Chapter 396 Star behemoth!

Time flies, and it is five months in a blink of an eye.

On the evening of January 2, 6 AD, in North America, formerly New York State.

New York, before the Nirvana period, was the economic center of the entire earth and was known as the capital of the world!The predecessor of the hR Alliance back then, almost all major financial groups and families had branches in New York.

Just like Shanghai in China is connected to the East China Sea, New York is connected to the Atlantic Ocean.

Therefore, the United States established a large military region not far from New York, and built a war base in New York to block the sea.

The war base, which is more than 5 meters long, looks like a ferocious monster entrenched on the river.

"Oh, look, what's that!"

One of the soldiers pointed to the hole of the bunker, and the other soldiers looked at it immediately.


"Oh, God!"

"King monster!"

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, a huge monster appeared in front of the huge war base...!
This is a monster with a body length of over 18 meters and a body shape similar to a 'lion'. Its body is covered with black scales the size of a house. The edge of each black scale is like a blade that makes people feel cold. Wings that are 200 meters wide and covered with black scales seem to be made of steel!

A pair of huge dark golden eyes, like the eyes of a god, overlooking everything in the world!

A ferocity lurks in the eyes.



This is it!A terrifying existence that has never appeared on Earth!
"The king-level monster is in the air, looking for death."

"Laser shot it!"


Although many soldiers in the war base were terrified, they were still very confident. The laser cannon is the strongest weapon of mankind!

call out!
call out!
call out!
Three beams of white light directly hit the scales of this unknown monster in black and gold armor with terrifying light.

The beam of light dissipates.

The scales are intact!
"What kind of monster is it?"

"The most powerful laser cannon can't hurt a little bit?"

Suddenly the monster opened its mouth!
The sky and the earth went dark, and the space around the monster's mouth distorted in an instant, and the entire war base flew up, flying towards the mouth, and the war base was still shrinking rapidly!
The Duo war base, which was originally bigger than the monster's entire body, shrank to less than five meters in length and width. The ants-like soldiers in the war base were terrified one by one, and screams of panic rang out.

Swallow it in one gulp!The monster shut its mouth!
The war base is gone!

"Oh, my God!"

The soldiers of some laser cannon strongholds on the dilapidated skyscrapers in the distance looked pale, watching this scene as if they had seen a ghost.

Two equally huge sea monsters broke out of the water, and these two monsters were exactly the two 'imperial' monsters in the sea.water
The domain boiled, and countless sea domain monsters began to break out of the water. They looked at the mysterious unknown monster as if they were looking at gods.

"Woo!" The monster raised its head and roared, and its horn pierced the sky!

As if announcing... its arrival!
After the mysterious monster made an announcement-like roar, the two emperor-level monsters immediately behind it.

One end is like an octopus that covers the sky and looks like a floating island, and the other end is similar to a giant dragon winding over a thousand meters in Chinese myths and legends, but its whole body is flashing with thunder and lightning.

The two beast emperors also roared loudly!
The roar formed a shock wave and scattered in all directions, while the countless water monsters in the lake below immediately began to advance along the river and entered the human world area while making various weird sounds.

Huaxia Kingdom, Yangzhou City, the base city in the south of the Yangtze River, Luo Feng's home.

It is now past eight o'clock in the evening.

Along with a phone call, Luo Feng picked it up.

"Hello, Luo Feng." A thick voice sounded.

"Oh, Mo Henderson." Luo Feng showed a smile, "What do you want me to do?"

Ice and Snow Emperor Merhanderson?

Since the Battle of Kirishima, the Ice and Snow Emperor and Luo Feng had a small feud, and the two sides have not been in touch.No
Thinking of today's No.1 in the United States, the third speaker of the ice and snow emperor 'Mo Henderson', he called himself to find himself.

"It's a very important matter. It is related to the life and death of mankind on the entire earth. You should enter the Palace of War God as soon as possible. All the congressmen, speakers, and high-ranking officials from all over the world will be there." Mohanderson continued.

