Chapter 30 Mood (4)
Shinshinan is a Kyoto residence where Matsushita has long entertained guests.If it is not Panasonic's own guests, it will never entertain there.For Shimada, who knows the inside story, he is naturally very grateful to receive such a sincere invitation.

However, after reading the letter, reporter Suzuki felt that there was a lot of content in it. How could Matsushita write such a handwritten letter to Shimayu, whom he had never met before?
Perhaps due to the occupational disease of the reporter, Suzuki reminded Shimada bluntly: "Mr. Shimada, this is probably a conspiracy by Konosuke Matsushita!"

Shimada stared at the reporter's face in surprise: "What? The conspiracy you are talking about is..."

"Shemu Clothes has 600 sales offices across the country. Assuming that all 600 sales offices sell electrical products, what will happen? Isn't this a threat to Panasonic?" Suzuki looked at the ceiling and said to himself: "Panasonic's Haven't you seen the conspiracy yet?"

Shimada, who was still in high spirits just now, became wilted after hearing Suzuki's words.However, he quickly returned to normal, and said calmly: "Mr. Suzuki, if this is the case, isn't it completely unreliable between people? In short, I'd better accept Mr. Matsushita's praise frankly."

"However, you have to remember that it's best not to say anything when you meet him. You'd better think that he is the kind of person who likes to think about details, so you can go to the meeting without any problem." Suzuki advised Shimada like this.

In the sewing machine industry at that time, Shemu Company occupied the first place, followed by Brother and Relacart.Among them, the brother company has been involved in electrical products, knitting machines and computer-related machines; Relacart has also developed from operating home appliances to a chain store with commercial hotels.In addition to Shemu, the other two companies have realized that only producing sewing machines will hinder their development, so they are trying to diversify their operations.

Matsushita praised the "professional" management intention of Snakeme. After Suzuki's explanation, Shimada should be very clear in his heart.However, Shimada didn't take this seriously. He published Panasonic's letter in the company's internal newspapers, and boasted to employees how brilliant his previous business strategy was, so that he was appreciated by the "God of Management".

More than ten years later, when talking about the reasons for the decline of the Shemu clothing car, Suzuki reporter pointedly pointed out: "In my opinion, it is the reason why Panasonic used conspiracy to succeed."

Usually, when a person is praised by others, he always deliberately wants to do better and not lose face, but the result is often self-defeating.

Panasonic's strategy at the time was: there was no need to find a way to make Shimada's business malfunction in the sewing machine industry. As long as he focused on the sewing machine, he would not intervene in the electrical industry.In short, the more Shimada respects Panasonic as the "God of Management", the better the effect will be.

It was precisely because Matsushita realized this that he deliberately wrote that letter to Shimada.And the development of things later confirmed this point.Panasonic, while praising Shimada's "professional" management, also talked about the disadvantages of "diversified management" by taking the bankruptcy of other companies as an example.Matsushita said: "Inappropriate diversification will disperse the company's technology, capabilities and funds, and this is the main reason for the collapse of diversification."

Here, Matsushita's well-intentioned letter to Shimada couldn't be more brilliant.He completely made Shimada give up his plan to compete in the electrical appliance industry, and prevented Panasonic from making unnecessary "bloody sacrifices."

Because of Shimada's lack of precautionary awareness, Panasonic took advantage of his shortcomings and defeated him.Shimada’s lessons are worth learning from: If the other party does not see through our “soft spots” through various methods, we should practice self-examination, often correct our own shortcomings, and make people invulnerable.

Examination of mood
Original text
Everyone ①behaves, and shyness is also good; children who walk and hide ②, jump and scream more and more lost.The main purpose ([-]) is also to distinguish between voicing and turbidity, and the details are also discussed.

① Everyone: Refers to people who have reached a very high level of internal cultivation and external demeanor. ②Pediatric Xingzang: Pediatric, a noun used as an adverbial, behaves like a child, crying, jumping and screaming. ③Theme: the big thing, the main thing.

The speech and demeanor of the generous family, even if there is a sense of shyness like a daughter's family, will be pleasing to the eye.Playing around like a child, jumping and running, the more you pretend to cover up, the more hypocritical and vulgar you will feel.When looking at the state of mind, one should first distinguish between voicing and voicing.When looking closely and carefully, we must also discuss the choice and retention, so that we can focus on the big picture and determine the details.

