The Complete Collection of Ice Books

Chapter 6 God's Bone

Chapter 6 God's Bone (5)
When the staff heard it: Great!Slap hard.

Zeng Guofan insisted on being modest: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be!" His heart was already bright.He sized up the young man, hey, why didn't he know him?So, quietly asked the staff around him, who is this person?The staff told him that this young man was a talented person who had just been recruited as a clerk, and he was quite diligent in his work.

When Zeng Guofan heard this, he nodded frequently. This person is talented and can be reused.Sure enough, not long after, he made an exception and promoted this young man as Yangzhou Salt Transport Envoy.

This time, Zeng Guofan was surprised.This young man got such a fat job, couldn't stand the test, couldn't resist the temptation, not to mention the extravagance, and married four concubines in one go, acting like "a group of wives and concubines".The imperial court sent officials to various places to check the situation of the clean government. He knew that the fire could not be covered with paper, so he simply absconded with public funds.

Obviously, Zeng Guofan bears the unshirkable responsibility.After he heard about this, his brows were tightly furrowed, his face full of confusion.One of the aides couldn't bear it, and said kind words of comfort: "This kind of thing happens often, so don't take it to heart."

Master Zeng Guofan sighed: "Oh, I've always been able to discern talents, but I didn't expect to fall into the hands of a brat this time. He said that people can't bear to bully me, so didn't he just have the heart to bully me?"

The staff member was straightforward: "Don't you boast that you don't like to listen to flattery? That kid is flattering you, and you didn't even realize it!"

This really corresponds to the old saying: "The most difficult thing is to know people."

workplace utilization
Where there are many people, there are many right and wrong.Where there is right and wrong, there must be villains, and villains are gods and evil people.This is especially true in the workplace.Identifying and avoiding evil villains has become a compulsory course for people in the workplace.

Not long after Ajie graduated from university, he was already the R&D manager of a large company at a young age.Ajie graduated from a first-class university, has a bright mind and a good-looking talent. You can easily see his excellence.Enthusiastic about his career, he spends most of his time and energy on his current job, and his performance is highly affirmed by his superiors.But he is never proud of being young and ambitious. On the contrary, he always assists his work partners with great enthusiasm and tries his best to do a good job.

However, maybe it was because he was too young to be a manager, or because his outstanding performance would put pressure on the people around him. For some reason, there were always some rumors circulating in the company, saying that he was proud and unfriendly to his colleagues. , As a result, even the general manager came down to inspect him in person.Although he passed the general manager's inspection and made the rumors self-defeating, Ajie didn't know what he did wrong or who he offended.He felt very frustrated in his heart. He has been working hard and actively supporting his colleagues, but he was full of doubts about human nature for a while, and he couldn't help thinking of leaving the job.

Obviously, Ajie encountered a "black tunnel" in the workplace.

There is a widely circulated saying in the workplace that "the workplace is a black tunnel", which resonates with many people.The so-called black tunnel in the workplace refers to the many pressures, unfairness, malicious attacks, disappointment, negative emotions, etc. encountered in the workplace.Most of the stories that happened in the workplace are typical stories of encountering villains in the black tunnel of the workplace.

In the workplace life, we may always try our best to do our own job well, but it still doesn't go well. This may be because we unintentionally offended the villain in the workplace.Generally speaking, villains are those who behave in a wrong way, do things in a wrong way, and use crooked means to achieve their goals.The words and deeds of villains have certain characteristics.The following are ten kinds of villains in the workplace that you must know!
1. "Three Ballads" Villain

The villains of the Three Rumors are people who like to listen to, believe, create and spread rumors.These people are completely oblivious to what is the truth of the matter.As long as there is value in dissemination, they will spread it without reservation, and even add oil and vinegar.For example, when a colleague leaves, they will spread rumors that the resignation is due to bribery, personality problems, lack of morality, and so on.They like to use rumors to "poison" the partners around them and influence the people around them.In the workplace, this kind of villain is afraid that the company will not be chaotic!
2.irresponsible villain

A villain who has no responsibility and loves to push back responsibility.This type of villain often doesn't do what they should do, and they are very lazy.Whenever something happens, their first reaction is to shirk responsibility. They often say "it's not my fault." They also often blame others. They like to deny their faults and then make excuses to blame themselves" Shaping" into a normal person.

3.split villain

They have a special ability, that is, their words and deeds are inconsistent, they say one thing and do another, they are people in front of them, and ghosts behind them.Beware of this kind of schizophrenic villain, to prevent him from pretending to be good to you under the "sugar coating" of friendship, but actually looking for an opportunity to control you to death.There is also a less serious type of villain, they like to exaggerate, when they exaggerate, they are invincible in the world, but when they do it, they are powerless.They can process what they say and what they do divisively.This kind of villain often only packs himself, but has no strength.Will exaggerate themselves to attract attention, then opportunistically find someone to do the job for them, only to take the credit for themselves.For this type of villain, pay attention to avoid working or cooperating with him as much as possible.If you can't avoid it, you must write down the work records clearly, as a "counter-evidence" for him to claim credit in front of the leader in the future, so that his tricks cannot succeed.

