The Complete Collection of Ice Books

Chapter 9 God's Bone

Chapter 9 God's Bone (8)
Taoism advocates following nature, and opposes indulgence and abstinence, so it advocates "less selfish desires".Taoism believes that desires are hard to fill, so it is advocated that both society and individuals should practice to make them "less selfish and few desires", and the trick is the word "quiet".Taoism believes that there are at least two levels of "quietness": the first level is the emptiness of the state of mind, and the second level is "waiting for movement with stillness". Zhongjing is actually a kind of "watching instead of listening". Through this method, one can cultivate one's self-cultivation and cultivate one's ability to discover others. Two kinds, that is, "if you don't do it, you can see how it is done" and "when you do it, you can see its needlework".

"If you don't know how to look at it, you can look at its detachment": "Not at all" means that something is still in progress and has not been completed; "Tolue" describes a person's free and easy way when doing things.The meaning of the whole sentence is that before something is completed, it depends on its state, whether it is confident or fearful.If he is full of confidence at this time and can accurately grasp the future direction of the development of things, even if he encounters difficulties and pressures, he will show inner stability or outward optimism.With this mentality to guide the business, the results can be expected.Had the opposite been the case, the consequences would have been frightening and unsettling.

"Look at the needlework": "needlework" refers to female red.Judging whether a woman is good at housekeeping can be judged by whether her needlework is fine or rough.Here it refers to the state of mind that needs to be examined before the thing is completed; when the thing is completed, not only depends on the result, but also depends on the methods and means used, and don’t just judge a hero by success or failure.Just like a female celebrity, her work is fine or rough, and a woman's mind and spirit are entrusted in it.The success of things will be disturbed by many accidental factors: when the chance is good, the blind cat meets a dead mouse; when the luck is bad, picking up gold turns into copper.Therefore, if you carefully examine the methods and means of doing things, whether he is successful or not, you can get a deeper understanding of his characteristics, such as whether he is well-planned or not, whether he is brave and decisive, whether he fails by chance, and so on.If the answer is yes, then it is safe to say that success is inevitable.A well-planned, bold and careful person, even if he does not succeed this time, will succeed next time.Many talented people often suffer setbacks, and immature timing is often an important reason.If you only judge heroes by success or failure, there are many people who missed "the time has not come".

In addition to these two methods, Zeng Guofan also proposed how to examine the "careful" and "bold".

"Careful people, look at what they can't do." Careful people refer to people who are cautious and thoughtful.Careful people are often less pioneering, but by no means useless.It is not advisable to be too cautious, but at least it will not cause losses.After they accumulate bit by bit, they will reach the height of Mount Tai and form the vastness of the river and sea.Cautious people tend to have high spirits and tend to be inferior to themselves, but they have an obvious shortcoming, that is, they are easily discouraged and cannot withstand the blows of successive failures. This is different from being bold and careful.Therefore, the investigation of the "cautious person" should start from the things he can't do, so as to get a more real inner mental state.

"Sparse details and broad eyesight, if you don't pay attention to it, it's the so-called omission." The advantage of a careful person is that he is careful and thoughtful, but if he fails to do a successful thing, the reason for the failure is generally that the plan is not thorough enough and the consideration is not comprehensive enough.Such people often have insufficient talents, poor thinking, and lack of pioneering spirit.This kind of cautious person is difficult to take on heavy responsibilities, and can do partial auxiliary work.

"A bold person can be seen from what he has done." Bold and adventurous people have courage, dare to take risks, and have a fighting spirit, but they often act rashly and even cause a lot of unnecessary losses.If you are an aggressive person, even if he succeeds in doing things, he will miss many important details, which should be an invisible failure.A bold and careful person will pay close attention to the subtle changes in the surrounding things when moving forward bravely, and find things that may be missed in the subtle places, so as to ensure that all aspects of the matter are correct.Therefore, the investigation of "daring people" should be conducted from the perspective of what they can do.

"Prudence and thoroughness, nothing to do, the so-called needle and thread." From the success of a bold man, we can find that he succeeded blindly by recklessness, or by being bold, careful, and well-planned to achieve success.A man who is bold and aggressive, if he can do delicate and beautiful needlework, he is considered a master. This kind of man must not be a "progressive" person, but a bold and careful character. This is a dual personality. The best partner, the best combination.

"The two really look at the inside, and if you move a little outside, you will lose the mood. The mood is easy to see." The above inspection of the cautious and the bold, on the surface, is to examine their behavior and doing things, but actually from the inside to the outside They are examining whether they are more than God or not enough.

