The Complete Collection of Ice Books

Chapter 8 God's Bone

Chapter 8 God's Bone (7)
1. Watching the eyes and knowing the mind

A person's eyes cannot cover up the evil thoughts in his heart. From a person's eyes, one can distinguish the quality of a person, whether he is good or evil.There is nothing better to observe a person's good and evil than to look into his eyes.Because the eyes cannot hide the ugliness of a person.When listening to a person speak, pay attention to observe his eyes, where is the good and evil of this person hidden?
(l) Sparkling eyes indicate that the other person is energetic, energetic and interested in the conversation.

(2) The eyes are dull and gloomy, indicating that this is a person who has no fighting spirit and is boring.

(3) The eyes are erratic, which means that this person is half-hearted or uncertain or nervous.

(4) Eyes flickering on and off, indicating that he is a scheming person and has become impatient with listening.

(5) Bright eyes indicate that this is a courageous and upright person.

(6) A person who takes the initiative to exchange eyes with others shows that he is open-minded.

(7) Not daring to look directly at or avoiding other people's sight, indicating that the person is nervous or insincere, hiding something.

2. Knowing the city through eyes

(1) When people are angry or excited, the frequency of blinking will increase.Frequent and rapid reactions are always associated with feelings of guilt or fear.Blinking is also often used as a means of concealment.

(2) The eyes are calm and steady, which means that the heart is calm and assertive.The eyes are sharp and sharp, full of life and vitality.The eyes are clear and calm, but the murderous intention is hidden inside, and the sharpness is exposed. He is a person with courage, like a shooter aiming at the target, and hits it with one shot.

(3) Eyes are like flowing water, although they are clear but erratic, it is seen in treacherous people; eyes that seem to be sleeping but not sleeping, awake and not awake, are scheming.

(4) Clear eyes, as clear and clear as water, means that the person is pure, clear, clear, free of impurities, dignified, open-minded and enlightened.

(5) The eyes are muddy, heavy and dark like water, which means that the person is dull, confused, mixed and impure, rude, stupid, vulgar, ruthless and vulgar.

(6) The eyes are always as frightened as a frightened deer. It is an expression of deep plans and tricks but afraid that others will peep into his heart.

(7) If the other party does not look at you at all during the conversation, it can be considered that he is not interested in you or has no sense of intimacy.

3.Watching the eyes and knowing the emotions
(1) If the other party stares at you for a long time without looking away, it is likely that they have something on their minds to tell you.

(2) When the other person's eyes are turning left and right, up and down, and they are not focused, it is probably because they do not tell the truth so as not to worry you.The eyes are constantly moving from side to side and up and down. This appearance is lying.

(3) The other party's eyes roll slowly, which means that he will change his mind whenever he has a chance.

(4) Slanting the other person's eyes is to express rejection, contempt, confusion, contempt and other psychology.Squinting and smiling eyes indicate interest in the other party.

(5) Competitors look at each other with contempt.

(6) When the other person's eyes are bright and slightly sinister, he must not trust the person and is on guard.

(7) The expressionless eyes of the other party indicate that there is some injustice or dissatisfaction in the heart.A cowardly person will have an expressionless look.

It's very interesting if you watch the eyes or gaze of the person who is speaking.Notice the way people look at us when we meet them for the first time, and you can see that these people have different types of personalities.When he has good intentions or hostility, or when he is indifferent, his eyes will also change accordingly.

(1) Those who look down are evidence of cowardice.When you look into the other person's eyes, the other person quietly lowers his gaze because he realizes that you are superior to him in age and social status, or realizes that you are his formidable opponent. When talking, most of them will have a sense of tension.

(2) For gentle and introverted people, if their eyes wander left and right, it means rejection.It is very similar to the above, but instead of looking down, it moves left and right, showing that he rejects the other party, and unconsciously shows the information that he has no good intentions for the other party.For example, when a man strikes up a conversation with a woman, if she doesn't like that man, she will show left and right eyes.

(3) Staring directly is an expression of hostility. Looking directly at the other party without moving eyes has a very profound meaning.This kind of look will appear when you are hit by some kind of powerful blow, or when you have a strong hostility.

