Chapter 33 Mood (7)
Zuo Zongtang called himself "Jinliang", with sharp language and sharp edge.He failed many examinations in his early years, was frustrated in the examination room, lived in seclusion in the countryside, and worked half-farming and half-studying.In the second year of Xianfeng (1852), the 41-year-old Zuo Zongtang was assisted by a rural school teacher to Zhang Liangji, the governor of Hunan.In March of the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854), he entered Hunan Governor Luo Bingzhang's office for a total of six years.Although Zeng and Zuo were not colleagues, they were both in Hunan, and they often had quarrels.

Zuo Zongtang is quite knowledgeable and outspoken.In April of the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854), Zeng Guofan sent troops for the first time and was defeated in Jinggang.Zuo Zongtang "came out of the city and went to visit Zeng Guofan on the boat. Seeing him as angry as a gossamer, he blamed him for saying that the state affairs were not out of control and that a quick death was an unjust act. Zeng Guofan glared at him and said nothing."

In February of the seventh year of Xianfeng (1857), Zeng Guofan heard of his father's funeral in the Ruizhou camp in Jiangxi, and immediately returned home.Zuo Zongtang thought it was very unreasonable for him not to wait for the king's order, but to leave the army to go to the funeral. Hunan officials and gentry also responded in an uproar, which disappointed Zeng Guofan.In the second year, Zeng Guofan was ordered to lead his troops to assist Zhejiang. When he passed by Changsha, he paid a special visit and collected the twelve characters "respect wins laziness, righteousness wins desire; know the male, keep the female" as a couplet, asking Zuo Zongtang's seal script, Expressing humility, the once tense relationship between the two tended to ease.

Zuo Zongtang had an upright temperament and offended many people. In Hunan, he "specialized in military affairs for a long time, and those who are jealous are especially numerous", so he met Fan Xie.Fan Xie was the chief soldier of Yongzhou Town. He was a private soldier who embezzled public funds.Zuo Zongtang drafted a memorial for Governor Luo Bingzhang, asking Fan Xie to be dismissed and investigated.Unexpectedly, Fan Xie was instigated by someone to counter-report Zuo Zongtang to the governor of Huguang.The Manchu official was relatively pedantic, so he reported the case to the imperial court.The imperial court ordered the examiner Qian Baoqing to interrogate Zuo Zongtang to Wuchang for interrogation.Emperor Xianfeng even secretly ordered the official document, "If Zuo Zongtang commits a crime, he can be executed on the spot."Everyone inside and outside the capital who heard about this matter was shocked.Both Luo Bingzhang and Hu Linyi, governor of Hubei Province, went to the court to defend their slander.In Hu Linyi's memorial, there is a saying that "if you are famous all over the world, you will also be slandered".Officials in central Beijing, such as Pan Zuyin, a bachelor's student who did not know Zuo Su, also went to Shushu to say "the world cannot live without Hunan, and Hunan cannot live without Zuo Zongtang".Under such circumstances, Emperor Xianfeng had the will to "abandon flaws and hire", and Sushun also took the opportunity to say that "talents are rare".After the official document received the order, Zuo Zongtang stopped urging Zuo Zongtang to reconcile the case, and closed the case hastily.

Many facts can prove that most arrogant people like Zuo Zongtang will suffer setbacks and blows, and this kind of madness is not acceptable.

Some people are very crazy, even so crazy that it is hard to understand. There is such a story:
During the Qianlong and Jiaqing years of the Qing Dynasty, there was a "madman" named Gong Zizhen.His talent is very high, and his articles are well written.Later, Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao were also influenced by him to reform.

At that time, he paid great attention to national defense. He once went to the borders of Manchuria and Mongolia, and put forward the opinion that China's problems are all frontier problems.He believed that there was Russia in the northwest and Japan in the east, and there would be big problems in the future.In his article, he said that in modern times, "talent is difficult", and that without talents, the world is bound to be in chaos. "There are no talented ministers in the court, no talented officials in the lanes, no talented robbers in the lake", there are not even talented thieves and robbers.Therefore, he sighed that it was a declining era of talents, and in a few years, the world would be in chaos.

