Chapter 32 Mood (6)
If managers can control the strong with the weak, then the managers can also be defeated because of their strength.According to "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals", Wei Wuhou once asked Li Ke the reason for the demise of the State of Wu during the Spring and Autumn Period. Li Ke's answer was that the State of Wu had won many battles.Of course, Wei Wuhou couldn't understand why the repeated victories that should have been the blessing of the country became the cause of the country's demise.Therefore, Li Ke explained the deep-seated reason for Wu's demise, that is, the arrogance and strength of Wu's monarch, Fu Chai.Fu Chai can't hold on to his weakness and show his strength, so he will inevitably provoke wars again and again.Frequent wars not only tire and resent the people, but also make the administrators more arrogant in the face of many victories.In this way, Fu Chai gradually lost the support of the people, and once it reached the limit, it would lead to the collapse of the country and death.It can be seen that managers cannot show softness and weakness, which can easily lead to the disintegration of the organization and endanger their own development.

workplace utilization
Sometimes, being too aggressive actually increases the difficulty of one's own success; and showing weakness appropriately is a kind of survival wisdom, which often has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort for the final success.

A hyena stalks among wildebeest and gazelle foraging.If they were replaced by lions and cheetahs with mighty appearance and strong bodies, these herbivores would have already fled in fright.But the ugly appearance of the hyena is really hard to attract their attention and attention. What makes them even more disdainful is that this hyena has its head lowered, its tail between its legs, its body tightened, its walking is slow, its image is wretched, and it looks pitiful, Obedient look.These strong-bodied wildebeest and gazelle with excellent running and jumping ability let the hyena walk around them, and let out a contemptuous laugh from time to time.

Amidst the laughter, the hyena suddenly showed a ferocious expression. It sped up and bit the wildebeest's hind leg. The strong wildebeest was unwilling to be caught without a fight, and struggled desperately, but the hyena's strong teeth gave it a vise-like grip. Bite force.After a while, the wildebeest was dying.A few days later, the hyena repeated its tricks and managed to capture a gazelle.

The hyena's weakness can not only paralyze the prey, improve the success rate of hunting, but also win friends for it.The vulture often guides the hyena to find food, and as a hyena, it does not drive off the vulture like a lion, but shares a feast with the vulture.At the same time, it will actively provide calcium-rich bone fragments to vultures to help vultures produce hard-shelled eggs and breed strong offspring.

Wildebeests, gazelles, and vultures would never have guessed that the hyena, with its deceptive appearance, is the most powerful predator on the African continent except for lions. It has the hardest upper and lower jaws in the world, and can With a huge force of 800 kg, it can even crush the bones of elephants.In fact, hyenas often fight with lions, and their fighting power makes individual lions avoid them.

It seems inconceivable that a mighty hyena should be weak in front of wildebeest, gazelle and vulture.But the result is that the success rate of hyena predation is far higher than that of other carnivores, which also leads to the prosperity of its race. They are currently the largest number of predators on the earth.

In the workplace, everyone plays a different role, or a leading role, or a supporting role, but they always seem to be in trouble.There are times when we have to come across as strong and come out of trouble.However, too much is not enough. It may not be appropriate to blindly show off your strength and show your sharpness everywhere.If you don't handle it properly, it will be counterproductive, and you will fall into unnecessary tug of war, and your work will encounter greater resistance.Therefore, sometimes showing weakness appropriately will have unexpected results.

Not long after graduating from university, Xia Yu worked as an assistant to the general manager of a hotel. She was a newcomer to the workplace.A very important part of her job is to do quality inspection.Xia Yu strictly controlled the hotel affairs, and also put forward a lot of rationalization suggestions.But she unknowingly offended many colleagues.After being pointed out by others, Xia Yu discovered that although the colleagues were polite on the surface, they were actually divided into many small groups, and there were many conflicts of interest between the groups.Although her suggestions were very constructive, they were suppressed because they touched the interests of some people.

In fact, when Xia Yu was proactive and dedicated to her duties, she had committed many taboos.She didn't know how to be tactful in dealing with people, and as a result, the work was done well, and her colleagues were offended.If it touches other people's interests and doesn't get the support of the boss, no matter how good the advice is, it won't help.If Xia Yu still doesn't wake up, the only one who will suffer in the end will be herself.

