Introduction to Psychoanalysis

Chapter 22 Examples of Dreams and Their Analysis

Chapter 22 Examples of Dreams and Their Analysis (2)
1. She was walking down the hall of her house when her head hit the lampstand suddenly and her blood flowed profusely.She had never had anything like this happen to her in real life, but her explanation was meaningful: "You know, my hair was really scary back then. The day before, my mother said to me: 'It's really going on, I'm Boy, your head will soon be as bare as your ass.'” From this, the head serves as a substitute for the lower part of the body.As for the symbol of the lampstand, there is no need for the dreamer to explain it. We naturally understand that this is a stretchable object, which is a symbol of male genitalia.Therefore, the real meaning of this dream is that the lower part of the body that touches the penis is bleeding.This dream can also have other interpretations. Judging from the further association of the dreamer, this dream is related to her understanding that menstrual cramps are the result of sexual intercourse with men.For teenage girls, this is a common perception of their sexuality.

2. The dreamer discovers a deep hole in the vineyard, which she knows is the result of the tree's roots being pulled out.Regarding this point, she said: "The tree has disappeared." That is to say, she did not see the tree in her dream, but this sentence implies another thought, that is, we should not doubt the interpretation of the symbol.This dream is related to another absurd understanding of sex-girls and boys originally have the same genitals, and later they were castrated to remove the roots, resulting in different shapes.

3. The dreamer is standing in front of the desk drawer. She is very familiar with that drawer. Once someone touches the drawer, she will know it immediately.The desk drawers, and of course the desk drawers, are symbols of the female genitalia.In her understanding, after copulation or any other contact, the genitals will leave traces of this matter, and this is what she has always been afraid of.I think the center of gravity of these three dreams is to emphasize the concept of "knowing".She remembers exploring sexuality as a child and is proud of the knowledge she gained.

Fifth, this is another instance of symbolism.Here, however, I shall give a brief account of the psychology preceding the dream.A man and a woman fell in love with each other and slept together overnight; he said that the woman had maternal qualities, and every time they embraced, they would have the idea of ​​having a child.Therefore, when they had a tryst, they both had to try to prevent pregnancy.Waking up the next morning, the woman had this dream:

On the street, she was being chased by an officer wearing a red hat. She tried her best to escape and even ran up the stairs, but he followed closely. She ran into the room panting and locked the door.Through the keyhole, she saw him sitting on the stool outside the door with tears in his eyes.

Obviously, the pursuit of the officer in the red cap and the panting of the woman up the stairs are symbols of copulation.The dreamer shutting the pursuer at the door is a common example of the diverting effect of the dream, and the fact is that the man withdraws immediately before the end of the copulation.In the same way, she transferred her grief to the man, so he wept in her dream, and the man's tears implied the outflow of semen.

Perhaps you have often heard it said that psychoanalysis holds that all dreams have a sexual meaning.Now it is time for you to realize that this condemnation is wrong.You have already understood that the desires fulfilled by dreams are the most obvious needs, such as hunger, freedom, etc., and also include dreams of pleasure, dreams of worry, and dreams of greed and selfishness.And you must remember that the conclusions of psychoanalysis show that if the disguise of the dream is very obvious, it is mostly an expression of sexual desire, but there are naturally some exceptions.

Sixthly, the reason why I have cited so many examples of dream symbols here is actually for a special purpose.I said in the first lecture that it is a very difficult job to convince you of the findings of psychoanalysis, and you should agree.However, the various theories of psychoanalysis are closely related to each other, so that believing one part makes it easier for you to accept the rest of the whole theory.In other words, if you now give psychoanalysis a thumbs up, you will soon give it five.As regards the explanation of the negligence, if you admit it to be satisfactory, you will logically leave no doubt about the rest.The symbolism of dreams may be regarded as another short-cut for inspiring this belief.Now, I will tell you another dream which has already been published.The dreamer is a woman at the bottom of the society, and her husband supports the family with beatings.You should believe that it is impossible for such a woman to have heard of dream symbolism and psychoanalysis.You can also deduce from this whether our interpretation of sexual symbols can be regarded as nonsense or far-fetched.Her dream is as follows:

Someone broke into the door, and she called out to her husband in horror, but at this time the watchman had already entered the church, accompanied by two homeless people.There are several stone steps in front of the church, and behind it is a high mountain covered with forests.Her husband wore armor and had a yellow-brown beard.The two vagrants were wearing pocket-shaped aprons, quietly following the watchman on both sides.There is a small road from the church to the mountain, with weeds and small trees growing on both sides, and the higher it is, the denser it becomes, and it becomes a dense forest at the top of the mountain.

The symbols used in the dream are easily recognizable: the male genitals are symbolized by three persons, while the female genitals are represented by landscapes of mountains, dense forests and churches.Stepping up is a symbol of sexual intercourse here.The "mountain" described in the dream can also be called "the mons" in anatomy.

Seventhly, I shall now speak of a dream which can also be interpreted symbolically.Although the dreamer lacks theoretical knowledge, he can analyze all the symbols in the dream.The dream is therefore all the more noteworthy and justified.The dream is full of twists and turns, and we still lack a clear idea of ​​the circumstances from which the dream arises.

He seemed to be walking with his father in a park in Vienna, and saw a rotunda with a hut in front of it, and there was a hydrogen balloon tied up in the house, which looked very fluffy.The father asked his son what the hydrogen balloon was for; the son was very strange to his father's question, but he explained it to him.Then they entered a patio covered with a large sheet metal.My father tore a large piece and looked around at the same time, worried that someone would find out.He told his son that all he had to do was speak to the administrator and he could take the metal piece away.Go down from the patio and step on a few stone steps to reach a cave.The sides of the cave were upholstered like leather seats, and at the bottom of the cave was a long platform, behind which was another cave.

The following is the dreamer's own analysis of the dream: "The rotunda is a symbol of my genitals, and the tied hydrogen balloon represents the penis, because I thought it was weak." A more detailed explanation is This: "The big round hall often represents the buttocks, and children often think that the buttocks are also genitals, and the small room in front represents the scrotum. The father asks the function of the son's genitals. Obviously this situation should be reversed, and it is reasonable for the son to ask the father; because in practice No question of this kind is asked, and we can resolve the latent content of the dream into a hypothetical wish: 'If I ask my father—'" The consequences of this latent content are readily known.

Here the patio covered with sheet metal cannot be analyzed symbolically, but it hints at the father's place of business.Because of the son's misgivings, the metal plate represents the father's real commodity.In addition, the language in the dream has not changed a few words. The dreamer has inherited his father's business and is very disgusted that he has used improper means to make money. Therefore, the dream seems to say: "If I ask, does he deceive me like a customer?" ?” And tearing off the metal sheet symbolizes fraud in business, but the dreamer has another interpretation: it is used to imply masturbation.Not only are we already familiar with this analysis, but surreptitious masturbation is expressed in terms of the opposite idea, that is, "we can do it boldly", which is exactly what we expect.The dreamer also analyzed that "the cave represents the vagina, because its walls are cushioned".For us, going in and out of the cave is a symbol of sexual intercourse.

The dreamer also interpreted the platform at the bottom of the cave, and the second cave behind the platform, based on his own experience.Because he once had intercourse with a woman, but was too weak to do whatever he wanted, now he hopes to use therapy to restore his sexual ability.

Eighth, there are two more dreams below. The dreamer is a foreigner with a clear tendency to polygamy.These two dreams therefore confirm the statement that the dreamer himself will be trapped in the dream, even if the manifest content of the dream is disguised, and the suitcase in the dream is a symbol of the woman.

1. The dreamer is about to travel a long distance and takes his luggage to the station in a carriage.His suitcases are numerous and stacked on top of each other.Among them are two black suitcases that seem to be reserved for merchants and travellers.So he comforted someone: "Just send those suitcases to the station."