4.greedy villain
This kind of villain loves to be greedy for petty gains, and they will betray the team and colleagues who work together because of greed for petty gains.This villain often focuses on short-term interests rather than long-term interests.In the workplace, they may be those people you trust very much at first, and he knows how to use your trust in him to betray you!
5.fickle villain
We know that change is necessary.We also know that in this world, the only constant is change!In the workplace, if you change your bad behavior and attitude, you will be accepted by everyone, but fickle people like to change not themselves, but the set rules of the game.They often start to change the rules of the game when they see that the other party's performance is getting bigger and bigger and making more money.For example, they can't see that others are getting more dividends and bonuses according to the rules they set, so they will start fighting to change the rules.The key here is that they will change the rules of the game based on the "principle" of benefiting themselves and harming others. poor guy
It is easy for a person who pretends to be pitiful to get everyone to vote for sympathy, and then agree to his requests, especially unreasonable ones.Many times, because of our soft hearts, we can easily fall into this villain's tricks, although we are sometimes very sober!In order to prevent being deceived, we must remember that the poor villain must have something to hate.

7.lose-lose villain

We know that no matter in business or in any team, we strive to move forward and cooperate towards a win-win situation.However, some villains are not like this. Once he feels that his own interests are not as long as he imagined, he will make both parties lose-not only he loses alone, but also others lose with him.This kind of villain, whenever he feels that he is at a disadvantage, he immediately drags others into the water, if he wants to lose, everyone loses together!Die, everyone die together!If you want to lose, everyone loses together!

8.water villain

Every piece of news that gets to them turns out to be bad news, and they love to throw cold water on you, so that you are not only not motivated or recognized, but demoralized.This kind of villain is easy to be jealous of other people's achievements, and they will try their best to obliterate your achievements and try to drag you down.In the workplace, they are a group of villains who not only do not help, but cause destruction.

9. Worried about villains
This kind of villain often has negative thoughts, and they often handle affairs with a worried attitude, and their unfounded worry attitude often makes everyone more worried or even completely lose confidence in the affairs that have not yet started.Such people often surrender before they start, worrying that they will not be able to do well, and have no action at all.The most critical thing is that they will affect the people around them, and make the whole team distracted.

10. Two-headed villain
What the villains at both ends are best at is telling the truth, saying one thing in front of you, and telling others another thing behind your back.They are like two-headed snakes, and their relationship with you has always been difficult to clarify. They will treat you very well in front of you, but they will betray you in front of others and say that you are not good.This kind of people also like to tell you stereotypes, and then tell others that you said these words.They can even say that you said it in front of others even if you completely disagree with it!They can even put on a wronged look in front of you to win your sympathy.This kind of villain is difficult to get along with, because people around them don't know what they think in their hearts at all, and they don't know when they treat others sincerely.

In fact, the characteristics of a villain are not limited to these. In a word, all those who do not speak the law, do not show affection, do not teach righteousness, and do not respect morals have the character of a villain.

Confucius had a wonderful description of the villain, which is a good reference for professionals.Confucius said: "A villain speaks eloquently." It means: "Smart words, a face to please others, such a person is seldom benevolent." This is a straightforward sketch made by Confucius for the villain .Coupled with Zeng Zi's further elaboration, we will better understand the meaning of rhetoric.

Zeng Zi said: "Shoulders flatter and smile, sick from Xia Qi." The literal translation is to shrug your shoulders and make a flattering smile, which is more exciting than working in the vegetable field under the scorching summer sun. People are uncomfortable!The long-term experience has made the villain's spine degenerate, but the facial muscles have evolved. Every moment, the villain will wear different masks on different occasions, trying to play with others with his cleverness.

Nowadays, people skeuomorphize the image of the villain—"running dog" and "hawk dog". The clever villain voluntarily lies on the ground, sticks up his buttocks, degenerates into a beast, and is willing to drive west and east and harm others.In the workplace, we must always be vigilant against those villains around us who speak sweet words and smile brightly.

Confucius said: "The villain is a party and not a group." The reason why a villain likes to form a party for personal gain is because he has ghosts in his heart, and he wants to seek personal gain and maintain vested interests through this kind of collusion.We often see such a scene in our life: When everyone is discussing a matter in a meeting, when the important leader has not finished speaking at the scene, the villain starts to jump up and down, and the compliments in the public are like the water of the Yangtze River. See The leaders showed that they were lucky and excited, and the leaders' decisions were definitely strategic and far-sighted... There were a lot of flattering words like this.But after the meeting, in a place where no one is around, he will take off his mask and say something like this: "You can be a leader at this level, and so can I. If I were to do it, I must be much better than him I’m done!” This is the standard face of villains, they never really learned to respect each other, deep in their hearts there is only an ulterior purpose, in order to achieve this shady purpose, a small group of people with the same goal walk away Together, it is precisely because of this that there is such a word in Chinese history: fox friends and dog friends.