Sure enough, within half a century, internal and external troubles came one after another.Despite Zeng Guofan's efforts, the world is still too sick to be cured.

Gong Zizhen's son is Gong Banlun.Like a father, like a son, and this Gong Banlun has almost reached the point where "the blue is better than the blue", and he is "crazy" to the point where his relatives do not recognize him.It is said that when Gong Banlun read his father's article, he kept his father's God's card by his side and held a stick in his hand. Whenever he read something he thought was wrong, he would tap his father's God's card: "You are wrong again. gone."

People like this can only be regarded as "lunatics".

workplace utilization
Xiao Li is very capable, has excellent grades in college, and his abilities in all aspects are obvious to all, but he often speaks wild words and doesn't get along very well with his classmates.

After graduating, Xiao Li went to work in a large consulting company. At that time, he was full of self-confidence, and he ignored the warnings of his senior brothers and sisters to be modest and prudent in front of his old colleagues, and guard against arrogance and impetuosity.

Sister Liu, who sits at the opposite table with Xiao Li, is a woman in her 40s.Maybe it's because women in this age group like to nag, or it's because Xiao Li is a newcomer. In short, she always likes to find fault with Xiao Li, saying that the decorations and star photos on Xiao Li's desk can easily affect work. etc.

After hearing this, Xiao Li replied without thinking: "Sister Liu, you don't understand the young people of today. We are a generation that can do a good job while having fun. And when you are tired from work, look at these fashionable things. It's also a good adjustment." Sister Liu didn't say anything after hearing this, but her face was obviously ugly.

Because of his outstanding performance, Xiao Li's first month's bonus is naturally very high.A colleague half-jokingly said during the break: "Xiao Li, you have made such outstanding achievements at work, you need to treat me." Afterwards, I have made even greater achievements, so I will definitely invite you to a big hotel in the city to have a big meal!" But Xiao Li later found that his colleagues didn't care about him anymore.

Everyone hopes to get the annual advanced award, because it is an important booster on the way forward; even if you get it, you will have the possibility of being promoted to a leader immediately.Xiao Li calculated his performance in private, and felt that this advanced award belonged to him.

In the end, the advanced award was snatched away by a colleague who was not as capable as Xiao Li, but who was friendly in front of others.Unconvinced, Xiao Li went to the leader. The leader smiled and listened to him, and said, "I have a piece of news to tell you. Because of work, you are temporarily seconded to a branch company to work for a year." The son was stunned. This so-called secondment was actually a relegation.

So Xiao Li resigned, and after three months of hard work, he passed the postgraduate entrance examination and returned to his original university.When transferring files, Xiao Li deliberately entered through the main entrance so that every colleague could see a more brilliant version of himself.Xiao Li thought they would congratulate him and look at him enviously, but only a few colleagues greeted him lightly, and then bowed their heads and went about their work.

Suddenly, Xiao Li felt a strong sense of loss. Even the bright red admission notice could not offset the loss caused by being ignored.Half a year later, Xiao Li met the advanced colleague on the street.After the simple greetings, the colleague said, Xiao Li, in addition to his studies in the past three years, he has to learn how to speak and behave in the world. It is also extremely important. Sometimes a person's success or failure may be influenced by a single sentence.

Only then did Xiao Li suddenly realize.

For graduates who are new to the workplace, especially during the first 3-6 months of entering the workplace, job-hopping is the fastest and most frequent period. This stage is called the impetuous period of the career.This phenomenon is normal to some extent, but it must be dealt with properly. If you are just blindly impetuous and can't find the direction and goal, it will be quite detrimental to your own development.Especially for college students who have just left school, because they have just stepped into the society, their understanding of social reality and work is not yet clear, so they must have a full understanding of this period of impetuousness.The reasons for this impetuous work are mainly based on the following aspects:
1.Divorce between ideal and reality

Although the current college students are well aware of the grim employment situation of college students, they still have some ideal ideas in their work, hoping that the company they work in will have a large scale, a high reputation, standardized management and a large room for growth.However, in reality, how many people can enter large companies and engage in senior white-collar jobs?And even big companies have problems of one kind or another in management, which is not as perfect as you might imagine.