(4) An erratic line of sight indicates inner uneasiness.Staring at the sky with dull eyes, often seen when the mood is low, indicating a sense of loss of security, or thinking about something.This expression often appears when you are indifferent to everything.

(5) Looking up is a sign of self-confidence.People who look up slightly when speaking are mostly confident in their status and abilities, and they are more outgoing.Among politicians, this kind of gaze is quite common, and there are quite a few important figures in companies with this kind of gaze.Workers who belong to leaders or control others, their eyes are always easy to look up.

5.Know your likes and dislikes
The look of the eyes, whether the eyes are straight and upright, etc., can all reflect a person's heart, character, virtue, and emotion.When meeting for the first time, the other person's eyes will roll around, so you can know a thing or two.People who dodge each other's eyes lack sufficient self-confidence, have a sense of inferiority, and have a cowardly personality.When meeting strangers, people who cannot take the initiative to strike up a conversation, always get acquainted with others passively, and avoid the other person's eyes when greeting them, are generally more cautious, lack self-confidence when dealing with problems, and often have a sense of inferiority.

Xue Fucheng was a diplomat in the late Qing Dynasty and a well-known reform thinker at that time.He came from a scholarly family and passed the examination as a scholar in his early years. Later, due to family changes, he did not continue to take the imperial examination.But he is indeed a talent, and his ideas are quite insightful in terms of governing the country, the army, or the economy.When Zeng Guofan was going to the north to suppress Nian, he posted notices everywhere to recruit talents.Zeng Guofan was a unique master at the time. Xue Fucheng felt that being able to follow Zeng Guofan should be a very important opportunity for development in his life, so he wrote a ten-thousand-word letter about governing the country, accompanied by his brother, on a rainy day He rushed to Zeng Guofan's tent.After reading Xue Fucheng's letter, Zeng Guofan couldn't help feeling secretly happy, so he left him in his shogunate.

Later Xue Fucheng played a very important role in the Qing Dynasty's diplomacy.He once traveled to Britain, France, Italy, and Belgium, and did a lot of work in foreign affairs such as negotiations on Yunnan and Myanmar.For such an influential figure, his fortune and his start began with Zeng Guofan's shogunate.

Zeng Guofan's very important point in knowing people is: emphasizing ability rather than academic qualifications, and emphasizing quality rather than qualifications.Although Zeng Guofan himself was a feudal official who passed the imperial examination all the way, in his heart, in his subconscious, he did not think that only those who passed the imperial examination were capable.He believes that those who failed the imperial examination may not be good generals and talents.Zeng Guofan knows very well that the so-called talents have their own temperament and characteristics. When measuring their abilities, they must be eclectic and have a comprehensive and multi-angle perspective. Looking at people one-sidedly can only make outstanding talents rub shoulders with themselves. Pass.Therefore, Zeng Guofan was able to recruit all kinds of talents, such as legal talents, arithmetic talents, astronomical talents, mathematical talents, and even machine manufacturing talents. It can be said that his shogunate was full of talents, which almost brought together the essence of the national talents at that time.This point is worth pondering for future generations of employers.

Business utilization
As a customer, when you walk into a hotel, you don’t need to care about the waiters’ gestures, language, or the teeth they show when they smile. You only need to pay attention to the eyes they face you, and you can judge the service of this hotel quality.

Once, a few very good friends got together and had a terrible lunch in a very good hotel.

It took 5 hours for the 2 dishes they ordered to arrive.Apart from complaining, everyone can't help but compare Chinese hotels with their European counterparts.The conclusion is of course very simple: "the moon is still round abroad".

Among them, the host is an entrepreneur. He must ask, where is the moon in foreign countries rounder than ours?
So everyone present chatted about it.Someone said: "The hardware of our hotel is spacious and bright, but it lacks taste, and the building materials are rough, maybe it is a tofu project; as for the software, that is, the service, people in the UK are all waiters who are over 40 years old. It is not like us. It’s young people who can’t find a job who can be waiters.” At this point, this friend stood up deliberately and imitated the appearance of foreigners and Chinese walking with plates, which made everyone laugh.Some people also said: "Foreign waiters rely on tips to survive, and with the on-site incentives of tips, they work very hard in everything." Another said: "The service abroad is very standardized, even the foreign students who wash the dishes also do it. It has to look good, not like this hotel, where there are many waiters, but it looks messy."

