The Complete Collection of Ice Books

Chapter 5 God's Bone

Chapter 5 God's Bone (4)
This kind of person is nervous, sensitive, and has an extroverted personality that is active and restless.They are energetic, fast-paced, and can endure hardships and stand hard work, with first-class physical toughness.The body is quite strong, there is little acclimatization, and the recovery of physical strength is relatively fast.They always find a way to get to work immediately after a long flight of many hours.This kind of person is very easy to eat in interpersonal situations, and is a typical example of being long-sleeved, good at dancing, and exquisite in all aspects.However, their purpose of making friends is clear, and the friends they associate with are limited to work relationships. They are very good at choosing friends based on actual needs, and they are very good at using the "added value" of friends to make money or develop their own careers.People who have only met once will be recorded in their database and become future partners.

9. Inverted triangle face

The forehead is wide, and the face gradually narrows toward the chin, forming an inverted triangle face.

A person with this face shape is related to his body, which is mostly thin and petite.Most of them are meticulous in their work and have cleanliness.They have a strong vanity, like to be noticed, but also care about eye-catching things; they have aristocratic hobbies, and they are full of longing for drama and elegant things, but if they are not satisfied, they will also behave anxiously; There is an indecisive side in temperament, as well as a delicate and romantic side. Most people have an inaccessible temperament, which makes people feel difficult to get along with. To approach this kind of person, you must use romantic and fantasy topics as a lubricant for communication .

God's voicing
Original text
When literati talk about gods, there is a distinction between voicing and turbidity①②.

①Voice: Two states of eyes.One is clear and crystal clear, looking dignified; the other is cloudy and gloomy, looking uncertain. ② Distinguish: difference.

When ancient physicians, literati, and health practitioners studied and observed human "spirits", they generally divided "spirits" into two types: pure and turbid.

When literati study and observe human "gods", they generally divide gods into two types: clear and ignorant.Ancient Chinese philosophy has the idea that man and nature are one, and that man and nature are one. The ancients used "clear" and "turbid" to distinguish human wisdom from foolishness, virtuous and unworthy. "Bingjian" also followed this ancient thought, using the terms "voicing and turbidity" to judge people's noble and humble, virtuous and unworthy.

Qing, as clear and clear as water, is used on people, which means a state of purity, clearness, clarity, and no distracting thoughts. It matches people's dignified, open-minded, and enlightened demeanor. It is often connected with "xiu" and is called "elegant".

Turbidity, like the turbidity and darkness of water, is a state of drowsiness, confusion, and impurity when used on people. It matches with rudeness, stupidity, vulgarity, vulgarity, and vulgarity. It is often used together with "faint" and is called "turbidity".

It can be seen from this that clear and turbid are a set of corresponding concepts, indicating whether a person is smart or stupid, wise or dull. When judging a person's fate, the clear is valuable and the turbid is cheap.

It is easier to distinguish the voicing and turbidity of the gods.The spirit is refreshing, the body is clear and the person is wonderful. To be able to show such a spirit from a person, this person must be smart and agile. This is the performance of the spirit.God is mainly concentrated in the eyes.For example, childhood has not changed much, it is bright and pure.Comparing the students at school with those who have been in the society for several years, their differences will appear. The eyes of the students at school are bright and pure, without distracting thoughts, while the latter have changed their thinking due to the influence of various aspects of society. , then become sophisticated and sophisticated, lacking the pure taste of selflessness in the heart.Another example is that the eyes of young people are bright and clear, while the eyes of old people appear cloudy and dim.This does not mean that young people are smarter than old people, but young people often have a quickness that old people do not have.Moreover, compared with when they were young, the elderly have much less thinking, memory, and work efficiency.The changes in the clarity of the mind are related to the thinking of the brain.All this will be shown in the eyes.

Shenqing also has several levels.There are those who are clear and full, and those who are clear but not enough.The spirit is clear and full, and they are people with great wisdom. Their performance is like a deep pool of clear water, and there will be no big waves if there is no strong wind.A person with great wisdom is a very humble person, and he hides his secrets, not caring about what he loses or what he gains.They are also very vigorous, energetic, and have enough thinking power and action power to deal with problems.These people are both smart and energetic, and they belong to the category of people who are as quiet as virgins and move like rabbits.

A person with a clear mind but not enough is a person of average wisdom.When the spirit is clear, people are smart; if the spirit is lacking, the energy is not strong.They are more intelligent, but they lack energy, lack of proper action ability, and obvious lack of willpower.It is difficult for this kind of person to persevere in doing things, so it is difficult to become a big climate in the end.

