Chapter 34 Mood (8)
Lazy people generally have talent to rely on, keen eyesight, and often see the essence of things at once, but they lack motivation and interest in doing things, giving people a feeling of laziness.However, if something really touched his heart, he would become obsessed with it and often achieve something.This kind of person is a "gentleman", active in thinking, but unwilling to act.It is naturally a better thing if he is equipped with capable assistants to realize his exquisite ideas.Laziness is only one characteristic of such people.

But a lazy person is not necessarily "lazy". Talented people in life also show laziness, which should be distinguished.If this person only shows laziness, but his mind is mediocre, and he is just a low-level mortal, then this person has nothing to do with laziness and can only be regarded as a "lazy" person.It's easy to spot this type of person, and it takes a little talking.

The "laziness" of a lazy person is mainly manifested in the things he is not interested in, and he will do well in the things he is interested in.Therefore, if they can effectively guide their interests instead of forcing them to do things they don't want to do, it will often get twice the result with half the effort.

Tao Yuanming, a great poet in the Jin Dynasty, was not very interested in being an official, but he wrote good poems. After serving as a small official for dozens of days, he hung his crown and abandoned his seal. .Wang Wei, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, took pleasure in chanting scriptures and chanting Buddha every day after he retired from the court.And Wang Xizhi in the allusion of "Eastern bed quick son-in-law" is also a typical lazy person.

During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Xi Jian, a military general, made great achievements in suppressing the rebellion and was named "Taiwei".In the imperial court, besides the civil servant and the prime minister Wang Dao, he was the military officer Taiwei.

Xi Jian has a daughter who is born with talent and good looks, and Xi Jian loves her like a pearl in the palm of her hand.Xi Jian wanted to choose a son-in-law for his daughter. He felt that there were many children in Prime Minister Wang Dao's family. He heard that all of them were talented and beautiful.

One morning after court, Xi Jian told Prime Minister Wang about his idea of ​​choosing a son-in-law.Wang Chengxiang said: "That's good. I have many children in my family. You can choose at home. I agree with whoever you like." Xi Jian ordered the housekeeper to bring generous gifts and came to Wang Chengxiang. Home.

When the children of the palace heard that Xi Taiwei had sent someone to find their son-in-law, they all dressed up carefully and came out to meet each other.The steward of Xi's mansion looked around and felt that all the young talents in Wang's mansion were very good.Finally, the steward of Xi's mansion came to the study of Dongkuayuan, and saw a young man lying on his back on the bed next to the wall, who was indifferent to Taiwei's search for a son-in-law.

The steward of Xi's mansion returned to the mansion and said to Xi Taiwei: "There are more than [-] young princes in the Wang's mansion. They heard that Xi's mansion is looking for a son-in-law, and they are all scrambling to be the first. There is only one son on the east bed, who lies with his belly open as if nothing happened." Xi Jian said: "Haha, he is the one I want to choose!" When Xi Jian came to the palace, he saw that this man was open-minded, elegant, talented and beautiful, so he offered a dowry on the spot and chose him as his son-in-law. That's how the saying "East Bed Quick Son-in-Law" came about.

This "Eastern bed quick son-in-law" is the later famous calligrapher - "Sage of Calligraphy" Wang Xizhi.

Literati tend to be lazy and lazy, so if they don't want to, they generally don't hold positions for too long.For managers, for this kind of person, changing his position every few years, so that he does not feel too boring, is enough to fully mobilize their enthusiasm.Whether such a person can be a leader depends on his personal qualities and communication skills.

Utilize the world
Chinese people have valued face very much since ancient times. Those who "sit and move freely, ask and answer casually" and "lazy" people who don't care about other people's face often suffer.

Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was born in a poor family. After he became emperor, it was natural that some former poor buddies came to the capital to look for him.These people fully thought that Zhu Yuanzhang would give them a half-official position because of the love they suffered together in the past.Unexpectedly, Zhu Yuanzhang was most jealous of others exposing his old background, thinking that it would lose face and even damage his prestige, so he mostly refused to see visitors.

