Chapter 52
The lady minister has not yet budded, and the signs have not been seen. She clearly sees the opportunity of survival and the key to gain and loss.With an open mind and a dedicated mind, advance in good ways every day, encourage the Lord to use propriety and righteousness, and tell the Lord to take long-term strategies, will follow the good and save the evil, and if this is the case, the minister will also.Long-cherished and sleepy at night, unremitting in the virtuous, it is said that the actions of the past, with strong ideas, such a person, is also a loyal minister.Know the success or failure, prevent it early and save it, block it, cut off its source, turn disaster into blessing, and the king will have no worries in the end. If this is the case, a wise minister will also.According to the text and the law, hold positions in officials, do not accept bequests, eat and drink frugally, and those who do this are true ministers.The country is in a state of confusion, and what you do is not flattering, who dares to offend the master's strict face, and face the master's faults.

It is called six positive.

An official is greedy for money, does not do business, cares about the ups and downs of the world, and waits and sees. Those who are like this are also ministers.Everything the Lord says is "good", and what the Lord does is "possible", and seeks what the Lord likes and advances, so as to quicken the eyes and ears of the Lord.Stealing with Gourong, taking pleasure with the Lord, regardless of the consequences, those who do this are also flatterers.Zhongshi is dangerous and deceitful, with a small and cautious appearance, clever words and charming colors, and a heart sick and virtuous.If you want to advance, you will reveal its beauty and hide its evil; if you want to retreat, you will reveal its faults and hide its beauty, so that the Lord will reward and punish inappropriately, and orders will not work. If this is the case, you will be a traitor.Wisdom is enough to cover up wrongs, debate is enough to speak out, internally separates from blood relatives, externally envies and disturbs the court, such ones are also slanderous officials.Those who monopolize power and take advantage of power, put lightness as the most important thing; private parties form a party, to enrich their family;The flatterer uses evil to sway the master to injustice, cliques compare with others, so as to deceive the master, so that there is no difference between white and black, and right and wrong are unknown; if the master spreads evil in the territory and hears about the neighbors, such a person is also a minister of subjugation.

It is called the six evils.

main idea
An official should be able to see the opportunities before the world's major events are still in their infancy, have not yet formed a scale, and the signs of the situation have not yet appeared, and have a unique insight to know what things can be done and what things can't be done. The key to survival, gain and loss can be seen and grasped in advance; he can take precautions before the fire burns, so that his master is detached and independent, and he will always stand on the side of glory and greatness. Known as the first-rate officials and the teacher of the king.This kind of minister is a holy minister.

A good official is one who is modest and prudent, does his best to manage affairs for others, often thinks about good ways of governing the country and advises the leader, encourages the king to abide by etiquette, diligently governs and loves the people; persuades the king to be far-sighted and ambitious, so that he is wise and correct It is wiser and more correct where it is; it is a minister who does everything possible to correct and save its bad style and harmful habits.

Those who can be called loyal ministers must get up early and go to bed late and forget to eat and sleep for the country. At the same time, they must unremittingly recommend and recommend talents for the country throughout their lives. They must also be knowledgeable, proficient in history, and often cite historical experience. Inspire and motivate people.Those who can do this are considered loyal ministers.

Can be far-sighted, aware of the details, know where the cardinals of success and failure are, and can prevent in advance, take remedial measures, plug the loopholes in the implementation of a certain national policy, eliminate the factors that may lead to failure and turmoil in advance, and turn disaster into disaster. Fu, turning danger into peace, so that the ruler does not have to worry from beginning to end. Such a minister is a wise minister.

A true minister is one who abides by the law, sets an example, is loyal to his duties, is brave in taking responsibility, contributes to the people, does not accept gifts when he does something, is honest and honest, diligent and simple.

When the emperor is fatuous and the country is in disorder, he does not flatter or flatter his superiors, and dares to offend the foolish emperor's Longyan;

The above six kinds of officials are decent ministers.

So, on the contrary, which officials are evil ministers?

Some people become officials just to get their salary, and they are perfunctory about what they should do. With minister".

