The Complete Collection of Ice Books

Chapter 12 God's Bone

Chapter 12 God's Bone (11)
A Juren passed through three subjects, and participated in the candidate again, and got the post of magistrate of a certain county in Shandong.He went to see his boss for the first time, and couldn't think of what to say. He was silent for a while, and suddenly asked, "Your Excellency's name?"The county magistrate bowed his head and thought for a long time, and said, "My lord's surname is not found in hundreds of surnames." The superior was even more surprised, and said, "I am a bannerman, doesn't your county know?" The county magistrate stood up again and said: " Which flag is your Excellency in?" The boss said, "The red flag is the right one." The county magistrate said, "The yellow flag is the best, why isn't your excellency in the yellow flag?" The boss was furious, and asked, "Which province is your county from? "The county magistrate said: "Guangxi." The boss said: "Guangdong is the best, why are you not in Guangdong?"The next day, the commander-in-chief went back to teach him in the school.The reason is that he doesn't know what to say.

"Go out to see the sky, enter the door to see your face." This is not a sophistication, but a statement that dares to face the reality, a calm and wise expression, reminding a person not to be impulsive or reckless, but to be flexible and tactful.

workplace utilization
In the workplace, it is especially important to observe words and emotions.In order to improve the success rate of job hunting, in addition to necessary professional knowledge, adequate preparation, good psychological quality and suitable appearance and other indispensable elements, job seekers should also learn to "watch their faces" during interviews.

Xiao Li is a very experienced advertising planner. He has changed several jobs so far, and his salary has been getting higher and higher each time, because every time he changes jobs to apply for a new position, he can get the position he wants.

When asked about Xiao Li's job hunting experience, his experience is very simple, that is, to act according to his "face".He said: "It is an unavoidable and important link between the recruiter and the applicant to meet in the job market. If you can read the recruiter's "face" during the interview, and figure out his intentions and intentions from the other party's face, demeanor and behavior If you ask, applying for the job is more than half of the success.”

For example, when introducing one of your own specialties or hobbies in the process of communication and mutual communication, if the recruiter's face is happy and interested, it means that the other party pays attention to you, and you should promptly express your own specialties Express your specialties or hobbies in detail, so that the other party will pay more attention to you; if you find that the other party's eyes wander or even have an impatient look when you introduce other specialties or information to the other party, it means that the recruiter does not care about you. If you don't care, you should jump away skillfully in time to avoid making the mistake of focusing on one thing and neglecting another.

For another example, the issue of salary and treatment is a sensitive area for both parties. When you make the request you expect, the other party will show embarrassment, or the attitude is not as natural as before, indicating that there is not much room for maneuver in this regard.If this position is very important to you and you don't want to give it up, then you should tactfully express your willingness to lower the requirements appropriately, so as to avoid missing out on an ideal position just because of a small disagreement on salary. When accepting, you might as well point it out directly, and make a decision after seeing the facial expression of the other party when expressing.

Of course, if you want to truly understand the other party's mind, sometimes you can't just listen to what he said, but more importantly, see how he expresses these words.Job seekers should go to the job market as much as possible to "actual combat" in order to better grasp the job hunting skill of "seeing face and color".

bone by quality
Original text
The bone has quality, but the head is the most expensive.Broken ② followed by.In short, there are no evil bones on the head, and a good face is not as good as a good head.However, if it is big and lacks the heavenly court, it will be a cheap product in the end; if it is round and has no string bones, it is half a lonely monk;The cheekbones compete with the eyes, and the offspring cannot stand.There is a difference between high and low here.

①Link: To connect, that is, to connect and connect with each other, so that it looks complete as one.Such a skull is naturally balanced in proportion and can be described as "imposing". ② Broken: Contrary to "link", it means that the connection is not complete and there are obvious cracks.

"Bones" have a certain momentum, and the bones of the head are most noble if they are connected with each other and connected with each other;All in all, as long as there are no evil bones on the head, no matter how good the face is, it is not as good as the head.However, if the head is big but the celestial bones are not plump, one will end up in a lowly position; if the head is round but the bony bones are hidden, one will become a lonely and poor monk; if the nasal bone breaks the eyebrows, It is difficult for parents to live a long life; if the cheekbones are close to the end of the eyes and the cheekbones are overhanging the eyes, there must be no offspring.The difference between rich and poor here is like the shortness of a millimeter and the length of a thousand miles. The difference is very large.