There is a good friend who grew up naked with Zhu Yuanzhang when he was a child. He traveled thousands of miles from his hometown of Fengyang to Nanjing, and after many twists and turns, he finally entered the palace.As soon as we met, this old man yelled in front of all the civil and military officials: "Oh, Zhu Chongba, you are really majestic when you become the emperor! Do you still recognize me? Back then we played together with bare buttocks, You always let me take the blame for you when you do bad things. I remember one time we stole beans together and cooked them in a broken earthen pot behind our backs. You snatched the beans before they were cooked and broke the earthen pot. , the beans were scattered all over the floor. You ate too fast, and I helped you get the beans stuck in your throat. Why, don’t you remember?”

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was sitting on the throne, couldn't sit still for a long time, thinking that this person is too ignorant to expose my shortcomings in front of civil and military officials, and let me put my face as an emperor.In a rage, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the poor man to be killed.

In fact, this old man did not do anything wrong, he just spoke a few truths too honestly, and did not pay attention to saving face for the current king of a country.When the emperor became angry from embarrassment, how could he care about brotherhood?

In dealing with others, we must pay attention to saving face for others, which is why many masters of dealing with others do not easily criticize others in public.It is better to give high hats one after another, than to poke someone's sore spot and make the other party lose face.Moreover, if you take care of the other party's face, the other party will also give you face, and the relationship between people will be more harmonious as a result.

workplace utilization
For those who are trapped by "laziness", in the workplace, how can we take into account the face of others and deal with the "face problem" with colleagues and superiors?

1. Be good at choosing good and rejecting evil

In dealing with others, you should praise others' strengths and try to avoid the other's shortcomings and mistakes. "A hero doesn't mention his bravery in the past", who would like to mention his own dishonorable page?Especially if someone makes a fuss about these disgraceful issues, it is tantamount to adding salt to the wound, and no one can bear it.

2.When pointing out the shortcomings and shortcomings of the other party, you should take the occasion into account and don't hurt the other party's face
There is a company that cooperates in filming, and for some reason, it lacks one piece of equipment, which makes it impossible to shoot.The battalion commander became angry, and criticized the company commander in front of the soldiers of the whole company, saying: "What's wrong with you, you are so fraught with things, and you don't even have enough equipment for the battlefield?" The company commander was very sad at first, but the battalion The commander criticized himself harshly in front of his subordinates, and naturally felt that he had lost face, so he couldn't help but argue: "There is a reason why I didn't bring it, and you can't criticize without investigation!" The battalion commander was stunned, I don't understand how the usually submissive company commander would contradict him like this.Afterwards, when talking and exchanging opinions with the company commander, the company commander said, "You criticize me in front of so many soldiers, how can I do my job in the future?" Not only will the boss not get angry, but he will accept criticism with an open mind.The battalion commander's mistake was that he didn't pay attention to the timing and occasion when speaking.

3. Save face for the other party skillfully

Sometimes, the shortcomings and mistakes of the other party cannot be avoided and must be faced directly. At this time, it is necessary to use euphemistic and implicit statements to downplay the contradictions so as to avoid conflicts. In ancient times, there was a talented man named Sun Shan in the state of Wu.He took the imperial examination with the son of someone in the village.After the exam, Sun Shan returned home first, and the father of the fellow countryman asked Sun Shan whether his son had passed the exam.Sun Shan smiled and replied, "It's Sun Shan who knows the name, and the virtuous man is outside Sun Shan." Douzi, if you tell the other party to fail the ranking, you can imagine the other party's reaction.It is a pity that, in dealing with people in reality, many people around us often speak too directly, and end up doing bad things with good intentions.

