Chapter 29 Mood (3)
He also likes meeting with guests, joking and chatting, from morning to night, without getting tired.Occasionally, when he had free time, he copied the books himself, consulted ancient books, and corrected mistakes.His personality is extravagant and unrestrained, and he must have a large table for meals. He often prepares meals for about ten people early in the morning, and never eats alone.

Liu Muzhi once said to Liu Yu: "I, Liu Muzhi, came from a poor and humble family background, and it was very difficult to make ends meet. Since I gained your trust and assumed a high position, although I often think about frugality in my heart, I have been doing it from morning to night. The required expenses still seem a little generous, other than that, there is nothing I am sorry for you."

Both Fei Yi and Liu Muzhi are people with extraordinary abilities, and they will definitely get full marks in the evaluation of "trouble making them and seeing their abilities".They are like a powerful computer, they can open many programs at the same time, because the "memory" is abundant, and there is more than one CPU, so they will not crash.The reason why they have this ability is of course a natural talent, but it is also the result of personal cultivation.It is very reasonable to say in Buddhism that "determination can generate wisdom".If you can't "fix", you can't handle complicated work, let alone make high-quality decisions; but whether you can "fix" mainly depends on your acquired skills.

4.Su Ran asks why and observes what he knows
"Death (same as "sudden") asks him and sees his knowledge (same as "wisdom")", which refers to asking him in a hurry to see how smart he is.Conversation and dialogue are effective ways to understand a person's abilities and intelligence.Knowledge here mainly refers to resilience.A person's resilience is best reflected when he is unprepared.How to deal with unexpected things, ordinary people are often at a loss what to do, but for people with high IQ, adaptability and responsiveness, even if unexpected problems come at him like a cannonball, he will be calm and methodical give an appropriate answer.

The "pawn questioning" here should not simply be understood as using a surprise attack to question subordinates, but it should also be understood as the leader sometimes finds someone to talk to temporarily when he needs to understand the situation.In this case, it often best reflects the intelligence and ability of the person being asked.Let the subordinates prepare the things and then report. Although the situation heard is comprehensive, however, the inspection of their ability or the understanding of their attitude towards daily work may be slightly inferior to that of "pawn questioning".

In 179 BC, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty suddenly asked Zhou Bo, the prime minister on the right: "How many cases are judged in the whole country in a year?" Zhou Bo apologized and said he didn't know.Emperor Wen asked again: "How much money does the country earn in a year?" Zhou Bo apologized and said he didn't know.Under tension and shame, Zhou Bo was sweating profusely.Another example is 207 years ago, Zhao Gao suddenly pointed to a horse and asked the ministers around Qin Ershi: "Is this a horse or a deer?" If you don't answer well, you will be killed.

Without any preparation, in the face of a question that is suddenly raised, it is difficult for a wise person to answer it fluently.Only those who are intelligent, gifted, and responsive can do it.

In today's information society world, the development of science and technology is changing with each passing day, and it is more necessary for talents with quick thinking to solve and answer a series of new situations and new problems in reality.To identify such talents, you should "ask suddenly and see what you know."As it turns out, this is a wise move.

5.wait and see
In ancient times, transportation was underdeveloped, so "urgent meeting" to see if he can arrive on time is a way to test personal credit. "Meet him in a hurry and see his faith" means to make an appointment with him in an urgent situation to see if he keeps his word. "Faith" is the way of being a human being.As the saying goes, words must be done, and actions must be resolute. "Faith" means keeping promises and doing what you say, which is also a basic requirement of being a human being.

Confucius said: "If a person has no faith, he does not know what to do." In other words, it means that if a person lacks integrity, it will be difficult for him to get a positive evaluation.

No matter in being a person or doing things, the integrity of a person is always an important support point, which not only supports the development of the career, but also supports the success or failure of a person.In real life, "belief" is often not easy to do.Some people make a promise to their subordinates, friends, and colleagues first, but forget it after a while.Therefore, it is even more commendable as a method of knowing people to "keep waiting for them and watch their beliefs".