"Bone quality" here refers to the growth and connection state of the skull, so it is said that "the head is more expensive if it is connected, and the second is broken." "Lian" means connection, and it is extended to connect and connect with each other without obvious fractures. It looks like a complete and round integrated bone structure.Such a skull is naturally balanced in facial features, matching it, it can be described as "imposing", with a beautiful and handsome appearance.

"Broken", as opposed to "link", refers to an incomplete connection with obvious cracks.Just like a piece of wood, the wood is hard and has no cracks, so it is naturally a good furniture material. On the contrary, it is not very useful, and it is naturally "secondary".

"There is no evil bone on the head, and a good face is not as good as a good head." This also reflects the ancient people's thought of attaching importance to bones. "Mianjia" means that a person is very handsome in terms of appearance, with good facial features, but not as good as "Beautiful head", which means not as good as bones.

Since it is said that "a good face is not as good as a good head", is it better to have a big head? "Bingjian" then discusses this issue. "Big head but lack of heaven" is still not enough. "Lack of heaven" violates the principle of equilibrium, that is, the bone phase is flawed, and it does not conform to the principle of "the head is the most important".This kind of big head is often a manifestation of underdeveloped brain and poor intelligence, so it is said that "it is a cheap product in the end".

"Round without strings of bones", if the skull is connected and round, it seems good, but if there is no towering momentum, lacking a kind of momentum, it is not good, and it has the fate of "half a lonely monk".In this situation, if the "Prime Minister's Bow" on the temple can protrude, the fate of "lonely monk" can also be avoided.

"Big head and lack of heaven" and "round without string bones", the two fully explain that the ancients' definition of bone phase is roughly: big bones and round bones, which is good, but the ones that are full and towering are the most valuable, otherwise, they are still good. Can not say expensive.

At the end, "Bingjian" also discusses "nasal bone" and "zygomatic bone".

"Nose bone infringes eyebrow" means that the bridge of the nose has been rushed to the center of the eyebrow, which has the tendency of transgressing.This is naturally not good, and it destroys the principle of balance.The conclusion is that "life in the hall" means harming parents.But there is another situation where the nasal bone "connects the eyebrows" instead of the nasal bone "violating the eyebrows". If a literati looks like this, he is expensive. The difference between "connected eyebrows" and "criminal eyebrows" lies in whether their aura is punching or connecting.This requires great recognition skills.With a tall and straight nose, it looks very elegant and noble, with a bit of aristocratic gentlemanly demeanor, but these are mostly embroidered pillows, which are not useful. "The cheekbones compete with the eyes", that is, the cheekbones and the end of the eyes are too tightly connected, protruding out higher than the eyes, this is the shift of yin and yang, and the appearance of inferiority and aggression, which is naturally harmful and "children will not stand".This situation is easier to distinguish than the "nasal bone offending eyebrows" mentioned above.The ancients called it "Zygomatic Peak Lingyan".It is unavoidably mysterious and superstitious to talk about noble and humble people and anti-grudge people, but the impact of the symmetry of bones in these parts on the external image cannot be ignored. The structure of the bone is closely related to the health of the individual, and the external image of the bone also affects the appearance of the person. This in turn affects how others perceive themselves.The impact on people cannot be ignored.

Utilize the world
After Cao Cao conquered Wuhuan in the north, he was powerful in the north.Therefore, the Huns sent an envoy to the mainland to investigate the truth, and its main task was to see what kind of person this Prime Minister Cao was.Cao Cao was not tall, and he was afraid that he was not powerful enough to suppress the momentum of the Huns envoy, so he chose a man with a strong face and figure from among his subordinates to pretend to be "Prime Minister Cao", while he himself pretended to be a guard. Hold a big knife and stand next to the seat of the "Prime Minister" (the seat was not long after it was introduced from the Western Regions, and it was called Hu Chuang).After the interview, Cao Cao sent people to deal with the Huns envoy to ask his opinion.The man deliberately asked the Huns envoy, "Look, what kind of person is our Prime Minister Cao?" However, the "man with a sword at the head of the bed" next to the prime minister is very heroic, and I am afraid it will not be easy in the future. Cao Cao was shocked when he heard the report, and immediately realized that "there are talents in the neighboring country, and the enemy's worry is also." He secretly sent someone to kill the Huns envoy on the way back.

This story shows that "good face" is good, but it is not fundamental, "good face is not as good as head".

The head is where the brain is housed.We pay much attention to the impact of the head on body functions, but neglect the in-depth analysis of the shape of the head.In fact, the shape of a human head holds a wealth of meaning and can help us see through the human heart.