There are also some officials, as long as it is said by the owner, he will say "well said, very correct, and very important"; .Although he said so on the lips, he was secretly thinking about the owner's hobbies in his stomach, and whenever he had a love, he would do what he liked, to satisfy the owner's sensual pleasure, and make the owner feel comfortable.Gradually, when the owner stopped treating such flattering officials as outsiders, they would cover and indulge each other, eating, drinking and having fun together, regardless of the consequences and the impact.This kind of official history is called "flattery".

Those who are sinister and treacherous in heart, humble and prudent in appearance, eloquent and likable, are actually jealous of virtuous and capable people. If they want to promote someone, they speak good things about him in front of the owner and hide his shortcomings; He exaggerates and highlights his faults before the Lord, and conceals his advantages. As a result, the Lord rewards and punishes inappropriately, orders fail, and government orders and regulations cannot be implemented.Such officials are "traitors".

Those who are intelligent and learned are more capable of doing bad things.When covering up one's fault, the reasoning is so clear that people can't help but be unconvinced; the debate is enough to form a theory, and they can instigate dissension between father and son and brothers, and they can fan the flames and create chaos in the court.This kind of official history is "slandering ministers".

Those who usurp power, create their own forces, confuse black and white, overturn others, reject dissidents, cultivate private forces to form buddies, and form their own social forces; falsely spread imperial edicts, appear everywhere as plenipotentiaries, and make themselves appear extremely dignified Officials are "thief ministers".

Flattering and flattering in front of the owner, instigating and inducing the owner to go on an evil path, and behind the scenes, pushing all the mistakes on the owner alone; The imperial court does not distinguish between black and white, right and wrong; secretly publicizes the faults of the master, causing the people to curse the master. Such officials are "ministers of subjugation".

Wang Chong: Personality
Wang Chong (27-approximately 97), courtesy name Zhongren, was born in Shangyu, Kuaiji (now Shaoxing). His ancestors migrated from Yuancheng, Weijun to Kuaiji.Wang Chong became an orphan when he was young, and the villagers praised him for his filial piety.Later, he went to the capital to study in Taixue (the highest institution in the central government), and worshiped Ban Biao from Fufeng (place name) as his teacher. "Lunheng" is Wang Chong's representative work, and also an immortal atheist work in Chinese history.

In terms of human nature, there are good and evil.Those who are good are inherently good; those who are evil can be taught and encouraged to make them good.Ordinary fathers should examine the nature of their subjects, if they are good, they will be nurtured and persuaded, and if they are not ordered to be close to evil;Good gradually becomes evil, deteriorates into good, and becomes sexual.

Zhaogong Jiecheng said: "The king first obeyed Jue's order and played in the play! If you give birth to a son, you will not be born at the beginning of Jue." "Birth son" refers to fifteen sons. evil. "Poetry" said: "The son of the other Shu, why do you give it?" Rumors: "For example, it is like practicing silk, dyed blue will turn green, dyed red will turn red." For good and evil, it is like dyeing and training silk with blue pill to make it blue and red.Green and red are [-]%, true color is the same. ...In human nature, good can be turned into evil, and evil can be turned into good, and so on.Among the fluffy hemp, if you don't support it, you will straighten; if the white gauze is in the black, you will be black if you don't practice it.The nature of the fluff is not straight, the quality of the yarn is not black, and the hemp is dyed to make it straight black.The wife's nature is like fluffy yarn, which gradually becomes infected and good and evil change.

