The Complete Collection of Ice Books

Chapter 11 God's Bone

Chapter 11 God's Bone (10)
From this point of view, to identify talents, we must not only look at the superficial "bone phase", but also pay more attention to the essential "human quality".In this pair of categories, phenomena are superficial things, and essences are deep things; phenomena are concrete manifestations of essences, and essences are the basis of phenomena.Only through the superficial level of phenomena can we grasp the essence of the deep level.We must be good at grasping such deep-level things as essence and mainstream to measure a person, so as to ensure the accuracy of knowing people and knowing people.If the leaders one-sidedly use or overemphasize the "bone" knowledge of people in management, it will inevitably lead to some unjust, false and wrongly decided cases, which is the worst thing.In the specific process of observing people, you can use this method of observing "bone" to know people as an auxiliary, but don't be superstitious!

In the Spring and Autumn Period, he met famous scholars of horses.According to legend, there was a Qi Ji who was lying under the salt cart, saw Bole and gave a long cry, Bole dismounted, and wept in pity, which is called a thousand-mile horse.When Qi Ji heard it, he leaned down and gnawed, and raised his head and screamed, and the sound pierced the sky.It can be seen that the horses at that time were not only looking at the appearance of the fur, but looking at their inner essence.The leader of a modern enterprise is like the Bole of ancient horses, and the discovery of talents is the fundamental way to maintain a strong driving force for the development of the enterprise.And his skill of judging people can be learned from Bole.

Bone Israel
Original text
The bones are colorful, and the green face is the most precious, "a young man with a half-green face" is also true.Purple is next, and Baisi is next.

① Si: So, just.

The "bone" has different colors, and the color of the face is the most noble.This is what is meant by the so-called "young official with a half-green face".Reddish purple in yellow is slightly inferior to cyan, and white like dry bone powder is an inferior color.

On the bone, there is the theory of the color of the bone and the quality of the bone.When the ancients discussed the properties of "color", they said as follows:
Blue like a melon
yellow as wax
red as fire
white as fat
black as lacquer
Due to the inextricable connection between ancient Chinese philosophy, medicine, and culture, the ancients also matched "color" with "five internal organs", "five elements" and "four seasons", as follows:

Born of the five internal organs, one is water, and water is the essence of things, its internal organs are in the kidneys, its color is black, and its prosperity is in winter.The second is fire, fire is Qi in things, its viscera is in the heart, its color is red, and its prosperity is in summer.The third is wood, wood is the soul of things, its viscera is in the liver, its color is green, and its prosperity is in spring.The fourth is gold, gold is soul in things, its organs are in the lungs, its color is white, and its prosperity is in autumn.The fifth is called soil, which refers to things. Its viscera is in the spleen, its color is yellow, and it is prosperous in the four seasons.The five all face one side and rest on the five internal organs.

According to the "Xiang Jing", a person's wealth mainly depends on his bones, and his happiness and sorrow mainly depends on his complexion.According to the theory of the five elements, matter can be divided into five categories: wood, gold, water, fire, and earth. These five elements correspond to five colors, namely blue, white, black, red, and yellow, which are reflected on people, and they are respectively related to sorrow. , crying, disease, panic, joy corresponding.Wood, fire, metal, and water in the five elements each rule a season. For example, spring is the growth period of vegetation, so wood is the most prosperous, and the fire produced by wood is the second most prosperous, while metal is in a state of imprisonment, because the second most prosperous fire If it is restrained, the soil restrained by the most prosperous wood will not benefit from the water consumed by growing wood.Others and so on.The colors corresponding to the five elements and the state of human body and mind are also the same: cyan represents sorrow, red represents panic, white represents disease, yellow represents joy, and black represents disease.

There is also a theory that focuses on the "color" of bones, and believes that the color of bones comes from the "six qi".The so-called "six qi" are Qinglong, Suzaku, Gouchen, Mushe, Baihu, and Xuanwu. (These six are originally the gods of the six beasts in divination, and they are used by health preservers and physiognomy to represent the "six qi".) "Sex" cannot be separated from "qi", and "qi" cannot be separated from Without "color", the two are often collectively referred to as "color".In fact, the "six qi" here means "six qi colors" or "six colors".The characteristics of the six colors and their specific auspiciousness and misfortune are as follows:
The color of the green dragon.The eyes are black and white, and the divine light is red and yellow, shining brightly.This color is a good color, and those who have this color can be promoted and rich, and enter Baonaji.

The color of Suzaku.His complexion was as red as a pill, and his sorrow was like smoke.People of this color must guard against the evil of tongue.

