Chapter 24: Appearance (3)
The ancients handed down ten methods to examine people from their appearance.The first three methods are to observe people's mental state; the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth methods are about how to observe people's physical appearance in detail.The ninth method is to observe the good and evil of people's "voice and heart", and the tenth method is to talk about "shape and five elements". summary.The content of the ten-view method is from "spirit" to "form", from local to global, advancing layer by layer, no matter from one aspect or the whole, it is easy to understand and master.

1. Appearance and demeanor to observe people
If a person looks dignified, upright and majestic, this person is naturally a man of wealth and honor.This kind of person is like a tiger descending a mountain, and all beasts will flee in surprise; like a falcon soaring into the sky, the foxes and rabbits will be frightened immediately.Whether he shows majesty does not depend on whether he is angry or not, even when he is usually pleasant, he can make people feel a shocking force.A person's majesty can be seen not only from his eyes, but also from his expression, cheekbones, facial makeup, eyes and other movements.The majesty of this appearance is restrained.

2.mental state perspective
The human body is like a giant ship of ten thousand tons. To advance in the huge waves, it must be steady, unable to shake or pull.It is the spirit of one person to control the huge ship of [-] tons.Mental states may not be seen, touched or heard, but they can be felt.Whether a person is sitting, standing or lying down, his mental state must be expressed.Even if you sit for a long time, you will not feel sleepy and muddy, but the more you sit, the more energetic you will be.His mental state is like the rising sun, and its light shines directly into the eyes of others.It is also like the bright moon in the sky in autumn, shining brightly.

3.Mind-seeing method
Although a person is single and weak, as long as he is in good spirits, he will also have the appearance of wealth, which is called a clear mind.The lack of spirit in the turbidity is called "soft".

4. Forehead view of people

The head is the master of life and the center of the limbs.The person with forehead protruding from the top of the head is the assistant good minister.People with round minds live a long and healthy life; those with narrow minds and sunken foreheads are busy all day long and rarely succeed.

5.Facial Matching Viewer

There are five mountains and three courts on the face. "Five Mountains" refers to the left cheekbone of Dongyue, the right cheekbone of Xiyue, the forehead of Nanyue, the ground pavilion of Beiyue, and the nose of Zhongyue.Dongyue requires moderate Zhouzheng, not thick and subsidence.Xiyue is similar to Dongyue, and the cheekbones on both sides should be symmetrical.Nanyue requires flatness, broadness, uprightness, and no potholes.Beiyue requires roundness and fullness, and must not be sharp, crooked, curved or rolled.Zhongyue requires the square to be upright, upright and imposing, and to seal the hall directly.The five mountains should bow to each other and look forward to each other.Such a good look.

Santing refers to the forehead, the head (nose), and the corners, also known as Sancai, Sanzhu, and Sanbiao, specifically referring to the face.The most basic requirement of the three-stop is that the length, height, and size should be equal and well-proportioned.To observe the three talents, it is necessary to make a comprehensive judgment based on the fleeting time, location, complexion, etc., and not just judge from one place.

6. "Five Senses" and "Six Mansions" Appreciation Method
The face can also be divided into five sense organs and six mansions.

The five sense organs refer to eyebrows, eyes, ears, mouth and nose.Eyebrows are the longevity officials, and they are tall, sparse, and long-bending, preferably one inch taller than eyes.Eyes are inspectors, black and white are distinct, whether it is phoenix eyes, elephant eyes, bull eyes, longan eyes, tiger eyes, crane eyes, monkey eyes, lion eyes, magpie eyes, peacock eyes, or mandarin duck eyes, as long as they are as black as lacquer and as white as jade, the eyes of God can be seen. It is not exposed, the wavelength is ear-piercing, natural and delicate, all of which are good eyesight.The ear is the listening officer. The basic requirement for the ear is that it does not matter its size, but it should be well-defined and white over the face. , it is best to raise your eyebrows an inch.As long as the round is thick and firm, red and colored, with long hairs inside, and the hole is not too big, it is a good ear.The nose is a judge, and it is required to be plump and straight. As long as it is straight, neither crooked nor crooked, neither thick nor thin, it is a good nose.The mouth is a cashier's mouth, with red lips and white teeth, full lips, deep and long in the middle, facing the moon and bending the bow, as long as it is not reversed, raised, lifted, or pointed, it is a good mouth.