Just here, a waiter came over to pour tea.They took the opportunity to "threat" him, saying that if we don't serve the food again, we will pay the bill and leave.

The waiter replied readily: "Okay, I will remind you."

This sentence made everyone amused.Everyone knows that this is a standard polite remark, just to put you off.

After laughing, one of them reminded everyone: "Did any of you watch the waiter's eyes just now? There was no sincerity, no apology, or even concentration in his eyes. He was just completing the job; his There is no enthusiasm in his eyes, not even a light, because he doesn't like this job and hate us laughing customers."

Hotels can spend money to build buildings, build rules, and establish discipline; train waiters in their walking, standing, and sitting postures; train their voices, laughter, and calls.It is said that there are rules for waiters to show a few teeth when they smile.In addition to quick hands and feet, waiters also need to learn to use their brains and be able to come up with smart solutions for various situations.However, to create an unforgettable customer experience, in addition to using hands and brains, you must use your heart.And the only indicator to measure the degree of his intentions is his eyes.

Someone once observed the eyes of promoters in a large brand home appliance chain market many times.When you walk towards their territory, what you see is a pair of attentive and expectant eyes, and when you turn around and go to the next door, you often see a bunch of cold eyes.He would think, do you want me to send you off when you buy electrical appliances from other manufacturers?Here, what you get is such a hot and cold treatment.However, when you visit another brand's flagship store, you get the kind of look that makes you unquestionable, the kind of look that makes you not want to look around at other products.In their eyes, there is always such enthusiasm and concentration, a faint brilliance of happiness from service.Even if you occasionally stay in the hotel for a while in shabby clothes, you can still feel that when you turn around and leave, there is still a warm gaze behind you.

As a hotel executive, or more broadly, as the owner of a service business, you must have felt similarly, right?

In a word, eyes are competitiveness.

Whether you are in charge of a hotel, a school, a hospital, a training institution, a consulting company, or even a government department, your employees' performance is the whole of your reputation.Among the behaviors of an employee, the most lethal thing is his or her eyes.Some customers refused to patronize again, and the reasons they gave may be various, but they felt cold or disdainful at a certain moment when they met the staff's eyes, but it was probably the most fundamental reason.

None of us could hide the look in our eyes if we hadn't been specially trained like Mossad agents.Naturally, the eyes are the windows of the soul; similarly, as ordinary people, we also have the innate ability to feel others.

Kazuo Inamori, one of the "Four Sages of Management" in Japan, founder of Kyocera, and honorary chairman of Kyocera, said that substances in nature can be divided into non-combustible, combustible, and self-igniting substances, and people can also be divided in the same way.When you're hiring, you're looking for the kind of "self-igniting" people who are naturally enthusiastic and therefore willing to "take pleasure in helping others."As for specific skills and knowledge, it is relatively easy to develop.

Carnegie said that the door of a person's soul is locked from the inside, unless he is willing to open it, no one else can do it.You can't force the look in your employee's eyes, any more than you can force a man to love you: you can't force your employee to treat customers well unless he's given timely positive incentives.And one heart can only be inspired by another equally true heart.

Therefore, you don't need to train employees to "manipulate" their eyes, just start with their "heart".

"Pick up and get started" to watch its gods
Original text
All spirits are easy to see in vigorous ① places, but hard to see in intermittent ② places.The one that is broken is ③ the source is broken, and the one that is continued ④ is continued at the closed place.The so-called Taoist theory of "cleaning up and getting started ⑤" can't get it right ⑥ depends on its detachment ⑦, and does it ⑧ depends on its needlework.Those who are careful, look at it from what it can't do.A bold person, judging from what he has done, is cautious and thorough, and there is nothing to do. This is the so-called needlework.The two actually look at the inside, and when they move a little outside, they will fall into the mood {11}, and the mood is easy to see.

