Chapter 35 Mood (9)
The reason why Gou Jian wanted to do this was to gain Fu Chai's sympathy and make him relax his vigilance.Goujian's trick is very effective.After a long time, Fu Chai, king of Wu, really felt sorry for Gou Jian, and thought that all that Gou Jian had done showed his submission.Therefore, instead of letting Gou Jian be a hostage in the state of Wu, he decided to release Gou Jian and return to the country.In order to further deceive Fu Chai, King Wu, Gou Jian expressed his reluctance to Fu Chai, King Wu when he was parting, with tears all over his face, and thanked King Wu for his kindness.However, as soon as Goujian set foot on the country, he returned to his original appearance, like a tiger returning to the mountain, and he vowed to avenge his shame and restore the independent status of Yue.Therefore, Gou Jian tried his best to temper his will; he lived together for ten years to strengthen the country and enrich the people; he trained the army and strengthened national defense.Later, the King of Wu sent his troops to the north to meet the princes in Huangchi (southwest of Fengqiu, Henan Province) and compete for an alliance with Jin.Goujian, king of Yue, thought that the time had come, so he took advantage of the bluff to attack Wu. Fu Chai, king of Wu, was forced to return to his teacher and asked Yue for peace.But King Goujian of Yue wanted to destroy Wu and refused to negotiate peace.In 473 BC, the Vietnamese army besieged Gusu (now Suzhou, Jiangsu), and Fu Chai, king of Wu, committed suicide.The once powerful state of Wu fell, and King Gou Jian of Yue realized his wish to avenge his country.

Han Fei once commented on Goujian's affairs in Wu in this way. He said: "Goujian was an eunuch in Wu, and he was fighting for the king of Wu to wash horses, so he was able to kill his husband better than Gusu."

4.bend to stretch

The art of bending and stretching is not the "patent" of ambitious people. In history, whenever the revolution is powerful and the representatives of the reactionary and declining classes always use camouflage to bend and stretch, they are dying.Yuan Shikai is such a person.

In 1901, Li Hongzhang, the leader of the Westernization Movement, was critically ill. When he was dying, he recommended Yuan Shikai to succeed him as Governor of Zhili and Minister of Beiyang. In 1903, the Qing government established a military training office, appointed Yuan Shikai as the minister of the meeting, presided over the training of the new army, and expanded the "Beiyang Standing Army" into six towns.As a result, Yuan Shikai became the supreme leader of the Beiyang warlords. In 1907, he was transferred to Minister of Military Aircraft and Minister of Foreign Affairs.All this aroused the jealousy of some people in the Qing court. In 1908, Prince Regent Zaifeng dismissed Yuan Shikai, told him to go home to recuperate, and sent Wu Bian to "protect him with him".Yuan Shikai was at a disadvantage politically, but he was not discouraged and did not give up on himself. Instead, he took the opportunity to recharge his energy and store up his energy in order to make a comeback.

Yuan Shikai knew very well that Wu Bian who was with him was actually sent by the imperial court to monitor him, and it was by no means a "carry-on protection".Therefore, he gave Wu Bian a special treat. On weekdays, there were plenty of fish and meat, and when there were Chinese New Years and festivals, he would give more rewards, which gave Wu Bian a lot of benefits.As the saying goes: "Eat other people's food, the mouth is soft, and the other people's things are short-handed." When Wu Bian reported Yuan Shikai's whereabouts and performance, he said a few good words about how he was content with living in seclusion and how he was grateful to the court. Endad, wait.But Yuan Shikai felt that this was not enough. In order to further conceal himself, he also drank and composed poems, and fished with a pole, showing the appearance of a wild crane in the clouds.Yuan Shikai even engraved "Guitang Singing Harmony Collection" and distributed it to relatives and friends in Beijing, so as to deliberately conceal himself in a wider range and divert the court's attention.But in fact he never left politics for a moment.He kept in touch with Prince Qing Yikui, generals of the Beiyang Army at all levels, and British Minister Zhu Erdian.Xu Shichang, Yang Du and others often reported news to him.His eldest son, Yuan Keding, is a senator of the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce. He kept abreast of the situation in Beijing and informed his father.There is a telegraph room in his home, and he uses the telegraph room to communicate with the governors of various provinces.There are also a group of aides and cleaners beside him.At that time, the political situation of the imperial court was unstable, and the world was not peaceful, which provided an excellent opportunity for Yuan Shikai to come out again.Therefore, Yuan Shikai drank alcohol, wrote poems, and went fishing in a boat, just to deceive his political opponents, and his political intention was to seek justice through submission.

