Chapter 51
"Secondly, Fang Yu's words are used to observe his aspirations. His ambition is like a dragon, his spirit is broad and soft, his appearance is frugal but not flattering, he is courteous to his ancestors, and his words are to future generations. Seeing his shortcomings, he is also saying that he is getting better. It is like approaching others with color, superior people with spirit, sages with words, guarding against their shortcomings, cutting down on what they can, and saying that they will be damaged every day. Their appearance is straight but not insulting, their words are upright and not selfish, they do not embellish their beauty, they do not Concealing its evil, not guarding against its mistakes, it is said that it has quality. Its appearance is solid, its speech is skillful, its appearance is decorated, and its small signs are taken care of, so it is self-proclaimed, it is called quality. But the color does not act; when it is disturbed, the will is not established; the deep way is beneficial, but the heart does not change; when the fear is threatened, the spirit is not humble, and it is said that the heart is calm and sticks. But there must be no wealth, showing it is easy to move with profit, and it is easy to be intimidated by deterrence. It is also said to be contemptuous and hypocritical. Adhere to things and make decisions, surprise them with death and measure them, do not learn but behave Discernment, it is said that there is concern. It is difficult to throw things into words, it is difficult to express them in words, knowing that one is as incomprehensible as it is incomprehensible. Those who commit a crime without being afraid, those who set righteousness without being moved, and those who are confronted with goods without being able to make a living, are said to be honest and courageous. Those who are easy to change are words, and those who have aspirations cannot be guarded. Also. Docile is not joyful, non-robbing is not angry, quiet and reticent, talkative but thrifty, called quiet. Distinguish words but not stick to them, have the way but be trapped first, be cautious and not give in, when If it is strong, it is said to be jealous and slanderous. It is also known as the one who is clear and can be launched, and the inspection can be exhausted. This is Kao Zhi.

"The third is that sincerity is in it, and it can be seen from the outside; use its view to occupy its concealment, use its detail to occupy its size, and use its sound to control its qi. The initial qi governs things, and things produce sounds; sounds can be hard and soft, and turbid and soft. Qing, there are good and bad. Saltyness comes from the sound. A person with a bright heart will have a clear voice; a trustworthy heart will have a smooth voice; Confidence is easy, righteousness is easy, wisdom is simple, and courage is strong. Listen to its voice, deal with its spirit, examine its actions, observe its cause, and observe its security; use its front to occupy the back, and use its Seeing occupies its concealment, and its smallness occupies its greatness. This is called "regarding the center".

"Fourth, people have five natures: joy, anger, desire, fear, and worry. Joy is internal, even if you want to hide it, you will see yang joy. Anger is internal, even if you want to hide it, yang anger will be seen. Desire is internal. , even if you want to hide it, you will see the yang desire. Fear of the qi in the animal, even if you want to hide it, the yang fear will be seen. The qi of sorrow and sorrow is in the animal, even if you want to hide it, the yang worry will be seen. The five qi are sincere in the middle and come out The appearance of the people is not hidden. Joy emerges spontaneously, anger suddenly insults, desire lust suddenly vomits, fear fades below, sorrow and sorrow are tired but quiet. Sincerity and wisdom must have inexhaustible colors. Sincerity and benevolence must have the color of respectability, sincerity and courage must have the color of being difficult to frighten, sincerity and loyalty must have the color of amiability, sincerity and simplicity must have the color of being difficult to stain, sincerity and tranquility must have the color of credibility. False colors are chaotic and disturbing; even if you want to do it, you can't listen to the colors, but you can know them even if they change; this is called observing the colors.