Confucius said: "Villain people are always concerned." The minds of villainous people are often enslaved by things, worrying about gains and losses, busy with calculations.He often disturbs others and suspects that others are plotting against him.So they are often caught in fear and restlessness.We must not think that villains are "low priced". In real life, villains always live a brighter and more nourishing life than gentlemen. They often appear in front of the world as a living "gentleman".A villain will never label himself a "villain" and publicly declare that he is a villain in front of the public.A villain never talks about his own shortcomings, but exposes his own scars.This kind of villain just stands out in the crowd, blindly flaunting himself as a "gentleman through and through".

Concerning the difference between the behavior of a gentleman and a villain, Confucius also has an expression, which is called "a gentleman does not compare himself to others, and a villain does not compare himself to others". The character "bi" looks like two people standing next to each other, which means that a small person likes to form a small circle, and he will not integrate into a large group.Therefore, "comparison" is an act of a villain. If you want others to be exactly the same as yourself, it would be selfish.If villains are "compared" together, then it means they share the same taste.In normal times, we can often hear some people always showing off that they can always share weal and woe with others, and they can always do both sides for their friends.However, when the real test came, he had already run away without a trace.

The psychology and behavior of villains in the workplace is a manifestation of the inferiority of some Chinese people. Although not all people have such inferiority, there are always some people who are willing to play such a role-they use despicable tricks to put their colleagues in the right and wrong.We must be more wary of such villains.

By observing a person's rich eye language, one can have a general understanding of a villain's character and thoughts at that time to a certain extent.There are often people around us who look around, their eyes wandering like flowing water.Behind this look is often a calculating heart.It is often the people who are scheming and have a deep city can have such eyes.There may be two kinds of information conveyed by the wandering eyes: one is smart but does not follow the righteous way, and the other is deep-seated and afraid of being pryed by others.The former kind of look is mostly a manifestation of lack of noble character and behavior, while the latter kind of look is mostly a manifestation of treachery and inner cuteness.Those whose eyes flicker when speaking generally indicate mental instability.According to some legal data, criminals generally have such a state before confessing their crimes: their eyes wander, their eyes flicker, and they always avoid the inquirer's sight, which is probably caused by something hidden in their hearts or guilt.

When we talk to someone and see his eyes wandering, we should be careful. It is very likely that he is hiding something in his heart, or he may be thinking of something bad.When dealing with such people, we should be extra careful so as not to be fooled.

After understanding the above methods of identifying villains, the following principles should be followed when dealing with "villains":
1. Keep your distance
Don't get too close to villains, just maintain a light colleague relationship, but don't be too distant, as if you don't take them seriously, otherwise they will think like this: "What's so great about you?" Then you're out of luck.

2. Not guilty

The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds, and it is expected to meet villains in the workplace.Generally speaking, villains are more sensitive than "gentlemen" and have low self-esteem. Therefore, don't provoke them with words, and don't offend them with interests.Since ancient times, people would rather offend a gentleman than a villain.The villain is always nailed to the pillar of shame in history, and history will make the most fair judgment.

3. Be careful what you say
It is enough to say something like "the weather is nice today". If you talk about other people's privacy, talk about other people's problems, or make some complaints, these words will definitely become the material for them to stir up trouble and punish you when necessary.

4. Take some small losses
Villains sometimes hurt you because of unintentional mistakes. If it is a small loss, forget it, because not only will you not be able to get justice from them, but you will forge even greater hatred.

5. Don't have interests involved

Villains often gather in groups to occupy interests and form forces. You must not rely on them to obtain benefits, because once you get benefits, they will demand a considerable return, and even stick to you. At that time, you want to It is impossible to escape.

It's not that if you do the above points, you and the villains in the workplace will live in peace with each other, but at least you can minimize the harm the villains do to you.

God of movement
Original text
If you want to distinguish between right and wrong, first observe movement and stillness; stillness is like pearls ①, movement is like water flowing ②; stillness is like no one, and movement is like going away ③; this is clarification to the end.Quiet like fluorescent lights ④, moving like running water ⑤, sharp and clever ⑥ and lustful ⑦; quiet like half asleep, moving like deer startled ⑧, don’t be talented ⑨ and think deeply ⑩.One is the defeated weapon {11}, and the other is the hidden flow {12}, both of which are traced to the Qing Dynasty, so it is necessary to distinguish them.

① Containing pearls: the eyes are as pure as crystal pearls, containing but not revealing. ②Shuifa: The eyes are serene and sharp, Shen De is sharp, just like spring water moving clear waves. ③ Going: Fly straight to the center of the target.of: the center of the target. ④ Fluorescence: the flickering light of fireflies in summer nights. ⑤ Flowing water: The gaze is erratic like flowing water. ⑥ Sharp: Refers to being good at ingenuity and disguise. 11 Prostitution: treachery.Gao You's annotation "Lu Shi Chunqiu Zhidu": "If you don't learn the righteous way, you will become obscene." ⑧Deer Horror: Frightened and uneasy like a deer. 12 Biecai: A person who is smart but does not practice the right way. [-] deep thinking: the mind is hidden, worried that others will see through. {[-]} Destroyer: originally refers to a flawed utensil, and is extended to a person with low moral character and improper behavior. {[-]} Yinliu: A person who hides evil intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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