In an organization, the credibility of people is very important to improve efficiency, reduce transaction costs, and promote the realization of goals.As a leader, you can deliberately examine the integrity of talents.That is, timely arrange subordinates to complete a relatively urgent task in a short period of time. This is a good opportunity to examine whether the talents are "trustworthy in words and resolute in deeds" and whether they are efficient.Leaders can take "open" and "closed" two ways to "see what you believe".The so-called openness is to put forward tasks to subordinates and ask him to complete them as soon as possible, but does not set a specific deadline.In this case, you can especially see a person's sense of responsibility and efficiency.People with a strong sense of responsibility will regard every task assigned as a test for themselves by the leader, and will complete it as soon as possible; on the contrary, those with a weak sense of responsibility will procrastinate.The so-called closed type means that it must be completed within the specified time, and there is a deadline. If the appointed person cannot complete the task within the time limit promised, it is a breach of faith.If such things happen continuously to a person, it can be concluded that this person is not useful.

6.Entrust wealth and watch benevolence
Ren, this refers specifically to honesty and integrity.When inspecting and identifying talents, by entrusting money to the inspected object, you can observe his integrity.Because money and property can most seduce and corrupt people.A person who is disrespectful in front of money and belongings, loves money like his life, and will never be honest and honest when he sees money.Greed is for private action, and bribes are collected according to power.People who place too much value on money tend to do everything possible to win over and bribe some powerful people to be their umbrellas and cash cows.Judging whether a person is a benevolent person from money depends on his attitude towards money.Those who are greedy for money for personal reasons are not benevolent, and those who are not interested in money for public sake are benevolent.An honest person does not seek undue gain.Therefore, the ancients said: "An honest person is a model of the people; a corrupt person is a thief of the people." Officials are honest and honest, they are role models for the people;

In fact, in ancient and modern China and abroad, all people with lofty ideals, wise and wise sages, all avoid corruption and bribery, and are spotless.According to "Zuo Zhuan", during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, someone in the State of Song got a piece of beautiful jade and dedicated it to Zihan.Zihan didn't accept it, and the person who presented the jade said: "I asked a famous jade craftsman to look at it, and I dared to offer it to you because I thought it was a treasure." But Zihan said, "You regard jade as treasure, and I don't want it Greed is treasure. If you give jade to me, then you and I will lose the treasure, so it is better if you don’t give it away and I don’t take it, so that you and I can keep our own treasure.”

Lang Ying of the Ming Dynasty recorded a couplet written on the door by an official minister in the Hongzhi period in the "Seven Revised Class Drafts": "Those who served in the court were ashamed to donate to the family, and those who served outside were ashamed Everyone is ashamed." Feed Yi and Baoju both refer to bribery.That is to say, it is shameful for officials in the court to receive illegal gifts from others, and for officials in other places to pay tribute to the court.Bribery was prevalent in the Ming Dynasty, and when Yu Qian, Minister of the Ministry of War, was the governor, "every time he entered Beijing... he never took a single thing to pay for the road." Turn your sleeves to the sky, lest Lu Yan talk short and long." It shows his high moral integrity of "not afraid of being smashed to pieces, and wanting to stay innocent in the world".Zhang Boxing of the Qing Dynasty, when he was the governor, wrote an article "Prohibition of Giving and Giving" against the scandal of giving gifts and bribes when he was the governor. In the article, he said: "One thread and one grain is my name; one cent and one cent is the ointment of the people. Wide one The people are rewarded with more than one point, and I am not worth a penny if I take a penny. Whoever talks about frequent communication, shame is really hurt, if it is not ill-gotten wealth, where does this thing come from?" This righteous statement is like "golden rope and iron ", greatly reducing the bribery wind.

Avoiding corruption and refusing bribes requires not only being "cautious", but also courageous and knowledgeable, daring to publicly resist or even expose the plot of the briber in person. Only in this way can the problem be solved fundamentally.

In the Qing Dynasty, an official named Wu Chengmo hung a couplet at the beginning of his tenure, declaring: "Don't violate the way, don't respect the people, be upright and fair, and have no deceit in your heart; don't tolerate bribes, bluff, and deceive, the law must be strict." Couplets As soon as it was posted, people rushed to watch, "On weekdays, the gentry who enter and leave the county court (those who bribe through the back door) are in fear, and some avoid to other provinces", which shows the effect of refusing and punishing bribes.It is said that when Ma Yinchu was working in Hangzhou, someone sent him more than 1000 silver dollars to open up his joints. When Ma Yinchu heard this, he was furious and slapped the table and cursed: "Bah! How shameless! It's on my head , This is really a mosquito stinging Bodhisattva—I found the wrong person...I will call immediately to expose this guy's tricks, and suggest that he be disqualified from the county magistrate." That person's magistrate, Haomeng, blew out the lamp.For an upright and honest person like Ma Yinchu, who would dare to find trouble again!