"Shenqing" and "spiritual turbidity" have a great relationship with cultivation.For example, good qualities such as perseverance and perseverance can be achieved through acquired training. People with "turbid mind", as long as they continue to work hard and accumulate wisdom, they will gradually become smarter, and they will change from "turbid" to "clear". People who are "clear but not deficient" will continue to increase their confidence, temper their will and perseverance in the acquired learning, under the encouragement and guidance of good teachers and helpful friends, and through perseverance, they will also turn from insufficiency to abundance.Conversely, if a person with "shenqing" relies solely on the "clearness" of his talent and does not work hard, his brain will "rust" and his "clearness" will become "turbid".Those who are clear and satisfied will also gradually lose their aggressiveness and motivation due to their own laziness, and can only make ordinary achievements, but cannot realize their lofty ambitions.Wang Anshi's "Injury to Zhongyong" tells about the child Fang Zhongyong, who was originally very smart, extremely talented, and his spirit should be clear and clear, so he became talented without learning, chanting poems and composing Fu, and speaking well.But his father was a muddled person, and he used his son as a cash cow, bluffing around to make money, not allowing his son to further study, his talent was not tempered and inspired, he was no longer smart, and his god was no longer clear. When he grows up, he is no different from ordinary people.

Utilize the world
The ancient "Xiang Jing" said: "A person's status depends on his bones, and the length of his life depends on the reality of his spiritual temperament." The story in "Zuo Zhuan" quoted below is used as "God" to predict fate references and illustrations.

King Jing of Zhou sent Shan Chenggong to Qiyi to meet Han Xuanzi.Shan Chenggong lowered his eyes and spoke slowly.Uncle Xiang said, "Duke Shan Cheng is about to die. Ministers have a certain place in the court, and there is a certain order when they meet with the princes. The left and right lapels of the coat should meet in front of the chest, and the knot of the belt should be tied in front. You must let everyone hear what you say during meetings and court meetings. This is to make things clear and orderly. You must not look beyond the belt knot and collar, this is to make your appearance dignified. Use language to clarify what you say, and then use appearance to strengthen it. If you lose these principles, your image will be damaged. Now Cheng Gong is the special chief of the King of Zhou. His voice cannot be heard a step away, his expression is sluggish, and his speech is slurred. If his expression is sluggish, he cannot be respected, and if his speech is unclear, he cannot be obeyed. This shows that he no longer has the vitality to protect his body." Later, Shan As expected, Duke Cheng died in the winter of that year.

workplace utilization
Market competition is cruel, and how each enterprise can win over talents and make the best use of them often determines the fate of the enterprise.For a leader, a good helm can only be called a good helm by identifying turbidity among employees who are in different situations but are all striving for success, promoting talents, and guiding others to change from turbidity to clearness and make progress together.

A shop employed two young men of the same age at the same time and paid them the same salary.But the boss quickly promoted the young man named Arnold, but he was still observing the performance of the young man named Bruno.Bruno was dissatisfied with his boss's unfair treatment, and finally one day, he complained to his boss.While listening to his complaints patiently, the boss was thinking about how to explain to him the difference between him and Arnold. "Mr. Bruno," the boss said, "Go to the market this morning and see what's on sale this morning." Bruno came back from the market and reported to the boss that there was only one farmer who pulled a Car potatoes are on sale. "How much?" the boss asked.

Bruno quickly put on his hat and ran to the market again, and then came back and told the boss that there were 40 bags of potatoes in total.

"what is the price?"

For the third time, Bruno went to the market to ask the price.

"Okay," the boss said to him, "now please sit in a chair and don't say a word, and see what others say."

Arnold soon came back from the market and reported that so far only one farmer was selling potatoes, a total of 40 pockets, what was the price, and the quality of the potatoes was very good. He brought back one to show to the boss.The farmer will get several boxes of tomatoes an hour later, and the price is very fair according to him.The tomatoes in their shop sold out very quickly yesterday, and the stock is running out.He thought that the owner of such cheap tomatoes would definitely buy some, so he not only brought back a tomato as a sample, but also brought the farmer, who is now waiting for an answer.

At this point, the boss turned to Bruno and said, "Now you must know why Arnold's salary is higher than yours?"

Obviously, the boss in this story is also a master at knowing people. The different handling styles of Arnold and Bruno show the clarity of the two people, but the boss grasps the fundamental thing and sees the difference between the two. Individual personality differences and their respective development prospects.The boss's correct identification and management method is undoubtedly an incentive for employees like Arnold, and it is also a spur and warning for employees like Bruno.

