Chapter 45 Sound (4)
Although this is an extreme example, it also illustrates the significant impact of speech on people's impressions.As far as we are concerned, although we can't "disable people because of their voices" like Emperor Xianzong when dealing with people, we can still provide some references for identifying people in the world through voices.

After extensive investigation, psychologists have divided the different feelings of different voices into the following types:
1. low and thick
Such people are more artificial and more realistic.It can also be said that it is more mature, unrestrained, and has strong adaptability.

2. Loud and loud
This type of person is energetic, enthusiastic, honorable, funny, and has the air of an artist.

3. Talk fast

Such people are extroverted, energetic, and full of energy.

4. With ending sound
This kind of person is high-spirited, often with some feminine tendencies, and has the temperament of an artist.

The above four types are relatively positive voices.Care should be taken to reduce or avoid the following sounds:

(1) Nasal sound.Most people don't like people who talk to people with a "hmmm".

(2) Voice tablet.Some people are relatively silent and introverted, and when they speak, their tone of voice is very flat and lacks emotion. If they are women, they tend to be masculine.

(3) Makes a tense sound.People who often make such voices are often full of arrogance, advocate force, and often use their fists to solve problems.

Apparently, a good voice and conversational skills improve persuasiveness.What sound is a good sound?Generally speaking, a thick and low voice, a fast speaking speed, and a bright ending can be regarded as the basis of a good voice; coupled with the fact that people feel trustworthy and positive, it is even better.

Of course, what counts as a good sound has a very close relationship with time, place, object, content, etc.

Human voices contain various elements, the most important of which is tone.The loudness of the voice also signifies its power.The method of pronunciation has a great influence on the sound quality, which is mainly determined by the soundboard.If the nose is used as the sounding board, the voice may sound like weeping or arrogance.If the chest cavity is used to resonate, the sound will become rich, powerful, loud, and give people a feeling of fullness.In addition, the speed of speaking, whether the enunciation is clear, and whether the words are spoken carefully are all common methods used by those who know people.

Utilize the world
Sound has a close connection with human beings, impassioned speeches, weeping pleadings, and eloquent readings will all leave a deep impression on people.What sound brings to the world is not only the "richness" of hearing, scientists have discovered that beautiful music can also treat some chronic diseases of human beings, and some cells even "sing" in our body with the accompaniment of music.

There is a scholar in Japan who has studied sound very much. He put forward a proposition called "posture plus voice equals charm".

He wrote an article and said that he had gone to a TV station to participate in the review work.In the lobby of the TV station, he saw a large group of viewers waiting to be on the TV show. These people were both nervous and high-spirited, and there was a lot of noise everywhere.At this time, he heard the clear voice of the show host, which clearly passed through these noisy noises, shocking the whole scene.At this time, the scholar suddenly realized, and said: "This is the weapon he uses to become famous!"

So, he interviewed the host of the show.

"I love this job," the presenter said. "I think my ability and appearance are enough. If you want to work in a TV station, your appearance is of course important. However, the sound quality is more important. It took me a whole month to master the correct sound quality. A newscaster must show majesty Therefore, it is natural to lower the pitch, speak from the abdomen, adjust the speed, and sometimes need to pay attention to the intonation. In this way, the way of speaking can have charm.”

The host's voice quality is beautiful, the volume is low and powerful, full of dignified atmosphere, coupled with his standard voice, he has won many audiences.He has a very chic appearance, so many members of the opposite sex are fascinated by him.

In fact, in real life, many people like to judge each other's character by their voice.Many taxi drivers have such experience.A taxi driver had a famous saying: "I 'listen' to the customer with my back. Without seeing the customer's appearance, I can know whether the customer is tired or enthusiastic about work, etc..."

Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan was born as an actor. He had a uniquely magnetic, wide-ranging and good voice, coupled with his charismatic speech skills, which defeated his opponents who were inferior to him in terms of sound quality and image.Another former president, Bill Clinton, has a hoarse and thick voice, and he knows how to use this slightly thick voice to win the hearts of the people.Before the general election, his sonorous and energetic voice sounded like the voice of a strong, reliable, energetic president who can realize the aspirations of the people.But in the midst of a sex scandal, he intensified his hoarse voice, pleading in weary tones: "Please let your president work." It sounds like people have to forgive and sympathize with him.

The volume of sound is closely related to people's mood and environment.An impassioned voice can inspire people's fighting spirit and make people overcome difficulties to complete tasks; a small, monotonous, and boring voice can easily lull people to sleep; In a leadership position that everyone looks up to.Voice also often affects people's judgment. When we hear a decisive, clear, and powerful voice, we conclude that this person is more lovable, more competent for a certain job, and more capable of leadership than someone with a tired, weak, and powerless voice.

Like the face, the voice is also modified.For men, an overly feminine voice is seen as unattractive, raising doubts about the suitability of a man who speaks in such a voice.Women who are out in public have learned to keep their voices down, and many famous women have taken lessons on how to lower their voices so that they don't sound girly.Former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher's voice sounded shrill and thin when she first stepped onto the political stage, and she took vocal lessons to try to lower it.

In the TV series "Mobile Phone", the well-known show host Yan Shouyi left a deep impression on people with his cover-up and insincere words when he answered the phone.Shanxi Satellite TV program host Fei Jie, who topped the 2009 National Ranking of Moral Cultivation, told reporters: "You can guess the distance between the other party and this person by the voice and tone of a person answering the phone, because the voice is I won’t lie.” Fei Jie said that when talking with someone she knew well, her voice was very casual and high-pitched; if she was talking with a stranger on the phone, her words were full of politeness, seriousness, and earnestness. Moderate tone.Studies have shown that people with loud voices are often seen as smart, popular, successful in their careers, more acceptable in friendships and marriages, and less likely to commit crimes .

There is also a close relationship between voice and external appearance. No matter what their appearance is, people who stutter will always give people a worse impression.A person with a flawed face and a good voice will be more attractive than someone with a problematic voice.Conversely, people who were previously viewed as attractive were less attractive if they were associated with voice and affectation.

Experienced police officers will also judge the inner tension of the suspect through the sound, because this kind of voice often sounds emotionless, the muscles of the vocal organs are tense, and the pitch is often weakened.

In addition, if people cannot fully express their feelings and try to cover up or deny the things that arouse their inner emotions, it will cause headaches, chest tightness, and in severe cases, stomach pains, gastric ulcers, tumors, and even heart disease.

workplace utilization
We know from experience that a good voice and conversation skills improve persuasiveness, but since everyone has a different voice, what counts as good?It is best to have a thick and low voice, speak fast, and have a bright ending; in this way, the audience can be left with an impression of "this person is trustworthy, active, chic, and has leadership skills".Of course, this cannot be generalized. What kind of voice is good also has a direct relationship with the place, object and content of the conversation.For example, on the dance floor, due to factors such as dim lighting and flickering lights, the partners can seldom see each other clearly. In this case, the beauty of the voice will have a great charm.

Of course, the voice is only one aspect, the other is the posture when speaking.The sweet voice and graceful demeanor will produce a powerful charm.

Because the voice has such a charm, an American told a story in the book "Body Language of Office Workers" that a woman "led men astray" because of her voice.

This woman's name is Linda.The author writes: Linda is one of the most outstanding women I know in terms of character, drive, and ability. She is quite well-known in the corporate world in a small city on the West Coast.She knew what she wanted, and pursued it with astonishing degree and clear judgment.

It's frightening indeed, and just hearing what she has to say, it's not hard to imagine a competitive woman with a wealth of knowledge and insight.

Linda is slender, dressy and charming.However, when she opened her mouth, there would be a dramatic change.This thoughtful woman uttered a shrill voice like a girl's silver bell.