More graduates will enter some small and medium-sized enterprises to work, where there will be such and such incompatibility, and there will also be some problems. In particular, ordinary enterprises will let college students start from the bottom jobs and engage in some simple and boring jobs. Work.In this case, there is a big gap with the ideal job they imagined, so there will be some job-hopping phenomena.

2.eagerness for success

College students who are new to the workplace often show a very positive and passionate working attitude when they first start working.From the first day of their work, everyone has some ambitions in their hearts, and they all hope to stand out at work as soon as possible and enter the company's management level as soon as possible.

It is good for college students to have ideals and fighting spirit. It is normal to pursue and desire for success, but they must adjust their mentality. Give yourself a significant leadership position as soon as possible.

Once some newcomers in the workplace find that their efforts in the short term have not been rewarded immediately, they will think that this company does not value talents, has no talent, has problems in talent management, and feels that there is no future for them to work here.In this case, some people will have the idea of ​​job hopping.

As everyone knows, the old employees working here are better than you in terms of work ability and work experience.Maybe you are the next stock with great potential, maybe the leader will let you take up a more important job after examining you for a period of time, but because of an eagerness for success, success will miss you.

3. The "siege" mentality

In the process of communicating with classmates, many college students who have just joined the work expressed dissatisfaction with their current jobs, but they were particularly ignorant of other people's resignations. They thought that such a good job would leave. This is a kind of "siege" "Mentality.People inside want to come out, people outside want to go in, one mountain looks at the other high.

In fact, people have been thinking outwards, instead of thinking inwards, to consider some issues from the perspective of enterprises and social reality.When this kind of impetuous mentality appears, have newcomers in the workplace seriously considered whether this is their own problem or the company's problem?Settle down and work hard for a period of time. After you really integrate into the enterprise and work for a period of time, you may find your own position and discover your own value.If after working for a period of time, you find that this kind of job is really not suitable for you, then you can choose again.In this way, you can at least clearly understand what kind of job you should look for next, so that your choice will no longer be blind, so that you will have a better life choice.

How to get through the impetuous period smoothly and enter the job role as soon as possible can start from the following aspects:
1.Understand the company's development strategy
Only when you understand the company from a higher perspective and with a broader perspective, can you have full confidence in the company and find your own position and the direction of future efforts, so that your personal goals and company goals will be organically integrated , grow together with the company.Therefore, when participating in the work, don't limit your eyes to the company's current situation and your own immediate interests, but communicate more with the leaders to deeply understand the company's development direction and prospects.

2.Integrate into the company and create a good interpersonal environment
For new employees, the reason for leaving in the short term is largely because they are not happy working in the company.The joy of work and happy work are the key factors that determine whether they will stay or not. Therefore, the importance of a happy interpersonal communication environment begins to emerge.

The creation of this kind of harmonious communication environment depends on the one hand that the company should try its best to create a good communication environment for new employees, so that new employees and old employees can integrate together as soon as possible, and let new employees slowly communicate with old employees. Integrate into the corporate culture of the company.On the other hand, new employees should take the initiative to communicate with old employees, become a member of this big family in the shortest possible time, experience the joy of getting along with everyone, and build a good interpersonal platform for themselves, so as to benefit the future. development of work.Only when new employees integrate into the enterprise can they create a happy environment and experience happiness in this environment.

3.Career planning while in college

Today's situation is determined by the choices at that time, and choices are more important than hard work.When some college students really participate in the work, they find that they don't like this kind of work or this kind of work is not suitable for them.This shows that many people's career choices are blind, and this situation will only occur if they have not made a good career plan.

