Chapter 28 Mood (2)
Zeng Guofan once said in the original scriptures: "For a long time, you can observe people's spirit, but at first glance you can observe people's mood." In the process of people's communication, some people have many opportunities to meet each other, while others meet and see each other hastily.If you can get along with each other for a long time, you are "watching people's spirit for a long time".That is, by paying close attention to someone for a long time, you can discover their spiritual essence.As the saying goes, "Time sees people's hearts", some people, no matter how good they are at disguising and hiding, their inner spirit and temperament will be fully exposed as time goes by.Therefore, in the process of knowing people, if time permits, we must pay attention to discovering their spiritual essence, so that we can see their true nature.

If you can only see it in a hurry, you have to "see people's mood at first glance".The purpose of examining modality is to quickly determine the character's psychic ability during the short meeting with each other.Zeng Guofan believes that "observing people's mood at first glance" is a shortcut to know people. Although there may be omissions, you can always get an overview and prepare for further observation.

There is a connection between human nature and mood. For example, a person who is loyal and upright will show an upright attitude; a person who is kind-hearted will show an attitude of continuous improvement; A poised demeanor.People with integrity are generally mighty and unyielding; people with noble morals must be serious and high-spirited;

Utilize the world
People's speech modality and inner world belong to the relationship between the outside and the inside.Although people can control and cover up their words and actions so that others cannot see their true purpose, there are always clues to be found.It is possible to be foolproof for a while, but it is difficult for a long time; as long as you speak and behave, what you think in your heart will definitely reveal your emotions in some way.Even a hero like Yang Jian can hardly hide his emotions for a long time.

When Sui Wendi Yang Jian was an official in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, his daughter was the queen.The empress has a gentle temperament and doesn't like jealousy. The other concubines admire her very much.Emperor Xuan of Zhou was a faint emperor, moody, looking for trouble when he had nothing to do, and always troubled Empress Yang, but Empress Yang behaved auspiciously and did not mess around.Once, Emperor Zhou Xuan planned to give Empress Yang the death.Empress Yang's mother hurriedly kowtowed to plead with Emperor Xuan of Zhou to save her from death.

Emperor Xuan of Zhou was afraid of Yang Jian because of his high position and power, and angrily told the queen that he would kill the Yang family.He also called Yang Jian into the palace and said to the people around him: "If Yang Jian's expression changes, it means that he has different ambitions. Kill him immediately." After Yang Jian entered the palace, his expression was calm. He didn't attack Yang Jian.After Yang Jian left the palace, he was afraid, so he found his close friend Zheng Yi to express his thoughts.Zheng advised him to find a reason to apply to be stationed in other places for safety to avoid disaster.

Yang Jian is a hero of the generation. Although he concealed his emotional ups and downs for a while, he was afraid that it would not last long, so he asked to go out to be an official to avoid disaster.For ordinary people, it is really not easy to be so calm and composed.There is an old saying: "There must be a reason for everything not to be overdone." That is to say, there must be an inner reason for any emotional abnormality.

Liu Shao said: "What do you mean by looking at her emotions to distinguish and forgive confusion? There are six emotions in a lady's emotions. If you express what you want, you will be happy. If you don't express what you can, you will complain. If you cut down on yourself, you will be evil. If you are humble, you will be happy. If you violate what you lack, you will be jealous. If you commit evil, you will be jealous. This is also the six mechanisms of human nature." Here "feeling" means "emotion", and the meaning of this passage is : How to distinguish whether a person is a sage with a broad mind or a villain with a narrow mind by observing his emotions and desires?There are six basic ways of expressing human emotions and desires.If a person realizes his wishes, he will feel joy; if his talents are not developed, he will complain; if he always shows off his achievements to others, he will be disgusted by others; If he is humble and resigned, he will be liked by others; if he exposes the shortcomings of others, he will be offended; if he often boasts himself and exposes the shortcomings of others, he will be jealous .These are the six different manifestations of human emotions.It can be seen that the observation of a person's emotional expression, the so-called "observation of his emotional mechanism", is enough to judge whether he is a gentleman or a villain.In addition, observing people's emotions can also understand people's psychology.

Wang Can is a star in the Jian'an literary world. When his talent has not been recognized by the world, Cai Yong has long been a household name.However, Cai Yong was able to appreciate his talents without arrogance, discerning talents with discerning eyes, and treated the unknown Wang Can with courtesy, which is really the best example of identifying talents.