"Careful people": If they are super-spirited, they will have enough energy to deal with complicated affairs and give full play to their strengths of being good at thinking;

"Bold people": If they are more than gods, they have more energy to deal with many details besides going forward, carefully discovering things that others have overlooked, so that they will move forward step by step. Success; if you are a person with insufficient spirit, you will be careless, not careful, and careless in doing things, which will easily cause losses.

The success of things often relies on normal means, and the sudden emergence can only be used in extraordinary circumstances, and the probability of success is not high.Therefore, the "bold people" who are "more than gods" take the right way as their fundamental plan.Bold people with insufficient spirit show that they are more than reckless and not careful enough.This kind of person is often not enough to succeed, but more than to fail, and will cause trouble out of thin air and make trouble. The best way is to "fire" him immediately.Because the cautious person lacks the spirit, although it is not enough to create success, it may also miss the opportunity, but it is still possible to keep the success, and it will not add trouble.The above two, if revealed a little bit, can be seen at a glance, and it is relatively easy to distinguish.If you can carefully examine a person from both big and small aspects, and discover his true talent and insight, then it is not easy to go wrong.

Zeng Guofan has studied these things very well. He has a very tenacious personality and strong resilience. He also attaches great importance to the cultivation of his spiritual bones. He once wrote such a couplet:
Feed a group of spring meaning

Hold up two poor bones

The couplet is about the bones of the gods, and it is also a true description of his stubborn personality.He believes that the road needs to be walked step by step, the effort needs to be accumulated bit by bit, and hard work needs to be done. This may seem a little slow, even a bit roundabout, but because such a person has a solid foundation and a lot of accumulation, he will become a great tool in the future.Zeng Guofan discovered many capable people by virtue of his "God".

Utilize the world
Observing and knowing people in social life is actually a process from the outside to the inside, following the vines, and following the flow.The same is true when observing a person's mental state, that is, from the external mood and behavior, to detect the hidden spiritual temperament, and to peek into the real activities in the depths of his heart.Although this process seems to have a mystery of no sign, no sign, no breath, no color, no taste, no shape, but it is still reasonable, not groundless, no foundation.

People with rich life experience can more easily see whether others are sincere or artificial.Although people's emotions and mental states have different manifestations, which may interfere with distinguishing the true and false of "Gods", it is entirely possible to check the authenticity of "Gods" by integrating various expressions of people's words and deeds.

At the beginning, when Xiang Yu saw the mighty and mighty Qin Shihuang who ruled the Central Plains for the first time, he sighed loudly: "He can be replaced." From here, we can find Xiang Yu's true temperament and personality - straightforward and bold "reckless".When Liu Bang met Qin Shihuang, he said: "A man should be like this." The words and expressions of the two are different, but they can truly express their inner activities and personalities. Compared with Xiang Yu, Liu Bang is more reserved and tactful. much.

workplace utilization
Zeng Guofan believes that no matter what kind of talent, only with a thorough and meticulous character can he go steadily and go far.Those who want to make achievements, in the process of doing things, must not ignore those simple things, and do not ignore those details and meticulous efforts that others think are easy.It is not easy for a person to do simple things well.Everyone thinks it is easy, but if you can do it carefully and rigorously, it will not be easy.

A person's quality is gradually formed in life and work, as the saying goes, "If you don't accumulate steps, you can go a thousand miles."Everyone’s usual words and deeds will form a habit. Good qualities are not developed in a day, they need to be continuously accumulated. Details reflect a person’s comprehensive quality and better reflect a person’s character.Sometimes a seemingly simple thing can reflect different people, different attitudes and personalities.

China has always had many talented strategists, but there may not be many excellent executors; there is no lack of various management systems, but what is lacking is the full-fledged implementation of the rules and regulations.Decision-making and implementation that do not pay attention to details will inevitably lead to tragedy.Some people rise by paying attention to details, while others fail by ignoring them.

The personnel department of a large enterprise wants to recruit a director of the resource management department.On the day of recruitment, the site was overcrowded, and the waste paper scattered on the ground was messed up by the soles of the candidates' shoes.Towards the end, the HR manager of the recruiting party saw a person not far away walking from far to near while picking up waste paper on the ground.When he came to the manager, the manager asked him why he picked up these waste papers, which had already been used.He replied: "Although these papers have been used, the other side can still be reused. It would be a pity to throw them away." The manager then showed a gratified smile.It turned out that among so many applicants, no one noticed this detail.And this detail is a silent examination question set by recruiters.Because the supervisor of the resource management department is responsible for managing resources and avoiding waste.Among the many applicants, there were so many applicants at the beginning, but no one paid attention to picking up the waste paper for reuse, which really gave the HR manager a headache.Needless to say, only this scrap-picking candidate landed the position.