Quack doctors can mislead people, and so can quack teachers.Identifying talents is the work of dealing with people, and it is also a must-have course for any manager.Those who judge people, especially managers, should learn from Zeng Guofan's father-in-law and not rely on others' judgments as the standard.Don't speak rashly, don't be impetuous, look at people from the perspective of development, and distinguish rewards and punishments. This is not only the standard of being a person, judging people, but also the standard of management.

God's evil
Original text
Clear and turbid are easy to distinguish, evil and righteous are hard to distinguish.

①Evil and Righteousness: The two kinds of dispositions of integrity and treachery reflected in the mental state.

It is relatively easy to distinguish the purity and turbidity of "God", but it is not easy to distinguish the evil from the honest.

Evil refers to treachery and evil; righteousness refers to loyalty and straightness.

It is relatively easy to distinguish the qing and turbidity of gods, but it is much more difficult to distinguish evil from righteousness, because both evil and righteousness may be mixed in "clear".That is to say, regardless of their moral character, they are very smart and talented.Because he is smart, he has the ability to be good at disguising, so it is much more difficult to distinguish the evil from the good than to distinguish the "clear and turbid" of others.Therefore, "Bingjian" clearly states that "clear and turbid are easy to distinguish, but evil and good are difficult to distinguish."

It is difficult to distinguish between right and wrong, because human intelligence does not mean noble character.Among those who are knowledgeable and capable, some have high morals and some have low morals.The wisdom of the loyal and treacherous people is good, and people are also smart. God's evil and righteousness are all mixed in "Qing", and the similarity of shape will deceive many people's eyes, so it is not so easy to distinguish.

It is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, and because people have subjective initiative, treacherous people can use actions and words to cover up their true colors and intentions.If you don't judge talents according to the righteousness of gods, you will be confused by superficial phenomena such as words and actions.This means that the judgment of people is too weak and they cannot recognize people.

It is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, because there is another category of people between good and evil. This kind of people should distinguish whether they are treacherous or upright in specific circumstances, and cannot be generalized.

It is difficult to distinguish between right and wrong, and because different eras have different moral standards with different standards, so the concept of right and wrong has obvious characteristics of the times.The treachery of the past may be correct today; the loyalty of the past may be pedantic today.

The importance of the eyes is not only reflected in the turbidity, but also in the righteousness, that is to say, the character of a person can be seen through the eyes.The way of seeing people with the eyes has been around for a long time.As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.Sex is internal, emotion is external, sexuality is body, emotion is function, sexuality is stimulated by external factors, and it becomes emotion.The most obvious and difficult part of emotion is not words, actions, or attitudes, but the eyes.

Utilize the world
If a person's "God" is peaceful and dignified, and "God" is stable, it shows that he is morally noble, loyal to others, will not rebel, will not change his integrity and beliefs due to changes in things around him, and dares to stick to the right things, The will is strong.

If a person's "god" is frustrated, his character is low, he has evil thoughts, he is easy to change his mind, and he will give up his moral sentiment and seek profit.This kind of person is usually good at concealing himself, and he often shows his true nature after he is fully prepared and the situation is mature.They will not easily attack, do not fight unprepared battles, and are big treacherous and thieves.

What needs to be explained is that although gods are related to heredity, they are more mainly tempered in the acquired environment.Wang Anshi said: "The poor get rich because of books, the rich get rich because of books, and the rich get rich because of books."

To distinguish the "clear" and "righteous" of gods, the main thing is to look at them.Mencius in "Li Lou Pian" has a discourse on how to distinguish the good and evil of the human heart based on the eyes: "There is nothing better than the eyes that exist in people. The eyes cannot hide the evil: if the chest is upright, the eyes will be clear; if the chest is not upright, the eyes will be The pupils are clear." "The pupils are bright and clear" means that the eyeballs are bright and clear; "the pupils are dark" means the eyeballs are dim and cloudy.If the heart is "right", then "eyes are clear", if the chest is "not right", then "eyes are dark".Through careful observation of the eyes, we can find out the "evil and righteousness" in "clear".

People with "positive eyes" are generally upright, while those with "evil eyes" are generally treacherous.Zhuge Liang is such a master at identifying people through their eyes.

