Chapter 27 Mood (1)
Modality and God

Original text
In terms of appearance, there is more than bone ①, and Changzuo ② lack of bone.The modality is more than God, and often assists God's deficiency.

①The rest of the bone: Yu, here is understood as the external expression, that is, the appearance is the external expression of the bone. ② Zuo: Assist, make up.

Appearance is the aftertaste and external appearance of human bones, which can often make up for the lack of bones; modality is the aftertaste of God and the external manifestation of internal mental state, which can often make up for the lack of internal mental state.

"Bingjian" has a special chapter on "Mood", and regards modality as an important content of observing people. This is the highlight of "Bingjian" that is close to practicality.Observing bones, observing qi, five elements, etc. give people a sense of mystery, but human mood can be seen everywhere, and ordinary people can also compare them carefully and understand them at a glance. "Bingjian" links people's fate with it, which is indeed superior to others.

What is "mood"?Zeng Guofan said: "Mood is more than God." "God" is the source of "Mood", and "Mood" is the aftertaste and flow of "God".Mood, to put it simply, is the state of human beings, stretching and bowing, looking and looking, every gesture and gesture, all belong to the list of modalities.

Zeng Guofan attaches great importance to the mood, because he thinks that the expression is difficult to grasp, and the secret of the expression can be glimpsed through the modality, and the two are very closely related.Generally speaking, the two have the following relationships: source-flow relationship, external-interior relationship, dynamic and static relationship.That is to say, "God" is contained inside, while "Mood" is shown outside. "Shen" is mainly static, and "Mood" is mainly dynamic. ilk.

"Mood" is the expression and appearance of "God", one is the exterior, the other is the interior, and the relationship is extremely close.Therefore, it is said that "the modality is the rest of the gods".Mood should be the facial expression of joy and pain in one's heart. If one is lacking in energy, it should be supplemented by modality, accompanied by an elegant, unrestrained, elegant, graceful, dignified, heroic, and glamorous attitude. Of course, it has a special charm.Taking Lin Daiyu in "A Dream of Red Mansions" as an example, she is sickly, and her spirit is naturally insufficient. Although she is recuperated with precious medicine, she is still weak; beauty.This is the modality, a kind of God.

God and emotion are often combined together, which is "expression".There is a difference between God and emotion, which can be carefully distinguished. God is hidden inside, while emotion is exposed outside. One is abstract and the other is concrete. The former is not easy to identify, while the latter is easy to identify; Lord; God is a persistent inner force, which is abundant and invisible; emotion is usually expressed in an instant, and it is natural and simple.

If God is an illusory thing that makes it difficult for people to understand, then the concreteness of the modality can complement God.When examining a character, it is relatively easy to discover the true temperament and essence of the character from the outside to the inside through various moods.

It is not uncommon to see someone with a delicate and handsome appearance, but with a vulgar and hard-to-handle gesture. This is a person with a beautiful appearance but lacking in manners; there is also someone who is ugly and unattractive, but dignified and chaste, without losing a kind of deep-seated personality. Inner beauty is lack of appearance and excess of mood; the root of the two situations lies in the cultivation and good fortune of the environment, including the influence of family, the influence of society and self-cultivation.The ancients said that the poor become rich because of books, the rich become expensive because of books, and the noble become successful because of books, all because the knowledge and principles in books enlighten people's wisdom and improve people's self-cultivation.It can be seen from this that the modality is the external manifestation and supplement of the gods, and the gods can be changed through acquired practice.

As mentioned above, if the "god" is not enough, but the modality is elegant and free, the modality can make up for the defect of "god", so it is said that "it often assists the lack of god".

"God" is the source of "love", "love" is the flow of "god", what kind of "god" can produce what kind of "love".However, due to the complexity of the relationship between the two, the "emotion" produced by the "god" may be just the opposite of it. "Shen" is the inside of "feeling", "feeling" is the appearance of "spirit", and the essential things in "inside" determine what is presented by "outside".From the "outside" to understand the "inside", there should be a process of removing the dross and selecting the essence, eliminating the false and keeping the true.

There is also a dynamic and static relationship between "God" and "love". "Shen" has a strong stability and presents a static characteristic; "feeling" has a relatively prominent temporary characteristic and presents a dynamic characteristic.

