Chapter 26: Appearance (5)
People with short eyebrows are not motivated, like to spend money, are impatient, have limited courage and ability, and are prone to setbacks in life.

People with thick eyebrows are "lone rangers", who like to do everything by themselves, insist on going their own way, and think that they are better than others in everything.

People with thick eyebrows are brave, resilient, manly, and often successful in their careers.

People with wider and looser eyebrows will not be able to concentrate very much, do things sloppily, and are always in turmoil both in appearance and in heart.

People with thick and round eyebrows have many friends, strong social skills, and work hard, but they are more selfish and care about money.

People with eyebrows and eyes that are far apart are upright, open-minded, noble in character, able to take care of the overall situation, set an example in everything, don't play narrow-minded, and don't find fault with others.

People with long but not many eyebrows have a more delicate heart, a sharper sense, love to sing the wind and play the moon, and are rich in literary talent.

People with triangular eyebrows have strong balance and coordination skills, and are good at turning major issues into minor ones. They are famous peacemakers.Such people are naturally sensitive to color and have a better future in art work.

People with thick and short eyebrows are mercenary, obsessed with money, and have nothing in their minds except money.

People with long and thick eyebrows like to swear, sulk, have a reckless personality, and have poor interpersonal relationships.

People with thin eyebrows and big noses are typical double-faced people. They are people in front of them and ghosts behind their backs. They like to tell tales, sow discord, play tricks and be clever, and often do bad things secretly.

People with thick black eyebrows like to be alone, introverted, like to ask questions, and have a strong thirst for knowledge.This kind of person is smart, polite, educated, and calm in dealing with things.

People with well-proportioned eyebrows and well-developed eye tails have a mild temper, kindness and generosity, pay attention to feelings, are very humane, know how to care for others, have a strong sense of responsibility, and have a happier family.

People with thick earlobes are more blessed. They have a good mood, good health, a harmonious family, and never lack food or clothing.

The ancients believed that people with small earlobes had poor luck.They are always doing things through bumps and bumps, often living beyond their means and suffering from poverty.

People with soft ears lack assertiveness and courage.Those males who are afraid of guilt are said to be often like this.Such a person is best not to do business.

People with slanted ears are more rational, and they tend to have plans and follow steps when doing things.They will not retreat when encountering difficulties, nor are they reckless, and generally solve them rationally.

People with thick ears are more loyal.Some people think that the thicker the ears, the more caring and caring for others.They are often kind-hearted, upright, upright, open-minded, and straightforward in their actions.

People with small and thin earlobes are often narrow-minded, difficult to get along with others, and easy to get angry.They are sometimes conceited, eccentric, and have a strong narcissism complex.

People with thin ears are prone to nervousness, always worry about things, and it is difficult to distinguish the size of things.Such people are generally in poor health, often have poor sleep, loss of appetite and so on.


People with three wrinkles on their foreheads are peaceful and generous, giving people a feeling of kindness and strength, and have good interpersonal relationships.

People with large foreheads and full cheeks are bold, can afford to lose as well as win, have an optimistic personality, have confidence, and have a sense of humor.

People with pointed foreheads like to be stubborn, uncreative, poor in work ability, stick to the rules, simple, straightforward and enthusiastic, but gullible.

People with plump and generous foreheads have strong willpower, no dependence on thoughts, dedicated work, vigorous and resolute behavior, and good luck.This kind of person has a noble character and is still a person of great wisdom.

People with square foreheads have a blunt personality, lack of softness, and lack of human touch and intimacy when getting along with others.But he is serious and meticulous in doing things, pays attention to rules and order, and refuses to be flexible.This kind of person has good character, vigorous temperament, hard work and perseverance in work.

People with M-type foreheads have rich imagination, strong creativity, good conversation, witty, good fantasy, rich emotions, quick thinking, but they lack a sense of reality.

People with angular foreheads have sharp edges and corners, work hard, never give up, have strong self-esteem and self-confidence, but are stubborn and easily conflict with others.

People whose forehead wrinkles extend upwards on both sides are geniuses, good inspiration, but easy to conflict with others.

People with well-developed lower foreheads act rationally and calmly, don't follow the trend, and don't get hotheaded.

People with flat and bright foreheads have a smooth personality and smooth conduct.

People with protruding forehead are active, good at getting along with others, like to help others, patient, and broad-minded, so they are very popular.

People with jagged foreheads have poor moral sense, bad character, low style, narrow-minded, jealous, and if they are women, they are gossips.

People with narrow heads are narrow-minded and lack tolerance.She is introverted, makes few mistakes, and sometimes appears conservative and overwhelmed.