"Fifth is that living people have yin and yang. How many people hide their feelings, disguise their hypocrisy, rely on things, and attack their names. Some hide from benevolence, some hide from knowledge, some hide from literature, and some hide from literature and art. Those who hide in honesty and bravery, those who hide in loyalty and filial piety, and those who hide in making friends. Such people must be observed. Small giving is good for big gains, small concessions are good for big things, promises are taken as pledges, false loves are taken as loyalty, broad-minded and generous. Good-looking, pretends to show others, so his actions are used to attack his name. Such people hide their benevolence. Pushing forward and evil, loyal to the government knows things; first success, less than what is lacking; consideration of sincerity is not enough, pretending not to speak ;There is not enough sincerity in the heart, and there is more than enough in color; so knowing to move people, you will obey and not give in; if you make mistakes and fail to succeed, you don’t know what it is. Such a person is hidden in the person who knows the reason. It is always moving people with words, but it involves things but does not end; ask It is not right, the details are endless; the color shows more than enough; if you have the way and use it naturally, if you are poor, you will be deep. Such people are also hidden in literature and art. Honest words are regarded as courage, arrogance is regarded as courage, internal fear and external haggard, omnipotent , respect again, it is said that it is deceitful to others. Such a person hides from the honest and brave. He is his own relatives, so that he can tell others, beg for words and work drunk, but face respect and love, and decorate what he sees, so he got his name and became famous. To be dishonest on the outside, to serve one's relatives, to gain profit, to divide one's name, to private one's own body. Those who are like this hide themselves from those who are loyal and filial. Yin Xing uses names, compares Zhou to reputation, knowing clearly The virtuous can be recruited, and make friends with the left and right, and make friends with oneself. The heart talks but the body is not close, the body is close but the reality is not, but the loyalty is endless, and the loyalty is seen in the public but the appearance is restrained. Such a person hides in the Make friends also. This is called 'Guan Yin' also.

"Liu said that words and deeds are not in the same category, always contradicting each other, yin and yang overcome change, external and internal disharmony, although there are hidden integrity to see deeds, it is said that they are not sincere. His words are very loyal, his deeds are very flat, his ambition is selfless, and he does not give too much. Quiet and undisciplined, dignified and peaceful, it is said that there is a benevolent heart. He who can govern when things change, can talk about things when they are good, can achieve them when they are poor, and can achieve them when they are wrong. To practice, to be respectful and thrifty, to let things go, to know what you have but not to cut it, to give what you have but not to set it aside, it is said to be prudent, modest and kind. The words of insignificance can be repeated for a long time, the leisurely behavior is independent but not restrained, and it is said to be smooth. Believers. Although honorable and rich, respectful and thrifty but able to give; people are powerful and majestic, courteous but not arrogant, and they are also virtuous. Reclusive but not intimidating, peaceful but not extravagant, hardworking without change, joy and anger. Clarity, it is called Shou Ye. Set up a square without destroying it, be honest but not violent, establish a strong without selfishness, and it is said that those who are upright are also those who are said to be upright. Being quiet and waiting for orders, not being summoned, not speaking without asking, words are not deeds, deeds are not the way , It is also called the quiet one. Loyal love serves one's relatives, rejoices one's relatives, respects one's family with joy, tries one's best but does not face one's face, respects one's peace, so the name does not give birth, and one is also called loyal and filial. Loyalty and trustworthiness without doubt, obscurity and distance without giving up. He is also called the best friend. He has a heart and a speech, and he enters people very well. It’s very easy. It’s also called position and aspirations. Food and drink are relatives, goods are bribed to hand over, and benefits are used to cooperate, so they gain reputation and profit, and rely on things to hide. Those who are greedy and contemptible. Quality is constant, words can’t be met; Insufficient, endless schemes, called hypocrites. Words and deeds change rapidly, easy and absurd, likes and dislikes are impermanent, behavior and body are inconsistent. It is also called a person who has no sincerity. Small knowledge does not make great decisions, small abilities do not make great achievements, and care Small things without knowing the big theory, rapid changes and selfishness, are called birthdays. Regulations are not classed, Taoism is not fair. It is also called clever names. Stories are obstructive. Those who are abnormal ghosts are not benevolent. Appearances are unfeeling, those who hide integrity are not fair, those who are selfish are unrighteous, and those who threaten are not trustworthy. This is called 'virtue'."

main idea
King Wen of Zhou paid great attention to the observation of people when appointing officials to handle affairs. This article records the way King Wen of Zhou observed and employed people.Briefly, it is the law of the six signs, observing sincerity, examining ambition, looking at the center, observing color, observing hidden, and emphasizing virtue, are the six signs.

Those who observe sincerity can observe and test their sincerity.Guancheng is to observe and verify whether a person is sincere.King Wen of Zhou said this on the point of viewing sincerity: the rich and the noble depend on whether he can give alms, the poor depend on whether he has integrity; Whether he is studious and diligent, the middle age depends on whether he is honest and selfless, and the old age depends on whether he is proper; brothers, fathers and sons, and monarchs and ministers from the same hometown also have something to observe.Show a man difficulty to see his courage, create trouble to see his talent, send him away to see his integrity, indulge him to see his integrity, scrutinize his fine words to see his trustworthiness.If so, wait for Guancheng.

