The Complete Collection of Ice Books

Chapter 10 God's Bone

Chapter 10 God's Bone (9)
According to traditional medicine, there is a relationship between bones and information as follows: the human body is divided into upper and lower parts, the upper part is the sky and yang, and the lower part is the earth and yin.The upper part can receive information from heaven or dominant positive, and the lower part can receive information from earth or recessive negative.The acupuncture points of the human body are the tentacles of the antenna (bone) extending to the field energy of the universe, that is, the specific nodes that receive information field energy.Different cosmic field energies correspond to different acupoints, which means that certain acupoints are particularly sensitive to certain field energies.Once a certain field energy releases energy, the corresponding acupuncture points will be opened to varying degrees to receive the cosmic information field energy.As the top of the "antenna", Baihui Point is particularly easy to receive field energy from the universe, and the skull around it is also the first and easiest base to receive high-energy substances. Buddhist Tantric Buddhism often chooses Baihui Point as the entrance for energy blessing.Cosmic information is transmitted to the corresponding bones and viscera through the transmission of meridians, thereby affecting the harmony and balance of the human body.Bones, as the first part of the body to receive energy, are more affected.This can also explain why a person's bone phase can still change according to his state in different periods after he becomes an adult.

Observing a person's "bone" can identify his strength and weakness. If the "bones" are strong, the person is strong; if the "bones" are weak, the person is weak.When Zeng Guofan identified talents, he believed that "God" and "Bone" were the gateway and program to identify a person.In "Shen Bone Chapter", Zeng Guofan devoted a special space to discussing bone physiognomy. The reason is that bones can reflect "God", so it is called "observing bones and observing people", which should be different from pure bone physiognomy. of. The nine kinds of bones in "Bing Jian" each have their own positions, each has its own potential, and each has its own shape. It is more important to conform to the norms, and less to be less than the norms. "Bingjian" says: "On the head, the celestial bone, occipital bone, and sun bone are the main ones; on the face, the brow bone and cheekbones are the main ones." , but they also have a priority.Whether the "Nine Precious Bones" make people look good depends on the matching.Therefore, we should distinguish the primary from the secondary, pay attention to collocation, coordination and balance, so as to give people a sense of beauty.

Modern medicine believes that the physical appearance of a person is formed by the connection of bones and flesh inside and outside.Since the bones play a role of framework and support, the quality of the "bone" phase becomes the primary factor for the beauty and ugliness of a person's physical appearance.Bones are the most basic structure of the human body. In addition to showing the differences in genetic genes such as height, shortness, width, and thickness, but also because the brain and nervous system are contained in the skull, it is used to show the personality and emotions of the face. It has always been a traditional Physiognomy and modern medicine attach great importance to it.Only because traditional medicine alludes to the human thinking system with abstract concepts such as heart and spirit, it can only apply traditional experience and use rough statistical methods to simply connect the role of the limited bones of the human body with the fate of the whole body.Although this is not in line with modern anatomy and physiology and related objective medical laws, it can still be analyzed in combination with the research results of modern western anatomy and medicine.The nine types of bones in "Bingjian" are now explained in combination with modern medical knowledge.

1. Noble bone on the skull

The skull contains the brain and the cranial nerves extending from the base of the brain to various organs and body parts; the main components of the brain are the two cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum and the brainstem.The brainstem connects the rest of the brain to the spinal cord, and contains the nerve centers that control the "self-discipline" function, maintaining major body functions, such as breathing and circulation; Humans coordinate movements to keep them in balance.The cerebral hemispheres are responsible for controlling "higher-level functions" such as language, memory, and intelligence.Some of these functions are controlled by specific regions of the brain, and the supracephaly is the skull that houses these important and useful areas of the brain.The scope of discussion here mainly focuses on the two cerebral hemispheres and their related arterial blood transmission parts—namely, the celestial bone, occipital bone, and solar bone play a major role, and other parts only play a secondary role.

(1) Tianting bone: The Tianting bone located in the center of the forehead should be full and plump. One is the most visible part of the face. If it is full and plump, it will be more pleasing to the eye and make people feel good about it. The volume of the two cerebral hemispheres is large. Higher-level brain functions responsible for control, such as language, memory, and intelligence, are all stored here, indicating that the person has relatively advanced functions, especially the brain under the frontal lobe is a functional area of ​​a person's personality, and it controls personality. The important physiological and psychological factors of life and fate, so the common saying often uses "the sky is full" to describe a person's fate; on the contrary, a person's other parts are complete, the head is big and round and there is no evil bone, but the lack of the sky bone is not good physiognomy.