The ups and downs of an enterprise stem from the details, the ups and downs of a person stem from the details, and the right and wrong of a decision also comes from the details.Pay attention to the devil that lurks in the details, not everyone sees it.And since it is a "devil", of course it has the power it should have.The belonging of heaven and hell can be demarcated with only one finger of it.

Zeng Guofan believes that such a person is destined to not have any outstanding achievements if he does things carelessly, carelessly, carelessly, and only seeks the immediate happiness without considering the impact of his actions on the future.

Business utilization
Some commonplace details in life often seldom attract people's attention and thinking, but Newton was able to discover gravity from an apple falling to the ground keenly, and Watt was able to create a steam engine from a boiling kettle.The same is true in leadership activities. A good leader can spy on the essence of a person and identify talents from an action or a habit of the other party.Human behavior is a silent language.Although it is silent, it can reflect a person's heart, reflect a person's personality and moral character, and reflect a person's quality cultivation and spiritual temperament.In particular, the information revealed by people's subconscious behaviors can more directly and truly express a person's psychological activities and true thoughts than processed words.This provides an important way for leaders to discover talents.

The famous Japanese entrepreneur Nagamori Shigenobu uses the small movements of people to identify talents, and the accuracy rate can reach more than 95%.He believes that the action of a person eating can best reflect a person's character: "No matter how noble a person is eating, he will also reveal his character." He used the opportunity of eating to distinguish whether the manager of the party was the first generation manager or the first generation manager. Second generation manager.Generally speaking, entrepreneurial managers have experienced considerable labor, and most of the dishes served are eaten up, and they are eaten quickly.Generally speaking, they touch their knives and forks when they eat, and they squeak when they eat soup, and they don't pay much attention to banquet etiquette.The second-generation manager is very picky about food, and there are a lot of leftovers, so he always chooses his favorite food first.

The so-called details determine success or failure, and it also applies to the selection of talents.Leaders must learn to examine talents from the details.Because in an enterprise, the most important things to do daily are small details, and the earth-shattering events are only temporary after all.Therefore, when selecting and employing people, leaders should pay the most attention to the details of employees' daily work.This is the so-called "seeing the small to know the work, seeing the big from the small".

Nine bones know people
Original text
There are nine bones ①: Tianting bone ② uplift, occipital bone ③ strong, parietal bone ④ flat, side bone ⑤ corner, sun bone ⑥ line, brow bone and rhinoceros rise ⑦, nasal bone bud ⑧, and zygomatic bone if not And rise ⑨, the neck bone ⑩ rises and falls flatly.On the head, the celestial bone, occipital bone, and sun bone are the main ones {11}; on the face, the brow bone and cheekbones are the main ones {12}.Five is preparation, and the tools of pillars and stones are also {13}; one, it is not poor {14}; two, it is not cheap;