In addition, in the process of interacting with people, in order to "live face", you must also have a full understanding of the other party, so that you can understand both the other party's strengths and weaknesses.Because everyone has their own personality and habits, their own needs and taboos, if you know nothing about the advantages and disadvantages of the person you are communicating with, then when you communicate, you will "blind man riding a blind horse", and you will inevitably step into a "minefield" ", causing other people's displeasure.

As the saying goes, "You don't slap someone in the face, and you don't expose your weaknesses when you swear." If you can't be considerate of others in what you say or do, and don't care about other people's face, you will never have good popularity, let alone be highly regarded and reused. up.

epicyclic states

Original text
Decorate the machine ①, be careful with words and smiles, observe words and expressions, seek good luck and avoid evil, then you will be in a good mood.

① Zhongji: that is, scheming. ② Gou: Whatever.

To hide your scheming deeply, be serious, unsmiling, watch your face everywhere, seek good luck and avoid bad luck in everything, and be tactful and thoughtful in dealing with people, this is the state of dealing.

This type of person is dexterous and alert, good at regulating their emotions, dealing with things and others, and often handles them with ease.They are the best among literati.Not only has a high IQ and deep wisdom, but also has a strong ability to solve problems. He is a genius diplomat who can stand alone.Let him be a diplomat and the director of the public relations department, he is the perfect candidate.They often "rejuvenate the country with one word" and "send to the four directions, and do not disgrace the king's order".If there is a strong and vigorous spirit in the circle, it is a rare great talent.

The most prominent advantages of the circling posture are humility, forbearance, and timely flexion and stretching. These characteristics are extremely applicable when the situation is unfavorable to oneself.

The ancient Chinese classic "Book of Changes" puts forward the idea of ​​"do not use hidden dragons", that is, under certain conditions, wait for the opportunity to make a comeback.In "Yi Xici", Confucius used the analogy of the crawling of the inchworm and the hibernation of the dragon and snake to further explain what is meant by "do not use the hidden dragon". He said: "The bend of the inchworm is for stretching; the sting of the dragon and snake is for survival Also." Zhu Xi of the Song Dynasty further developed this idea, thinking that "flexion, extension and decline" is "a principle that is not easy throughout the ages."He proposed that before the time comes, we should "retire to self-care, and the time is dark", and we must learn to "follow the time and darkness", that is, live in seclusion and wait for the time.

Utilize the world
Feng Menglong in the Ming Dynasty, in his book "Think Tank", believed that people, like animals, should temporarily retreat when the situation is unfavorable, in order to bend down, otherwise, they will be overthrown and even perish.He said that wisdom is the source of art; art is the transformation of wisdom.If a person talks about skills without wisdom, then he will be like a puppet, changeable, only know how to laugh, but it is useless, and he will not be able to achieve his career after all.Conversely, if a person speaks of wisdom without skills, he is like a boatman, boasting that he can carry ships like the wind, no matter what harbors and dangerous roads he can pass, but in fact he is helpless when encountering dangerous shoals and rough waves. , Calling heaven and earth, sailing like this, it would be strange if the boat didn't capsize and die!The gnat will shrink its body, and it will hibernate on the ground, all of which are manifestations of magic.Animals have such wisdom to protect themselves. Are we humans inferior to animals?of course not.People should learn to protect themselves in order to develop themselves.

There are tricks in the heart but not reckless, it is called Quan Qi.If you are not gentle, you will always encounter obstacles in doing things, and you will not be able to go smoothly; if you are not able to hide, you will expose yourself to the full, and you will be surrounded by enemies, and you will be unable to do anything; if you are not able to use tricks, you will inevitably encounter bad luck.Therefore, it is said that art makes people spiritual; wisdom makes people rational.

