Chapter 25: Appearance (4)
Therefore, to observe a person, we should not only look at his appearance, but also see his inner world through his appearance.It is really not easy to do this step.And whether you can know people depends on how you see people.If you look at people and value their virtues and practice, it is difficult for a sycophant to deceive people.If one only listens to his words but does not observe his deeds, and if he likes people to sing praises and wicked people speak out, he will be fascinated by flatterers, and will regard flattery as loyalty and honesty as flattery.

workplace utilization
There are many people in the office, and some people are honest on the surface, but they like to stir up trouble. Not only is it difficult to keep secrets, but they also spread gossip intentionally or unintentionally.If you recognize this kind of person, you can guard against it secretly.

1. Flickering in the eyes, evil intentions
His eyes are flickering, he loves to look around, and he doesn't know where to focus when he speaks. Such a person makes people uncomfortable, and he is probably not a gentleman.If such eyes are combined with three white eyes, four white eyes or triangular eyes, it is more likely to be a cunning person, so be vigilant.

2. No meat at the tip of the nose is scheming
The ancients believed that both men and women should have round noses rather than sharp ones, because the fleshier the nose, the more kind-hearted and tolerant.On the contrary, the villain mostly has no flesh on the tip of the nose, which reflects his sensitive heart and is more scheming.If you add the characteristics of eagle nose or protruding nasal bone, it is easier to do behaviors that are harmful to others.

3. A bad nose likes to slander others
People with crooked noses or crooked faces are mostly people with bad intentions.Because he is a little clever, he is often prone to speak unreasonably, even exaggerate, and slander others, and sometimes he will use unscrupulous means for his own benefit, so it is best to stay away from him to avoid causing trouble.

4.thin lips crooked rumors
The so-called thin lips are also thin in speech. Although people with thin lips do not speak big words, they are weak in nature and their words cannot be fully believed. Moreover, these people have the "talent" to make up stories casually, and they are masters of telling bad things about others.As for people with crooked mouths, most of them are duplicity, and sometimes they can't help but hurt others.

5. The tip of the tongue and teeth sparse right and wrong first
The tongue is pointed and long, commonly known as "snake tongue".Such people are often eloquent and cunning by nature.People with irregular teeth and many gaps between teeth like to talk naturally, but they often speak indiscriminately, which is easy to offend others and difficult to keep secrets.If you have both, it is an authentic "right and wrong".

6. Go head first and love to make trouble

Walking posture is also a kind of dynamic physiognomy.Most upright people walk with straight waists and steady steps, but villainous people often walk with their heels off the ground and head first, which reflects their inner scheming.If it is combined with any of the above characteristics of a villain's face, it will be an expert in small movements, so it must be guarded against.

The above points are the ways to identify duplicity in the office. Of course, these viewpoints can only be used as a supplementary reference when identifying people, and cannot be regarded as a standard.Because although the appearance is ugly, there are many people with good temperaments. This requires us to pay attention to observe people's behavior carefully, and judge a person's quality and talent through his words and deeds.

distinction of appearance

Original text
The abyss of the face of the eye is not clear if it is not deep.The nose is a mountain on the face, if it is not high, it will not work ②.The mouth is wide and square, with thousands of bells, and the teeth are many and round.If the corner of the eye enters the temple, the name of punishment must be given ④.The top is seen in the face, the life-long money valley ⑤, and the expensive levy.The tongue is off without official organs, and the orange peel is not visible ⑥.Literati don't hurt their left eyes, but they cannibalize people when they move their eagle noses⑦. This is also a sign of cheapness.

① The abyss of the face of the eye, if it is not deep, it will not be clear: abyss, a pool, is a deep, still, clear pool; deep, refers to the deep and deep eyes, not deep sunken eye sockets; clear, refers to the face with a refreshing complexion. ②The mountain on the face of the nose, if it is not high, it will not work: the peak refers to the high bridge of the nose and the round head. The whole nose is like a mountain and has a majestic momentum.Ling refers to the cleverness and beauty displayed on the face. ③The mouth is wide and square, with thousands of bells, many teeth but round and no family food: Lu, salary, the salary given to officials by ancient countries.Bell: An ancient unit of capacity, with a capacity of six dendrobiums and four buckets.Qian Zhong said that the salary is generous, not specific.There are many teeth, there is a certain number of teeth, and there is no difference in how many. Therefore, the "many" here means "small", and the teeth are small, so it looks like many.Home food: "jia" is a noun used as an adverbial, "home food" means eating at home, and "no home food" means not eating at home, which is extended to mean that the official is outside and enjoys the state salary. ④ If the corner of the eye enters the temple, it must be punished.This kind of person is not only majestic, but also has a strong personality. He can't tolerate a little sand in his eyes and hates evil like hatred.Palm: To be in charge, to be in charge.Criminal name; refers to judicial power.These two sentences mean that the person with long eyes and the corners of the eyes piercing into the temples will eventually hold the power of justice and life and death. ⑤The top is seen on the face, and Zhongsi Qiangu: See, connected with "present", and the top is seen on the face, which refers to the middle-aged bald head and the forehead, so that the top of the head is connected with the forehead.Division: Supervisor, host.Money Valley: Refers to the fact that there is no shortage of money to spend in one's life, and refers to financial power. ⑥ Tongue off without official, orange peel not visible: Tongue off: speech is unclear, that is, stuttering, the ancients believed that stuttering has no official luck.Orange peel: refers to rough facial skin with exposed pores, just like orange peel.If it is not obvious, the status is not prominent, that is, it cannot be a high-ranking official. ⑦Letters don’t hurt their left eye, but they cannibalize people when their eagle nose moves: the eye is a literary star, and any injury to the eye will damage the literary star. Why do we only talk about the left but not the right?Because the ancient rule is "men left and women right".There is a left eye injury, that is, the left eye is injured.Eagle nose refers to the drooping hook shape of the nose, just like the mouth of an eagle.Move, frequently, often means.Eat people, eat people, hurt people.