"The first time I heard her speak," my colleague told me, "I thought it was a newcomer woman. She wanted to sell a desk in Oakland and I wanted to own it. Because I underestimated her I ended up paying more than I thought I would—I'm angry."

"Why?" I asked.

"There was a sense of being cheated. Behind the childlike voice was a will of steel. I don't want a second deal."

"I also know I have a problem with my voice," Linda told me about a year ago, "but, it's good for me. It 'disarms' the men I do business with. They'll stay superior Sensation, relaxation of vigilance, so I can achieve my goal."

She continued with a slightly sad face: "But the problem is often on the side of the harm, and I want to change it."

"What's the harm?"

She shrugged.

“The men I do business with feel cheated afterward. Maybe there’s an implication that they judge me by my voice, not by my ability. Once they find out I’m talented, they feel cheated. I lied. Does their wrong judgment mean that I am not honest?"

In a sense, I have to admit that the result is that her voice can mislead men astray.So, she thought it would be wise to change, so I introduced her to a great voice trainer.

After explaining the details, the voice trainer who used to act in Hollywood nodded.

"Your voice does play a very important role in the transaction process. You know the comedy of George Bernard Shaw's My Fair Lady? In the story, Professor Biggins brings home a flower girl with a rustic accent , according to her voice and the way she speaks, train her to be a noble lady. It can be seen that the voice will indeed show sociality.

"Although the United States is not as serious as Europe, it is still very important as far as the United States is concerned. It seems that you have not done this kind of voice training!"

A year later, while traveling on the West Coast, I met Linda.The training was so successful that her voice dropped several notches.

"I learned how to speak from my chest," she said in a low, clear voice, as if proudly.

"Aside from the much better sound, has anything else changed?"

"My life!" she laughed. "In the past few months, I have made a major breakthrough in my work. Customers return and introduce new customers to me. However, what I am most happy about is the attitude of the counterparty. Now, they all contact me with respect .In the past, no one took me seriously as a target for a transaction, but used a tone that seemed to pester you and laugh at you..."

She continued earnestly, "It's incredible."

"What's incredible?"

"Since I've lowered my voice to speak, it's changed a lot. In terms of overall work, I'm more powerful than I was before."

Linda learned to have a commanding voice, a voice of power.Not through the nostrils, but through the chest, lower in pitch and slower than usual.

The human voice contains various elements.Tone is one of the most important elements, a loud voice is also powerful.Make a loud noise to silence others.However, in certain situations, sometimes smaller sounds are more effective because people pay attention to them.Of course, posture assistance is required for loud and small sounds, and the effect is better.

Vocalization has a big impact on sound quality.Depending on which part of the body is used as the sounding board, the sound quality will vary.If it resonates with the nose, the voice may sound like weeping, or it may give the impression of arrogance.However, if the chest cavity is used to resonate, the vocalization method will also change accordingly.It's rich, punchy, and loud enough.

The speed of speaking style also affects conversation.If the speed is too fast, it is easy to give the impression that there is some kind of urgency, drama or enthusiasm.On the other hand, it can make the other person feel anxious, confused, and somewhat rude at the same time.People who speak slowly, although they give people the impression of being thoughtful and honest, but if they speak too slowly, they will become hesitant or careless, and even show negative connotations.

In the workplace, a voice with a sweet, clear, cadenced tone can radiate a unique personality charm and improve the effect of communication.Especially when they are strangers and talking on the phone for the first time, people who are good at listening can "read" a lot of content in the other party's voice within the first few minutes.It is understood that a person's voice, intonation, and tone of voice account for 84% of the credibility of a call.Therefore, establishing a sound quality that the other party likes, preferably a unique sound quality that is easy to distinguish, is the "secret weapon" to success.

It can be seen from this that whether it is in the workplace, shopping malls, or other "fields", the voice, speed and demeanor of a person's speech are very important.It can add to your charisma and strengthen your authority, or it can have the opposite effect, depending on the impression your voice and demeanor make on your listeners.Because people judge a person by their voice.

(End of this chapter)

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