Greed for one's husband and favor for one's wealth will do endless harm.Bao Zheng once said: "The corrupt are also the thieves of the people." In the Ming Dynasty, an official committed suicide by jumping into a well after accepting bribes because of corruption.After Zhu Yuanzhang heard about this, he said to his officials: "He knows the benefits of benefits, but does not know the harm of benefits, and only knows the love of benefits, but does not know how to love himself. What is more stupid than this?" Righteousness is joyful, seeing benefit is shameful, villainous people are happy when seeing benefit, and disobedient when they hear righteousness. Therefore, a gentleman sacrifices his life for righteousness, and a villain sacrifices his life for benefit. What he does is the opposite. Death is not enough for him today." The Minister of Rites said this The discussion said: "This matter can be a warning to the corrupt people in the world." They have different opinions, but they all point out that corruption is more harmful than drinking poison, and it must not be indulged.

7. Watch out for danger
"Tell him about danger and observe his integrity" means when you know a person, tell him that he is in danger, and observe his integrity from the way he handles the crisis.Let's see what he does at critical moments, whether he can and dares to tell the truth.If he can do what is right and act bravely, he will be a person with noble integrity.Jie refers to a person's integrity or integrity, that is, a person's position and moral firmness shown at critical moments and major issues of principle.

Sima Rangju, a famous military strategist in ancient times, once said: "A man who is a general will forget his family on the day he is ordered; "This kind of performance of forgetting "one's family, one's relatives, and one's body" at the time of danger is to achieve the integrity needed to stick to one's duties.Have the courage to uphold the truth, stand up for justice, never flatter and compete for favor, always be upright, maintain high integrity, and cherish the national personality.

Fan Zhongyan was demoted three times for his outspokenness, and he never changed his ambition.For the country and the people, he dared to speak out and advise, and he was consistent.His spirit of worrying before being happy, and his integrity as a man of lofty ideals, had a great influence on the contemporaries and future generations.Because of Fan Zhongyan's emphasis on integrity, his employment must be more people with integrity.Most of these people with integrity are those who dare to speak out and offend those in power; Scholars, their demotion is a real loss to the country.Therefore, when Fan Zhongyan held the real power as a border commander, he appointed them to serve the country within his power.It also prevents talents from being buried.For example, Sun Shengmin, who he reused, was brave and upright in his discussions. He knew Qingzhou three times and was convinced of his ability. He once led troops with Di Qing to defeat the enemy.Another example is Teng Dao, who is versatile in both civil and military affairs. He was once belittled, but Fan Zhongyan respected him and reused him.Facts have also proved that Fan Zhongyan is good at knowing talents. During his tenure as the border commander, he appointed people with integrity, so the border towns were safe and Xixia dared not invade; and a large number of scholars recommended by him laid the foundation for the academic prosperity of the Song Dynasty.

People with integrity must appreciate people with integrity.The example of Fan Zhongyan is a good illustration.

When a person is in crisis, he can stand up, resolutely protect the interests of the company and employees, and control the situation on the most favorable side, which not only protects the company, but also restrains the vicious development of the situation. It fully reflects his integrity and ability.Then, such talents should be reused.

8.Drunk people observe their state with wine

Drinking is a great hobby of Chinese people. The main point of this evaluation is to put people in an "extreme state" so as to observe his true emotions that cannot be shown in normal times, and getting drunk is just one of the "extreme states". It is said in "Guiguzi" that "a husband's affection changes inside, and his form is seen outside", that is to say, when a person's inner feelings change, it will definitely show on the person's appearance, and when a person is particularly happy ( "When I am very happy"), when I am particularly afraid ("When I am very afraid"), this kind of performance will be more obvious. What he dislikes expresses a further profound abhorrence, and then he must "can't hide it". "Drunk one observes his state with wine" refers to getting drunk with wine to understand its changed form and the degree of its cultivation.

The Chinese nation is a hospitable nation, whether it is the Han nationality or the minority nationalities, I am afraid that there is no guest who does not treat each other with wine.Alcohol is something that makes people wild and unrestrained. It is too difficult to invite people to drink and ask them not to lose their temper after drinking.Therefore, many people believe that "drunken wine to observe one's virtue" is a summary of experience.