People's eyes are like two deep pools on the face. If the expression is not deep, reserved and quiet, the face will not give people a refreshing feeling.The nose is like a mountain on the face. If the bridge of the nose and the head are not upright, the face will lack the agility of a beautiful mountain.A person with a wide mouth and square lips will definitely be able to occupy a high position and enjoy a national salary.A person with fine and round teeth like beautiful white shells will surely be able to find an official position in a foreign country without having to live at home.People with long eyes and slanted sideburns are sure to hold the power of life and death and hold high positions in the judiciary.People who are bald and bald and connect with their foreheads to form a circle will be rich all their lives, which is the so-called "ten decadent and nine rich".These are symbols of high status and honor.A person with a big tongue and unable to express clearly will not be lucky to be a high-ranking official; and a person with a face like orange peel will not be able to show it.The left eye of the literati is Wenquxing, which cannot be hurt.A man with a hook like an eagle's nose is fierce and eats people at every turn.These are despicable traits.

This section is dedicated to discussing eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, etc., to further explain the high and low of "appearance".The ancients attached great importance to these parts and believed that they had a great influence on people's fate.

People have carried out very detailed observations on the eyes, and concluded the following contents, which are roughly as follows:
People with small eyes are very particular about planning when doing things, they are steady and steady, and they never do things too hastily.This kind of person is kind and friendly, with a good spirit of dedication, but they generally lack assertiveness and like to follow along.

People with big eyes have the talents of orators and orators, and they are flexible by nature.Gentle and kind, open-minded.People with long eyes have strong decisiveness, relatively accurate judgment and certain foresight.It is generally believed that people with long eyes are stable, accurate, ruthless, have a strong sense of responsibility, and are serious in their work.

People with round eyes are smarter, quick-witted, quick-witted, have a strong sixth sense, and have a good understanding.Experienced people have pointed out that this kind of person is very greedy, aggressive and dishonest.

People with sunken eyes are often able to see the essence through phenomena, have stronger insight, more careful thoughts, calmer consideration of problems, and are good at deliberation.But because I think about problems more carefully, I do things more slowly, and I am less courageous, so I always think twice before doing things.

People with small eyes have patience and perseverance in doing things, but they are more rigid and conservative, and dare not go overboard.

People with two stripes at the end of their eyes have kind eyes, soft-spoken, reasonable and kind words.

People with protruding and fleshy eyes have strong language ability, good expressive ability, good sense of music, and strong memory for music.People think that he is the official of speech at the moment, so he sums up such words.

People with round upper eyelids have strong coordination ability, good popularity, follow the rules and keep their feet on the ground.

People with small black eyes are very clever, but it is often difficult to make correct judgments because they are too clever.

People with a pair of triangular eyes are more cunning and are typical misers, so they often do things that harm others and benefit themselves to make money.

People with skinless eyelids and protruding eyes are more precocious, more sophisticated than their peers, and take things seriously.People with wrinkled eyes show strong desire, weak self-control, lack of due sense of responsibility, and weak sense of morality.

People with double eyelids and big eyes have strong vanity, like to be flashy and boastful, and they are relatively frivolous.

People with droopy eyes are gentle and cute, with a gentler personality, kind-hearted, and considerate.

People with sagging lower eyelids have a weird and rough temper, are more selfish, lack of love, do not seek to make progress, and like to idle around.

People with three white eyes are more vicious and domineering, with serious machismo thoughts and no tenderness and love.

People with round and protruding eyes are careless, simple and assertive, self-righteous, have strong self-esteem, and are relatively fragile in heart.

People with big and long eyes are kind and gentle, with the spirit of dedication and sacrifice, sympathetic and considerate, but like fantasy, which is far from reality.

People with square eyes are more selfish and like to take advantage of others.

People with horizontal eyes have a peaceful heart, generous, reasonable, patient, but somewhat tactful and sophisticated.

People with slightly sunken eyes are simple, honest and self-disciplined, and indifferent in heart.