After entering a new working environment, many people often rely on their higher education and rich experience, and are eager to show their abilities. This kind of hard-edged approach often makes newcomers in the workplace passive.First of all, the newcomers in the workplace are still in the running-in period with the new environment, and they are not yet clear about the content and operation mode of the work.The mentality of eager for success is also easy to make mistakes in the work.Secondly, because newcomers in the workplace are eager to express themselves, they are very likely to ignore the opinions and feelings of colleagues and superiors, thus leaving an impression of "overconfident and arrogant" in the minds of others, and as a result, they tend to make themselves unhappy everywhere.If the situation continues like this, the interpersonal relationship will become extremely fragile, and the cooperation degree at work will become worse and worse.

After entering a new company, there are generally three major networks that cannot be touched at will.One is the interpersonal network.Interpersonal relationships, no matter how complicated or not, always exist in the company.After newcomers get involved, they are generally confused about the situation or faced with the choice of which small network to join, which is very difficult for newcomers to choose.If you act recklessly, you are likely to offend others, and even be unflattering in front of everyone.It also touches two other networks at the same time.

The other two major networks are the distribution networks of interests and power.These two aspects are an extension of interpersonal relationships, and they are also more sensitive issues than interpersonal relationships.If you don't handle it well, it will affect the interests of others. At the least, you will be degraded by others, and at the worst, you will lose your job.After entering a new company, newcomers should not rush to express themselves, or rush to join a certain interest group.If you behave calmly, you can not only allow enough time to fully observe the situation, but also avoid the dissatisfaction and hostility that may be caused by inadvertent handling of things.

In order to avoid their own image being "demonized", it is best for newcomers to properly restrain their edge and step into the new role in a down-to-earth manner.After a professional person changes to a new working environment or position, there must be some things that are completely new, and he has not been exposed to them before or is not very proficient.How can this switch of roles be achieved?Admitting "ignorance" and asking colleagues and seniors for advice on what you don't understand will leave a good impression on others of being humble, studious, and respectful.Admitting "ignorance" will not leave others with a "stupid" image, but will give people more trust, and make people more willing to accept you and cooperate better.

Ajie is engaged in technology development in a software company.Because he worked very hard and was appreciated by his superiors, he was soon promoted by the company as a project supervisor.Ajie is very grateful to his boss for his kindness, and is determined to repay his boss with better work performance.But not long after he took office, Ajie found himself facing many difficulties. In addition to doing a good job in technical work, he also had to manage and lead the entire project team. He was so busy with trivial matters that he had no time to care about technical matters.There are many old employees in the project team, and Ajie has little seniority. When he sees something wrong with the old employees, he doesn't know how to correct it.As a result, the work was not progressing smoothly, and the project process was delayed again and again, which made the boss very dissatisfied.For this reason, Ajie also felt very wronged.

As a new supervisor, instead of working hard, it is better to "show weakness" first, lower his posture, conduct interviews with each subordinate, and attribute his promotion to the company's current work needs and the other party's support. In terms of support, this can eliminate the unbalanced mentality caused by the other party's promotion.Then he can divide and authorize the work of his subordinates, and fully trust his subordinates to achieve a smooth transition.

Promotion and salary increase are what every professional yearns for, but promotion and salary increase do not necessarily represent opportunities and halos, and may also be traps.After being promoted to a new position, many people are unable to cope with the job requirements at this level, making themselves overwhelmed, and at the same time, their work efficiency and performance cannot be improved.This is the Peter Principle trap.What the Peter principle is about is that people always tend to lead themselves to positions where they are not competent, which leads to a decline in organizational efficiency.There are more than one or two people who have fallen into the trap of the Peter principle, and many people will encounter similar situations.Seeking promotion in the company is everyone's dream, and the company will spare no effort to promote some outstanding employees.However, in the face of this kind of promotion, has the employee's ability been achieved?Being promoted to a new position means that the level and method of management will be different from the past. If a lower level of work is used to operate a higher level of work, it will definitely cause management failure or inefficiency.Individuals will also be in the situation of "too high to be cold".This is particularly evident in sales work. If the business is done well and the performance is outstanding, you will be promoted to a marketing supervisor, without considering the person's management and leadership skills.