Those who test their ambitions also test their ambitions.Kaozhi is to examine and measure a person's will.Kaozhi mainly focuses on observing words, while the sixth Zheng Kuide mainly focuses on observing actions.When you talk to a person, you can judge his mind by his words.A simple person speaks frankly but not contemptuously, does not boast, and does not cover up; a proud person is good at showing off his words and covering up his shortcomings; People can confuse their minds with money and sex, but if they are disturbed, their minds will be insufficient; those who are good at thinking can calmly solve sudden incidents; The man is calm, seldom speaks, and thinks more when things happen.If so, it is an examination record.

Those who look at the center occupy the inside.Seeing the middle is to observe a person's heart, and to observe his inner self from the appearance revealed in a person's heart.Occupy its concealment by its sight; occupy its greatness by its subtlety; control its aura by its sound.It is for this reason that one can know autumn when a leaf falls.A person with a gentle heart has a gentle and beautiful voice.Determine its breath by listening to the sound, and examine its place.Through a person's small things, predict his big things.If so, it will be considered.

Those who look at the color, look at its appearance.Observation is to observe a person's complexion.The inner shape is on the outside, and the heart energy is stored in the heart and appears on the outside.A benevolent heart must have an approachable look; a clean and honest person must have an unsullied look; the essential look is peaceful and stable, and the disguised look is chaotic.Even if a person wants to hide things in his heart, his complexion can't help it, making it easy for people to see.If so, wait for the color.

To observe hermits is to observe hermits.Observing hidden meaning is to observe a person's hidden pretense.Some people like to hide the truth for personal gain, pretend love to pretend loyalty, no matter what it is, all hiding has its hidden purpose.If you don't observe by comparison, you will be deceived, and you will not know the real situation.Good people can't believe that such people exist in the world, but there are many such people.How to watch hidden?King Wen of Zhou summed up his experience: he thinks he is reasonable but is not humble, which makes people feel unfathomable; he sees others' success and finds out their shortcomings; he pretends not to speak when he doesn't know .These are things implied in wisdom.To give alms to the small and receive from the big, to be humble and content with the big, to do deliberate actions to gain fame, all these are hidden in benevolence and simplicity.Serving one's parents and liking to tell others about it, in order to boast about one's reputation and benefit one's own self, these are implied in loyalty and filial piety.If so, it is a hidden view.

Those who are virtuous are those who are virtuous.Kuide means to examine a person's morality.The above-mentioned five signs are mostly observed from appearance and speech, and this sign is to examine a person's morality from the perspective of behavior and ability.A humble and gentle person is humble, thrifty and condescending, and loves to give without being virtuous; a person with integrity is not afraid of poverty, is not extravagant in peace and happiness, and has restraint in happiness and anger; She is polite and not arrogant; a decent person is upright and upright, does not slander others, and is honest and selfless.Those who are good at making money can make friends very quickly, and it is easy to betray others; those who are greedy and despicable are intimate because of food, make friends because of wealth, and cooperate because of interests; Things are easy to change and seek more self-interest.If so, wait for Kuide.

Jiang Ziya: Six Thieves and Seven Plagues
Jiang Ziya, that is, Jiang Shang.Fame, Lu family, word Ziya, also known as Lu Shang, King Wen of Zhou worshiped Jiang Shang as his teacher.After the death of King Wen of Zhou, King Wu of Zhou still took Jiang Shang as his teacher and called him "Father Shang" and "Father Master Shang".In 1046 BC, Jiang Shang assisted King Wu of Zhou and led his troops to defeat the Shang army in Muye.Because of his meritorious service in assisting King Wu to destroy Shang, and at the same time in order to crusade against Dongyi, Jiang Shang was entrusted to Qi (now Shandong), and he is the ancestor of Qi.His posthumous title is Qi Taigong.He is the most famous statesman, strategist and strategist in Chinese history.

King Wen asked Taigong, "Where do kings go up and down, what take and go, and what is forbidden?"