In 1911, the [-] Revolution led by Sun Yat-sen broke out in Wuchang, and Yuan Shikai could no longer hold back.Under the pressure of the British and American ministers, the Qing government re-appointed Yuan Shikai as the prime minister of the cabinet and the governor of Huguang.From then on, he played counter-revolutionary double-faced tactics, not only inducing the revolutionaries to reach a peace agreement, but also coercing the Qing emperor to abdicate, thus stealing the position of "President of the Republic of China" and establishing a Beiyang warlord government in Beijing representing the interests of the big landlords and big compradors. .

In December 1915, Biao Shikai officially announced the restoration of the imperial system and changed the year name to the first year of Hong Xian.But the provinces resisted and declared independence one after another. Yuan had to announce the abolition of the imperial system on March 12, 1916.On June 3 of the same year, Yuan Shikai died of fear amidst the sound of crusade by the people across the country.Although Yuan Shikai fought for political status by striving for justice, he was eventually eliminated by history and cast aside by the people because of his anti-history and anti-people standpoint.

workplace utilization
To get along with people in the workplace, in addition to the colleagues you come into contact with every day, you must also get along well with your boss.

Fresh graduate Ah Ming is a role everyone envies in the company: he became the "general secretary" right after graduating from university, and became the person closest to the boss. "Your job is closest to the high-level, the easiest to win the favor of the boss, and the easiest to get promoted." What colleagues said made A Ming really excited for a while.

A Ming grew up in a relatively favorable environment. His father was the leader of a company, and his mother was a government official.Because of his parents, people around him are polite to him.From elementary school to university, A Ming grew up surrounded by the praise of others, and did not know what "catering" was; others always came to talk to him, and he himself did not know how to find topics in conversations.Because of this, after one month in the company, Amin began to have difficulties with how to get along with the leader.No matter how he made up his mind, there were many things he just couldn't say, even if they were normal words, in his opinion, he was trying to please the boss.At the beginning, the boss asked Amin about his problems, but Amin didn't say much except answering every question.Gradually, Amin found that the boss didn't chat with him very much, and even if he talked, it was limited to the scope of work.Soon after the start of work, the relationship between Amin and his boss reached an impasse.

Compared with schools and families, the interpersonal environment of enterprises is much more complicated.In school, most of the students in daily contact are students with similar ages and similar experiences, and it is easier for them to understand and communicate with each other.At home, students will be tolerated even if they are inappropriate in words and deeds.However, in an enterprise, colleagues are divided into superiors and subordinates, and their experiences are also different. We cannot simply apply the experience in school, nor confuse our attitude towards parents with our attitude towards leaders.In the workplace, interpersonal relationships are much more complicated, and it is necessary to learn to deal with them properly.

If Amin wants to change the status quo, he must start by recognizing the connotation of the position.The position of secretary to the general manager is the center and interface of various complex relationships in the enterprise.The person looking for the boss is either the leader of the company or an important customer, and no one can neglect it.So, this position is enviable, but also quite challenging.However, the superior family environment, good educational background and smooth sailing experience made Amin too self-centered, lacking concern for others, and even forgetting basic communication skills.To learn how to deal with leaders and superiors, Amin must start with the most basic business etiquette.In addition, Amin should also communicate with his parents on this issue.His parents are both in leadership positions and will give him some advice from a "leadership" perspective.In his daily work, he can also observe more colleagues who get along well with the boss to see how they handle the relationship with the boss.

Xiao Ai, a recent graduate, was lucky enough to find a job with good pay, and has been working since May.This is a small joint-stock company. Xiao Ai, who is young, willing to endure hardships, and graduated from a prestigious school, quickly adapted to the working environment. Both the boss and the vice president expressed their intention to cultivate Xiao Ai.But after a short time, an old employee quietly passed a message to Xiaoai: "Didn't you see it? The boss and the vice president don't get along. You can figure out which side you stand on!" Xiao Ai really didn't know what to do.After some thought, Xiao Ai decided to strictly stick to neutrality, "As long as I do my job well, who can pick on me?"