Therefore, don't be blindly optimistic when faced with promotion and salary increase issues.First of all, we must clearly identify whether promotion and salary increase are opportunities or traps. If it is an opportunity, we must seize it.If it is a trap that you are not yet capable of, don't seek temporary glory, you should show weakness at the right time and avoid this trap.

Lily turned out to be a clerk in the company.Later, due to the resignation of the secretary of the general manager, the company had to choose someone from within to fill the position.Lily and several female colleagues are all candidates. After consideration, the company leaders let Lily take over the job of secretary to the general manager.Because Lily is beautiful and flexible in handling things, several unsuccessful candidates often gossip behind her back that she is a vase, has no real skills, and likes to flatter her in front of the leader.This kind of rumor intensified, and Xiao Xia, who had a good relationship with Lily, told her these words.Lily was extremely annoyed by this, and rushed to the office to accuse several unsuccessful candidates.As a result, not only did the matter not calm down, but there were new rumors that she was domineering and bullying.There were too many rumors, and the general manager also expressed his dissatisfaction with her and communicated with her.Lily felt very aggrieved by this, she didn't do anything, but was gossiped about.

Although Lily is the right-hand man of the general manager, she is in a sensitive position of "under one person and above all others". Opportunities and risks coexist. She should be cautious at all times, do things in a down-to-earth manner, and show weakness at the right time to avoid right and wrong.

Zheng Banqiao, a painter in the Qing Dynasty, expressed the great wisdom of life by saying "it's rare to be confused".In the workplace, fashion and confusion also contain the wisdom of great wisdom and foolishness.Of course, the "confused" here does not refer to the ability to work, but to be "confused" in dealing with interpersonal relationships.

For example, the best way to deal with colleagues who like to criticize and point fingers in the office is to pretend to be confused.Before he raises the topic to you, pretend he doesn't know, and then ask him for advice, and make progress by retreating, and I believe he will not be able to explain why.Gossip and gossip in the office can make people feel endless pressure.If I can't help but explode first, it will create more excuses for the troublemakers, and the rumors will spread more and more.Therefore, if you encounter rumors in the office, there is no need to fight back regardless of your image. It is better to learn from the way some celebrities deal with scandals-handling them coldly.In fact, this is also a way of pretending to be confused. No matter what others say, those who believe in the clear will clear themselves.If the way of ignoring it is adopted, the rumors will naturally dissipate when the good-for-nothing sees that the stones thrown cannot stir up even a single splash.

The real competition depends on strength.Don't pay too much attention to other people's momentary comments on you. Success or failure cannot be determined by one or two sentences. If you are too strong and caring, it is not worth spending energy on it.In the face of temporary gains and losses of honor and disgrace, you might as well deal with it in a low-key manner. It is a good policy to "obey the wind" in front of those who like to show off.Avoid getting involved in those interpersonal conflicts, and focus on how to improve your own strength, be less pragmatic and more pragmatic. Only by accumulating strength can you be invincible in a highly competitive society.

Walking in the workplace, sometimes the effect of "head-to-head" may not be very good, and the method of "showing weakness" at the right time will create a good interpersonal environment for individuals.Of course, "showing weakness" also needs to pay attention to skills and grasp the propriety. Showing weakness too much may fall into the situation of being despised.

Business utilization
In reality, people often think that the strong can overcome the weak, the strong can overcome the soft, and only the strong can have its effect, so people tend to insist on the strong and strive for the strong.But in fact, being strong often leads to the destruction of things, while being weak can make things maintain themselves and develop continuously.Therefore, in comparing the strong with the weak, "the strong is at the bottom, and the weak is at the top."

Generally speaking, based on objective status differences, the manager will show a strong and rigid side, while the managed will show a weak and soft side.In order to avoid the adverse consequences of "things grow old when they are strong" and "perish when they are strong", those smart managers often do not rely on power and are strong in everything, but follow the way of weakness and know how to show softness and weakness.