During the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty, Kong Shouzheng was appointed as the Marquis of Yu, the capital in front of the palace.One day, when he was serving Emperor Taizong's banquet in Beibeiyuan, Kong Shouzheng got drunk and argued with Wang Rong about the merits of guarding the frontier in front of the emperor.The more the two quarreled, the more angry they became, so that they lost the etiquette they should have as a minister.The courtiers asked Taizong to arrest the two and send them to the Ministry of Officials for punishment. Taizong disagreed and asked them to send them home.The next day, the two of them woke up and went to the Jinluan Hall to plead guilty to the emperor. Taizong said: "I am also drunk, so I don't remember these things."

Taizong excused himself by saying that he was also drunk, and he did not lose the dignity of the court, and Kong Shouzheng and the others did not know that the emperor intended to protect them.Therefore, they will alert themselves at work and work hard.Isn't this the best of both worlds?

As the saying goes, "Speak the truth after drinking", you can observe each other's remarks and temperament after drinking together.When a person is drunk, part of the consciousness of his brain is anesthetized by alcohol, which often reveals the self hidden deep in the soul.Therefore, in terms of knowing people, it might not be a good way to "observe their nature with wine".From a physiological point of view, telling the truth after drinking is caused by the anesthesia of the cerebral cortex center due to acute alcohol poisoning. It usually occurs during the arousal period of the drinker.From a psychological point of view, there is a certain gap in the process of people's communication, which is formed by people's psychological defense mechanism.However, alcohol can reduce the effect of psychological defense mechanism by paralyzing people's physiological functions, satisfying their internal psychological needs such as communicating with others and confiding, and achieving a certain mental balance. At this time, their true feelings will be revealed naturally.If a person talks nonsense and makes ugly appearances after being drunk, he is often a person who easily loses his principles and is very dangerous. There are many examples throughout the ages.It can be seen that wine can indeed become an appropriate medium to realize barrier-free communication between people, and then achieve the goal of observing people's nature.

9.Look at the color of the miscellaneous
The purpose of "observing its color from a variety of places" is to let him get along with all kinds of people, so as to observe his facial expressions. The original meaning of "color" is "face", not specifically referring to lustful or beautiful women.

The hardest thing in life is getting along with people.People have to get along with all kinds of people in their lives, and not just get along with each other in general, but often get along day and night.Being able to get along well with all kinds of people requires a high degree of cultivation.To give an example, if you are dressed in ordinary clothes, even in shabby clothes, and you are in a five-star hotel with a group of well-dressed successful people, can you not feel embarrassed and feel at ease?Or the other way around, if you are well-dressed and invite a fellow migrant worker who you haven’t seen for many years in a five-star hotel to dinner, can you be very comfortable without any psychological or behavioral superiority?In these two scenarios, whether your "face" can be "not humble" to the former and "not arrogant" to the latter is really not easy.

Business utilization
After getting acquainted with how to know people's inner quality through the "nine signs", on the one hand, we can use these nine methods to observe people and know people, so as to know people and be good at responsibility; Our "inner substance" thus resorts to the means and ends that ultimately trap us in defeat.Here is a negative teaching material for everyone to learn from.

One day, President Shimada of Sakeme Clothing Industry Headquarters in Kyobashi, Tokyo, received a sincere letter from Matsushita Konosuke.When I was happy, reporter Suzuki suddenly "arrived".Shimada handed over the letter, smiled mysteriously at the reporter, and said proudly, "This is a letter written by Mr. Matsushita."

"Do you know Mr. Matsushita?" Suzuki asked after taking the letter.

"No, I've never met. I just admire his name for a long time. As for him, I'm afraid he has heard of me." Shimada's words are full of complacency.

Suzuki unfolded the letter and saw the neat and neat handwriting, which immediately gave people a serious feeling.

The content of the letter is like this:

"Writing to you, I am deeply ambiguous, and I am really sorry. I am often deeply moved about your operation of the Shemu sewing machine. I read from the report that you said: 'The Shemu sewing machine company has nothing but sewing machines. It does not produce either. Nowadays, there are many examples of failures caused by intervening in various industries. Therefore, sewing machine manufacturers should only produce sewing machines.' And you have really implemented it. This professional management policy is the snake eye The unique style of car companies. We Panasonic Electric are also considering a similar approach. In short, it is a kind of inferiority of human beings to try to intervene in other industries. And your professional thinking is very admirable, so I want to listen to you personally teachings. I will be waiting for you at Shinshin Temple in Kyoto on a certain day of the month, please be sure to come.”

(End of this chapter)

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