The Complete Collection of Ice Books

Chapter 3 God's Bone

Chapter 3 God's Bone (2)
Phoenix eyes: thin and narrow eyes, large black pupils, full eyelids, most of them are double eyelids, and the wrinkles at the end of the eyes are upturned; the eyes are clear and clear, the eyes are bright, the spirit is clear, quite majestic, most of them come from a scholarly family, Has excellent genetic qualities; has a very quick brain response, can concentrate on ideological and cultural research and analysis, does not reveal inner secrets, and can take care of others.It can be used as a leader or a staff member, but it is not suitable for business, and its disposition is too gentle and kind.

Ruifengyan: The eyes are slender, the pupils are closer to the corners of the eyes, about 1/3 of the pupils are covered by the upper eyelids, the tails of the eyes are slightly upturned gracefully, with a smiley look, the eyes are flowing and not moving, charming and charming, Gentle personality, full of warmth and kindness, but curious, easy to trust others.

Sleeping phoenix eyes: eyes are slender, most of the pupils are covered by eyelids, a sleepy look, giving the impression of indescribable charm; mild temperament, smart and honest, always doing things from beginning to end; Make up your own mind; not easily offended.If you can always keep a smile on your face and be magnanimous to others, you will have a very good relationship with others.

Longan: The dragon is the supreme magical animal in our imagination. No one has ever seen a real dragon, so it can only be said to be an ideal symbol.Named as longan, the eye head is round, the eye tail is slender, the eyelid is wide, and the single eyelid is black and white.

Crane's eyes: Small and round eyes, clear black and white, clear eyes, hidden, looking up, arrogant, a little withdrawn, like leisurely and elegant, high-minded, ambitious, really like a character that stands out from the crowd, so In times of crisis, you can take on big responsibilities, regardless of personal gains and losses. Often, your name is higher than your position, and you are expensive but not rich.

Peacock eyes: Slender eyelids, large and dark pupils, located slightly near the corners of the eyes, with an extraordinary appearance, beautiful and unrestrained, with a slightly introverted personality, but warm and sociable, showing their own advantages and gaining the favor of others.As long as you maintain a dignified character, you are expected to have a happy marriage and gain both fame and wealth.

Swallow eyes: slightly elongated eyes with slightly upturned eye tails and small pupils. About 1/3 of the upper eyelid is covered by the upper eyelid, which is closely separated from the lower eyelid. , as if ignoring the void, he is extremely humane and faithful.He has a quick temper, is honest and timid, lacks aggressive perseverance, and can only deal with things cleverly. Although he is not rich, he is not lacking in material life. With his intelligence, he may have a little reputation when he is a teenager.

Deer eyes: wide eyelids, clear black and white, slightly protruding central part of upper eyelid, pupil located in the center of the eye, bright eyes.This kind of person is conservative in mind, a little indecisive, anxious when things happen, and often panicked by some trivial things.

Xiumu: delicate eyebrows, delicate and lovely eyebrows and eyes must be born on the delicate and lovely face, this kind of person has high intelligence, strong understanding ability, eager to learn, can master dexterous skills, has artistic temperament or literary talent, can be used in Cultural, educational or artistic development.

Rhinoceros Eyes: The eyes are large and round, the pupils are large and black, located in the center, and more than 1/3 of them are hidden, but the pupils are distinct and attractive, giving people a feeling of depression and fatigue, as if squinting rhinoceros, thus named Fu rhinoceros eye.Such people, no matter men or women, are often smart and elegant, amiable, kind-hearted, have a clear distinction between good and evil, do things from beginning to end, and are not easily tempted by bad people.

Triangular eyes: The shape of the eyes is slightly triangular, such as the upper eyelid is curved, the lower eyelid is triangular, the memory and thinking are very sharp, or there is extraordinary courage, so many people support or worship; the lower eyelid is curved, The upper eyelid is triangular, which is very scheming and very realistic. If there is a conflict of interest, the past friendship will be ignored; there is also a kind of triangular eye, the upper eyelid is not curved but straight, and the lower eyelid is protruding and triangular. Very selfish, fickle, jealous, fanatical, cruel, tending to extremes.

Wolf eyes: characterized by rolling the eyes upwards, deep-set eye sockets, sharp eyes, abnormal eyes, especially when excited, it is more obvious to stare at people; the pupils are yellowish brown, often look back with the head down, and look at the raised eyebrows, with an irrational and fierce eyes , vicious and jealous, greedy and lustful.