The color of the snake.The face is gray, like ashes, and the spirit is in a trance, as if at a loss, which is the basic expression of the color of the snake.Those with this color may have frightened dreams at night or restlessness at home.

The color of hook Chen.People with this color have cloudy eyes, indistinguishable black and white, dim eyesight, and blue marks under their eyes.Such a person is overburdened and toiled.

The color of the white tiger.This kind of person's eyes are shining with white light, like tears but not tears, something sad must happen.

The color of Xuanwu.His lips were black and trembling, and there seemed to be black air floating around his mouth.People with this color must have trouble at home.

Words such as "Suzaku", "Xuanwu", "Qinglong" and "White Tiger" inevitably have the color of mysticism and superstition, but there is still a certain cognitive value in judging a person's situation from the person's eyes and expressions.

Regarding the characteristics of the "six qi", the ancients also have the following general explanations:
The aura of the green dragon is like auspicious clouds lining the moon;

The air of Suzaku is like morning glow reflecting water;

The breath of Chen is like a black wind blowing clouds;

The spirit of harmonizing with snakes is like grass and trees turning to ashes;

The spirit of the white tiger is like curdled fat and oil;

Xuanwu Qi is like oil and mist.

Among the "six qi", the green dragon's qi is the most auspicious, and the other five qi have different disasters.Among the six kinds of Qi, blue is the most beautiful and the best.We can only discuss these issues from the perspective of Yin-Yang and Five Elements.For example, why is only cyan among the five colors beautiful?This is related to the concepts of the ancients and the views of Chinese medicine.In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the five elements of cyan belong to wood, and the liver of the five internal organs of the human body also belongs to wood, which is prosperous in spring.Spring is the season of vitality. When spring arrives, everything will flourish, creating a scene full of vitality.The liver is the organ of hematopoiesis in the body and the source of vigorous vitality, so cyan is a symbol of life, so the ancients regarded cyan as the most beautiful and best color.

There are good and bad "colors", cyan is the best, and white and below need not be mentioned.But there are also good and bad points in the color of blue. The color of blue is like emerald feathers, like spring wood; the color of evil is like indigo, like rust spots.Other colors, needless to say.So, is there any connection between bone and color?The ancients believed that good bones have good looks.The truth is like a tree with big roots and deep roots. Naturally, there is no need to worry about its luxuriant branches. "The stone contains jade and the mountain is brilliant, and the water contains pearls and the river is beautiful."

"Bing Jian" says that "green face is the most precious" and "young public servants have half green face".The medical theory holds that: "color" appears on the outside, "qi" is stored inside, "color" is only the external manifestation of "qi", "qi" is the root of "color", if "qi" is insufficient, "color" is natural It decays.The bone color of a living person is invisible, so it can be considered that the "bone color" here should be "the bone is full of energy, and the color is on the face". "Bones have energy", that is to say, the health of the bones is closely related to the vitality of human beings. The bone color mentioned in "Bingjian" is actually the color of the skin, mainly the complexion of a living person. This point is still scientific to a certain extent.

A person's complexion and skin color are closely related to his inner state and physical condition.Therefore, it should be more reasonable to say that complexion is the expression of vitality.For example, "cyan is the most expensive", "purple is second", and "white is the lowest", we must not look at the problem from the perspective of color science.The blue color of the person being watched is the kind of white and bright youthful complexion that is blue in white. He gives people a feeling of dignified dignity, vitality and vitality. "Purple" is less than cyan, so it can be said to be "expensive", but it is difficult to be "big expensive". "White" is next. "Bingjian" says "White is like powder on dry bones". Of course, this is not a healthy and vibrant color. It is like a kind of withered yellow after autumn hidden in the paleness. , this kind of person is obviously depleted of energy and blood.How can this kind of color be "expensive"?Just like a thin and bony person, how can he carry a heavy burden?Naturally, it was classified as inferior by "Bing Jian".