"What's the matter?" Luo Feng was startled.

The life and death of human beings on earth?
"I don't have time to go into details. I still have to inform other people. You should hurry up and enter the Palace of War God." After speaking, Mohanderson hung up the phone.

"Babata, help me connect to the virtual space 'War God's Palace'." Luo Feng said to Babata with his mind connected to the wrist space.

"no problem!"

In the meeting hall on the top floor of the God of War Palace, more than 50 councilors wearing gold robes have appeared in the meeting hall, and there are also many God of War wearing white robes!
Moreover, some of the people wearing white robes are not God of War, but some leaders of the five great powers who were able to come in with this special authorization.

Those leaders may be the president and vice president, but not all warriors are gods of war.

Usually they do not have the right to come in, but today, they are specially authorized.

"The First Speaker and the others are here."

"The President of the United States is also here."

Luo Feng turned his head and looked, his teacher, Hong, Thor, Mo Henderson and a group of people came together, including the president of the United States.Everyone in the conference hall fell silent.

The president went directly to the rostrum above.

"Leaders of various countries, speakers, members of parliament." The black-skinned president said in a low voice with an ugly face, "Now, all the highest representatives on our planet are gathered here. It was originally a grand gathering. But I must tell everyone with deep sorrow ...The disaster and doomsday of our earth is coming!"

The faces of everyone in the conference hall changed.

It is impossible for the president of a country to lie in front of them.

"I can't explain clearly, but please watch a video!" the dark-skinned president said in a low voice.

on the screen.

The battle base was peaceful, and suddenly...a phantom burst out of the distant waters, so fast that it was impossible to see clearly.I could barely see a black phantom, and then it was suspended in front of the war base!This is a mysterious monster that no one present has ever seen before!

Strong hooves and claws, a pair of giant wings covered with scales, a powerful tail, and a horn that pierces the sky!And those cold, heartless dark golden eyes!

This is a monster with a body length of more than 180 meters!
"What monster is this?"

"never seen it!"

"Looking at the length, it should be a king-level monster."

"The king-level monster appears in front of the war base, is it courting death? The laser cannon will kill it directly."

on the screen!
Three dazzling beams of light shot at the mysterious monster in an instant, and everyone in the conference hall watched with bated breath.

The beam of light dissipates!


"The scale armor is not damaged?"

"Impossible! Even the Beast Emperor, although he can withstand the highest power laser cannon, he will still be injured!"

The conference hall suddenly exploded!

Even the most calm experts, including Hong, Lei Shen, and Luo Feng, all changed their expressions drastically.

Under the most powerful laser cannon, even the Beast Emperor, even Hong and Luo Feng would not dare to say that it was not damaged at all.

Only Ren Taixu's expression didn't change at all, he understood what it was.

On the screen, the mysterious monster opened its mouth, and at the same time, the surrounding space was distorted faintly, which could be seen with the naked eye. The war base, which was much larger than the mysterious monster, actually levitated!And it flew towards the monster's mouth, flying smaller and smaller, and finally the battle base became less than five meters long and wide, and was swallowed by the monster in one gulp.




This scene is completely beyond the scope of the thinking logic of the human beings on the earth, and this scene cannot be explained by science at all!
A war base over 500 meters long will fly, and will continue to shrink?

This, how is this possible?The war base was eaten?
"The [-] soldiers in the entire war base were all eaten, and none of them survived." The black-skinned president said in a deep voice.


The dark-skinned president took a deep breath, "This is just the beginning!"

The dark-skinned president pointed to the mysterious monster that was roaring loudly on the screen, "Take this terrifying mysterious monster as the leader! The two-headed Beast Emperor and countless sea monsters have begun to attack the inland under its orders!"

As he said that, the scene of water monsters frantically advancing along the river appeared in the video.

On the screen, the scene switched and appeared in another place in North America.

The mysterious monster swallowed another war base!
"I can't resist!"