"God" and "feeling" together are called "expression", which is one word, but don't take the two separate things as the same thing, they are far from each other. "Shen" is the essence, "feeling" is the phenomenon; "shen" is the content, and "feeling" is the form.Be careful to distinguish between the two.

Zeng Guofan said: "Looking at the spirit of a person for a long time, you can see the mood of a person at first sight." These are the two steps and levels he used to investigate characters, namely "observing the mood at the beginning" and "observing the spirit deeply".

There are many manifestations of modality, and changes can be found in an instant.Zeng Guofan specifically divided it into "constant state" and "temporal state" for detailed analysis.Spirit is an internal thing of a person's nature, which is not easy to detect. It is for this reason that Zeng Guofan stared at Jiang Zhongyuan for a long time, and only after he left did he explain his judgment of "be famous all over the world, and die in a heroic and tragic festival".

One of the characteristics of the modality is that it is indeterminate. When identifying characters, the modality can only be regarded as one of the contents of the investigation, and it can only be regarded as a part.If the part is not enough and the whole is not bad, it should be considered, because there is no gold, and no one is perfect.If the whole is broken, even if a certain part is good, it will not be of great use.

Utilize the world
Modality is the dynamic expression of a person's inner spiritual thinking and betting on external behavior, which is quite different from the static display of a person's appearance.Due to personal acquired habits—differences in experience and cultural literacy, a variety of modalities are formed to show different personal styles, which is dazzling and dizzying.Because it often involves basic needs such as personal safety, survival, freedom, and honor, most people do not want to reveal their thoughts; As far as the internal meaning shown by similar content is concerned, it often presents a variety of strange external expressions, which are enough to confuse people's hearts and make people elusive.However, through the accumulation of long-term historical experience, it is still possible to scientifically classify, simplify and finalize the complex and diverse moods, capture the information conveyed by people's dynamic behaviors, and explore the parties in depth through the exposed tangible moods. The hidden inner mind analyzes the true inner meaning of its hidden motives or unconscious behaviors.

1. The modality of walking:
The way a person walks can reveal his inner emotions and health.A healthy and confident person has a straight and steady body, and a broad and powerful footstep.Conversely, unhealthy people tend to walk slowly and with smaller steps.People who are emotionally unstable often shake their bodies from side to side and up and down while walking.A person with an open mind must hold his head upright when he walks. On the contrary, if he shakes his head or bows his head in meditation while walking, he must have some privacy in his heart. The details are as follows:
(1) Dragon walker and tiger walker are precious: dragon walker, the body does not shake when walking; tiger walker, the stride is broad and powerful, if a person is stable, the stride is broad and powerful, it is enough to prove that the person is healthy, emotionally peaceful, and full of self-confidence in the heart. Business is naturally easy to succeed.

(2) Those who walk like goose and walk like ducks are rich: if a man is fat and thick with short legs and walks slowly and steadily, like ducks and geese, it proves that he is emotionally stable, he is confident in doing things, he is well-organized and can accumulate a lot of wealth .

(3) A person with a sinister heart: when a person walks, the head, hands, and feet are all moving, like a three-fold shape, which shows that the person's heart is biased and unruly, and he often acts to achieve the goal without any means.

(4) People with bad mentality when walking with their heels on the ground: when a person walks without his heels on the ground, he is frivolous and jumping non-stop. The ancients called it a happy jump, which shows that the person is restless and often opportunistic and restless. .

(5) Walking straight and upright: A person walking with his head held high and his chest held high is full of confidence and sincerity.People who are physically and mentally healthy are easily respected by others and will achieve success in their careers.

(6) Short-sighted and short-sighted when walking and bowing their heads: a person has complicated affairs and is not open-minded. When walking, he often walks while meditating.

(7) Obscenity: when a person walks with his mouth tilted and his head tilted, his temperament often deviates from the general values ​​of society, he is stubborn and stubborn, and it is difficult to get along with others, so he is at ease and obscene , and will end up in poverty for a lifetime.

(8) Walking arm in arm: a man should have an independent character, which can be used to create a career.If men often hold hands with each other, they often lack independent personality, so they will develop a habit of dependence, and they are often vagabond or gamblers.

(9) Slutty attitude of those standing shoulder to shoulder: If men often hook shoulders and shoulders with each other, they are often frivolous in mentality, willful in doing things, and are frivolous and crazy people.