Feng Menglong's art of flexion and stretching is easy to understand, combining ancient and modern times, and combining facts and principles, which has a certain degree of persuasion.Throughout history, many historical figures, in order to achieve their careers and realize their ideals, when necessary, mostly use the art of bending and stretching to preserve themselves and wait for the opportunity to make a comeback or stand on another mountain.At the same time, history also shows that being good at using the technique of flexion and extension, bending when you need to bend, and extending when you need to stretch, and better mastering and using the dialectics of flexion and extension are important ways for many historical figures to succeed.

1.Use words or actions to cover up yourself in order to cope with unexpected events

This kind of person is good at disguising and adapting to changing circumstances to avoid the eyes and ears of the enemy.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei was awarded the county captain of Anxi County for his meritorious service in suppressing the Yellow Turban Uprising.Soon he took refuge in Gongsun Zan, and took over the shepherds of Yu and Xu states.After the failure of the army, he defected to Cao Cao, hoping to use Cao Cao's power to preserve himself and pursue his own ambitions.Although he attached himself to Cao Cao, his mind was different. He did not attach himself to Cao Cao sincerely, but a strategy of last resort.But he was afraid that Cao Cao would see through his thoughts, so he adopted the method of showing weakness, planting vegetables all day long, busy in the fields, and did not care about state affairs.In this way, he expressed to Cao Cao that he had no ambitions and was just a mediocre person, so he wanted to avoid Cao Cao's attention and allow himself to exist and develop better.

Although Liu Bei has been sent to others more than once, he is by no means an idle person, but a person with great ambitions.It was from this point that Cao Cao took Liu Bei in.Even though Liu Bei grows vegetables all day long, he pretends to be indifferent to politics and the military.Cao Cao didn't underestimate him either. Inviting him to eat and drink together is exactly the expression of this view.It should be said that Cao Cao's view is correct.But Liu Bei is thinking about the other side of the problem: he has great ambitions, but the time to realize his lofty ambitions is not yet ripe. If he is exposed or discovered prematurely, his political ambitions may come to naught.

One day, Cao Cao invited Liu Bei to drink. Cao Cao was in high spirits, toasted and drank, and talked with Liu Bei about who is a hero in the world. Liu Bei deliberately listed some mediocre people to cover up himself. You and Cao Er." When Liu Bei heard that he was a hero, he was so terrified that he dropped his chopsticks to the ground.At this time, there was a loud thunder, and everyone looked up at the sky.Seeing that Liu Bei's face changed color and the chopsticks fell to the ground, Cao Cao hurriedly asked why.Liu Bei had an idea and said that he was timid. "Wen Lei responds quickly", cleverly concealing himself from Cao Cao. There is a poem in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to praise Liu Bei: "Mian took shelter from the tiger's lair temporarily, telling the truth about the hero and frightening people. He cleverly used the thunder to cover up, and he was as trustworthy as a god."

2.Those who should be patient should be patient for a while

In history, many figures, in order to protect themselves, always restrained themselves when they were defeated in their struggles, and kept silent, so as to paralyze the enemy and take the opportunity to slip away. For example, Liu Xiu and Liu Xuan are typical examples of this kind of flexion and stretching.

In the last years of Xinmang, a large-scale peasant uprising broke out. Brothers Liu Yan and Liu Xiu from Caiyang, Nanyang (southwest of Zaoyang, Hubei Province today) took the opportunity to raise troops and recruited troops under the slogan of rebuilding the Han Dynasty.Later they joined the Green Forest Army.Liu Xuan, a member of his family, joined the Pinglin Army for the first time and was promoted to Gengshi General, and later merged with the Green Forest Army.In 23 AD, Liu Xuan proclaimed himself emperor, and the reign title was changed.After the demise of the Xinmang Dynasty, he moved his capital to Chang'an, and soon betrayed the uprising, turning his spearhead to kill the generals of the peasant army.Liu Xiuzhi's elder brother, Liu Yan, was killed by Liu Xuan.