"No matter how solid the war base is, no matter how brave the soldiers are, no matter how powerful the fighters are, it will swallow it up in one gulp!"




In the hall at this time, everyone was talking about it.

It took a long time before he recognized the giant beast.

"According to some records in the remains of ancient civilizations, the planetary level is divided into nine levels, and above that, there is a star level. Above that, there is a cosmic level! And only one cosmic level powerhouse will be born in countless planets. But In the vast universe, there are some terrifying and strange behemoths—starry sky behemoths!"

"Cosmic level is very strong, so strong that it can easily destroy the earth!"

"Well, can you tell me about the strength of this starry sky behemoth? Is it cosmic level?" The black president said solemnly.

If it is a universe-level existence!
Then there is no need to resist, because there is no ability to resist at all, just arrange the escape plan and the human race inheritance plan directly.

"No, it can't be cosmic grade."

"According to the information I know, the cosmic-level starry sky behemoth at least has a body length of several thousand meters, and some are even more exaggerated, with a body length of more than 180 meters. This devouring beast is only [-] meters! According to my estimation, it is enough. The star rating is eighth and ninth, or star rating."

"Everyone sit down."

The third speaker above, Mo Handsen, shouted, "Now everyone thinks of a way together, how to deal with this... let's name it the devouring beast for the time being! How to solve it, if you don't kill it, the number of dead people will increase. many."

In the conference hall.

Human means are not much left.

Especially in the case of the lost effect of the laser cannon, there is only one left!

Nuclear bomb!

The power of the nuclear bomb is indeed great, but the general target is in the center of the nuclear bomb, so the lethality is strong enough!Moreover, after the use of nuclear bombs, a large amount of nuclear radiation and so on are likely to cause monsters to mutate.

So under normal circumstances, humans will not use nuclear weapons.That's not worth the candle.

But this time... there is no choice.Humans don't have any big cards in their hands.

"Use nuclear weapons?"

"How much equivalent is used? 5000 million tons equivalent? Or higher?"

"Are you sure?"

A group of people at the top of the world are discussing anxiously.


"Babata, Babata." Luo Feng called out consciously.

"Why are you looking for me, I'm sleeping!" Babata communicated with Luo Feng.

"Tell me, what is the monster on the front screen now, and how can I kill it." Luo Feng said repeatedly.

Now I can only ask Babata for help. Babata's vision is much wider than that of humans on Earth.

"Oh? Let me, the demon Babata, take a look!" Babata said proudly.

Luo Feng waited quietly.

"God!!!" Babata exclaimed.

"Damn it, where did you get the video, how did you get this video?"

"What video, it's from the earth. Now this mysterious monster is killing on the earth." Luo Feng continued.

"on the earth?"

"You said, you said the 'Golden Horn Beast' appeared on Earth?" Babata couldn't believe it at all.


"How is this possible? Master has traveled through countless galaxies in his lifespan of more than 6000 million years, and he has only encountered three starry sky behemoths, and none of them are of such a high bloodline!" Babata couldn't believe it.

"A giant golden-horned beast appeared on your earth!"

Luo Feng was a little dissatisfied: "Babata, please explain clearly!"

"Last time, I told you!"

"The 'starry sky behemoth' in the universe is very powerful, and the many lineages of the starry sky behemoths are also divided into three levels. The strongest one is the one that grows to a large size and is the 'lord of the world' at its peak! The strongest bloodline in the world, I have introduced the 'flame star behemoth' that grew up eating stars."

"And the one you see is the 'Golden Horn Beast' that is also at the pinnacle of the starry sky behemoths. It is more ferocious and famous than the Flame Star behemoth!"

"Once it is fully grown, it will be the World Master class!"

"It's over, it appeared on the earth, your earth is over, there is no hope, it's over."

'It's over', 'There's no hope', 'It's over' Babata's words seemed to hit Luo Feng's soul with a heavy hammer, and he was a little confused.

Earth is over?

Now... it's over?