Copper bell eyes: eyes are round like copper bells, personality is very simple and straightforward, can't hide any secrets, speaks out quickly, and thus causes troubles; because of its innocence and cuteness, it is often liked by the opposite sex; love is hot quickly The cold is also fast, and disputes that are difficult to handle may arise; money is never considered hard-won, and it does not know how to manage money, let alone do business.

Fish eyes: The eyes are relatively round, and the upper eyelid is drooping near the 1/3 of the tip of the eye, as if covering the eyeball. The white of the eye is cloudy and has no luster.This kind of person has a weak physique, seems to be exhausted and has no strength, and can't do things completely, but they also have a pleasing side and can cooperate with others.

Ape eyes: Round eyes, small and yellowish eyes, blurred eyes, dots and faces combined, easy to turn the eyes to look up at people, clever, suspicious, petulant, greedy and cunning.He is flexible but courageous and intrepid. If he can strive for self-improvement and work hard, he can achieve success; if he acts rashly, jokes about life, and is lustful, he will ruin himself.Although they have achieved something, it is often only a short-lived name, and few achieve success.

Pig's eye: The shape of the eye is large, and the pupil is also large, but it feels black and white, hazy, and dull; the conjunctiva is not clear enough, and the white of the eye is often yellow or covered with red threads; the skin around the eye is thick and loose.People with this kind of eyes are mostly round and fat, with a grand appearance, but they are actually evil-minded, stingy, disregarding righteousness and profit, and have a rough and irritable personality, unable to control themselves; No matter how serious the consequences are, he is greedy for the small but loses the big, and he is complacent.If you are not careful in your words and deeds to abstain from greed, you may die unexpectedly.

Fire Wheel Eyes: Eyes like copper bells are called Fire Eyes. As for Fire Wheel Eyes, the pupils are red or blue, shaped like a wheel, with big eyes and cloudy eyes. People with this kind of eyes are often unfilial, lack the concept of family affection, and may even commit adultery. Outrageous behavior.This kind of person should be respected and kept at a distance, not neighbors and friends.

Bull's eye: large and round, with dark pupils, multiple eyelids, fish tail upwards, usually rarely blinks, but the eyes are a little blurry.He is gentle and stable, sincere, strong-willed, hard-working, thrifty and rich, and seeks progress in stability. Although he is a late bloomer, he is a rich man with good fortune and longevity.

Sheep's eye: It is typical of four-white eyes, with short eye sockets, small and slightly convex pupils, white around, light black and yellowish pupils, faint or dark, anxious or slow, lacking in spirit like fog , with many and messy fish tails.Such people are often shallow-sighted, stupid and ignorant, vicious-hearted, lazy, lacking in assertiveness, indiscriminate between right and wrong, easy to be manipulated by others, and used as tools to fight ruthlessly. Prison disaster.

Snake eyes: the eye sockets are round and small, the eyelids are thick and blunt, the eyeballs are yellow and very small, almost four-white eyes, used to stare and rarely turn, the whites of the eyes are covered with red threads like bloodshot eyes, but the eyes are like ice People are afraid.This kind of person is smart, treacherous and vicious, can seize opportunities, and respond quickly to his desires.He has no sense of justice and compassion, usually doesn't speak much, and seems docile, but as long as there is a conflict of interest, he often disowns his relatives; despicable and shameless, he can do all kinds of bad things, and he is a dangerous person of the intelligent offender type.

Fishtail eyes: The fishtails of the eyes are slightly rounded without wrinkles, so they are called fishtail eyes.Unlike a fishtail, it looks kind of weird and not pretty.Although this kind of person is smart and talented, he never uses his intelligence and talent for the right way; for personal gain, he does not hesitate to confuse right and wrong, turn black and white, and likes to play with the opposite sex.The luck in life is not good, and there is no career to talk about.

Magpie eyes: slender eyelid fissures, fine and long upper eyelids, double eyelids, clear eyes, such as a small face with blue and white complexion, in line with the image of a magpie, who is dignified and upright, sincere and lovely, honest and loyal.

Although the eyes are only a small organ in the human body, they play a very important role.It can not only reveal a person's emotions, but also reveal a person's psychological code.