People with short foreheads are impulsive, and their behavior goes to extremes without restraint.

People with wide forehead and narrow chin are smart, thinking, like to be alone, intoxicated in the world of thoughts, life is monotonous, vision is narrow, and they are not good at cooperating with others.

People with narrow foreheads and protruding cheeks are introverted, have strong resistance, and appear stubborn.

Regarding appearance, the ancients had many discussions, but they often discussed people based on their appearance, not their appearance.The brilliance of Zeng Guofan is that he comprehensively examines a person's character, health, experience, or self-cultivation through the performance of his appearance.

Utilize the world
Each of us has a face that is unique and unmistakable.Therefore, when people meet, the most impressive thing is the face.From this face, it can roughly reflect age, occupation, and race, and through a person's dynamic expression, it can reflect the person's emotional changes, personality and other characteristics at that time.Diderot said in his book "On Painting": "A person, every activity of his mind is expressed on his face, which is clearly and clearly depicted." In the eyes of a wise observer, Everyone has a "poster" that reflects their physical and mental conditions on their faces.So how to grasp people's psychological characteristics through subtle changes in people's expressions?

Among all creatures, human expressions are the richest and most complex.Knowing the meaning of facial expressions, one can gain insight into other people's inner motives at a glance from the expressions and movements. Chunyu Kun in the Spring and Autumn Period was such a "master".

King Hui of Liang recruited famous people from all over the world.Someone recommended Chunyu Kun to King Hui of Liang.King Hui of Liang summoned him again and again, and every time he turned back and wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with him.But Chunyu Kun kept silent the first two times, which made King Hui of Liang very embarrassed.Afterwards, King Hui of Liang questioned the recommender: "You said that Chunyu Kun has the talents of Guan Zhong and Yan Ying, but that's not true, or I am a worthless person in his eyes."

The recommender was also very puzzled after hearing this, so he asked Chunyu Kun, and Chunyu Kun replied with a smile: "Indeed, I really want to have a heart-to-heart conversation with King Liang Hui. He was thinking about entertainment like driving and running, so I didn’t say anything. The second time, I saw a look of enjoyment on his face, thinking about entertainment like sensuality, so I said nothing. And didn't speak."

The man told King Hui of Liang what he had said. King Hui of Liang recalled it carefully and found that it was exactly as Chunyu Kun said, so he admired Chunyu Kun's ability to know people very much.

Let's talk about the tricks of judging character by facial expression. How should "face language" be interpreted?

Eyebrows: "Willing eyebrows upside down" (anger), "Horizontal eyebrows" (contempt, hostility), "winking eyebrows" (joking), "low eyebrows and obedience" (obedience).Eyebrows are often overlooked in the process of recognizing people, but in fact, people's eyebrows can make more than 20 kinds of gestures, and express different emotions respectively.The ancients were good at using eyebrows to express emotions, such as Zhou Bangyan's "a period of hurting spring, all in the eyebrows", and Li Qingzhao's "only the eyebrows are lowered, and the heart is on the heart".

Nose: The nose has fewer expressions and movements, and the meaning is more definite.Sneer when you are contemptuous, raise your nose when you are disgusted, dilate your nostrils when you are angry, shrink your nasal cavity when you are nervous, and hold your breath.

Mouth: The mouth is often pursed into a "one" shape, indicating that the person has a strong will; when encountering failure, the action of "biting the lip" can usually be understood as an action of self-punishment; This is a fixed action of lying, but now it is considered as a reminder or a request for secrecy; "clearing the throat" before speaking means that you are not used to the atmosphere of the conversation.

Face: The human brain is divided into two hemispheres. The right brain controls people's true feelings, which are reflected on the left face; while the left brain is dedicated to managing intellectual emotions, that is, the emotions expressed through restraint and camouflage, and then reflected on the right. face.Therefore, the expression on the left face is mostly from the heart, and the expression on the right face may be processed by the mind.So if you want to know the other person's true feelings, you should observe the other side's left face more.

Smile: In interpersonal communication, laughter is the most common expression on human faces. Complex and diverse smiles contain a lot of heartfelt and meaningful information.Laughter is a natural expression of human emotions, and it is also a gap that reveals the secrets of personality. This information can help us better identify a person, so below we will introduce in detail how to identify through laughter in the process of contacting people people.