(10) Proud attitude of the striding person: the person who is proud of himself is in a happy mood, so he walks briskly and powerfully, with a happy expression and a wide stride.

2. Sitting posture:
The stability of a person's sitting posture and whether it is dignified or not can also confirm the person's physical and mental health and conduct, which are described as follows:
(1) A good sitting posture is preferably calm and upright.A person who is healthy in body and mind and pure in thinking can sit comfortably and freely, so he can be quiet for a long time, and his body is stable and upright.

(2) People who sit for a long time without getting tired and keep their spirits refreshed, in addition to being healthy physically and mentally, are also dedicated to the work they are doing and must be very careful in their thinking. Therefore, they are confident and easy to succeed in doing things.

(3) Often shaking knees when sitting: A person who often shakes his knees and legs while sitting shows that his thoughts are confused, his mind is indeterminate, and he is easy to change his mind. He is a speculator and a follower of power. .

(4) Sit and bow your head: poverty.

(5) Sitting and turning around: poison.

(6) Sit and shake your head: cunning.

(7) Sitting in disorder and changing color: vicious and humble.

(8) Sitting and shifting frequency or swinging hips and waist: poor appearance.

3. Diet modality:
Diet is a basic human need, and it is also a daily behavior. It is very reliable to understand a person's temperament and related information through the state of a person's food intake.In addition to eating well and satiated, a person also needs to eat healthy, happy and cultured.Therefore, good eating habits should hold food moderately and orderly, chew food in large mouthfuls and properly, hold food in the mouth, never talk, and never eat when angry, so you can eat healthy, delicious, and happy.

(1) Eat less but get fat, and have a gentle personality.A person who has a broad heart will be fat. Although the food intake is not much, it can be completely digested and absorbed, so the body will be plump.

(2) Eating too much but becoming thin and disordered temperament: Although a person eats a lot of food, his temperament is disordered and his mood is restless, which makes it difficult for the small intestine to absorb the chyme sent by the stomach and convert it into nutrients, so the body is still as thin as before .

(3) The person who eats quickly has an irritable personality: when a person is impatient, he often thinks about the next step when eating, and it is difficult to taste the food attentively, so he often eats very quickly.

(4) People who eat slowly have a gentle temperament: a person has a gentle temperament and likes to relax and enjoy life, so he often drinks food in a leisurely manner.

(5) People who eat with their heads up and hold them in their mouths are mean and crooked: a person should bend his head down to eat on the plate or hold it in his mouth and eat it. If he eats with his head up, he will be held hostage If the food passes through the mouth and is contained in the mouth and is not swallowed in time, it shows that the person has a distorted personality and low moral character.

(6) Protruding gums when eating: When a person eats, he should be calm, reserved and polite. If the entire row of gums is exposed, it shows that the person’s cultural quality is poor and his popularity will be bad, so his life is hard and easy. short-lived.

(7) A person who dribbles and scatteres food and drinks while eating and drinking has a poor character: when drinking food alone, one should take it easy, be harmonious and courteous.If he is in a hurry and panic, the food will be scattered everywhere, which shows that the person's education is not good, and his character is naturally low.

(8) Tigers and wolves are expensive: people eat like tigers and wolves, and the plate is empty in a short period of time, which shows that the person is physically and mentally healthy, has a strong labor force, and is eager to replenish the lost physical strength, so it is a noble appearance.

In his early years, Li Hongzhang was rebellious, defiant, and had a hypocritical personality, which was far beyond the simple and simple Zeng Guofan.But Zeng Guofan saw that Li Hongzhang was indeed talented and would become a great weapon in the future, so he reused him.After a long period of tempering, Li Hongzhang gradually changed his weaknesses of frivolity and sharpness, and became more stable and persistent, and finally left his name in history.

Zeng Guofan looks at people from the perspective of development, which is indeed superior.

Han Xin, the all-powerful general in the Han Dynasty, was poor in his early years, and he was not good at doing business. He often sent food to others, and many people hated him.The Huaiyin butcher bullied him in public, causing him to suffer "the humiliation of the crotch".He later defected to Xiang Yu and was not reused.Regardless of his past misdeeds, Xiao He recognized real talents with discerning eyes, and found that he had excellent military potential.Xiao Heyue went after Han Xin, recommended him to Liu Bang as a general, and encouraged him to display his talents.In the long Chu-Han War, Han Xin gave full play to his military talents and made great contributions to Liu Bang's achievements.