"Everyone" refers to a person with profound knowledge, dignified manners, and appropriateness.There is an ancient saying, which is the most expressive: "Mr. Feng, the mountains are high and the waters are long." Apart from these eight characters, it is difficult to find a more appropriate word.Everyone's behavior should be calm, generous and decent, which cannot be compared with temporary disguise.For example, a bold and unrestrained attitude can be pretended for a while, but it is very difficult to not change the bold and unrestrained attitude for a lifetime, and it is impossible if it is not out of nature.

The psychological performance of shy and introverted people is also a kind of daughter-in-law attitude, but it cannot be compared with wretched tweaking.She blushes when she sees people, is not sociable, and speaks in a dull manner. Even so, her expression is still serene and quiet, elegant and diluted. Every movement and stillness, every frown and smile are all demeanor, not falling out of the clichés of ordinary people.This kind of shyness is still a good look, which is the so-called "shyness is also good".

Shyness is a unique psychological and emotional expression of human beings, and this behavior is the product of the progress of human civilization.Any low-level animals other than humans, including orangutans who are closest to humans, absolutely do not understand what shyness is.Shyness is the most natural and pure emotional phenomenon of human beings. It is a kind of psychological activity of feeling embarrassed and embarrassed. Its internal manifestation is often accompanied by abnormal heartbeat, and its external manifestation is unnatural attitude and blush on the face. .Women are more likely to be shy than men.The blush on a woman's face is the flower that blooms from shyness.Women's shyness is a kind of beauty and a unique charm.

Everyone's behavior is based on neutrality, and the mood that is not worth mentioning is like a child, jumping and screaming indefinitely.Adults have the same expressions and behaviors as children, but they have their own different roots.What comes out of true temperament is the manifestation of the stubborn nature in adulthood, which is generally relatively short-lived.Speech and behavior are fleeting, making people laugh for a while, without losing the restraint and generosity of adults; those who are out of a fake heart, the expressions can be distinguished, and the person can also sense their own fake state, but it is a pity Intentionally or unintentionally condoned this.

This kind of person is not incompetent, but it is a pity that they usually have other thoughts, and their gratitude is shallow and their personal selfishness is heavy. If the employer does not grasp this point, it will mostly be himself or the unit that suffers.

Although there are thousands of moods, there are traces to be found.In general, like a god, it is also the most basic principle to distinguish the clear and turbid first, and then discuss the way to express the clear and turbid. This is the most basic principle of judging people through appearance.The clear ones are expensive, the turbid ones are cheap, and the lotus flower emerges from the mud without being stained, which is to take the image of things.The bones, hardness, appearance, mood, manhood, voice, and complexion discussed in this book are based on clear and turbidity as the basic principle of observation.

The principle of voicing and voicing is to be grasped from a macro perspective. When discussing details in detail, the principles of mutual complementarity and trade-offs are taken as the principle.If the mind is lacking, take the mood and use the good place to make up for it, and if the bone is lacking, take the appearance and use the good place to make up for it.When the god of man can't understand the investigation, examine the mood; when the meeting is short and there is no time to carefully examine the spirit, examine the appearance and appearance; when there is a shy daughter, examine whether its nature is natural and simple; Natural and simple or not.All of the above are practical applications with trade-offs.

Utilize the world
The psychologist Leander once said this: "The various habitual behaviors that people do in daily life actually reflect a special corresponding change relationship between the objective situation and their personality."

In our daily life, some small actions with certain meanings will naturally arise and form.This is formed unconsciously and has strong stability, and it is difficult to correct it all at once in a short period of time.If you can't correct it, you will carry it with you.This provides convenience for us to observe, understand, and know a person through these small actions.

Two feet naturally stand upright or close together, and put your hands behind your back. This is a posture that fully demonstrates self-confidence.