The company is small, and both the boss and the vice president like to hand over work by leapfrogging.Although the task is overwhelming, Xiao Ai would rather work overtime on his own, and he must not offend both sides.After a few weeks, Xiao Ai was exhausted, but the two leaders didn't seem to appreciate it.They became keen to teach Xiao Ai a lesson, and often when Xiao Ai stepped out of the general manager's office, she was called by the deputy general manager next door to criticize her again from a different angle and rhetoric.Xiao Ai didn't know what he did wrong.The department manager quietly told her: "Both sides help, but it means no one will help!" After hearing what the department manager said, Xiao Ai was dizzy and didn't know what she should do.

It is difficult for one person to remain neutral in the face of factionalism within a company.If it is handled well, neither side will be offended; if it is not handled well, both sides will often be offended in the end.In this way, it is actually necessary for the parties concerned to deal well with their superiors and handle the interests of both parties smoothly.

In fact, the problem lies in how to look at the word "offended".If what you do is worthy of your position and yourself, but the other party just can't pierce the window paper and take you under the knife, then what's the matter with you being "rarely confused"?In the face of factional struggles in the company, newcomers must adhere to the three "no" principles-don't mind, don't participate, and be right about things and not people.Among them, "doing things and not people" refers to maintaining a normal mind, starting from the work and the interests of the organization, and judging and handling right and wrong in the work according to the company's rules and procedures.Generally speaking, when dealing with leaders, subordinates must obey rather than blindly follow; they must be loyal rather than blindly loyal.In many cases, differences of opinion between leaders are just differences in methods and means, not inconsistencies in purpose.Even if there are differences in purpose and means, it should be resolved by the top management according to the procedures stipulated by the company.

If a newcomer has a question, don't hold it in your stomach, it's best to ask your immediate supervisor.If the words of the direct superior are confusing, then ask the sender directly: "Boss, your opinion seems to be different from that of the vice president. How can I explain it to him? Or can you communicate with him?" ?”

Business utilization
Most private enterprises have "royal relatives", and many managers complain that the "royal relatives" in private enterprises are too difficult to deal with, and it is impossible to implement standardized system management, especially managers who are human resources directors. The "relatives of the emperor" are even more troublesome.

1. Real case
Liu Jie is the human resources director of a private enterprise, and she often faces all kinds of troubles from the "imperial relatives" of the enterprise.She often complains with her good sisters: "In this private enterprise full of various 'royal relatives', the salary system will fail, because I don't know how much 'royal relatives' get paid; training 'royal relatives' Either you don’t go, or you listen to it with disdain and sneer; you can’t include the performance of these people in the performance appraisal, because he pushed you back with a word of “confidentiality”; you made his performance zero , he doesn’t care at all, he thinks who you are, and you don’t pay the salary; he is eliminated at the bottom, and after he is eliminated, he goes to work in another position; the HR director who eliminated him has already been eliminated several times, but He continues to flow through key positions within the company."

This is the status quo of most private enterprises "relatives of the emperor".Some human resources directors will take the method of asking the boss to agree to put these people aside, and the boss also agreed to prevent these people from participating in the company's internal work.This kind of practice is what people often call "forcing the palace". However, it is often impossible for the human resources director to do a good job in this way, and it is very likely that he will be forced to leave in the end.

2. Why "feeling" is greater than "law"

Some people may ask why the "royal relatives" of the enterprise are like this?The answer is that these people are qualified. These people are the heroes in the process of the development and growth of the enterprise organization. Without these "royal relatives" the enterprise may not be where it is today.Only these people will follow the boss to fight the world. As managers and ordinary employees, they will not suffer hardships and get little or no salary to follow the boss to fight the world.Therefore, the relationship between the boss and these people is more of a relationship of affection.After taking office, the director of human resources adopts the system and the rule of law. Naturally, there will be conflicts with the situation. What should I do?There is also a word "reason" between the two, and reason can coordinate the contradiction between emotion and law.And combining "reason" and "emotion" will better win the support of "royal relatives" for your work.This "love" is not the relationship between you and the "relatives of the royal family", but the relationship between him and the boss.You do not have enough time to make friends with him. Second, he is likely to treat you as an "enemy", so it is impossible to have any friendship with you.Therefore, when dealing with "imperial relatives and relatives", it is necessary to let him understand that he should "naturally" contribute to the company's reform from the perspective of benefiting the company's long-term development.You put him in the position of "veteran" and "hero", and let him understand "reason" and maintain "reason". When you understand both reason and emotion, your "law" will naturally work.