(2) Occipital bone: The bone of the back of the brain should be fully exposed. It is the back part of the cerebral hemisphere. The traditional beauty habit is that the back of the brain is flat and beautiful, but it is not known that the internal brain is mainly controlled by the visual function, which affects a person's perception of external information. After ingestion, the coordination and interpretation function is to fully reveal the back of the head, so that it can coordinate and correctly interpret all the internal and external information absorbed by the eyes, and use it as the basis for a person's actions, leading to a smooth road to success.

(3) Parietal bone: Located on the top of the head, the flatness is the most important. The intracranial cerebrospinal fluid controls the thoughts, feelings and movements, and the thoughts, feelings and movements are mainly coordinated and balanced. Therefore, the parietal bones should be flat and straight. It is not good to be too dull or too sensitive.

(4) Zuochuan bone: the part located on the front of the ears, that is, the sideburn bone is inserted obliquely towards the hairline, and it is expensive if it is shaped like a horn.It contains the pituitary gland, which controls the release and regulation of various hormones, and is in charge of a person's growth, development and daily actions. It is enough to show personal ambition and competitive will in physiology and psychology, so it is often called "head horn". Majestic" to explain.Conversely, suppose a person has a big and round head, and other parts are not bad, but the Yinzuo bone collapses and does not rise, which shows that the person lacks aggressiveness in life and career, and is often discouraged and has a psychological tendency of retiring from the world.

(5) Sun bone: located at the end of the eyebrows, straight from the temple to the border.This place is where the cerebral arteries are located. It is related to the important function of the vertebral arteries and carotid arteries to supply blood to the brain, and then transmit it to other parts of the brain by the aorta of the brain in the temple. If the brain cannot obtain the necessary nutrients and oxygen, Then the cranial nerves will inevitably not be able to normally and effectively transmit information and respond to its functions, and even cause lesions to the brain and its nerves.

2. Upper face bone

The bones of the face have no other brain nerve functions except the facial nerve controlling the facial muscles, but like a computer screen, they can indeed reflect a person's personality and emotions; among them, the brow bone is enough to test personality; the nasal bone can be used to test Lifespan; cheekbone reflects emotions and is used to mediate character hardness and softness, so it dominates power; neck bone carries the central nervous system and the aorta that transports blood, reflecting a person's physical and mental health status, and it should be comprehensively evaluated to be correct.Only browbones and cheekbones play a major role, and the rest are only for supporting evidence, which must be observed.

(1) Brow bone: It is located on the two eyebrows of the face. It should be as gentle as a rhinoceros horn, showing a person's strong, heroic and persevering personality; if it is high and exposed, it will appear arrogant and rude; A sense of insidious evil.

(2) Nasal bone: The skeleton from the root of the nose to the tip of the nose should be as straight as a new bud.

(3) Cheekbones: The position is under the eyes, it is advisable to be strong and powerful, not to show or sink.For the main character, the two cheekbones must be even on the left and right, and the bones and flesh are noble, but it should not be too prominent to close to the end of the eyes, lest the person is prone to be too impulsive and difficult to restrain himself.In addition, people with impulsive and irritable personalities are less likely to be absorbed and transformed by the small intestine, so they tend not to grow strong, and it is not easy to give others a sense of authority, so their opinions are often less likely to be recognized by others, so they cannot grasp power; On the contrary, people with a lazy and gentle personality don't like to use their brains very much, so they are broad-minded and fat, and they are easy-going.

(4) Neck bone: It is located at the back of the neck, connecting the skull and the spine. It should be fleshy and flat and thick, so as to support the head stably, showing the firmness of the skeleton and reflecting the health of the body.

There are 206 bones in a normal human body, 29 of which are in the head, which are many bone blocks combined by fixed joints, and some movable joints have a certain degree of flexibility.It is used to support the muscles and other organs of the whole body. It is verified by the quality of bones, firmness, roundness, thickness, and thickness. A person's innate genetics and acquired conditioning are good or bad.Secondly, the brain and its nervous system under the skull shield is a functional area of ​​intelligence, intelligence, character and emotional response, and it is the place to explore the connection between bones and fate. Due to the lack of modern scientific understanding of anatomy and brain neurology, the ancients , can only roughly summarize and infer the causal relationship based on the limited experience accumulated through long-term observation, which does not conform to the scientific method, and there are many doubts. Avoid mistakes.