① Vigorously: cheer up. ② Intermittent: intermittent, the state of being refreshed but unable to continue; continued, the state of being energetic and continuous. ③ Interrupter: A state in which the mind is interrupted and the sequence cannot be followed. ④Continuer: The state of continuation with more than enough energy, uninterrupted front and back, and endless eloquence. ⑤ "Clean up the entry": A Taoist term for nourishing qi and refining one's nature (not dedicated), the master has no distracting thoughts and a state of meditation practice, just like cleaning up things outside the door and entering the room. ⑥ The place where you can't get enough: when you haven't "tied up the door", that is, when you can't practice meditation without distracting thoughts. ⑦Take off: rough and open, careless. ⑧Where to do it: When you have "cleared up and started", that is, the distracting thoughts have gone, and you are in a state of meditation. ⑨Sparse and wide-eyed: careless, not meticulous. 11 Gouqi: Hasty. "Book of Rites·Qu Li [-]": "Don't smile." {[-]} Modality: The concept corresponding to God.The inside is God, and the outside is modality.

Generally speaking, it is easier to recognize a person's mental state when he is refreshed, but it is difficult to recognize the demeanor that seems to be refreshed but may be a temporary demeanor.Insufficient energy, it will be interrupted after deliberately cheering up, like dripping water; full energy, like a big river, torrenting endlessly.

Taoism has the so-called "cleaning up the entry" theory, which is used to observe "God". Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the "needlework" (fine and careful) of people.For a cautious person, one should look at him before he "clears up the door", so that we can find that the more cautious this person is, the less refined his behavior will be, and he will always seem to be careless. Mental state is the so-called contemptuous and uninhibited; for a frank and unrestrained person, we should look at it from the time when he has "packed up the door", so that we can find that the more frank and unrestrained this person is, the more prudent and careful his behavior will be. They are all meticulous, this kind of mental state is the so-called spiritual thoroughness. The two mental states of "Tuolue" (slowness and carelessness) and "needlework" (cautiousness) actually exist in people's inner world, but as long as they are revealed to the outside, they will immediately become modality, and modality is relatively easy to observe.

In this part, after describing the primacy of "God" in the outline of observing people, it will further discuss the state of "God" existing in the heart, that is, to observe "God" through people's inner activities.

A person's mental state, in terms of its appearance, can be roughly divided into two types, one is naturally revealed, and the other is reluctantly cheered up.The so-called natural expression refers to what you see or feel, which is completely natural and true from the heart. The displayed mood and behavior are natural, sincere, and there is no intentional artificial state or affectation, so the expression is long-lasting , its "god" is naturally more than enough, so Zeng Guofan called this "continuation"; and those who are reluctant, deliberately artificial, lack of sincerity, so the confidence is obviously insufficient, and the time of pretending cannot last long, so the "god" will appear insufficient, Zeng Guofan will This is called "breaking".

"Where the spirit is full of energy, it is easy to see", which means that once the spirit is cheered up, whether it is true or artificial, when it appears, you can see its refreshment.But why is it that "all spirits are easy to see"?This is because: this "shaking" demeanor is manufactured and is easy to be observed and found by people, especially well-trained people; it is a single form, easy to see, not like "natural" It is as elusive as the state mixed with "artificiality".This state is incomplete, and it must be combined with another state - "broken place" to discover the true state of "God".The difference between natural revealing and forced cheering can only be accurately distinguished in the dynamics, that is, to further distinguish the true from the false at the "intermittent place".This is what "Bingjian" said "difficult to see at discontinuities".This kind of mental state seems a bit like a natural expression, but it's also a bit like a posturing, it's really not easy to grasp.This happens from time to time: Some people look tall, but they don't look like them; they look treacherous, but they are loyal.In order to accurately observe and discover this mixed state, Zeng Guofan specifically brought out the Taoist saying of "cleaning up and getting started".

The so-called "clean up the entry" refers to the Taoist principle of nourishing qi and refining nature. The general principle is to get rid of all distracting thoughts and wait for action.As a human being, desire is always inevitable. It can even be said that the original impulse of human beings to pursue survival and development is desire.However, different people have different value pursuits and different desires. As the saying goes, "the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom" belongs to this situation.Cleaning up means liberation.In order to facilitate the coherence of the context, it can be understood as: To examine the character's psychic ability, one should wait for him to settle the matter before drawing a conclusion, and one should not just judge from the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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