Utilize the world
Eyes play an extremely important role in interpersonal communication.There is such a story in Greek mythology: If Medusa, one of the three monster sisters, takes a look at it, she will immediately turn into a stone, which deifies the power of the eyes.

The eyes are the window to the soul and the organ that expresses true emotions. The emotional information conveyed in the eyes is complex, sometimes difficult to interpret, sometimes endlessly memorable, and sometimes beautiful.Whether the human heart is good or evil, it can be shown in the eyes that cannot be concealed.Eyes are the best tool to express the psychological world. People's inner world is rich and colorful. Feelings of joy, anger, sorrow, joy, sorrow and joy, and passion are all revealed from the subtle changes in the eyes.It is a common natural phenomenon to express feelings through eyes.Use your eyes naturally, express your emotions naturally, and express your feelings without saying anything. It can be said that "silence is better than words at this time".

In the 2006 World Cup quarter-final match between England and Portugal, the most eye-catching person was undoubtedly the Portuguese goalkeeper Ricardo.The brave Ricardo saved the penalties of Lampard, Gerrard and Carragher one after another in the penalty shootout between the Portuguese team and the England team. It also helped the Portuguese team reach the semi-finals of the World Cup again after 40 years.The complacent Ricciardo "sprinkled a handful of salt" on the Englishman's wound two days later, saying that it was the eyes of the England team members that made him sure that the opponent would definitely miss the penalty kick.

When recalling that battle, Ricardo said: "We have done a lot of training on penalty kicks. I can see the eyes of the England players. They lack the confidence to shoot penalty kicks. I try to use the confidence of penalty kicks. Removed from their eyes, I want to continue their penalty nightmare. I felt at that moment, I can save at least one or two penalties. Captain Figo said he was sure I could block two penalties, and the result I added one more."

Ricardo made the English heartbroken in the quarter-finals of the European Championship in 2004. At that time, he saved the penalty kick of England striker Vassell, and then hit it himself, "point killing" the Englishman.

Ricciardo says he has been inspired by a small group of Portuguese fans who are "surrounded" by England fans. "I don't know whether to laugh, smile or cry, that scene will always remain in my heart," said Ricciardo.

It can be seen that the eyes reflect complex psychological activities. Even in the glanced eyes, thousands of messages can be emitted, expressing people's rich emotions and intentions, and revealing the secrets deep in the soul.

workplace utilization
Xiao Wang used to teach at a university with a stable job and a fair income.But there are few classes this semester, and he really wants to find another job to subsidize his family and experience life.

There is a lot of recruitment information, Xiao Wang only reads the recruitment advertisements in magazines.After choosing a magazine that he thought was more suitable, he packed up and set off. The big bag was stuffed with various recent famous brand magazines, all of which had his articles.

On the 18th floor and into the office, job seekers line up like a long queue.The reception lady looked at Xiao Wang's various colorful magazines on the table, and couldn't help but marvel: "Wow, there are so many!" Fill in 6000 yuan in the "Expected Monthly Income" column.

After Xiao Wang handed the watch to the reception lady, the reception lady said: "Do you have a photo?" Xiao Wang shook his head, and the lady asked again: "Where is your academic certificate?"Seeing that the lady didn't press his watch under the thick pile of watches, but sent it directly into the inner room, Xiao Wang thought to himself: Only strength can make you attractive!A few minutes later, the editor-in-chief invited Xiao Wang in for an interview and asked a few questions, and Xiao Wang felt that his answer was quite appropriate.Then go home and wait for the call.

But a week, two weeks, and three weeks passed, and Xiao Wang didn't wait for any news, so he had to start looking for the second and third units, but it was still like nothing, and there was no news.In desperation, he had to stay at home all day watching TV to pass the time.

Xiao Wang was very confused, so he asked a friend who was a manager why he failed.After listening to Xiao Wang's story, my friend thought for a while and said, "You know what? You are defeated by your eyes. First, because you have a job and income, you have already left a way out before applying for the job, so your eyes are not right. The fanatical desire for the job in front of you. Just imagine, if you have no money to eat tomorrow, what will happen to your eyes when applying for a job? Second, because you think you are the most capable, so you ask for a higher price. At this time, your eyes must contain arrogance, arrogance Most people tend to underestimate the system at work, and the system is the guarantee of a unit's success, and the leader cannot tolerate a talented and arrogant subordinate."

At this time, Xiao Wang suddenly realized: it turned out that his failure was due to his eyes.