The six mansions include Tianfu, Renfu and Chengfu.Tianfu refers to the heavenly court and the two corners of the sun and the moon, Renfu refers to the two cheeks, and Difu refers to the corners of the earth.There are two parts in each mansion, so it is called six mansions in total.The Heavenly Mansion requires the square to be round and clear, without revealing the muscles and bones;

7. Observing people with the waist, back, chest and abdomen

A person's back should be generous and his waist should be round and firm.Do not have a bumpy back, thin shoulders, or dangling shoulders and a thin neck.The waist should be round, stiff and straight, not thin and weak, and the buttocks should be flat, thick and elastic, neither sharp nor sinking.The chest should be broad, flat and full.The sternum should not be exposed, and the two muscles under the neck are obvious.The heart socket should not be sunken, and the abdomen should be like a gourd, that is, it has a sac.The muscles below the umbilical cord are to be developed, but not sharpened.If it looks like magpie belly, chicken breast, or dog belly, that's bad.If a person has a big brain and no edges or corners, or a big belly without a belly, he is not a villager, but a gambler;Even if a person becomes rich suddenly, if he has a sharp mind and a soft belly, he will eventually go bankrupt.

8.Sibling view of people
Hands and feet should be delicate and thick, preferably with eight trigrams.Hands should be rosy and bright, or have strange lines, and the fingers should be well-proportioned.The palm is as flat as a mirror, warm and soft as cotton; the palm should be thick and plump, not thin.Those with long fingertips are smart, and those with thick knuckles are stupid.Four fingers together, no gaps in the knuckles, this person is good at accumulating wealth.It would be better if the back of the foot should have flesh, lines, and moles; the feet should not be flat and thin, but short and narrow horizontally; the arches of the feet should be high, and the soles of the feet should be hollow. If you can hide an egg, you will be rich.

9.mind, sound, human

Eyes are the windows of the soul, and we can usually see the good and evil of a person's heart from their eyes.The eyes are bright and kind-hearted; the eyes are cloudy and stupid.If you look up, your heart is higher than the sky; if you look down, you must have something on your mind;The eyes are fierce, and the heart is also poisonous; the eyes are kind, and the heart is benevolent.Observe people not only by appearance, but also by heart. If the appearance is mediocre but the heart is kind, you will get blessings in the end.Such as handsome, but sinister and deceitful, although enjoying wealth and honor, in the end it will not end well.

The sound comes from the dantian, it should be loud, like thunder piercing the ears, like the ringing of a bell, like the beating of a gong and a drum, like the sound of metal, clear and loud.If there is such a voice, it can make up for the lack of appearance and enjoy glory in the end.A person's voice is loud, but his voice is loud, far-reaching and resonant. This is the sign of wealth and prosperity.The voice is low and scattered, like broken gongs and drums, like plucked cotton, scorched and hoarse, which is a sign of short life and poverty.

10. Appearance, behavior and human method

Xing refers to the shape of a person, such as the shape of a dragon, crane, dog, fox, etc., which are actually anthropomorphic.This kind of mutual imitation between humans and animals can be divided into three categories: first, the whole shape is similar, such as the shape of a phoenix or a horse; Such as duck step, wolf swallow, tiger vision.There is some truth to this approach.Don't we often use words such as "tiger sees delay", "wolf heart and dog lung" and "beautiful snake" to describe a person in our life?This is a manifestation of the close connection and even mutual interaction between humans and nature since ancient times. However, humans are different from animals after all. If the comparison is too specific and absolute, it will be far-fetched.A person's appearance and body shape are mainly determined by genetics, while knowledge, skills and personality are influenced by acquired education and society. It is obviously absurd to judge a person's heart and destiny only from the image characteristics of animals.