Cao Zhi's "Luo Shen Fu" described the legendary Luoshui Goddess with "extraordinary costumes and bone corresponding pictures".Although Jian'an strength of character is more about literary style, strength of character is also a manifestation of human integrity, from which we can also see how a person's temperament and character are.

Not only in literary works, bone phase is also widely used in fine arts.For example, the most famous one is the sixteen arhats painted by Guanxiu, a painter of the Five Dynasties. He showed the images of arhats with strange bones, bearded faces, and different postures.That is to say, the bone phase forms an inseparable organism with the natural endowment of the person concerned and the state of his cultivation, which is a spiritual presentation.There is also a well-known saying in China: "It is difficult to paint the bones when painting the skin of a tiger, and it is not possible to draw a tiger to be a dog." If you paint the bones, it will be vivid, otherwise it will be out of shape.

Yao Guangxiao was a counselor and hero who helped Ming Yongle Emperor Zhu Di usurp the throne.He was originally a monk, and his Dharma name was Daoyan.As a monk since childhood, he should have stayed away from the world of mortals, and went to the ancient temple in the deep mountains to live the lonely life of chanting sutras and sitting meditation accompanied by yellow scrolls and green lights.However, he is keen on mundane affairs, chasing fame, traveling around the prosperous places, going in and out of the homes of princes and generals, looking for a master he can rely on.

At that time, shortly after the death of Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, his grandson Zhu Yunqi succeeded to the throne. He was a very weak young man who could not control the situation at all.Several emperor uncles coveted the throne covetously, among them Zhu Yuanzhang's fourth son Yan Wang Zhu Di was the strongest.

In 1380, Yao Guangxiao met Zhu Di for the first time in Nanjing, the capital city.At that time, Zhu Di was only about 40 years old, and he was a heroic and promising age. Yao Guangxiao immediately felt that this was the person he wanted to cling to.Zhu Di had known Yao Guangxiao's name for a long time. He heard that he was proficient in Zen theory and excellent in poetry and prose, so he jokingly wrote a couplet to ask him to make a counterpoint. He replied: "The world is in trouble, the people are poor, and the king does not come out, whoever is the master", implying that Zhu Di should become the master of the world.

Zhu Di understood what he meant, and immediately invited him to the palace, and asked respectfully, "What can the master teach me?"

Yao Guangxiao said: "The old monk is the best at face-to-face skills. He has traveled around the world for many years and read many people. He has never seen an extraordinary bone like a king. How can he be a person who has lived under others for a long time? Now that the country has just been established, everything is uncertain. I hope that the king will cherish himself well. If the king can make the old monk follow around, the old monk will definitely put a white hat on the top of the king."

Adding a "white" to the word "Wang" means the emperor's "Huang".Yao Guangxiao's flattery was in the right place, and Zhu Di immediately regarded him as his confidant and stayed by his side.Yao Guangxiao worked very hard and played an important role in the incident when Zhu Di raised troops against Zhu Yunqi.Became Zhu Di's main advisor, and after Zhu Di sat on the throne of the emperor, he was regarded as the number one hero and served the emperor as a teacher and friend.

Not only do masters need discerning eyes to recognize talents, but talents should also have the same discerning eyes to recognize masters.Following the right master often avoids detours in officialdom or career, and may even have the effect of making a smooth progress.By getting to know people by bone, you will definitely be able to enhance your competitiveness in life.

The human body's requirements for bone phase should be balanced and proportionate, and those that meet the requirements are called good bones.A good bone phase generally means good genetics and well-developed body, healthy body and full of vitality.Moreover, people with good bones generally have a good appearance and a personable demeanor, which often gives people a good impression and beauty, and is favored by people.People have long been "prepared" about "good looks" or "bad looks", so they pay more attention to "good looks" and hate "bad looks" for no reason. " or "evil phase" has been artificially turned into reality.The folk saying that "an elephant's trunk and an eagle's beak dig out people's brains" is the "word of mouth" left by the "evil appearance" in the minds of ordinary people.However, is the bone phase really based on it?In fact, the spread of bone phase is based on the inductive judgments of people's long-term experience, coupled with a culture handed down from personal likes and dislikes, and it is also formed to cater to the psychological needs and value judgments of some people, and has no scientific basis. Therefore, we When understanding relevant knowledge, don't be confused by the limitations of the ancients, but treat relevant issues carefully with a scientific attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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