Once, Cao Cao sent an assassin to assassinate Liu Bei.After the assassin saw Liu Bei, he didn't attack immediately. Instead, he discussed with Liu Bei the strategy of weakening Wei. Liu Bei was very satisfied with his analysis.Soon after, Zhuge Liang came in, and the assassin was very guilty, so he excused himself to go to the toilet.Liu Bei said to Zhuge Liang: "Just now I got a strange man who can help us rejuvenate Han and destroy Cao." Zhuge Liang said disapprovingly, "When this man saw me coming, his expression was fearful, his eyes were low, and he always showed pity and rebellion. He must be an assassin." So Liu Bei hurriedly sent someone to chase him out, but the assassin had already escaped.

In an instant, through the change of eyes, one can see the purpose and motivation of a person. Zhuge Liang is indeed a master at knowing people.Zhuge Liang was able to see through this person mainly because he found flaws in his flickering eyes.

In life, there are often people with good looks and imposing manners, and it may be more difficult to see through his behavior at a glance.At this time, in addition to distinguishing from speech and behavior, the information revealed in the eyes cannot be ignored.Everyone, whether consciously or unconsciously, his eyes are often the faithful interpreter of his soul, just as "Jane Eyre" wrote: "The soul has an interpreter in the eyes—often unintentionally, but a faithful interpreter."

People often say, "It's hard to draw a dragon or a tiger if you know the face but don't know the heart." This probably also expresses the truth that "people's hearts are unpredictable."In interpersonal communication, some people talk honey or hide swords in their smiles. Many honest people have stumbled on this, and they often realize that he is such a person after the fact!It is also often said that it is difficult to know people, and it is even more difficult to know people's hearts.Because in real life, what some people say is different from what they think in their hearts.What you say is not what you think in your heart; what you think in your heart is not what you say.Just as "Bing Jian" said that people are "difficult to distinguish between good and evil", difficult to distinguish is difficult to distinguish, but it is not impossible to distinguish.Although those treacherous villains are good at disguising, there are always some flaws that allow us to see their faces clearly.

To know people is to make friends, and to know people is to do things.To identify a person, you only need to look at his current behavior in the world to know what he will do to you.The eyes are wandering, squinting at people, this kind of people are also people who should not be friends with each other.Because normal people look at people with straight eyes and normal eyesight, but some people like to look at people with squinted and wandering eyes when they first interact ), this type of person must always be kept in one hand, so this type of person is destined to be unreliable.People who always gossip about others in front of you and keep small accounts for others will inevitably gossip about you and keep small accounts for you behind their backs.People who plot against others all day long and have trouble with others, no matter how good your relationship is with you, one day you are likely to be plotted against by him.For the kind of person who is not only ungrateful for the help others have given him, but will repay the kindness with revenge, no matter what, you must not be kind to him, otherwise you will be the only one who is unlucky.

There is a certain relationship between God's partiality and form. For example, some villains have "thiefy eyebrows and mouse eyes, and they are not good things at first sight", but in fact this is not always the case. The ugly Quasimodo in Notre Dame de Paris is more handsome than the handsome cavalry captain. Kinder and more loyal.Therefore, it is easy to make mistakes in "observing people by form", while "God" comes from the nature of the soul, and it is not easy to fake it. It is more feasible to use it to judge human character.

Zeng Guofan is good at understanding the psychology of his subordinates and is good at controlling people.However, there are exceptions to everything, and he sometimes stumbles when it comes to identifying talents and employing people.That's why he has the feeling that "it's hard to distinguish between good and evil".

Once, Zeng Guofan was cooking wine with several staff members and discussing heroes. He asked: "Compared with Li Hongzhang and Peng Yulin, who is better?" He rushed to answer: "Of course Mr. Zeng is the most talented!" Unexpectedly, at this time, Zeng Guofan felt that it would be good for his progress to be more modest, and waved his hand and said, "It's too good, too good. Li Hongzhang and Peng Yulin are both today's talents, I know Not as good as the two of you. What is admirable in my life is that I don’t like to listen to flattery, and I still have a little self-knowledge.”

After hearing this, the staff members firmly refused to believe it, and continued to shoot violently.Another said: "Mr. Zeng, you are welcome. From my point of view, the three of you have your own strengths and strengths. Mr. Peng is mighty and powerful, and no one dares to deceive you; Mr. Li is shrewd, and no one can be deceived; Mr. Zeng..."

This old man was talking nonsense, but he suddenly got stuck at this point and couldn't think of an appropriate metaphor.

Zeng Guofan was excited when he heard it, and asked, "How about me?"

Seeing this, the other aides immediately turned their brains sharply, wanting to say something surprising to win Zeng Guofan's favor.Helpless, my head suddenly "cut off", but I just couldn't think of it.

A young man sitting by the door interjected: "Grandpa Zeng is benevolent, and people cannot bear to be bullied!"

(End of this chapter)

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