In fact, his luggage is indeed very large.While in therapy, he recounted many stories about women.The two black suitcases in the dream represent two black women, and they have an important position in the dreamer's sexual life history.One of them also went to Vienna with him, and at my suggestion he sent a telegram to dissuade her.

2. This is the scene in the customs. Another traveler opened the suitcase, smoked and said indifferently: "There will be no contraband in the suitcase." A serious contraband.The traveler compromised: "I don't know anymore." The traveler in the dream represents the dreamer, but the customs officer is me.He is very straightforward with me, however, he recently had a sexual relationship with a woman and decided to keep it secret from me because he was worried that I knew her.Thus, he transfers the shame of being discovered to the stranger, while he himself does not seem to be able to dream.

Ninthly, this is an example of a symbol, I have never listed this type before:

The dreamer met his sister on the road with two friends, who were sisters.He shook hands with the two sisters one by one, but forgot to shake hands with his own sister.

In fact he no longer remembered the incident.Instead, he recalls a time when he was surprised by a woman's slow breast development.Therefore, the two sisters in the dream are actually a symbol of two breasts. If it is not my sister, I am afraid I will reach out and touch it.

Tenth, this example is about the symbolic role of death in dreams.The dreamer is crossing a very high and very steep iron bridge, and there are two people walking with him. He knew these two people before, but he forgot their names when he woke up.Suddenly, the two disappeared, and he saw a ghost-like man in a cap and chaps.He asked the man if he had sent the telegram.The man replied: "No." He asked him again if he was a coachman.The man said "no" again.And so the dream continued.The dreamer feels extremely panic in the dream.After waking up from the dream, he was still in fantasy, recalling that the iron bridge suddenly broke and he fell into the deep valley.

The dreamer emphatically emphasizes that he does not recognize the dream characters, or has forgotten their names.The truth is that the dreamer is very close to them.In this example, the dreamers are three brothers. If he is afraid of the death of the other two, it means that he wants them to die.For the telegram sender episode, he explained that telegrams often bring bad news.According to his uniform, he seems to be a lamp bearer, who can extinguish the lamp like death destroys the fire of life.The coachman reminded him of Uhland's poem praising King Karl's voyage, and the danger of the storm on the sea; there were two people accompanying him, that is, King Karl in the dreamer's self-comparison poem.As for the iron bridge, he also thought of a common saying related to recent events: "Life is like a suspension bridge."

Eleven, this can also be seen as another example of a death dream. A strange gentleman gives the dreamer a card with a black border.

[-]. Several aspects of another dream will interest you; however, this dream was caused by the dreamer's neurotic state.

He was in a train parked in the middle of nowhere, he felt that something was going to happen and he had to try to get away.So, he walked through the rooms and killed everyone he saw, including the driver and the policeman.

This dream reminded him of a story his friend told him: On a certain railway line in Italy, there was a lunatic being escorted in the small room of the train.Due to a mistake, there was an ordinary passenger in the room with him.The madman then killed the traveler.The dreamer claims to be a lunatic. He suffers from "obsessive-compulsive disorder" and always feels that people who know his secret should be killed one by one.Later, he told about a good dream cause.The day before, he had seen a woman in the theater and wanted to marry her, but he was so jealous of her that he abandoned her.He knew that he was extremely jealous and that marrying her would drive him mad.So he said: "Though I don't think she can be trusted, and my jealousy may want to kill all competitors." And the plot that goes through many rooms, we already know, is the symbol of marriage and its opposite. Monogamous.

He then told us the following story to explain the train stopped in the open country and the fear of accident.

One time, the train stopped suddenly on the railway line at the station, so a female passenger said that she might have a car accident, and the best way was to lift her legs. The words of "lifting the legs" reminded him of the time when he and the woman in his dream had the strongest love, and he had visited this place many times. Crazy; and in fact we learn that he still has the crazy idea of ​​marrying her.

(End of this chapter)

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