Utilize the world
"Bingjian" says: "On the head, the celestial bone, occipital bone, and sun bone are the main ones; on the face, the brow bone and cheekbones are the main ones." , but they also have a priority.Philosophically speaking, a contradiction has a principal contradiction and a secondary contradiction, and the principal contradiction can be divided into the principal aspect and the secondary aspect of the contradiction.Lun Gu also has this kind of dialectical thought.In theory and practice, we should distinguish between the primary and the secondary according to the specific situation, and make some choices. We cannot generalize and copy dogma, otherwise, the purpose of forensic identification will not be achieved.

According to "Historical Records", Confucius was tall and tall, with different bones on his head, and his appearance was majestic and unique.Regarding the historical status of Confucius, Mr. Qian Mu once said: “Confucius is the greatest sage in Chinese history. History and culture have evolved for more than 500 years, and Confucius opened his new system. During this period of more than 500 years, the instructions of the process of Chinese history and the establishment of Chinese cultural thought have had the deepest influence and greatest contribution. Compared with Confucius." As for whether Confucius had "different bones in his head", it is impossible to verify now, but we can get a glimpse of the importance the ancients attached to the nine bones.

"Historical Records Gaozu Benji Eighth" records: Han Gaozu Liu Bang has a high nose, a long neck, a dragon face, a beautiful beard, and 72 moles on his left thigh.He is benevolent, likes to give, is open-minded, open-minded, often shows generosity, and refuses to engage in agricultural production.When he was in his prime, he tried to be an official and the head of the pavilion in Sishui.

Liu Bang was the head of the pavilion, and he insulted all the officials in his office.Liu Bang is fond of wine and women, and often buys wine on credit from the taverns of Mrs. Wang and Wu.Sometimes, Liu Bang was so drunk that he couldn't get up from the bed.Wu and Wang often saw dragons appearing on Liu Bang's body, and they thought it was weird.In the past, every time Liu Bang came to buy wine, he would stay in the tavern and drink freely, and the two priced according to several times the price of the wine.After the two saw Liu Bang lying drunk and a dragon appearing, when the accounts were settled at the end of the year, the two taverns often tore up the bills and did not ask Gaozu for debts.

Liu Bang often traveled to Xianyang, the capital of Qin Dynasty. Once he saw the majesty and grandeur of the first emperor, he sighed with emotion: "Ah! A man should look like this!"

Once, a distinguished guest came to the county magistrate's house, and all the local heroes and gentry went to congratulate him.Liu Bang thought to himself: Why don't I take this opportunity to get acquainted with the local leaders?So, he also came swaggeringly.Xiao He, who was collecting gift money for his master at the gate of the county yamen, saw Liu Bang coming, and deliberately shouted: "Sit down if the gift money is less than one thousand." Liu Bang pouted at him, walked in with his head held high, and greeted him With all the guests in the hall, he said loudly: "I will give you [-] yuan." Having said that, how could he get this [-] yuan?But after he finished his big talk, he really sat on the top seat as a million-dollar concierge.Xiao He came over and taunted him: "Big words are as light as the wind, and you should respect yourself!" Liu Bang raised his head when he heard this, and said, "What is [-] yuan? One day when I gain power, I can give [-] yuan. I will remember it today." Let's make an account." After finishing speaking, he exchanged glasses with all the guests, talking and laughing happily, without any embarrassment.

At that time, there was also a distinguished guest of the county magistrate named Lu Gong. He saw Liu Bangqi's grand appearance, extraordinary vigor, and his speech and behavior were different. Not only did he not blame him for not taking the gift, but secretly admired him.After the banquet, Lu Gong said to Liu Bang: "I have been good at meeting people since I was young. I have met too many people, but there is no one as noble as your appearance. I hope you can do more. Love yourself!" Lu Gong said after a short pause, "I have a daughter who is willing to be your dustpan-carrying wife."

After the banquet, Lu Gong's wife was very angry with Lu Gong's decision to marry Liu Bang with his daughter.She angrily said to Lu Gong: "You always said: this daughter is strange and unusual, and should marry a nobleman. The magistrate of Pei County has a very good relationship with you. I beg our daughter, but you refuse. Just betrothed your daughter to Liu Bang?" Lu Gong said: "This is beyond the understanding of children and girls!" Lu Gong finally married his daughter to Liu Bang.Lu Gong's daughter was later Empress Lu, who gave birth to Emperor Xiaohui and Princess Lu Yuan.