If Liu Bang always judged Han Xin's talent by the past of Han Xin's humiliation in his crotch, instead of looking at people from the perspective of development, Han Xin would only become an incompetent person in the eyes of others, and a generation of talents would be buried.

From the above examples it is clear that looking at people from a static, isolated point of view will see the living as "dead".Only by looking at people in the process of development can we truly know and know people.

Business utilization
Everyone knows that if a good horse that travels thousands of miles a day does not meet Bole, it will be taken to pull the cart with the donkey and mule; if there is no jade craftsman who is good at discriminating the valuable jade, it will be confused with the barren hills. among the stones.

Seventh Street in New York is the center of the American fashion industry.Even in the fierce competition of nearly [-] large clothing companies in the United States, Yonan Luzhen Clothing Company is still able to take the lead, and this is due to the indelible achievements of its chairman David Swartz. This has won the reputation of "fashion king".

Looking at David's family history, we seem to be able to draw such a conclusion: what benefited him the most was his ability to know people and do things well.

At the age of 19, Swartz used his savings from working to co-found a clothing factory with others.But it didn't take long for him to realize more and more deeply that it is not a long-term solution to always make the same clothes as others. There must be a good designer who can design new products that are unique to one store and have no other stores. Sit firmly on the Diaoyutai in the garment industry and remain invincible.

One day, he came to a retail store to sell ready-made clothes. The boss who looked only about 30 years old only glanced at his clothes and said bluntly: "Your company has no designers." It touched Swartz's heart disease all at once.

The boss then took out a young woman in a blue dress from the store and asked Swartz, "How does this dress on her compare to yours?"

"It looks much better!" Swartz couldn't help but blurted out, sincerely praised.

"I specially designed this for my wife." The boss said proudly, "Although I only opened such a small shop, I have never paid attention to you big bosses. You are all self-willed, stubborn and narrow-minded. Besides, how many people know how to design? They don’t even have a single bit of beauty!”

Hearing these almost insulting words, Swartz didn't care, and still asked with a smile: "Why don't you find a big company to show off your strengths?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as this topic was mentioned, the boss vented: "I'm going to die, so I don't want to be someone else's buddy! I have worked in three companies. They obviously don't understand, but they still say I'm stubborn! I'm so discouraged. Thoroughly, they know shit!"

Swartz knew that the more stubborn and confident a person was, the more talented he was, so he made up his mind to win him over as the chief designer of his company.

When he first proposed to hire him, the boss named Du Minfu flatly refused.But Swartz has already determined that he is a talent, so he did not hesitate to pay a visit by "three visits to thatched cottage" and earnestly invite him.Du Minfu was finally moved and came to Swartz's company to take up his post.Became chief designer.

Under the guidance of Du Minfu, Swartz first used rayon as clothing material, one step ahead, and stole the limelight. The business of Yonan Luzhen Garment Company also skyrocketed immediately, and the development momentum was very good.

For a company that wants to achieve long-term development, recruiting personnel is one of the most important and difficult tasks.The quality of personnel selection is directly related to the quality of the company's personnel team. The higher the personnel level, the more difficult it is to select jobs.A person with potential is like jade waiting to be cut, like gold from Mengtu, which has not attracted the attention of the world for the time being, and has not been recognized by the public. Without a "bole" with unique eyes, it is difficult to be discovered.

Observing People's Spirit and Observing People's Mood

Original text
Focus on watching people's spirit for a long time, and at first sight ① watch people's mood.

①At first glance: at first glance.

Long-term inspection should be mainly used to observe people's mental state; short-term meeting should be mainly used to observe people's mood.

Mood is mainly based on movement, so when identifying characters, modality is only one of the contents of the investigation, just like the relationship between the part and the whole, the part is flawed, the whole is good, and the general is not bad; although the part is good, the whole is bad, it is difficult to use.Just like a big tree, the branches are necrotic, but the whole tree still has vitality, and still has the beauty of deep roots and luxuriant leaves; if most of them are necrotic, although there are only a few branches and half of greenness left, it will eventually lose its overall perfection, which is a pity .

(End of this chapter)

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