... The seeds of soybeans and wheat are different from rice beams, but food can relieve hunger.Do villains and gentlemen have different temperaments?For example, all the five grains are for use, and they are not different but have different effects. The inner qi is thick, so the nature has good and evil.To be disabled is to impart a spirit of inhumanity, while to be angry is to be endowed with courage.Renbo is violent but less healed; brave and ferocious is fierce but not righteous, but lacks harmony, happiness and anger are out of time, and thinking is light on foolishness.People who act recklessly commit evil because of their crimes. Human beings suffer from the five constants, including the five viscera, all of which are present in the body, and their endowments are few, so their conduct is not as good as that of a good person. How much evil makes it happen.Therefore, the thickness of wine is the same as the evil; the good and evil of people share the same vitality.There are many qi, so there are virtuous and foolish natures.Ximen Leopard is in a hurry, Pei Wei slows down; Dong An slows down, and takes the strings to speed up.The rush and slowness are both out of balance, but Wei Xian possesses him and becomes a complete person.If you can take the teaching of Wei Xian and make up for the shortage, then the names of Leopard and Anyu can be used.Poor and inferior houses, without walls, Yuda, people refer to Zi.Such as wealth and wealth.Build a house and build a wall to cover yourself, and make a house for it, and people will never be wrong again.

main idea
When it comes to human nature, there must be a difference between good and evil.The good ones are of course kind from the beginning; the ugly ones can be made good through education, advice, guidance and encouragement.All rulers and fathers will carefully observe the character of their ministers and sons. The good ones will cultivate, teach, encourage, and guide them, and keep them away from the evil ones; aspects are gradually transformed.Gradually transform the good to the ugly, and gradually transform the ugly to the good, and it will become the same as the character you were born with.

Zhaogong said to the young King Cheng: "Now you are about to fulfill your mission to govern. In fact, this is like a person who has just lived independently. There is no one who does not lay a good foundation at the beginning." "Birth" means Most of them are 15-year-olds. At the beginning of their independent life, they must aspire to develop in a good direction, which will eventually be good; "The Book of Songs" said: "That beautiful person, what should I give him?" The biography says: "For example, pure white silk, if you dye it with a blue dye, it will be blue, and if you dye it with a red dye, it will be red." 15 years old Human beings are like silk, which will gradually transform into good or ugly people, just as blue dye and red dye dye white silk, it will turn it into blue and red.And once it is dyed blue or red, it is no different from the real color. ... Human character, kindness can become ugly, and ugly can also become kind, just like this situation.Peng is a plant that grows in the middle of hemp, and it will naturally straighten without support; white yarn is put into a black dyeing vat, and it will naturally turn black without dyeing.The nature of the fluff is not straight, and the texture of the white yarn is not black, but because of the support of the hemp, the black dye vat makes them straight and black.Human character is like fluff and white gauze, good and evil will change under gradual influence.

The fruits of soybeans and wheat are very different from rice and millet, but people can eliminate hunger after eating them.Are villains and gentlemen different in nature?Comparing them with the five grains, the five grains are all for food, and the fruits can all satisfy the hunger but the taste is different. The qi that people are endowed with can be thick or thin, so their character can be good or bad.A ferocious person bears less benevolence, while a quick-tempered person bears more courage.Less benevolence means viciousness and lack of benevolence, more courage means ferocity but no friendship, coupled with the lack of harmony of yin and yang, people become moody and careless and ignorant when thinking about problems.People who behave indiscriminately do not intend to do evil but are born with such a nature. Human beings have benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and belief in the five constants. They are all contained in the five internal organs and stored in the human body. Therefore, their character is not as good as that of good people, just like some wines are strong and some are light.Therefore, the strong and light taste of wine is produced by the same koji; the good and evil of human nature are also formed by the same vitality.There are more or less qi inherited from the sky, so people's character is virtuous and foolish.Ximen Bao is impatient, so he wears a belt to remind himself to be gentle; Dong Anyu is slow, so he wears a bowstring to remind himself to be hasty.Haste and slowness are also the loss of neutrality, but the belt and bowstring are attached to the body to remind themselves at any time, making them people with perfect temperaments.If you can accept the education of wearing a belt and wearing a bowstring, and then make up for your own lack of temperament, then there will be other people who are as famous as Ximen Bao and Dong Anyu.Dilapidated houses without complete walls, eaves and windows, so people will criticize and criticize.If money and wealth are abundant, houses are erected and walls are built to cover up the original dilapidation and become a complete house, then people will no longer criticize and criticize.