Wang Can was a famous talented scholar from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Jian'an period, with excellent poetry and prose.According to historical records, he was talented and precocious since he was a child. He read a lot of books when he was young, with outstanding talents and extraordinary skills in writing.Therefore, he was very famous at a young age.Wang Can came to Chang'an when he was 13 years old. At that time, Chang'an was in chaos. The great warlord Dong Zhuo hijacked Han Xiandi and all the civil and military officials to Chang'an, and put them under his control.The violent Dong Zhuo killed people at every turn, which made the ministers panic and everyone was in danger.

At that time, there was a famous scholar named Cai Yong, known as Cai Zhonglang.Although the current situation was turbulent, Cai Yong's mansion was still full of people. From morning to night, there was an endless stream of people seeking to see and visit. As a result, the road in front of the gate was often blocked by visiting guests' carriages and horses.

Once, Wang Can also went to see Cai Yong.At that time, Cai Yong's house was full of guests, and the house was full of distinguished guests. Cai Yong was sitting on the floor with the guests, talking and laughing happily.At this time, a family member came up and said a few words to Cai Yong softly.Cai Yong said repeatedly to his family: "Please, please!" Standing up, he didn't have time to put on his shoes in a hurry, so he dragged his shoes and went out.

The full house of guests had never seen such a nervous expression on Cai Yong's face, and they all guessed in their hearts: Who is it?Why did Cai Yong's emotions fluctuate so much?Everyone also stood in awe, not knowing what kind of distinguished guest Cai Yong, a university scholar, would welcome.When Cai Yong brought Wang Can in to meet everyone, the guests were all dumbfounded. It turned out that the person who made Cai Yong so nervous was a 13-year-old child.This Wang Can was thin and short, dark-skinned, unremarkable, and very inconspicuous; while Cai Yong was nearly sixty years old at this time, and he was also a leading figure in the literary world, so it was unbelievable that he treated a child so courteously.

Cai Yong obviously felt everyone's doubts, so he took Wang Can's hand and said to everyone: "This guest Wang Can is the grandson of Wang Gong, and he is a unparalleled child prodigy! Although he is only 13 years old, he is a poet. But his essays are all excellent. He has outstanding talent and high comprehension. Needless to say, he will surpass me by ten times in the future; even now, I am inferior to him in many aspects!" Cai Yong looked around at the guests and continued: "I will give Wang Can all the books and classics that I have cherished and collected throughout my life. These books will be more useful to Wang Can than to me! My words will not be wrong, just wait and see!"

Since ancient times, literati have looked down on Cai Yong for being so humble, which is commendable. After Cai Yong's introduction, the guests in the seat had to look at Wang Can with admiration.

When Wang Can was 16 years old, he was appointed as the servant of Huangmen by the imperial court.But seeing that the political situation was chaotic and the court only praised his name, he went south to Jingzhou to rely on the local power to send Liu Biao.Liu Biao had many followers, including many talented people, but Wang Can, who was still young, quickly stood out. With his outstanding achievements in poetry and prose, he became a celebrity of his generation and was called one of the "Seven Sons of Jian'an".This is all thanks to Cai Yonghui's insight and talent.

From Cai Yong's hasty movements and nervous emotions after he knew Wang Can came to see him, we can guess that the person must have a lot of background, otherwise Cai Yong wouldn't be so excited.

It is said that when Zeng Guofan walked through the hall, he could see Liu Mingchuan's general demeanor at a glance.This is the legendary story of Zeng Guofan who immediately recognized a hero from "Modal".

When the Huai Army was first established, Li Hongzhang took three people to visit Zeng Guofan and asked him to assign duties to them.Unfortunately, Zeng Guofan did not return from his walk, so Li Hongzhang asked the three of them to wait outside the hall and went inside by himself.Soon after Zeng Guofan came back, Li Hongzhang explained his purpose and asked Zeng Guofan to inspect the three people.Zeng Guofan said: "No need." Li Hongzhang asked why.Zeng Guofan said: "No need, the person facing the hall door and standing on the left must be a rigorous, small, mature and heavy person. He is careful and reassuring. He can be assigned to do logistics and supply work; the person in the middle must be He is a double-faced and three-handed person who is not worthy of trust. He should only be assigned some insignificant tasks and should not take on major responsibilities; the one on the right is a general who can stand alone. The "talent of a general" was Liu Mingchuan, a fierce general of the Huai Army who later served as the governor of Taiwan.

Examining the mood, the employer determines the character's disposition, talent, and quality during the short meeting with each other.Zeng Guofan walked through the hall, and immediately recognized Liu Mingchuan's general demeanor, which was the result of decades of experience, and he could not steal the slightest cunning.Zeng Guofan has emphasized more than once in his diary and family letters: It is not easy to know people, and it is even more difficult to know people's inner essence. This requires not only time, but also careful observation.