The manager's softness and weakness can be reflected internally as understanding, respect, trust, support, tolerance, and care for the managed, and externally can create a relaxed and harmonious management environment.Therefore, the management method of showing softness and weakness can make the managed people consciously obey and serve the unified ideology and behavior norms of the organization, so that the inner potential and creativity of the managed people can be brought into full play.Managers who dare to show softness and weakness will surely be able to win the hearts of the people, inspire the power of the people, and continue to grow stronger.

At different stages, leaders play different rigid and soft roles.

Konosuke Matsushita once said: "When the company has 100 employees, I must stand at the forefront of the employees, take the lead, practice and give orders; when the number of employees in the company increases to 1000, I must stand in the middle of the employees and beg the employees to do their best. Help each other; when the number of employees in the enterprise reaches 1, I just need to stand behind the employees and feel grateful; lead them with devotion."

From these words, we can see that at different times and under different situations, leaders have to change their roles, and the key to the change is from relying on one's own efforts (rigid) to relying on one's own strength (soft), especially in times of economic crisis. In this extraordinary period, it is even more necessary to rely on external forces to tide over the crisis together.

Therefore, by looking at the manager's weak or strong experience, one can judge whether he can win the hearts of the people and use all his strength, and then judge the future development of the company or team he manages.

Constant Variety of Madness

Original text
Not wearing shirts or shoes, acting as if no one else is around, this is madness.

Disheveled clothes, wearing shoes and socks backwards, slovenly, arrogant, defiant, acting like no one else, this is madness.

Crazy people are mostly cynical and dissatisfied with reality. They are characterized by wildness, arrogance, and aloofness.Therefore, this kind of person behaves in a self-contained way, but it is often not understood by others, and he seldom condescends to accommodate others.They are generally relatively lonely, able to indulge in their personal interests and hobbies, study hard, persevere, and often make extraordinary achievements.Historical figures such as Zheng Banqiao and the "Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou" all belong to this category.

And some crazy people, because they are too arrogant and unwilling to condescend, often bring troubles to themselves, and even lead to death.During the Three Kingdoms period, Yang Xiu was proud of his talents.He didn't restrain himself, didn't obey military discipline, and talked about military secrets at will, which annoyed Cao Cao and lost his head.Mi Heng is also a "madman" at a young age. Not only is he disobedient, he also blatantly scolds Cao Cao. "Stimulate".So, in a fit of rage, he finally killed Mi Heng with someone else's knife.Of course Cao Cao was responsible for the deaths of Yang Xiu and Mi Heng, but their arrogant personality was the cause of the tragedy.

The foundation of arrogance is full confidence. Such people often think that everyone in the world is inferior to themselves.It's not a bad thing to do your part, but you can't lose your sense of proportion, forget your self-discipline, and do your own thing regardless of the occasion, otherwise you will spoil the big things and rarely get good results.There are also situations where arrogance is used to cover up the sincerity, and we have to pay close attention to it.

Also pay attention to distinguish between true madness and fake madness.A true madman is one who possesses unique skills and has the capital to be proud of one's talents; a false madman is one who has great ambitions and little talent, is pretentious, has high eyesight but low abilities, and feels good about himself.Crazy with real pride, crazy without real pride.Pride and arrogance are two states of madness.The way of employing people is to use arrogance rather than arrogance.But Aocai should also restrain himself, otherwise he can only do the work that only he can do.Such people should pay great attention to the training of coordination ability.

Utilize the world
In layman's terms, the so-called "madness" in real life refers to a person who is arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, boastful, and self-righteous.Such people can often be seen in real life.People with arrogance mostly think they are very capable and do things better than others, and look down on others.Because of arrogance, one often fails to listen to other people's opinions; because of arrogance, one acts domineeringly, despises others, and fails to see their strengths.

The kindness and resentment between Zeng Guofan and Zuo Zongtang have always been spread by the world.Zeng Guofan is clumsy and sincere, and his language is slow, while Zuo Zongtang is arrogant and arrogant, which is a typical "crazy state".

(End of this chapter)

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