Xing refers to the five elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth. The "shape" is divided into five elements, which match the "elements".There is an ancient book: Gold gets gold, and fortitude is deep; wood gets wood, and wealth is abundant; water gets water, and articles are expensive; fire gets fire, and sees opportunity and fruit; soil gets soil, and a thick and rich storehouse.People in the five elements, metal-shaped people are white, wood-shaped people are turquoise, water-shaped people are black, fire-shaped people are red, and earth-shaped people are yellow. On the contrary, if it is contrary, it is a sign of poverty and short life.

Zeng Guofan is a full-fledged literati, so he has a special liking for literati, so he specifically cites four types of literati patterns: "Qing", "Ancient", "Qiu" and "Xiu".

The spirit is clear and clear, and the manner is elegant, which is called "clear", just like the branches of Guilin and the jade of Kunshan.A person of Qingxiang stands out from the crowd, outstanding, with extraordinary appearance, elegant style, not falling into the world of mortals, and bold and heroic, which is really "clean".Those who are shabby, self-righteous, and pretend to be gentle belong to the sour and fake "Qing".

"Ancient" people have simple temperament, natural demeanor, well-informed, and high talents.On the outside, he is a virtuous and famous person, with the ambition to help the world; on the inside, he is a famous hermit, who cares about himself alone.This kind of person is like pure gold and uncut jade, which can be pleasing to the eye without further refinement.The real "ancient" is like pines and ancient cypresses, simple and sincere in quality, calm and confident, and not surprised by honor or disgrace; the fake "ancient" has incomprehensible actions, weird thinking, pretending to be deep, and impetuous.

The "strange" phase refers to a person who is tall and majestic, imposing, strong in physique, and vigorous in steps.And those who put on airs, show off, get carried away, and confuse right and wrong can only be regarded as fake "odd".

The phase "Xiu" refers to a person with a peaceful momentum, delicate features, and a pleasant look.Such as the bright spring, such as the gentle breeze, such as three spring willows blowing the face, the water and the sky are the same color, which makes people feel relaxed and happy, making people feel cute but not obscene, close but not playable, this is really "show".That kind of heavy makeup, painted eyebrows and eyes, and pretentious gestures, the male and female voices can only be called "fascination".

Zeng Guofan listed "Qing", "Ancient", "Qi" and "Xiu" in "Bingjian" for discussion, which shows that he attaches great importance to literati.But he does not pay attention to appearance but to heart when looking at a physiognomy. This is his superiority, and it is beyond the reach of physiognomists.

Utilize the world
As the saying goes, "A person's appearance is born from his heart", and he believes that a person's appearance is a reflection of his heart.A person with a kind heart is kind on the outside; a person who is cunning on the inside is hideous on the outside.These conclusions that people draw from experience are not nonsense, they are based on science.

A face is a record of a person's temperament, mood and character.A person's expression is determined by the activity of tiny muscles under the skin. Because the muscles that make facial expressions habitually pull the skin above and the bones below it for a long time, this determines a person's personality to a large extent. facial features.Therefore, the most common emotions of a person can be expressed on the face, such as doubt or impulsiveness, self-confidence or lack of self-esteem, pessimism or optimism, which can often "solidify" muscles.

Lincoln once said: "After the age of 40, a person should be responsible for his own appearance." With the growth of age, social interaction and communication with people gradually increase, and many habitual postures, language and facial expressions will become more serious. The more traces are left on them, the more their faces can reflect people's daily mentality.