Human resources directors should understand that these people are far more loyal to their bosses than you, and have a much deeper relationship with the company than you, an airborne manager.In their ideology, they will think that most airborne managers are "damaging" the business.Therefore, as long as you let them understand and realize that all the measures and methods you take are beneficial to the enterprise, they will naturally support your work.The human resources director should also understand that these people may not have enough professional ability and limited level, but at critical times, they dare to rush and fight, and they can stand in the way of the boss.Therefore, the human resources director must understand that airborne managers, royal relatives, and veterans are just people who play different roles in the enterprise, and no one can replace the other. What is needed between these different roles is communication and coordination. What matters is mutual understanding and support.

3. How to deal with "imperial relatives"

(1) It is necessary to realize the historical value and role of "royal relatives" and elders.They have contributed and continue to contribute to the growth of the business.Knowing this, you will treat them correctly.

(2) Learn the methods and skills of communicating with them.When communicating with "the emperor's relatives and relatives", it is absolutely impossible to talk about principles, transfer public regulations, and talk about systems. You should first talk about feelings (and the boss's feelings), and then reason. up.

(3) These people should be properly appointed, and their special functions should be brought into play, so that they can solve problems that only they can solve.The problems encountered by managers are only at the level of operation and management. There are many problems in private enterprises, and most of these problems cannot be solved by managers, and the work of managers generally does not involve these problems, and these problems Someone must solve it, otherwise, the development of the enterprise will be affected, and the "royal relatives" are often an important part of solving these problems.

(4) To understand that these people are of great help to you in your work, the key is how to recognize and use them. "Royal relatives" and managers are both elements of the human structure of private enterprises and play different roles in the operation and management of enterprises. Therefore, the relationship between the two parties should not be a confrontational relationship, but a cooperative relationship.The manager holds the organizational scepter of the enterprise, and the "royal relatives" hold the resource scepter.Only through cooperation can both sides have a way out.

(5) The boss didn't let you drive these people away, please don't drive them away on your own.There was a foreign company boss who resigned after a few months of parachuting into a private company. It turned out that he publicly fired his boss’s father-in-law two hours before leaving, which intensified the conflict between the two parties.

In fact, the boss didn't tell you to fire someone, but if you post a list to fire a certain "relative of the emperor", it will only intensify the conflict and isolate yourself.

If you explain the whole story to your boss and listen to his opinion before firing, your work will progress much more smoothly.If the boss allows you to drive someone, then you have the boss's "sword above", and if you drive someone, wouldn't you be "safe"?Even if the prescribed party has any dissatisfaction, he will not point the finger at you, he will definitely go to the boss for "trouble".To take a step back, even if he expresses dissatisfaction with you with accusations, he will not fundamentally hate you because he knows that everything you do is just "following orders".

(6) If the boss wants to let you drive, you have to persuade the boss to be cautious. If the boss insists on letting you drive, you also have to help the boss think about the retreat and way out for these people, and you can only act after obtaining the boss's consent.Even if the boss agrees to your dismissal, you have to think twice before you act, and take a moment to communicate with the "relatives of the emperor" who have been laid off.If these people agree after the communication, don't rush to deal with it, you should deal with it later, maybe the boss changed his mind again during your delay.

In the end, when layoffs are really necessary, we should also pay attention not to be too unfeeling in operation, and to allow room for the boss to retreat, so that the laid-off people will not resent the company and the boss, nor resent You, doing this also leaves room for yourself.

It is worth noting here that when communicating with the laid-off "royal relatives and national relatives", you must have art, and you must not bluntly say that the boss is going to lay off people.If it is the boss's opinion, the laid-off "royal relatives" confront the boss face to face, and if the boss refuses to step down, you will be in a desperate situation.In addition, you can't say that you want to be laid off. If you say it's your own intention, the person who is laid off will make you feel embarrassed on the spot.Because, in his mind, you simply do not have the qualifications to say this sentence.Of course, you can't simply say what rules and regulations are to be laid off, and the "royal relatives" who have been laid off will come up with a lot of reasons to refute you. He will even say that the system itself is wrong, and it will return to the right of the system. Wrong question, in this way, you will not be able to clean up.

(End of this chapter)

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