Zhuge Liang: Seven Views
Zhuge Liang (181-234), courtesy name Kongming, nicknamed Wolong (also known as Fulong), was born in Langyayangdu (now Yinan County, Linyi City, Shandong Province), prime minister of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period, an outstanding statesman, military strategist, inventor, and writer Home.He was granted the title of Marquis of Wuxiang when he was alive, and he was given the posthumous title of Marquis of Zhongwu after his death.Later, the Eastern Jin regime admired Zhuge Liang's military talents, and specially named him King Wuxing.Zhuge Liang devoted himself to helping the Shu Han regime, and died.His representative works include "Before the Master", "The Later Master", "The Book of Commandments" and so on; he has invented wooden cows and horses, Kongming lanterns, etc.Zhuge Liang was greatly respected in later generations, and became a model of loyal ministers and the embodiment of wisdom for later generations.There is Wuhou Temple in Chengdu, and Du Fu praised Zhuge Liang in the famous "Shu Xiang" through the ages.

Ask him about right and wrong, and watch his aspirations; ask him with words, and watch his changes; consult him with strategy, and watch his knowledge; tell him about adversity, and watch his courage; get drunk, and watch his nature ;

main idea
Ask him his judgment of right and wrong to see whether his ambition is pure; question him with words and debates to see his resilience; consult him about strategies to see if he has real talents; tell him disasters and difficulties to see Whether he is brave; drunk him with wine to see whether his true character is consistent; lured him with property to see if he is upright; asked him to complete one thing within a limited time to see if he kept his promise.

If a person is silent and inactive, it is difficult to guess his will.Therefore, if you take the initiative to ask questions and catch him by surprise, you can know his knowledge and measurement, and if you throw the bait, you can know whether he is brave, honest, and trustworthy.The method of seven observations is intended to actively create various situations and watch their reactions, so as to understand their self-cultivation.

Liu Shao: "Character History"

Liu Shao, courtesy name Kongcai, was born in Handan, Guangping (now Handan, Hebei Province) in the Wei Dynasty. He was born in the Jianning period of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty (168-172) and died in the Zhengshi period of King Wei Qi (240-249).He became an official during the time of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty. At the beginning, he was an official in Guangping, and successively served as Prince Sheren and Secretary Lang.Later, he was awarded the title of "Marquis of Guannei", and he was awarded Guanglu Xun after his death.Liu Shao has extensive knowledge, has read a lot of books, and once gave lectures on scriptures.He edited the class book "Huang Lan" and participated in the formulation of "New Law".He wrote "Yue Lun", "Xu Du Fu", "Luo Du Fu", etc., most of which have been lost.At present, only "Character History", "Zhao Du Fu", and "Shangdu Official Examination Course Book" are included in "Quan San Guo Wen".

The beauty of a sage is nothing more beautiful than wisdom; the most precious thing about wisdom is knowing people.If you know people's sincerity and wisdom, then all the talents will get their order, and the achievements of the common people will flourish.

Therefore, when the sage writes the image, he sets up the words of the gentleman and the villain; when he narrates the annals of the "Poetry", he distinguishes the customs, elegance and righteousness; when he composes "Li" and "Yue", he examines the six arts and only mediocre virtues; Material, all because of the goodness of all people and the success of heaven.

Heavenly merits are accomplished, and they are not honored.That is why Yao was known for his virtues, Shun for his meritorious deeds, Tang for his meritorious talents, and King Wen for his honor for the old men in Weibin.

From this point of view, if a sage prospers virtue, who would not work wisely to ask others, and to be at ease in being an envoy!For this reason, Zhongni did not try and could not be promoted, and the disciples of Yuxu thought that there were four subjects, and they generally discussed the talents to distinguish the three.He also sighed that the doctrine of the mean is to distinguish the virtues of saints, and the theory of advocating virtue is to persuade common people.Train the six concealments to guard against the loss of partiality, madness in thinking to understand the talent of restraint and resistance; if you are sick and have no faith, it is difficult to protect the likeness with clarity.It is also said to observe its place, observe its cause, so as to know where it lives and stops.