"Zhuangzi Lie Yukou" once quoted Confucius' words: "The human heart is more dangerous than the mountains and rivers, and it is more difficult to understand the human heart than to understand the heavenly principles; there are four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter in the sky. Hidden under a thick appearance and deep feelings. Therefore, some people are modest and prudent on the outside, but proud and complacent on the inside; Straightforward; there are people who appear firm but are actually languid; others who appear slow but are really irascible."

After "Zhuangzi" said that "the human heart is dangerous in the mountains and rivers", it also proposed a method of talent assessment called "Nine Signs", which is to examine the performance of a talent in nine states, that is, to know the inner quality of a person. Make it far away and see its loyalty, make it close and see its respect, make it annoying and see its ability, ask suddenly and see its knowledge, wait for it urgently and see its trust, entrust it with wealth and see its benevolence Tell them to judge their integrity when they are in danger, observe their behavior when they are drunk, and observe their appearance when they are mixed." In our today's words, the main purpose of Zhuangzi's good prescription for knowing people is: When someone you know is sent to work far away, it is difficult to supervise him, so you can check whether he is loyal; when you send him to work nearby, it is easy to get acquainted with him without restraint, so it is easy to check whether he is respectful; when the situation is complicated, send him to work to see how capable he is; to ask him in a hurry to see how wise he is; to make an appointment with him in an urgent situation to see if he is trustworthy; to entrust him to manage property and see if he is not greedy; How about his integrity; when he is drunk, see if he can abide by the rules; put him in an environment where men and women are mixed, and see if he is lustful.Zhuangzi's good prescription for knowing people's inner quality still has practical significance for selecting talents in modern management.

1.see its loyalty from afar
Loyalty means loyalty.We often say that the mountain is high and the emperor is far away, which means that it is far away from the leader, so it is naturally difficult to supervise.If a person is far away and can conscientiously and faithfully implement the orders of his superiors, such a person is trustworthy.This is also what we often say "the presence and absence of leaders are the same".This is a basic condition for us to examine and use cadres.

"Northern History·Gubi Biography" records: Wei Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Tao went hunting in the Xihe area, and issued an edict to Shang Shuling Gu Bi, ordering him to choose fat and strong horses for the knights, but Gu Bi sent weak horses.Tuoba Tao was furious and said: "The sharp-headed slave dares to judge me! If I return to Taiwan, I will kill this slave first!" Gu Bi has a sharp head, and Tuoba Tao often called him "Bi Tou", and people at that time also called him "Bi Gong" .Gu Bi's subordinate officials were afraid of being killed when they saw the emperor's anger, but Gu Bi ignored it calmly and comforted the subordinate officials, saying: "I said that serving the king makes the field hunting but traveling around, and the crime is small. If you are not prepared, you will let the soldiers run wild. The crime is serious. Today, Kongchi in the north and the captives in the south have not been destroyed. My cunning ambition is to spy on the border. This is my worry. Choosing fat horses to serve the army is a long-term concern. If it is beneficial to the country, I would rather avoid death. The Ming Lord can justify it, and quote my crime." It means that it is a small crime to make the king feel uncomfortable; but at present, Rouran in the north and Liu Song in the south are waiting for an opportunity to invade, and the good horses will stay to resist. The enemy, this is for the sake of the country, and I would rather die than avoid it, the wise master can be clearly understood.When Tuoba Tao heard this, he knew that Gu Bi was loyal to the country, and all his anger towards him disappeared. He praised and said: "A minister like this is also the treasure of the country." He gave him a set of clothes, two horses, and ten deer.Later, Tuoba Tao went hunting in the north of the mountain again, and got dozens of elk. He also issued an edict to Gubi to send fifty ox carts to carry them. As soon as the edict was issued, he said to his courtiers: "Pi Gong will not be as good as me, you are not as good as me." The speed of the horse transport." So he used the horse to transport it back.After traveling for more than a hundred miles, I received a letter from Gu Bi saying: "This autumn valley is hanging yellow, hemp and bean are spreading wildly, pigs and deer are stealing food, birds and geese are invading, and the consumption of wind and waves is doubled day and night. Beg for grace, so that it can be collected. ’” Tuobatao said to the left and right: “The fruit of the pen is like my divination, and it can be called the minister of the country.”