Yin Zhi grain is the main basis for "disguise". "Surprise" tells a story about Yinzhi lines:
In the Ming Dynasty, Yuan Liuzhuang was a master of watching people, and he wrote the book "Liuzhuang Xiangfa".At that time, he often went in and out of officials' homes and was regarded as a distinguished guest.Once, someone in Wang Bulang's family kept getting sick, so he invited Yuan Liuzhuang to "diagnose" him.After Yuan Liuzhuang "checked the pulse" for Wang Bulang, he decided that there was a subordinate Fangzhu.At this moment, a servant surnamed Zheng came out, Yuan Liuzhuang saw his appearance and concluded that it was this person.Wang Bulang followed Yuan Liuzhuang's advice and sent Zheng out of the house. From then on, Wang Bulang's family members recovered from their illnesses, and the Wang family was safe and sound.

After this servant surnamed Zheng went out, he picked up a bag of more than 20 taels of silver when he went to the public toilet on the side of the road.After picking up so much silver, ordinary people would of course be overjoyed, but Zheng was kind-hearted, thinking: so much silver, someone must have used it for great use, and I couldn't bear to take it by myself; It's already a sign of poverty, and with money, I'm afraid it will bring disaster.So, he waited in the toilet until the owner of the silver came back. The owner of the silver was a local official, also surnamed Zheng.The money was the cost for him to go to the capital to open up the joints. He was very moved when he saw that there was such a man who collected money. It happened that this official had no children, so he accepted Zheng as his adopted son.Later, this official rose to the top, and Zheng also got the official position by hereditary.

A few years later, Zheng went to visit the original owner Wang Bulang and talked about his situation.At this time, Yuan Liuzhuang came to visit Wang Bulang.In order to ridicule Yuanliuzhuang, Zheng changed into the clothes he used to wear as a servant and served tea beside him.

As soon as Yuan Liuzhuang met Zheng, he said: "This gentleman should be a military officer with a gold belt. Why is he here as a servant?"

Wang Bulang reminded him: "This person is the one whom my husband met a few years ago and said that he is poor and humble. Why do you say that he is a nobleman today?"

Yuan Liuzhuang said: "This gentleman's face is full of yin and virtuous lines. If he is not saving people's lives, he is also returning people's wealth. His physical appearance has changed. People who are virtuous will be repaid, so they are as valuable as they are today."

As soon as these words came out, Wang and Zheng were even more convinced by Yuan Liuzhuang.

This story vividly illustrates the Yin Zhiwen, that is, the impact of doing good and accumulating virtue on the fate of a person's life.

The human face will increasingly express character, and different lives will show corresponding traces on the faces of different people.However, there are many possibilities for the interpretation of facial features, so further in-depth understanding is needed to avoid "missing eyes".

Since "phases are born from the heart", what kind of state of mind is there, what kind of face is there, then how can we see through the heart through the appearance?
Tan Zhao was a famous mage in the Tang Dynasty, and his interpretation of "appearance" was quite accurate.Once, he met Pei Zhang and his son.After he met Pei Zhang, he said to his father: "Your son has a full forehead and a round chin. He will definitely achieve great achievements in the future." Taiyuan is an official.But after he took office, he abandoned his honest, dull and unattractive first-haired wife, and hung out with a newly-acquainted beautiful woman, causing the poor wife to die of depression.

When Master Tanzhao saw him again, he was amazed at his changes: "In the past, your forehead was full and your chin was round, but now why does your forehead appear to be sunken, and your chin has also been reduced? Your face has become so much , must have done something wicked, right?"

After reading this, you must be amazed at Master Tanzhao's accuracy in judging people.In fact, what he can see, we can also see.A person's personality and mind will be expressed through facial features, which is the mystery of "judging people by their appearance".Therefore, our first impression of a person is from head to toe, and to interpret a person we haven’t seen for a long time, we only need to go back to the person’s face and observe carefully to know his recent situation.