The observation of characters is also so detailed.Therefore, dare to follow the hadith, order the characters, and forget them by patching; but a gentleman who knows a lot can judge his meaning.

Nine Signs
Covering the foundation of characters comes from emotion.The principle of emotion and nature is subtle and mysterious; if it is not observed by a sage, who can investigate it?
Whoever has blood and energy, does not contain Yuanyi as the essence, endowed with yin and yang to establish nature, embodies the five elements and forms the shape.If there is form and quality, you can still seek it immediately.

The quality of mortals is the most expensive in neutralization.The quality of neutralization must be bland and tasteless; therefore, it can be adjusted into five materials, changing according to seasons.Therefore, to observe people and judge their quality, we must first observe their plainness, and then seek their wisdom.A wise man is the essence of yin and yang.When yin and yang are in harmony, the center is sharp and the outside is bright; the sage is pure and bright, and he can have both beauties.Knowing the small and knowing the chapters, you are not a saint, and you can't do both.Therefore, a person who understands understands the opportunity of movement but is hidden in mysteries; a person who understands mysteries knows the essence of tranquility and is trapped in quickness.It is like the fire shining on the outside, which cannot be seen from the inside; the golden water is reflected on the inside, but cannot be seen from the outside.The meaning of the two covers the difference between yin and yang.

If you measure its material, you can check the five things; the signs of the five things are also written in Jue style.In the body, the wood bones, golden tendons, fire, earth muscle, water and blood, are the images of the five things.The reality of the five things, each has its own benefits.Therefore:
Those who are bone-planted and soft are called fortitude; those who are also fortitude are the quality of benevolence.Those who are clear and bright are called the arts and sciences; those who are also the arts and sciences are the foundation of etiquette.Those who are upright and solid are called chaste and solid; those who are chaste and solid are the foundation of faith.Those who are strong and refined are called brave; those who are brave are also determined by righteousness.Those who have a flat and smooth color are called the subtleties; those who understand the subtleties are the source of wisdom.The five qualities are constant, so they are called the five constants.

The difference between the five constants is listed as the five virtues.Therefore:
Gentle and straight but resolute, the virtue of wood is also.Just fortified and resolute, the virtue of gold is also.Wish to be respectful and respectful, the virtue of water is also.The chestnut is wide and soft, and the virtue of the soil is also.Simple and clear, the virtue of fire is also.

Although the body changes infinitely, it still depends on the five qualities.Therefore, the signs of rigidity, softness, brightness, smoothness, and steadfastness are all about description, seeing sensuality, and expressing emotion, each of which is exactly like its image.Therefore, when the heart quality is bright and straight, its appearance is strong and firm; the heart quality is restless; its appearance is vigorous;Husbands and appearances move into appearances, and each has its own attitude: the movement of straight appearance is correct and correct; the movement of quiet appearance is stumbling;The movement of the husband's appearance is from the heart-qi; the signs of the heart-qi are the changes in the voice.The husband's qi synthesizes the sound, and the sound responds to the rhythm: there is the sound of peace, the sound of clearness, and the sound of Huiyan.A husband whose voice is smooth and free from qi will actually retain his appearance; therefore: sincerity and benevolence must have the color of gentleness; sincerity and courage must have the color of conscientiousness; sincerity and wisdom must have the color of understanding.

Husband's color can be seen in the appearance of the so-called spirit.If you look at the appearance of the spirit, the emotion will come from the eyes.Therefore, the essence of benevolence and eyesight is sharp; the essence of courage and courage is strong;Therefore, if the quality is not good, the work will fail.Therefore, if it is straight but not soft, it will be woody; if it is strong but not refined, it will be strong; if it is solid but not straight, it will be stupid;Therefore, the quality of the mean is different from this kind: the five constants are prepared, wrapped in a bland taste, the five qualities are filled inside, and the five essences are external.It is also the light of the five colors of the eyes.Therefore, it is said that things are born with form, and form has spirit; if one can know spirit, one can exhaust reason and nature.

(End of this chapter)

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