Chapter 395 Spaceship
At this time, Luo Feng was still listening to Babata talk about this incomparably vast universe.

How about the strong among them?
How about galaxies?

The Yinlan Empire is a vast cosmic kingdom that governs the eight major galaxies including the Milky Way galaxy and the Beta galaxy.

In the Milky Way galaxy alone, there are over 21 planets inhabited by a large number of humans. What kind of huge country is this?

Compared with others, the earth is like a drop in the ocean, extremely small!

However, in Babata's mouth: the Yinlan Empire composed of eight galaxies including the Milky Way galaxy and the Beta galaxy is nothing but a country of elementary civilizations in the universe!
Moreover, the Black Dragon Mountain star field directly under it, the Black Dragon Mountain star field contains more than 8 galaxies in total.

And the one that rules the Black Dragon Mountain star field is the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, which is considered to be a fairly good middle-level civilized country in the universe.

"Although the Black Dragon Mountain Empire is relatively powerful, when you meet my master, you have to be respectful!"

Babata said with a look of pride in his eyes.

This is also normal, after all, according to statistics with high probability, a strong 'world master' can be born in 1 galaxies.

The Black Dragon Mountain Empire might not have immortality.

Babata's expression became serious.

"Whether it is a planetary level, a star level, a universe level, a domain master, or a domain master, there is still a lifespan limit. Astral-level powerhouses can live up to 1 era, and universe-level powerhouses can live up to 1 eras. Domain owners can live In the 1th era, the World Lord can live to the 1 era! Of course, according to your earth time, the World Lord can live for more than 1 years."

"The world lord exists, and under the time, it will also decay!"

"The master who crosses the boundary is the immortal! The immortal strong, also known as the 'eternal strong', also known as the 'god'." Babata's eyes were bright, "Once he becomes an immortal strong, he can have an infinite lifespan! The master is the immortal strong By!"

Luo Feng completely held his breath.

Immortal strong?
Planets, stars, universe, realm master, realm master, immortality!
Under Babata's explanation, he accepted the brilliance and inheritance of the universe.


At the same time, Ren Taixu is also cultivating his own Moyun Vine.

This Moyun vine is a special plant with a high upper limit.

Using wood seedlings, it will grow very quickly.

Not long after, as Ren Taixu threw a wood seed crystal to the Moyun vine, the plant was instantly activated, and the power in the body continued to rise.

Sensing this change in power, Ren Taixu also estimated in his heart: "Only needing one Muya crystal can make an apprentice at the eighth and ninth ranks directly step into the first rank of a planetary rank with a month's effort." !"

Of course, this Mu Yajing also played a big role for Ren Taixu.

After all, the efficiency of absorbing energy from the universe is too low, and the speed of cultivation with Muyajing will be greatly improved.

Ren Taixu didn't care about these at all.

What he cared about was still the vast starry sky outside.

"We still need to rely on Luo Feng."


On the other side, Luo Feng heard about the vastness of the universe.

He couldn't help but said: "Babata, the Yunmo has been damaged, how should we leave the universe?"

"Don't worry, there are still a lot of spaceship wrecks on the earth. If we get more wreckage, maybe we can assemble a small spaceship." Babata said excitedly.

"Assemble the spaceship?" Luo Feng was taken aback.

"That's a piece of cake! Don't you look at who I am Babata, I am an intelligent life! My database stores a lot of knowledge, and I have a lot of knowledge about advanced civilizations. I have enough machinery, materials, and robots Wait, a large interstellar warship can be built. Let alone assemble a spaceship." Babata said confidently.

Luo Feng is indeed full of curiosity about the vast universe.

Especially the 'virtual universe network', according to Babata, entering the 'virtual universe network' can meet countless races in the vast universe.

"Babata, I can buy a lot of machinery and materials for you to build." Luo Fenglian said.


In the space of the wrist guard, Babata showed a helpless expression on his small face.

"Flying long distances in the universe places high demands on the spacecraft! Not only the internal energy system, etc., but also the strength of the fuselage! The materials on your earth are far from enough for flight strength. So the best Or choose those spaceship wreckage for assembly."