According to common sense, Liu Xiu would definitely not spare Liu Xuan, and must settle accounts with him to avenge the murder of his brother.However, Liu Xiu has her own considerations.Not only did he not settle accounts with Liu Xuan, on the contrary he remained calm on the surface, as if nothing had happened.When meeting Liu Xuan, he still had a pleasant face, responded in a low voice, and did not take the initiative to mention the killing of his brother at all.He does not wear filial piety, does not hold funerals, talks and eats as usual.Could it be that he was really indifferent to Liu Xuan harming his brother?In fact, it is not the same thing.His elder brother was originally a meritorious official, but he was killed because of power struggle. Of course Liu Xiu felt aggrieved in his heart. He felt sorry for his elder brother. Although he looked normal during the day, at night he often shed tears on his pillow.He must complete his brother's unfinished business.However, right now he is Liu Xuan's subordinate after all.If he couldn't restrain himself and questioned Liu Xuan, he might be killed.So what grand ambitions are there?How can the purpose of avenging my brother be realized, besides, I am also a meritorious minister.In the battle of Kunyang, he led 13 cavalry to break through the siege and seek help, and made great achievements. Liu Xuan knew this very well.At this time, if I tell the glorious history, maybe it will please Liu Xuan and strengthen his trust in him.But Liu Xiu didn't mention a word, he has his own tricks.

Seeing that Liu Xiu was so magnanimous, Liu Xuan was deeply ashamed when his conscience found out, so he ordered Liu Xiu to be the general who broke the captives and named him Wu Xinhou.In 23 AD, Liu Xiu went to Hebei to abolish Wang Mang's tyranny, release prisoners, and win the hearts of the people.With the call to restore the Han family system, he won the support of local bureaucrats and landlords, and his power grew stronger and stronger.Liu Xiu felt that the time had come to realize her grand ambition, so she broke with Liu Xuan.He suppressed and incorporated the Tongma and other peasant uprising troops, and his strength continued to grow. After a long-term struggle, he finally defeated Liu Xuan and won the world.In 25 AD, he proclaimed himself emperor, established his capital in Luoyang, and established the Eastern Han Dynasty.By AD 37, the whole country was unified.During the 32 years of Liu Xiu's reign, he issued nine orders to release slaves and prohibit the killing of slaves.He issued edicts many times, exempting criminals from becoming ordinary people, reducing tax and corvee, distributing relief, and building water conservancy.Liu Xiu also reduced more than 9 counties, streamlined officials, saved expenses, restrained tyrants, and consolidated centralization.The series of policies he adopted played a positive role in stabilizing and prospering the social economy.

3.take advantage of others' compassion
The so-called pity is to obtain the pity of others, especially the opponent, so that they will not harm themselves.Of course, this is a strategy of pretending to be false and hiding the truth.The purpose is to capture the "kindness" of others, deliberately pretend to be pitiful, and compromise, so as to deceive the other party's trust, protect oneself, and pursue a great cause.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, shortly after King Goujian of Yue (reigned from 496 BC to 465 BC) came to the throne, he was attacked by Wu in the battle of Fujiao (southwest of Wu County, Jiangsu Province today).From then on, Yue State became a vassal state of Wu State.Goujian, king of Yue, was defeated and captured, and became a hostage in the state of Wu.People in the state of Wu go deep into dangerous places, of course, there are many dangers, and if they fail, they will be killed; moreover, considering the interests of the entire Yue state, in order to avenge their shame, Gou Jian is willing to be a slave in the state of Wu, enduring humiliation and surviving. , in order to return to Yue State as soon as possible, revive the hearts of the people, strengthen the country and enrich the people, and eliminate Wu State.In the state of Wu, Gou Jian no longer had the prestige of a king at all, but "washed the horses for the king of Wu with his own arms".He didn't complain, but washed the horse as much as possible to please Wu Wang Fuchai.When the king of Wu was seriously ill, Gou Jian served decoctions, "singing the meaning to please his heart, and tasting dung to get his pity".

(End of this chapter)

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