People with round eyes like bullets lack principle and control, are cowardly in heart, lack perseverance in doing things, have no credibility, and are good at adapting to the wind.

People whose eyes are close to the eyebrows and parallel are irrational and act entirely on their own impulses and usual likes and dislikes, often without rules.

People with slender eyes and upward eyebrows have a strong personality, can be calm and comfortable under any circumstances, have great perseverance, and are not afraid of difficulties.

The understanding of nose and human personality in modern society is as follows:

People with high and big noses are egoists, more selfish, think about everything only for themselves, and are indifferent to others.

People with small noses do not have much money, lack of wealth luck, and are a bit stingy.This kind of person likes to spend money, but he doesn't have the tolerance to use it.

People with thick noses are full of energy, full of enthusiasm for life, dedicated to work, and firm in their beliefs.If this kind of person does business, he will become a boss, and he will be very angry and charismatic when he does things.

A person with a nose like a bag wants to make money, but he cares about everything, fights for every penny, is greedy and stingy, and only wants to get in but not out.

People with small and flat noses have poor self-discipline, lack of ability, and live casually without purpose.If you are a woman, you can't stand the temptation and are easily deceived.

People with a nose tip lower than the earlobe are introverted, indifferent to things around them, not sociable, not easy to get along with others, have a strong sense of self, like to live alone, are very sensitive, timid and shy, and always indulge in their own interests among.

People with the tip of the nose on the same level as the earlobe are more rational, like to follow the rules, and are calmer and more objective.He loves to analyze when things happen, pays attention to order and rules, lacks emotion, is rigid, and has no adventurous spirit.

A person with a clear nose line is neatly dressed, likes to dress up, is polite, has a gentlemanly demeanor, has a mild temper, and is humorous.

People with thick and tall noses have a strong desire to express themselves, have a lot of vanity, like to brag about themselves, boast, show their strength everywhere, lack dignity, be very arrogant, take themselves as the core, and don't care about others.

People with thin and tall noses are eloquent, skillful in eloquence, and have extraordinary conversation, so they give people a sense of frivolity, lack of proper interpersonal relationships, sharp language, and easy to hurt and offend others.

People with upturned nostrils have a rough personality, full of air, loud voice, often messy, reckless, unreasonable, and frightening.

People with overly high noses look noble and elegant, but in fact they are rigid, rigid, lack of vitality, dull in conversation, slow in response, without passion, and without fanaticism.

People with round noses are typical diplomats, willing to take care of others, full of humanity and compassion.I can't tell the priority of things, my mood changes a lot, and I lack perseverance.

People with extremely raised noses are generally willful, like self-expression, and lack self-control.This type of person has ambition and confidence in doing things, and can achieve great things.

People with big mouths are mostly optimists, they handle things fairly, and they are easy-going. "Big mouth eats all directions", the Lord has good food, this kind of people seldom suffer for money, and live life without money, and spend most of their usual time on entertainment and making friends.If a woman has a big mouth, it indicates that she is strong-willed and capable.This kind of woman is open-minded, not afraid of difficulties, and dares to face challenges. She is a successful person in her career.

People with big and hard lips have a strong personality, hard work and tenacity, strong self-esteem and competitiveness, hard work and tenacity in doing things, and they will do it to the end once they do it, and they will never give up until they achieve their goals.

People with protruding mouths are very jealous, vindictive, angry all day long, small-minded, violent, stubborn, and competitive.

People with protruding lower lips are generally stubborn and withdrawn, and do not listen to other people's advice and opinions.

Close-mouthed people have strong judgment and a strong ability to take risks.This kind of person can transcend victory and defeat, and won't feel great sadness when he loses, and won't be overjoyed when he wins.

People with saggy lips have poor stamina and are easily bored and tired. Their advantage is that they can do things vigorously and quickly.

People with drooping lips can bear hardships and stand hard work, and are very tolerant and enduring.This kind of person is diligent, down-to-earth, and never lazy, but the disadvantage is that he is not flexible, has poor flexibility, and sometimes looks very clumsy.

People with small and closed mouths look gentle and shy.This kind of people are usually very timid, but they are surprisingly courageous when encountering major events. They will not panic, not be confused, calm and composed, not afraid of danger, and have the courage to go through fire and water.

People with thick upper and lower lips are extremely emotional, honest, benevolent, kind-hearted, and treat others with sincerity.Their shortcoming is that they are not independent and not decisive enough to handle things.

People who often stick out their tongues are untrustworthy, dishonest, hypocritical, unprincipled, irresponsible, fickle, turbulent, at a loss, and like to brag.

People with long eyebrows are meticulous and suitable for financial management.This kind of person is very meticulous in handling things, never makes mistakes, and will not be blinded by money, and will not worry about money.

People with "one" eyebrows are decisive in doing things, have a strong sense of responsibility, are not surprised by changes, have a warm attitude, are very charismatic, have extraordinary courage, and have a challenging spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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