God is a comprehensive manifestation of a person's vitality, action, willpower, and thinking ability. It is a qualitative and intangible thing that is mainly concentrated in the face of a person, especially in the two eyes.The editor-in-chief and Xiao Wang's friends in the story perceive Xiao Wang's heart through their eyes. It can be seen that they are all masters of seeing "God" through their eyes!

Business utilization
There is no doubt that eyes are the key to open people's hearts and an important channel to perceive the world.No matter how superbly a person hides his character and heart, as long as he looks into his eyes, he can peep into the secret of his heart at any time.After all, a person's words, actions, mood, etc. can be faked, but his eyes cannot be faked.

1. Practical cases and descriptions

Lily is the assistant to the president of a well-known domestic company. She often accompanies her boss to conduct business negotiations with clients.

Once, in a tough negotiation, the two sides stayed up all afternoon over the price issue without giving in to each other.In the end, Lily's boss decided to make another concession. When he quoted the new price, the other party's eyes seemed to light up, but they disappeared in an instant.However, this important detail was captured by the careful Lily.

"N0, N0, this is too far from our requirements!" The other party yelled loudly immediately after the quotation.Obviously, the other party's language expressed dissatisfaction with the quotation.Seeing that the negotiations were deadlocked again, Lily quietly conveyed the information she had captured to her boss through a note.An hour later, they won the shipment at the previous price, and the negotiation was successful.

Afterwards, Lili said with deep emotion: "It's just a fleeting look and a very small detail that made this negotiation possible. Shopping malls are like battlefields, and you can't deal with customers without observing words and expressions. For some powerful customers, you need to pay attention to details. Observe the eyes, because the eyes are the least likely to betray a person's emotions and thoughts."

In shopping malls, people will inevitably come into contact with all kinds of people. In addition to being honest with others, when you want to understand the other party's true intentions, you must pay attention to the other party's eyes and focus on the other party's eyes. On the eyes, because it is very effective to observe people through the eyes.

People's eyes are often impossible to disguise.When a person is happy and excited, he can see the flower of happiness deep in his heart and the brilliance of the sun from his eyes.On the contrary, when he is angry, disgusted, or depressed, his eyes are dull and foggy.In addition, eye contact also plays an important role in conveying information. Different eyes reflect different psychology, and different ways of eye contact have different meanings.

People who suddenly look away once they are stared at by others are mostly inferior or shy; people who cannot focus their eyes on the other person and quickly withdraw their gaze are mostly introverted and unsociable; looking up at the other person expresses trust; Looking down on others is an intentional preservation of one's own dignity.Look at others with a smile and express a sense of rapport.Staring at others while frowning is concerned or sympathetic; squinting with a blank face expresses a kind of contempt; suddenly staring at others is a warning or stop; looking at others from head to toe is a sign of vigilance; People who have good feelings are more willing to look into the other person's eyes when talking to show that the communication is smooth; when meeting people who are not speculative, they generally try to avoid looking into the other person's eyes to avoid discomfort.

2. The method of observing eyes

We can apply the methods mentioned above to our own practice in the market.When communicating with others, we should pay attention to the triangular part of the other person's face. This triangle takes the eyes as the bottom line and the forehead as the upper line.If you look at this part of the other party, you will appear very serious, and others will feel that you are sincere.


(2) Gaze angle.Looking up is suitable for equal exchanges with people of equal status and status; looking sideways means contempt and disrespect;

(3) Focus on the part.Staring at the other person's eyes for a short time means concentrating and concentrating, which is called attention-type gaze; staring at the other person's forehead means seriousness, earnestness, and businesslikeness, which is called business-like gaze; staring at the other person's eyes to lips is a routine in social situations, It is called social gaze; a random glance at any part of another person is called casual gaze, also called glance, expressing attention or hostility.

(4) Way of watching.Looking straight, expressing seriousness, respect, and frankness; empty vision, that is, the eyes are not focused on a certain place, and the eyes are not focused, expressing timidity, doubt or frustration; glance, that is, looking up and down, left and right, expressing curiosity and surprise; looking around, that is, talking with many people. When people communicate with each other, they watch different people or things rhythmically, which means they treat each other equally; when they communicate with others, they look at other places, expressing timidity, shyness, guilt, disgust, and absent-mindedness; ignoring means that they close their eyes and do not look at each other. Indicates fatigue, disgust, and lack of interest.

(End of this chapter)

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