Luo Feng felt the trembling and tingling of his soul!
"Babata, tell me how to kill it." Luo Feng said in his heart.

"Uh, it's impossible." Babata didn't hesitate much.

"Babata, tell me, the exact strength of this giant golden horned beast." Luo Feng asked in his heart, knowing oneself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles.


Babata said, "Look, is there a bulge next to the single horn with a lot of golden dense patterns on its head?"

"Its second corner is only a bulge, and it is estimated that it has only entered the star class not long ago." Babata continued.

"However, its pedigree is too strong, and its growth rate is amazing! During the growth period, it will devour and absorb a large amount of metal crazily, and its strength will continue to increase, so if you want to kill it, you must kill it quickly, otherwise it will become stronger and stronger."

Luo Feng nodded, thought of something again, and said: "My teacher has also broken through the stars, and there are still domains, can we fight this giant beast?"

Babata suddenly sneered: "Impossible, it's a matter of bloodlines, each of the starry sky behemoths is not easy to mess with, and their bloodlines contain ancient inheritance memories."

"Master, he once heard that there is an immortal in the universe. When he encounters a world-lord-level golden-horned giant beast, he wants to kill it! It stands to reason that it is too easy for an immortal powerhouse to kill the world-lord. But... the golden-horned monster He couldn't fight, but he escaped." Babata said with emotion.

"This kind of bloodline of the highest peak, which is extremely rare, can even leapfrog to fight under immortality, let alone the same level."

"Your teacher is an evildoer, but the bloodline is too far away!"

Luo Feng was silent.


Whether it is Luo Feng, Hong, Leishen among the warriors, the leaders of various countries, or some specially invited weapons experts, they are all racking their brains to find a way.

Only Ren Taixu was slightly better, after all he knew what was going to happen next, and at the same time he was confident that he would not be afraid of this golden-horned monster.

"Brother Ren? Are you sure?" Lei Shen saw the calmness in Ren Taixu's eyes, and couldn't help but speak.

There was a cold light in Ren Taixu's eyes: "It's just soldiers who come to cover you with water and soil! No one will know until I fight a battle. I still broke through the stars. In addition to the domain, the blood is not as good as this giant. Beasts, it might not be impossible to give it a go!"

Hong and Leishen were a little surprised when they heard this.

"Brother Ren broke through the stars?"

Ren Taixu smiled: "It's just a fluke."


"Everyone." Luo Feng stood up.

Everyone in the conference hall turned their heads to look over, and when they saw Luo Feng who was speaking, they were a little puzzled.

Hong and Leishen also looked at Luo Feng in doubt. Luo Feng is not an expert on nuclear bombs, nor is he a national leader, so what can he say?
Only Ren Taixu understood that Luo Feng knew something from Babata.

"I know some information about this devouring beast." Luo Feng said solemnly.

Suddenly there was silence.

"One, once the devouring beast swallows it, the surrounding space will be distorted and separated from the outside world. It is absolutely impossible to remotely control the detonation of the hydrogen bomb in the fighter plane."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

This is extremely bad news!

"Second, the strength of this devouring beast is indeed stellar!" Luo Feng said the second point.

"Three, the only good news is that his devouring ability is limited, not a bottomless pit. It seems that it has started to destroy the war base just now, instead of choosing to devour."

Luo Feng's voice echoed in the conference hall.

Of these three news, only one is better, the first two are very bad!

"Mr. Luo, are you sure?"

"Are you sure?"

Those top nuclear bomb experts all looked at Luo Feng.

"Sure." Luo Feng nodded, "This devouring beast has the ability to devour metal, decompose metal, and absorb it!"

"No wonder eating the base."


This news upset many people.

"Teacher, I want to get a list of all the ancient civilization relics on the earth." Luo Feng said solemnly.

"I hope there are some introductions to the situation of each ancient civilization relic."

"You are?" Ren Taixu asked.

"I want to see which ruins can find some powerful weapons!" Luo Feng said.

This is the only way after he discussed with Babata.

(End of this chapter)

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