When Liu Bang was the head of the pavilion, he often went home on vacation to visit the fields.Once, when Empress Lu took two children to plow the fields, an old man passed by, begging for some water.Seeing that the old man was hungry, Empress Lu gave him some food, and the old man met Empress Lu.The old man said: "Madam's appearance is a noble person in the world." Empress Lu asked the old man to match his two children again. The old man looked at Emperor Xiaohui and said, "The reason why madam is so noble is because of this boy." The old man He also met Princess Lu Yuan, who was also said to be the noble minister.After the old man left, Liu Bang happened to come from the farmhouse, and Empress Lu told him about the old man's meeting, saying that the guests passed by here, and that the son and I were both noble faces.Liu Bang asked where the old man was.Empress Lu said: "Just go, you won't go far." Liu Bang chased after him, and he caught up.Liu Bang asked the old man about Empress Lu and the child, and the old man said: "The wife and child I met just now are as noble as you, and your appearance is beyond words." Liu Bang thanked him and said, "If you are really like Mr. As I said, this face praises and encourages virtue, and I will never forget it." Later, Liu Banggui became the emperor, and he deliberately looked for the old man, but the old man had long since disappeared.

At that time, Liu Bang was just a loafing prodigal son. How did Mr. Lu judge that Liu Bang was not a person who had been in trouble for a long time? It is no longer known, but one thing is certain. The difference, presumably can not be wrong.It can be seen that the ancients paid more attention to the appearance of bones when they knew people.

workplace utilization
Shen Zongqian of the Qing Dynasty mentioned in the "General Discussion on Vivid Spirit" in "Jie Zhou Xue Hua Bian" that figure painters should pay attention to the charm beyond the image, and said that some people's appearances have long been different due to the changes of time.Whether you see it for the first time or don't know it, as time goes by, Yi Ren is still there, that is because the god beyond the image is still shrouded in the changed flesh and blood.People who study physiognomy believe that the character of a noble person is revealed from the depths of the bone marrow, and the bones of ordinary people are also revealed from the depths of the bone marrow, which is called "hard to change the bones".The "deep bone marrow" mentioned here cannot simply be understood as "the deep bone marrow of the human spine", but has a metaphorical meaning, that is, from the essence, from the perspective of nature.It is very important for us to understand a person.When understanding a person, we should not only examine the shallow level of the superficial phenomenon, but also examine the deep level of its inner substance.

As a leader, you can learn from Zeng Guofan's statement of "knowing people by looking at the "bones", but you must not accept it entirely, or even regard it as the supreme standard.The practice of knowing people by looking at the "bones" comes only from "open-ended" observations, not scientific statistics, so errors will inevitably occur.In particular, there are too many symbols and variables that can be observed by the human body, and the logical fallacy of "generalization" is easy to occur; after rough classification, the characteristics of individual cases are ignored, and the reduction of "explaining individual cases with general examples" is easy to occur sex fallacy.In this regard, anti-bone is the most representative case.

The most familiar saying of "the back of the brain" is derived from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". In the book "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", there are two places where Wei Yan's back bone is mentioned on more important occasions: one is that in the three chapters of the book "Guan Yun Changyi interprets Huang Hansheng, Sun Zhongmou fights Zhang Wenyuan", it is written that when Guan Yu took Changsha, Huang Zhong was useless. A hundred steps pierced Yang Zhi's arrow and shot him, but was pushed down by the prefect Han Xuan and asked to beheaded.At this critical juncture, a general flashed in from outside the tent, beheaded Han Xuan with a knife in his hand, and saved the veteran Huang Zhong.This person is Wei Yan, a famous general of the Shu Han Dynasty.However, when Guan Yu led Wei back, Kong Ming "ordered the sword and ax to push down and cut him down".Xuande asked Kongming in shock: "Wei Yan is a man of meritorious service and no crime. Why did the military commander want to kill him?" Kongming said, "it is disloyal to eat his salary and kill his master. It is unrighteous to live in his land and sacrifice his land. Also, I think Wei Yan has a rebellious bone in the back of his head, and it will rebel after a long time, so cut it first. To eliminate the root of the disaster." In the end, although Wei Yan saved his life, he was never reused again.There is another place: Wei Yan burned the plank road and played the empress dowager. The Empress Dowager Wu said: "I often heard that the late emperor said that Kong Ming knew that Wei Yan had a rebellious bone in the back of his head. Every time he wanted to kill him, he pitied him for his bravery, so I kept it..." The Lord saw through Wei Yan's villain's trick of complaining first.After Zhuge Liang's death, Wei Yan really turned against him, and Ma Dai was ordered by the military division to behead him in front of the army.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" arranges this plot to prove that Zhuge Liang has the ability to know people first.However, the real Wei Yan in history had general talent, but was "high-spirited". In today's words, he had a sense of arrogance and was proud of his talent. Endless".The so-called "rebellion in the back of the head" is really an unjust case. After Wei Yan was killed, "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" clearly stated: Wei Yan "has no objection".

(End of this chapter)

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