worked hard to do something successfully, you should at least say to him, "Hey, good job."

An employee of a certain company made an invention, and the boss of the company immediately said to the employee: "This is a very good product." Then it was put on the market, and very good benefits were achieved very quickly.The employee was greatly encouraged spiritually and his need for "self-actualization" was met.Then at the awards ceremony, the company boss not only awarded the employee bonuses and certificates, but also bought different gifts for his parents, lover and children. The employee was so moved that he shed tears on the spot.This employee not only received spiritual encouragement, but also material rewards. It can be imagined that he will definitely do his best for the development of the company in the future.

For employees, no matter how innocent their thoughts are or how insignificant their suggestions are, leaders should give appropriate encouragement, even if it is a simple "thank you", employees can feel that you care about them, and their work mentality will become relaxed some.

(End of this chapter)

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