①: There are nine bones: Qi, state.This section is devoted to nine precious bones.The nine precious bones are: the heavenly court bone, the occipital bone, the parietal bone, the skewer bone, the sun bone, the brow bone, the nasal bone, the cheek bone and the neck bone. ②Tianting bone: located under the heavenly court of the hairline.Its potential is plump and upright, and it is the noble appearance that it looks plump and full. The common saying "the sky is full" means this.However, extremes lead to opposites. If Hong Leong is too "convex", it is not good. ③Occipital bone: the bone of the back of the head that is level with the face Yintang.It is better for the bone to be full, and the more visible the more expensive. ④ Parietal bone: Located on the top of the head.Flat, straight but not obtrusive.The parietal bone is most expensive to be straight. ⑤ Zuochuan bone: it is the temple bone, the peak of the bone goes up obliquely into the general horn of the child (braided horn), although it is a bone, it looks like a horn.This is what the saying goes, "the horns of the head are exposed". ⑥Sun bone: It starts from the end of the two eyebrows, roots at the temples, and must rise in a straight line to reach the hairline.The sun bone is thin and expensive. ⑦The brow bone rises: The brow bone is the brow bone, which is located under the two eyebrows of the face.Fu, flat and hidden.rhinoceros horn.The brow bone should be concealed but not exposed, as hidden as the flattening of a rhinoceros horn, otherwise, if it is high and exposed, it will be arrogant, and if it is low and sunken, it will be treacherous. ⑧Sprout of the nasal bone: The nasal bone is from "Nian Shou" to "Mountain Root", connecting "Yintang" and "Zhongzheng".Buds here mean bamboo shoots like asparagus, tall and straight.The nasal bone should be straight and straight. ⑨ If the cheekbones cannot rise: the cheekbones are under the eyes of the face.If you can't get up, you want to get up but you can't get up, and if you can't get up, you have the tendency to want to get up.Its shape is powerful and powerful, and it is better to insert "Tian Cang" into the temples, neither pointed nor tight, neither biased nor reversed, neither floating nor exposed. ⑩Neck bone: Neck bone, at the back of the neck, connected to the spine below, and connected to the skull above. {11} In the head, the celestial bone, the occipital bone, and the sun bone are the main ones: each part of the human body has a primary role and a secondary one, that is, there are critical and healthy parts that play a decisive role, and there are non-critical parts that play an auxiliary role.The meaning of this sentence is: the bone phase of the head mainly depends on the three key parts of the celestial bone, occipital bone, and solar bone. {12} On the face, mainly the brow bone and cheekbones: the bone phase of the face mainly focuses on the brow bone and the cheekbones, which play a key role. {13} The pillar of the stone: the talent of the country. {14} One, is endless: One, is an abbreviated sentence that inherits the previous, and the complete one is "prepared for one", that is, there is only one of the above bone phases.The following "two", "three" and "four" are the same. {15} Moving shoes is slightly better: moving shoes, doing things in action.Slightly, gradually.Sheng, here is the meaning of prosperity and prosperity.

"Nine expensive bones" each have their own masters and strengths. According to the growth of the nine bones, a person's status, worthiness, and ignorance can be distinguished.To be specific: the Tianting bone is expensive if it is plump; the occipital bone is expensive if it is full and exposed; the parietal bone is expensive if it is flat and abrupt in the center; It rises in a straight line; the brow bone is prominent but not exposed, concealed like a rhinoceros horn; Not revealing.When looking at the bone phase of the head, we mainly look at the three key parts of the heavenly court, the occipital bone, and the sun bone; when looking at the bone phase of the face, we mainly look at the two key parts of the brow bone and cheekbones.If the above five bones are perfect, this person must be a pillar of the country; if only one of them is possessed, this person will not be poor all his life; if two of them are possessed, this person will not be humble all his life; If one possesses three of them, the person will prosper as long as he makes a difference; if one possesses four of them, this person will certainly be in a high position.

An ancient book says: joints are like gold and stone, you want to be steep but not horizontal, and you want to be round but not thick.Thin people don't want to show their nakedness, and fat people don't want to show their flesh.Bone corresponds to flesh, and qi corresponds to blood.It is also said in an ancient book: "People have no different bones, and it is difficult to be valuable." What is a "different bone"?Different bones generally refer to "nine noble bones". The "Nine Precious Bones" have their own masters and influences. The basic situation is:
Cheekbones - show majesty

Release the horse bone - show dignity

General's bone - show bravery

Sun horn bone - shows wisdom

Lunate - Shows alertness

Dragon Palace Bone—shows perseverance

Rhinoceros Bone - Show Diligence

Dragon horn bone - show decisiveness

The ancients associated the "nine precious bones" with people's life and death, which has a strong feudal superstition component.But if these skeletons all look as mentioned above, they will be naturally handsome, meet the standard of "nobility", and give people a sense of beauty.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that: "The kidney is the foundation of the innate, and the kidney governs the bones" "The truth is stored in the kidney, and the kidney stores the qi of the bone marrow" ("Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen").It shows that the filling of bone marrow, the structure of the skeleton, and the firmness and softness of the bone all depend on the nourishment and cultivation of the kidney essence. Conversely, the bone is also the most intuitive and accurate reflection of the state of the kidney essence.The decline of kidney essence directly determines a person's physical condition and innate intelligence level. A person with abundant kidney essence and smooth qi channels must have a pair of bones that are both rigid and soft, and well-proportioned, while those with weak kidney qi will have yin and yang. Disharmony, length and thickness contradict each other, which shows that bone is the window of the state of human kidney essence. The "Lingshu Meridian" says that "the bone is the backbone", which shows that the bone is not only an important structure supporting the human body, but also an outline for summarizing information about the human body.

(End of this chapter)

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