They are used to putting their hands in the pockets of their clothes, stretching them out and inserting them again from time to time, and standing on their feet naturally. Most of this type of people are more cautious in character, thinking more than doing anything, but due to Think too much, look forward and backward, and often act timidly, but can't make drastic changes.In study, life and work, most of such people lack flexibility. In order to avoid risks, they use more old-fashioned methods to solve certain problems.Such people are afraid of failure because they do not have a good psychological quality to withstand failure. In the face of setbacks, blows and difficulties, they often complain and become discouraged, instead of looking for reasons from themselves.

In many cases, in addition to using words, people are used to expressing their views on something with "nodding" and "shaking their heads".People who are often used to doing such actions, although they are good at expressing themselves, can easily arouse the disgust of others and cause unpleasant emotions, because sometimes this kind of expression is mistaken for perfunctory.Generally speaking, people who often shake their heads or nod their heads have a strong sense of self.Once they plan to do something, they will be very active in it and try their best.

Forgot something for a while, and thought about it for a long time without the slightest clue, but in a sudden moment, when they remembered it, many people would pat their heads and say "remembered".Also, when you are stuck in a certain problem, you can't think of a good solution for a while, and you suddenly get inspiration, and you will also do head-slapping movements.In addition, even after doing a certain thing wrong, you will wake up and express regret for it, and you will often do this.Although the head is slapped the same way, the parts are different, some are slapped on the back of the head, some are slapped on the forehead.Slapping the back of the head is mostly in a state of thinking. The biggest purpose of this action is to relax yourself and think of a better way to deal with it.And patting the forehead usually means that no matter whether things are good or bad, at least one result has already been reached.

What some people think in their hearts, what they say, and what they do are often very inconsistent.For example, for a certain thing, he actually wants it very much, but when it is offered to him, he refuses it.Most people of this type are smooth and sophisticated, and can handle all kinds of interpersonal relationships very sophisticatedly and intelligently.They will not easily offend others unless they are forced to; even if they are offended, they will try their best to make up for it so that there is room for redemption.

People who often touch their hair have very distinct and outstanding personalities. They always distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, and refuse to be sloppy or accommodating.They have a certain amount of courage and courage, like to be unconventional, and do some more exciting and adventurous things that others dare not do.People who have this habit will make fun of and play tricks on others from time to time.It should be admitted that some of them are not particularly well-educated and cultivated, but this is not absolute.

People who are used to shaking their entire legs with their legs or toes, and sometimes slapping the ground with their toes or soles, are people who know how to appreciate themselves and have some narcissism complex.But they are relatively closed and reserved, and they have reservations when interacting with others, and it is not easy to establish a good relationship with others.

When talking with people, it is almost always accompanied by some gestures or actions to explain, emphasize, explain, and supplement what is said, such as spreading your hands, clapping your palms, and so on.Generally speaking, people with this habit have strong self-confidence, decisive decision-making power, do everything they say, and have a vigorous and unrestrained spirit, which is very imposing.Most of them are relatively extroverted people, and they try their best to build themselves into a core figure at all times.

In many cases, the habit of spreading your hands is intended to express embarrassment and helplessness. It seems to tell others that "I can't do anything, there is no good way, what do you tell me to do?"At the same time, there may be a shoulder shrugging posture, which shows from a certain aspect that this is a more sincere and frank person. When he is powerless, he can tell the truth, instead of trying to cover up hypocritically.

In the process of communicating with others, unbuttoning the coat button naturally, or simply taking off the coat, this action indicates that the person is quite sincere and friendly in many cases, and it shows that he has no respect for the object of conversation and communication. Too much hypocritical etiquette.Because on certain occasions, such an action is very likely to be mistaken for disrespect and impoliteness to the other party, but he didn't pay too much attention to these, obviously he didn't regard the other party as an outsider.As for those who button up and unbutton for a while, they don't seem to feel very comfortable.And most of such people are not very firm-willed, hesitant to do things, and lack a decisive style.

Hands on hips is mostly an action shown when very angry. This kind of person's character often has a more persistent side, and he pursues completeness and clarity in everything, and will not stop halfway when he has not completely resolved or figured it out. give up.Sometimes it can also be that I am a bystander, observing a certain event or a certain person, with the mentality that I must see the result.

When a person touches the back of his neck with his hands, he usually feels remorse, annoyance or shyness. This kind of person is mostly introverted. When encountering certain things, he often uses some actions to cover up his emotions. .