The Taigong said: "The king is a virtuous person, and he is unworthy. He is honest, deceitful, and riots are prohibited, and extravagance is prohibited. Therefore, the king has six thieves and seven harms."

King Wen said: "I would like to hear his way."

The Taigong said: "The husband and the six thieves: first, the ministers have masterpieces of palaces and pools, and those who visit and watch clubs hurt the king's virtue; , harming the transformation of the king; third, ministers who form cliques, obscure the virtuous and wise, and hinder the master's understanding, harm the king's power; On the fifth day, ministers have light titles, and when they are lowly, they are ashamed of those who make troubles, which hurts the work of meritorious officials; on the sixth day, strong clans invade, humiliate the poor and weak, and hurt the careers of ordinary people.

"Seven harms: First, without wisdom and strategy, but because of the reward of honor, they are brave and light in battle, lucky to be outside, and the king should be careful not to use them as generals; Advancing and retreating is skillful, the king should be careful not to conspire with him; the third is to bow his body, hate his clothes, speak inaction in order to seek fame, and speak without desire to seek profit. This hypocrite is also, the king should be careful not to approach; fourth, surprise him Crown belt, embellished clothes, extensive knowledge of debates, false opinions, thinking of beauty, living in a poor place, and slandering the customs. This treacherous person is also, the king should be careful not to favor; Beg for official titles, dare to lighten death, be greedy for rank, don't think about big things, move for profit, use high-level talk and empty talk to the master, the king should be careful not to use it; six days, carve carvings for carvings, skillful decorations, and hurt Farming, the king must prohibit it; Qiyue, false methods and different tricks, witches, heresy, ominous words, delusional good people, the king must stop it.

"So if the people do not do their best, they are not my people; if their scholars are not honest, they are not my scholars; if their ministers are not loyal and admonishing them, they are not my ministers; if their officials are not fair and clean and love others, they are not my officials; if their prime ministers cannot enrich the country and strengthen their army, they are not my officials. The lord of An Wancheng, the leader of the group, the name and reality, the rewards and punishments, the joy of the people, is not my face. The way of the husband and the king is like the head of a dragon, standing high and watching from afar, looking deeply and listening, showing his shape and hiding his feelings If the height of the sky cannot be extreme, and the depth of the abyss cannot be measured. Therefore, if you can be angry but not angry, treacherous ministers will commit crimes;

King Wen said, "Excellent!"

main idea
King Wen of Zhou asked Jiang Taigong: "As a monarch, who should be respected, who should be restrained, who should be appointed, and who should be eliminated? What should be strictly prohibited and prohibited?"

Jiang Taigong replied: "As a monarch, you should respect people with both ability and virtue, restrain people without virtue and talents, appoint loyal and faithful people, and get rid of treacherous and hypocritical people. Riots and extravagance should be strictly prohibited. Therefore, the monarch should be vigilant against six Thieves, seven evils."

The six thieves mentioned by Jiang Taigong are:
1. Some of the ministers and bureaucrats make great efforts to build palaces, pavilions, pools and pavilions for entertainment and viewing, which will corrupt the virtue of the monarch;

2. Among the people, those who do not engage in farming and mulberry, use their anger at will, love chivalry, violate laws and regulations, and refuse to obey the discipline of officials, will corrupt the monarch's education;
3. Among the ministers and bureaucrats, those who form cliques for personal gain, crowd out the wise, and deceive the monarch will damage the power of the monarch;
4. Among the scholars, there are those who are arrogant, flaunt their integrity, arrogant, and make friends with princes outside. If they don't respect the monarch, they will damage the majesty of the monarch;
5. Among the ministers and officials who despise titles, despise superiors, and are ashamed to take risks for the monarch, they will discourage the enthusiasm of heroes;
6. The powerful clans compete to plunder and oppress the poor and weak, which will damage the livelihood of the people.