There are loyal ministers because there is a wise monarch.Tuoba Tao not only failed to cure Gu Bi's crime of disrespect, but praised him greatly, encouraging him to do it boldly and not to have any worries as long as it is beneficial to the country and convenient to the people.Because of this, Gu Bi dared to resist the decree for the benefit of the country, and was praised by Tuoba Tao as a "national treasure" and "a minister of the country". If he met those faint tyrants who were obsessed with private bis, Gu Bi's head would probably have moved.It is precisely because Baba Tao is a wise master that he can appreciate Gu Bi and have such a fair and honest minister.

This identification is essentially to identify the loyalty and dedication of talents to their careers.A person's sense of responsibility and loyalty to the organization and the cause can only become more real and specific when there is more independence and lack of supervision.As Fan Zhongyan, a famous politician in the Song Dynasty, said, "If you live in a high temple, you will worry about your people; if you live far away, you will worry about your ruler."If a person still has such a sense of responsibility and loyalty when he is "going abroad", then he must be a person with a strong sense of responsibility and can be trusted by the organization.Some talents can effectively restrain their words and deeds within the scope of the leadership's supervision, actively express themselves, and do their best and conscientiously in their work.However, once he is given the power, when he works outside alone, he will often be domineering and do whatever he wants, and the euphemistic name is: "The general will be outside, and the military order will not be obeyed." Organized but not disciplined!No longer loyal to the organization and to the cause.It may show another side.Therefore, this kind of "distant envoy" can remind leaders not to be deceived by a person's words and actions around them, otherwise it will be difficult to judge whether a person is a real talent.

In ancient Chinese society, the "loyalty" here is more about personnel. For modern companies, "loyalty" mainly refers to loyalty to the company's values. Jack Welch, President of GE, said: "People who complete the task and agree with the corporate values ​​are promoted; those who fail but agree with the corporate values ​​get a second chance; those who fail and do not agree with the corporate values ​​are easy to deal with; What matters is how we treat people who get the job done but don’t share the company’s values: we try to convince them, we fight them, we suffer for them.”

2.make it close and respect it
Those who respect, respectful, also have the meaning of caution.The so-called "appreciate him closely and watch him respect him" refers to arranging the object to be identified to work next to him, getting close to him, and even establishing friendship outside of work.After a period of observation, look for an opportunity to deliberately neglect him, or give him some setbacks to make him feel lost, observe his performance, and see if he can still maintain due etiquette and respect, whether it is just "to deal with things" The change of “responsibility” to “responsibility to people” does it mean that “attentiveness to people” has higher personal benefits than “attentiveness to things”? Is it possible to develop further, to be proud of being favored, and to get carried away with complacency.If this kind of person fails to stand the test of "close use" by the leader, thus showing disrespect for work and disrespect for the leader, he should not be entrusted with important tasks.

3.make it difficult to see its ability
A person's ability is big or small, high or low, and it is difficult to distinguish it under normal circumstances. Only in actual work, when various complex and changeable situations arise, let him deal with it independently, can he distinguish his ability High and low, size.Those who are annoying, there are many. "Trouble him to see his ability" means to impose a lot, heavy, challenging work, sometimes even impossible tasks, in order to observe his ability.

There are many capable people in Chinese history, such as Fei Yishi, Zhuge Liang's chosen successor.

At that time, the Kingdom of Shu was at war, and the official affairs were complicated and detailed.Fei Yi served as Minister of the Book, and he had a lot of experience. Every time he reviewed an official document, he would already know the main meaning of it at a glance.Fei Yi often listens to everyone's opinions in the morning and evening, handles official business, receives guests in the middle, eats and entertains, and even plays some gambling games (just like playing mahjong now), which makes people enjoy themselves every time , The official business is not neglected.

When Dong Yun succeeded Fei Yi and wanted to emulate Fei Yi's behavior, in just ten days, many things were delayed.Dong Yun then sighed and said: "There is such a big difference in talents between people, I can't catch up with them!"

According to historical records, Liu Muzhi, who assisted Liu Songwu Emperor Liu Yu in his early years, was also very capable.

Liu Muzhi was in charge of the government affairs of the imperial court at home, and provided supplies for the army outside. When things happened, he made prompt decisions as quickly as flowing water. Therefore, all internal and external affairs did not accumulate and lag.Guests from all walks of life gathered here, all kinds of requests and lawsuits were endless, and internal and external consultation reports were piled up in the stepped room.He was able to read the lawsuit with his own eyes, write a reply letter by hand, listen to the reports of his subordinates at the same time, and communicate freely with his mouth. Moreover, these four things that were carried out at the same time were not confused with each other, and they were all handled properly.

(End of this chapter)

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