"There's no rush for this matter. It won't be too late after you cultivate to the star level, and occasionally visit other planets in the universe." Babata said again.


"Meet the teacher!" Luo Feng bowed to Ren Taixu slightly.

Ren Taixu suddenly smiled and said, "Is there any gain?"

Luo Feng smiled: "Teacher, I have collected some Muya crystals. I don't know if the teacher ever needed them?"

Ren Taixu naturally knew that the current Luo Feng had obtained the immortal inheritance, and there was no shortage of this.

But he still looked away, and said: "You keep it, teacher, I don't lack this. It's hard to make progress on earth when my cultivation level reaches my level. I can only wait for the opportunity and look for opportunities in the vast universe." .”

As he said that, Ren Taixu also sighed a little.

In the past few decades, he has never looked for a way to leave the earth, but they all failed.

But it's normal to think about it. No matter how great the fate of Hong and Leishen entrusted to the people on earth, they didn't start the cosmic galaxy era.

This hidden destiny is doomed, only Luo Feng can open up this era!

Babata said in Luo Feng's sea of ​​consciousness: "Your teacher is also a monster."

"An environment like the earth can break through to the stars, and even comprehend its own domain. If it can make a splash in the universe and starry sky, it may be possible to achieve something."

Luo Feng also somewhat agreed in his heart.

After a long time, Ren Taixu finally said: "Okay, let's go down."

"But Mu Yajing, you should keep it for yourself. After all, you just broke through the planet. With such a treasure, you can go further."

"Thank you teacher!" Luo Feng said respectfully.

But Luo Feng also heard Ren Taixu's words, and he couldn't help but feel a little firm in his heart, and set up the spaceship as soon as possible, so that his teacher can also comprehend the vast starry sky.


With Mu Yajing in hand, Luo Feng found a partner very smoothly.

Start collecting the remaining spaceship wreckage on Earth and start building your own spaceship.

In the days that followed, both China and the hR Alliance quickly sent some spaceship wreckage and some strange fragments of ancient civilization relics to the factory warehouse in the wilderness area, more than 100 kilometers away from Yangzhou City!
After that, Babata collected these materials into the storage space.

Luo Feng has a space ring!However, Babata also has a storage space for it.

Storage spaces can only store inanimate materials, corpses, etc.

But obviously, Babata has a lot of storage space!

It actually started to build a spaceship through intelligent control tools in the huge storage space!
Intelligence, machinery, energy, etc. are not life, so the construction started in the storage space!
"Babata, how big is your storage space?" Luo Feng once asked.

"I took the Yumo Star into it before, and my space ring can't store it! Now, I use it as a factory to build spaceships! How big is the space?" Luo Feng asked Babata's personal small treasury all the time. very curious.

"It's bigger than yours." Babata said simply.

"How long does it take to build a spaceship?" Luo Feng asked.

"Five or six years!" Babata said.

"God, five or six years? Aren't you the most intelligent person? Why did it take you so long?"

Babata was very dissatisfied: "That is to build a spaceship that can travel in the universe, not a spaceship model! And building a spaceship requires a lot of precision tools. I don't even have the tools. I am poor and useless, and start from scratch."

"On your earth, how long does it take to build an aircraft carrier? For me, it is thousands of times more difficult than building an aircraft carrier. Five or six years is fast!"

"Well, anyway, I'm not in a hurry." Luo Feng didn't argue anymore.

"Huh, it's not bad to have me help you build it. Otherwise, with the technology of your earth, even if it takes 100 years or 1000 years, you can enter the universe at most. However, the diameter of a galaxy is 1 light-years! If you want to travel between galaxies, your earth It is impossible to build one in 1000 years." Babata is very proud.

What Babata said is the truth, and this is also the reason why Hong, Lei Shen, Ren Taixu and others tried so hard to leave the earth.

If it weren't for Luo Feng, a son of luck who was recognized by Babata and accepted the inheritance, it would be absolutely impossible for the earth to enter the age of stars.

(End of this chapter)

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