The seven evils are:

1. Without wisdom and strategy, in order to obtain high rewards for high officials, he is brave and domineering, goes to battle rashly, and seeks luck. The monarch should not let such a person be a general;
2. Those who have a false name but no real talent, who speak different words, cover up people's goodness, promote people's evil, and seek out tricks everywhere, the monarch must be cautious, and do not conspire with such people for great things;

3. The appearance is simple, the clothes are poor, the self-proclaimed inaction is in fact for fame, and the self-proclaimed desireless is in fact for profit.This is a hypocrite, the monarch must not get close to him;

4. Those who have strange crowns and belts, ornate clothes, are well-read and eloquent, talk high-spirited words, use them to decorate themselves, live in remote and simple places, and specialize in slandering the customs. This is a treacherous person, and the monarch will not rush to favor him;

5. Slander and flattery, unscrupulous means, in order to seek official titles; reckless and reckless, risking one's life in order to covet salary; disregarding the overall situation, acting recklessly at the sight of profit, talking loudly to please the monarch, such a person should not be appointed by the monarch;

6. Engaging in engraving, engraving, skillful decoration and other luxury crafts, which hinder agricultural production, the monarch must prohibit;
7. Those who use deceitful alchemy, strange skills, witchcraft, heresy, spells and gossip to confuse and deceive good people must be stopped by the monarch.

Zhuangzi: Nine Dharmas to Prove the Mind

Zhuangzi (about 369-286 BC).A philosopher in the middle period of the Warring States Period, Zhuang's family name was Zhou, and his style name was Zixiu (one was Zimu).Han nationality, from Song Guomeng (now Mengcheng County, Anhui).Worked as a lacquer garden official in Mongolia.Zhuangzi was a great thinker, philosopher and writer in the pre-Qin (Warring States) period of our country.Originally belonged to the Duke family of Chu State, descendant of King Zhuang of Chu, and later moved to Meng State of Song Dynasty due to chaos. He is the main founder of Taoism.Together with Lao Tzu, the ancestor of Taoism, they are called "Lao Zhuang". Their philosophical thought system is respected as "Lao Tzu's philosophy" by the ideological and academic circles, but Zhuang Zi's literary talent is even better than Lao Tzu.The representative work "Zhuangzi" has been deduced in many versions by admirers. The famous works include "Xiaoyaoyou" and "Qiwulun". Zhuangzi advocates "the unity of man and nature" and "peace and inaction".

Confucius said: "Ordinary people's hearts are perilous in the mountains and rivers, but it is difficult to know the sky; the sky still has the periods of spring, autumn, winter, summer, and twilight. People are thick and affectionate. Therefore, there is appearance and desire to benefit. And unadorned, there is slowness and brazing, so he is thirsty for righteousness, and he is hot to get rid of righteousness. Therefore, a gentleman sees his loyalty when he is far away. How to judge his knowledge, judge his faith when he is anxious, judge his benevolence when he entrusts him with wealth, observe his integrity when he is told of danger, observe his side when he is drunk, and observe his color when he is mixed. .Nine levies come, unworthy people get it." See "Zhuangzi Miscellaneous Chapters Lie Yukou"

main idea
Confucius said: "The human heart is more sinister than mountains and rivers. It is more difficult to understand it than to understand the sky; the spring, summer, autumn, winter, day, and night of the sky can still appear regularly, but the appearance of a person is like a thick shell, deeply covering the truth. Temperament. Therefore, some people are cautious in appearance but arrogant in behavior, some are like elders in appearance but unworthy in appearance, some are gentle in appearance and straightforward in heart, some are strict in appearance but very kind in heart, and some are kind in appearance but kind in heart. Very fierce. Therefore, those who pursue benevolence and righteousness are hungry and thirsty, and they abandon benevolence and righteousness as quickly as fleeing from a raging fire. Therefore, to examine a gentleman, let him do things far away to see whether he is loyal, let him do things nearby to see if he is diligent, let him Handle difficult matters to observe his talent, ask him sudden questions to observe his wisdom, give him a short deadline to observe whether he keeps his promise, entrust him with money to observe his integrity, and tell him that things are dangerous to observe his integrity, Let him get drunk to see if he is well-mannered, and arrange him in a place where men and women live together to see if he is lewd. Combining these nine aspects, you can distinguish a person's good from bad."

Liu Xiang: good and evil

Liu Xiang (approximately 77 BC-6 BC), originally named Gengsheng, styled Zizheng, was born in Pei County (now part of Jiangsu).Confucian scholars, bibliographers, and writers of the Western Han Dynasty.Liu Xiang's proses are mainly the "records" of Qin Shu and Xiaoyu's ancient books. The more famous ones are "Jianying Changling Shu" and "Warring States Policy Records".

(End of this chapter)

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