When you make a choice after work, it means that your previous work does not have much help and experience accumulation for your future work.And too frequent choices will make the cost of your choice higher and higher. Therefore, in order to avoid this from happening, you must make a good life and career plan during college.You can ask some professional organizations, teachers and friends to give you some advice. More importantly, you can clearly know what you really like, what your ultimate goal is, and what you are suitable for through a true and in-depth analysis of yourself. Organically combine one's own goals with one's own professional interests to choose one's own work and achieve the unity of the two. In this way, it is a win-win situation for the enterprise and the individual.

Most people who are new to the workplace are full of passion and fantasy. They have the enthusiasm and impulse to do great things, but they also have unrealistic fantasies. People have not yet stood firm on the ground, but their thoughts have already floated in the clouds; they are still doing small things in front of them. I don't understand, but I fantasize about doing some great things to prove my excellence.For those who are new to the workplace, you must clearly realize that you are not yet a pearl, and you cannot demand immediate recognition from others.If you want to be recognized by others, you have to change from sand to pearl.To make yourself public, you have to try to make yourself a pearl.The path of growth is painful, and it is also painful when a butterfly wriggles in the cocoon, but once it breaks through the shackles of the cocoon, it will turn into a beautiful butterfly and gain real freedom and happiness.

Business utilization
There is a proverb that goes well: "The ears of rice that bow their heads, the weeds that raise their heads." It means that bowing your head is a humble attitude towards life, and it is an attitude that will only be manifested after you truly understand the meaning of being a human being. .There is a saying that "there is no high or low personality, but high or low character." As a boss or manager, don't put yourself in the position of "superior" to show off your prestige.Be low-key and don't put on airs. Doing so seems to lose some prestige, but it actually improves your character and prestige.Managers should be sensitive and eager to learn, not ashamed to ask questions, and open-minded.

In order to learn more about all the business conditions of each branch factory, a large American company sent Frank Richards, an industrial management engineer, to conduct a comprehensive investigation.During the entire complicated investigation process, Frank was deeply moved by an ordinary cleaner.

In one branch, Frank was only scheduled to talk to representatives of certain worker groups, but a man named Jim Foley volunteered to find him.As soon as Jim came, he said straight to the point: "I am here on behalf of the cleaners! We believe that a clean factory must also be an efficient factory."

Then, Jim pointed out that it is precisely because of the work of the cleaners that the working environment of other workers is guaranteed and improved, which is indirectly transformed into cost savings in product production, and it also makes a significant impact on the surrounding environment. contribute.He also said that their work is even very important for public relations, because the factory receives many visitors throughout the year, and these visitors will pass what they see, including cleanliness, Work mental outlook, etc., and then make an evaluation of the entire company.

Frank listened carefully throughout the conversation.From the very beginning, he felt that Jim was different. When people intentionally or unintentionally associate the cleaner's work with the word "dirty", the cleaner looked at himself with a noble and pure vision. There is a big contrast between the work.Moreover, Jim has a very strong sense of pride. He believes that every score achieved by his department includes his own hard work.

As soon as he got back to the head office, Frank recommended Jim to the general manager.Soon, Jim was promoted to department head.

The example of Frank's insight into talents is worth learning from.As a manager, don't think that you are much better than others.In fact, there are many people who are smarter than you. You have to let go of the "frame" of a manager and integrate your speech and behavior into ordinary people, and always regard yourself as an ordinary member of the team, and always maintain good communication with your subordinates .Lowering one's posture is equivalent to raising one's own social status, one must look at the strengths and strengths of others, and be good at discovering and using talents.

lazy state

Original text
Sit and stop freely ①, ask and answer casually, this laziness is also.

①Sitting freely: that is, you can do whatever you want, and do whatever you want.

Do whatever you want, do whatever you want, say whatever you want, regardless of the occasion, regardless of the taboo, this is laziness.

(End of this chapter)

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