"Hou Han Shu Yu Yan Biography" records: Cao Deng Yan, Xinye Gong, was able to participate in the court meeting once because he was a relative.Deng Yan was outstanding in appearance and extraordinary in appearance. When Liu Zhuang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty who had just ascended the throne, saw him, he sighed and said to his left and right: "My appearance is not as good as this person!" He specially gave chariots and horses clothes.Yu Yan thought that Deng Yan had appearance but no practice, so he never treated him with courtesy.Emperor Ming admired Deng Yan, so he ordered him to come to Beijing to see him as a meritorious officer. When he arrived, he was appointed as Langzhong, and soon he was promoted to Xuanwu Siguan, who was in charge of the north gate of the palace, with a salary of one thousand shi.Later, because Deng Yan refused to accept his father's funeral, the Emperor Ming knew about it, and sighed, "'Knowing people is wise, but the emperor is difficult'. Believe it." Yan retreated ashamed.Therefore, people think that Yu Yan has the ability to know people.

Emperor Han Ming and Yu Yan had completely opposite views on Deng Yan: Emperor Han Ming had always been extreme, and he often viewed people one-sidedly. When he saw Deng Yan's outstanding appearance, he would praise him infinitely. He is indeed a typical example of judging people by their appearance.After learning that Deng Yan refused to accept his father's funeral in office, Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty admitted that he had misjudged the person, and sighed that it was difficult to know someone.Because Deng Yan refused to mourn his father's death in order to become an official, this was unfilial in ancient times.When the matter was exposed, Deng Yan also felt ashamed and resigned and went home.

Yu Yan can know people because he doesn't judge people by appearance, but values ​​practical actions.At that time, Yu Yan was the prefect of Nanyang. He was upright and enforced the law like a mountain. Even the emperor's relatives did not talk about personal affairs.Deng Yan was his subordinate. Although Emperor Han and Ming admired Deng Yan and gave him a big reward, Yu Yan thought that he was "beautiful and unbecoming, and his behavior was not worthy of appearance", that is, his appearance was not commensurate with his virtue.Deng Yan returned to Nanyang from Beijing for three years, but Yu Yan was not appointed.Therefore, Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty ordered Deng Yan to work in Beijing.As a result, Emperor Han Ming made a big mistake in employing people.It can be seen that Emperor Han and Ming made a mistake in judging people by appearance, but Yu Yan didn't pay attention to appearance but behavior when he judged people, so he could know people.

In the vast world, there are all kinds of beings, and people's appearances and personalities vary widely.There are those who are handsome and unrestrained and suave; there are also those who are ugly and wretched.It is also because of this that it shows the colorfulness of all living beings in the world.As a law of nature, natural selection cannot be violated by anyone.In the way of employing people, it is of course best to have both a beautiful appearance and a full body of talents; it is no harm to the overall situation if the person is ugly and talented.The ancients said: "Skin appearance cannot be judged, and appearance cannot be judged by nuclear energy." This is to warn people that a person's moral ability cannot be judged by appearance alone.

In Zeng Guofan's view, there are innate elements in human nobility, and there is no need to delve into it, but it is necessary to carefully consider the loyalty, treachery, virtuous and sycophant revealed from human nobility.From the perspective of employing and knowing people, this is a basic skill that an employer must possess.

Knowing people is difficult, the difficulty lies in distinguishing the good from the bad and the good from the bad. This is because people are very complicated. "Six Secret Teachings: Selected Generals" gives examples of 15 kinds of people: some look virtuous on the outside but are dishonest in reality; Not sincere on the inside, some seem shrewd on the outside but have no talent on the inside, some seem honest and dishonest on the outside, some are cunning on the outside but lack decisiveness on the inside, some seem courageous on the outside but are really stupid on the inside, and some seem sincere and honest on the outside. Some are unreliable on the inside, some are ignorant on the outside but loyal, some are aggressive but effective in doing things, some are brave on the outside but timid on the inside, some are serious on the outside but approachable, some are stern on the outside but gentle on the inside, It looks weak and capable on the outside.People are often so duplicity.Especially for treacherous people, it is because they can cover up their truth with false appearances, cover up their inner treachery with outward loyalty, and their ingenuity and ingenuity make people confused and difficult to identify.

(End of this chapter)

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