Our country's sage Confucius once said: "If you know what you know, if you don't know what you don't know, it is knowledge." His words tell us such a philosophy: In real life, many people are unwilling to say the three words "I don't know". Doing so will make others despise yourself and make you lose face, but the result is just the opposite.

Business utilization
People have self-knowledge.As a person who knows people, self-knowledge is very important.Lao Tzu once said: "He who knows others is wise, and he who is free is wise."Knowing only the enemy and not knowing oneself, although one can be called a wise man, he is not yet a sensible person.Those who know people should not only understand others as much as possible, but also fully understand themselves, and know themselves clearly. Only with confidantes can we know others.

Ah Hai is a supplier for the production of brackets. He often visits experts in the material industry. These people never refuse to meet him, but they never talk to him about the topic.They always looked at the bracket samples brought by Ah Hai very carefully, and then told him: "Unfortunately, I don't know about the brackets made of your material."

After many failures, Ah Hai felt a little strange.So he told his friend about this matter, and his friend asked him carefully about the process of asking for advice and told him: "You are too dishonest, so they don't want to talk to you."

Ah Hai realized that the previous method was wrong, so he went to another professor's home.When he got there, he was not busy mentioning the subject, but looked left and right, admiring the professor's works hanging on the wall with his heart. For some vague places, he always asked the professor for advice in time, and praised the professor without losing the opportunity. professors.

The professor was interested.Before they knew it, the two had been chatting for more than an hour.Finally, Ah Hai asked the professor: "Based on your experience for so many years, can you help me look at these brackets and see why they can't meet the requirements?"

Because time was running out, the two agreed to meet again the next day.The next day, when Ah Hai went to the professor's house again, the professor took the initiative to tell Ah Hai: "Wait, I contacted a few friends, and they were willing to take a look." With the support of these experts, Ah Hai Finally, a composite cable bracket suitable for any environment has been successfully developed.

The skill of cooperation is actually very simple, it depends on whether you are willing to master it.If you always feel how great you are and don't consider other people's feelings, you won't be welcomed and liked by others, and of course you won't be popular.Only those who are willing to understand others, others are willing to understand you.Before you know the exact meaning of others, don't rush to express your own views. Only by standing on the same standpoint can the two parties cooperate.

weak state

Original text
There are weak state ①, mad state ②, lazy state ③, and circling state ④.Birds depend on people, and their emotions are tactful, which is also weak.

① Weak state: Euphemistic and weak modality. ②Crazy state: wild and uninhibited modality. "Wild" is different from "crazy", which cannot be ignored. ③ Slack and lazy attitude: refers to the lazy and lazy mood of relying on talent and arrogance, rather than the lazy mood of depression and sluggishness. ④ Dealing with the state: refers to the sociable and compromised state of the wise, in which there is wisdom and strategy, so it is almost sinister.

There are four common moods: the euphemistic and weak mood, the wild and unrestrained madness, the lazy and lazy attitude, and the diplomatic and tactful attitude.Like a bird clinging to a person, tender and tactful, tender and kind, this is a weak state.

Zeng Guofan divided the human state into two types: constant state and tense state.Constant state is a state of constant state, which specifically refers to the performance of a person's physical appearance, spiritual temperament, speech and behavior in a constant state.Generally speaking, these are the manifestations of a person's xinxing quality, so they are aspects that must be paid attention to when observing people.This book enumerates four constant states: weak state, mad state, lazy state and circling state.These four kinds of moods are all the leftovers of the internal mental state, and they all come from the true feelings in the heart, which cannot be pretended casually.Through these external manifestations, one can judge a person's future and character.Euphemistic and weak but not flattering, wild and unruly but not noisy, lazy but honest and innocent, good at communication but stronger than heroes, all of them can become useful talents in the future.On the contrary, those who are euphemistic and weak but flattering, wild and unruly but noisy, lazy but not honest and innocent, smooth in communication but not stronger than heroic, will definitely become useless people in the future.The situation changes a lot, and it is difficult to grasp it accurately, but as long as you observe the general situation, you can see who will become a useful talent and who will become a useless waste in the future.It will be discussed in detail below.

(End of this chapter)

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