Utilize the world
"A good word warms the winter three times, and a bad word hurts the June cold." Everyone is looking for the best speaking skills, but they don't know that the most pleasant facial expression is the most heart-warming. The Analects of Confucius records a dialogue about filial piety.Zixia asked about filial piety, and he said, "Sex is difficult. If there is something to do, the disciple will do his job; if there is wine and food, the husband will eat it. Did you ever think of filial piety?" What does it mean?Zixia asked: "What is filial piety?" Confucius said: "The most difficult thing is to look at the faces of children. If something happens, let the young people do the work, and when dealing with the old, you only care about whether they have enough to eat. Eat well, does this mean filial piety?” Confucius’ words are worthy of being classics, but if you think about it carefully, isn’t the most difficult part of filial piety is being able to be kind to your parents every day?
We want to show good looks to others, so naturally we have to learn to look at other people's faces.Parents look at their children's faces, children look at their parents' faces, go to school to see their teachers' faces, go to a doctor's face to see a doctor's face, and work to see their boss's face. In life, we must look at other people's faces.The corresponding face is a portrayal of a person's happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy, and the face is also a person's "face". Taking into account the face of others, one will take into account the feelings of others, and give people a step down in a timely manner.

As soon as Kong Yiji appeared on the stage, Mr. Lu Xun said that he "has a pale complexion, and there are often scars between his wrinkles".A few words vividly portray the image of a poor and down-and-out intellectual.Kong Yiji did not go to school, did not know how to make a living, and was too lazy to work. He could not have the "red face" of high society dignitaries and gentry, but only "blue and white complexion".

When it was revealed that Kong Yiji had stolen books, "Kong Yiji blushed, with blue veins on his forehead, and argued: 'Stealing books can't be considered stealing...'" Kong Yiji had a "pale face", but when he When someone teased him recklessly and exposed his faults, he would "blush" and argue vigorously in an attempt to protect his face as a "scholar".

When someone asked Kong Yiji, "Why can't you even get half a scholar?", "He immediately showed a depressed and uneasy look, and his face was covered with a layer of gray."This "grey" appropriately expresses Kong Yiji's disappointment, depression and sadness when he was teased by others because he couldn't get the status of a scholar.

Kong Yiji's leg was broken by Ding Juren, and when he "walked" to the hotel with his hands, "his face was dark and thin, and he was already out of shape."This "black and thin" complexion implied that he escaped from death after suffering a lot, and survived with his last breath.When the shopkeeper made fun of him, Kong Yiji only answered the shopkeeper's ridicule in a low voice, showing "pleading" eyes, showing his shrinking, fearful, and hopeless state of mind after being tortured.

In Mr. Lu Xun's works, Kong Yiji's complexion changed from "blue and white" to "red", and then to "grey" and "black and thin". The image of tragedy is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Similarly, we can also observe people's hearts and understand other people's personalities through facial expressions in our daily life.Therefore, we might as well grasp the special detail of other people's "face" changes and analyze people's inner world.

In traditional Chinese medicine, we need to look, smell, ask, and feel when seeing a doctor.Looking at your face is the first step.You can know your health by looking at your face, and you can also know your mood.It is easier to observe the change of a person's face than to observe some subtle changes in expression. Relatively speaking, the change of face stays on the face for a longer time and is not easy to hide.

Red is the most common face color. Psychology such as shyness, anger, and happiness cause the cerebral cortex to stimulate the adrenal glands. Adrenaline causes more local blood to flow through the cheeks, and the face turns red involuntarily.This is blush in general terms.Blushing with different emotions has some subtle differences, and we have to interpret it in combination with different situations.If the blush is due to interacting with unfamiliar or important people, rapid heartbeat and flushed face, it means that the person is nervous, excited or introverted, and we need to give him comfort and encouragement.People also blush when they are embarrassed.Blushing at this time is a natural response to sudden shyness.The blush when you are nervous is often accompanied by thin beads of sweat on the tip of the nose and forehead; the blushing when you are shy is the slight redness of your cheeks like peach blossoms; Thick neck".

In addition, when you are slightly unhappy, your face is mostly gray; when you are dissatisfied with others or about to burst into anger, your face turns blue; when you are overly frightened, your face is mostly white; Whitening; when extremely angry, the face will turn red, blue, and sometimes pale. This is because the adrenal glands secrete a large amount in bursts, causing the blood vessels to constrict and congest alternately—anemia or the blood vessels are in an anemic state for a long time for the sake.

If looking at color is like looking at the weather, then looking at one's face should be like "Looking at the clouds to know the weather", with a deep knowledge, because not everyone can be happy and angry at all times and occasions, on the contrary, "Laugh at the weather" face, cry in the heart".

"Wink" is the most important point in "face".It can tell us the truth most involuntarily. The sitting posture and clothing of people also help us to see people in detail, and then recognize the whole of others, and have a clear insight into their inner intentions.Observing words and emotions is the basic technique in all human relationships.If you don't know what to say, it's like turning the tiller without knowing the direction of the wind. There is no way to talk about the world, and if you don't do it well, you may capsize the boat in a small storm.

(End of this chapter)

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