Some people compare the "body language" of smiling to the "universal currency" in communication. Everyone can pay and accept it.So, how to distinguish the authenticity of the "universal currency" of a smile?
A real smile should involve the movement of two sets of muscles, one is the muscles that surround the eyes; the other is the zygomaticus that draws the corners of the mouth up.Usually these eye muscles are not easy to be affected, so fake smiles can only move the corners of the mouth, but the eyes are indifferent.A fake smile is usually like this: Although his face is smiling, his eyes are not smiling, and his heart is not smiling at all, like a smile wearing a mask.Rukong's smile, in fact, this is not an echoing laughter, but a forced smile to hide his nervousness when he feels uneasy about interpersonal relationships.Introverts almost always give this empty laugh when everyone else is laughing happily.There are also inexplicable laughs, and cold smiles that feel sad.For example, the most serious "persistent personality" among the extroverts, when efforts come to naught and encounter setbacks, he will hang his shoulders and smile faintly. At this time, he has entered a state of depression, and even his smile looks melancholy.A fake smile is a smile that lacks content, sometimes high and shrill, sometimes giggly, so low that one can barely hear it, in a word, lonely and indifferent.A person's emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy will naturally show on his face.

Generally speaking, most extroverts have a cheerful and bright attitude, so they always smile. Even when others feel sad, they will comfort them with a smile on their faces.Although it is said that introverts rarely smile, they still laugh naturally; but it is a very fragile and unconfident smile, which is similar to self-deprecating, and a bit like self-abuse; it is also a kind of lack of vitality, A smile that is tired of life, as if seeing through something.Extroverts get along easily with others, so they can laugh with each other with perfect timing.Because they don't hide their feelings and express their hearts frankly, their expressions will naturally be rich.As long as you look at his face, it is not difficult to know his mentality, so it is easy for others to understand. At the same time, he is also a kind of easy-going person.

In the process of being in the world and interacting with others, you can know a person's personality by laughing. It is clear at a glance whether he is introverted or extroverted, bright or shy.

In addition to the kinds of laughter mentioned above, there are the following ways to laugh:
sniggering.This is a very low laugh, not too long, and sometimes others may not be able to hear it.People who like to laugh often see the funny side of a thing before others.This kind of person is very popular and easy to get along with.

nose smile.This is snorted out of the nose, usually to suppress a laugh.People who can't laugh are shy and don't want others to notice. This kind of people are modest and considerate, like to do things step by step, attach great importance to other people's feelings, and at the same time, they will be liked by others.

normal laugh.This kind of laughter is very common, not special, and not too loud, which shows that this person likes the crowd.He works hard but does not strive for success, is very patient, and is a kind-hearted and reliable person.

Smile contemptuously.When laughing, the nose is turned to the sky, and the expression is contemptuous. It is often that others are laughing but he is not smiling, or only a few times.Such a person looks down on everyone, which is likely to be caused by a sense of inferiority, and wants to lower others and elevate himself.

nervous laugh.When laughing flustered, stop suddenly, see others continue to laugh and then laugh.This is often a manifestation of low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and fear of laughing wrongly.In addition, there is a kind of people who cover their mouths when they smile, which is often due to inferiority complex.

In short, no matter what kind of smile it is, there is extremely high information content behind it. It is the most convenient and direct way to identify a person's personality from the different ways of laughing in interpersonal relationships.

workplace utilization
When we meet a person on the street with "threat eyebrows and evil eyes", we can usually infer that this person is usually in fear and worry too much.As he often squinted or squinted or moved his eyes rapidly, these actions caused chronic tension in the muscles around his eyes, which gradually left permanent marks on the outer surface of the skin.Therefore, even in perfect safety, he put on such a face.Workplace villains also have some of their own facial features for reference.

1. People with vertical stripes or often black below

This kind of person may hold you back. People with vertical lines under their eyes or often dark eyes often have bad intentions or have the idea of ​​harming others. Be careful when cooperating with them.

2. Eyeballs are relatively small

Compared with the eye sockets, the eyeballs are relatively small, and they are generally called four-white eyes or three-white eyes. This kind of people will hold grudges.Although you may not know where you offended him when you get along, but he will definitely retaliate, so he must hold you back.

3. Looking down
Usually, when looking at you or things, the eyes look down. This kind of people may have a guilty conscience, or they may not be upright in their actions.He feels guilty when he meets you, because he may have just spoken ill of you in front of the boss, so he wants to hide himself in his heart so that you don't find out.This is a subconscious action.

4. drooping corners of mouth
A closed mouth and downcast corners indicate that he is in a bad mood and often feels that he is right and everyone else is wrong.This kind of person often likes to find faults with others.If you work with him and do something together, he will often hold you back.

5. The upper and lower lips do not close together
People who often can't close their mouths even if they don't speak, often like to spread gossip or talk about people's right and wrong, and the whole office is often made unfriendly and ununited by him.

(End of this chapter)

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