Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 101 Next Cheng Beihai Confirmation

Chapter 101 The next trip to Beihai is confirmed
Even though the Hayden trio had just graduated with ranks, it should be a day of celebration.

And Zefa also gave them three times to celebrate, but it was just that night.

After yesterday's ceremony ended, Zefa immediately informed the three of them that he would come to his office to report tomorrow morning so that he could tell them where the three of them should be sent next.

Therefore, there was only one night, and the three of Hayden and Tina still had a good time. Naturally, they found a shop in the town of Marlin Vanduo to celebrate.


Vertical sun, morning.

In front of the naval fortress.


After a night of carnival last night, Hayden, who woke up this morning as if he had been shocked by an electric shock, greeted Smoker and Creed in front of him.

Although the state blurred out syllables with unknown meanings from the mouth, they couldn't piece together into intelligible words.

However, at this time, Smoker and Creed, who were almost in the same state as Hayden, understood Hayden's meaning strangely from the syllables he said.

The two of them also responded with vague words.

Three sailors wearing navy justice coats stood in front of the fortress.

"Let's go..."

Hayden shook his head vigorously, then spoke weakly.

"Hmm..." X2
Both Smoker and Creed didn't intend to say a word more.

Afterwards, the three of them walked together to Teacher Zefa's office. On the way, they emptied their three muddy brains and returned to their normal state.

Then, Hayden held the doorknob of the front door, pushed the first one with both hands and walked in, followed by Smoker and Creed.

"Teacher Zefa!" X3
The three of Hayden stood in front of the desk together.

"Yeah." Zefa put down his work and looked at them, "It looks good, you little devils." He had a rare smile on his face facing these three little devils today, and stood up while talking. at the desk.

"Hey hey hey..."

The three of Hayden laughed at the same time with a little embarrassment.

He has always been wearing an ordinary uniform, but it was a bit uncomfortable to put on this coat of justice today.

"Next, this will be your official task in the future." Zefa said and picked up a stack of papers from the table behind him, which recorded the three Haydens, their future work places, some matters to be aware of, and so on.

Then Zefa handed the pre-divided list to Hayden and the others.

"Look carefully, and tell me if you don't understand anything." Zefa sat back on the chair behind the desk again, "You are leaving this afternoon, so if you have any questions, ask quickly."

After that, he continued to lower his head to deal with the work he had just put down.

After all, as a general, he has a full schedule every day, and only this morning can he spare time to do these paperwork.

The three of Hayden who got the list also looked at it seriously, and the three of them sat down on the big sofa next to the wall.

[Hayden, the major general of the headquarters, was appointed as the base chief of the Beihai 353 branch, and will leave for the Beihai 353 branch to take up his post today]


Seeing three question marks appearing slowly above Hayden's head.

what?Want me to stay in Beihai?

Am I dazzled or what?

Thinking of this, Hayden immediately rubbed his eyes, and then took a closer look.

"Appointed as the base chief of Beihai 353 branch, that's right..."

Hayden, who couldn't help muttering, was instantly confused. Since he didn't make a mistake, why was he sent to Beihai?
Even if it is not the new world, it should be the first half of the paradise!
How many pirates are there in the North Sea?
The emotions in Hayden's heart suddenly became agitated, but he thought about it again, where Smog Creed and the others were sent...

"Hey, where are you two going?" He then asked softly to the two sitting next to him looking down at the list in their hands.

Hearing Hayden's inquiry, the two also looked up at him.

"I was sent to the base at the very beginning of the Great Route." Smoker whispered.

"Me too." Creed followed up.


After hearing this, Hayden became even more puzzled, "Then why was I sent to Beihai?" He said subconsciously.

"North Sea?"

After learning about Hayden, Smoker and Creed were equally puzzled. Both of them were sent to the Great Route, so why Hayden was sent to the world.

At this moment, doubts were written on the faces of the three of them.

I can't know the reason for thinking here, Hayden immediately stood up and walked towards Teacher Zefa who was writing something.

"Mr. Zefa, why did you send me to the North Sea instead of the Great Route?" Hayden tried his best to control his tone.

Zefa stopped what he was doing, and he knew that Hayden would definitely ask why when he knew about it, and he planned to tell the reason directly.

"Oh, that." Zefa paused, and continued: "The first reason is that there has been some turmoil in the North Sea recently, and it happens that you can come to support it, and the second is that you are still too young.

This is the decision made by the higher authorities, and you will be transferred back after one or two years. "

Zefa finished speaking with an unquestionable tone.

What he said was also what he thought. Recently there was a rumor in the North Sea, which happened to let Hayden, a brat, go to practice, and let him consolidate his strength by himself.

Hayden's strength grew faster than ordinary people, and his foundation was very unstable.Although the explosive power is fierce, if his foundation is a bit more solid, then his strength will be even stronger.

The thought quickly flashed through Zefa's mind.

Seeing that Mr. Zefa didn't intend to withdraw or had a slight intention to change it, Hayden could only agree.

Then Zefa continued to say: "After you cross the Red Earth Continent in the afternoon, you go directly to the G-1 branch. After telling you your name, there will be a warship escorting you to the Beihai branch."


Hayden replied listlessly.

After that, Hayden left the room with Smoker and Creed.

At this time.

Hayden suddenly changed his perspective and thought, what good would it do him to be sent to Beihai? It couldn't be all bad.

First of all, since it is the four seas, it is definitely not as strong as the pirates of the great route, but there is always a reward on the head.

Well...then I go to Beihai with my strength to fry fish.

While frying fish, you can get exchange points by the way, and you still have extra time to master the exchange skills, which is really flattering.

By the way, what is the situation in Beihai?
Suddenly thinking of this, Hayden paused, but left the question behind when he took the next step.

Anyway, maybe not as good as me...

Hayden doesn't remember much about the plot of Beihai in the comics.

Hayden, whose mood changed in an instant, became excited. The North Sea is now a sea of ​​points. Even if he gets less points for defeating pirates who are weaker than him because of his own strength, he still can't hold back the many pirates.

At that time, add up to the 5000 million Pirates to get points this time, and directly come to a big one.

Thinking in this way, Hayden immediately greeted Smoker and Creed and took the first step. He wanted to hurry to get his own exclusive vehicle that he had asked to build.

It took him a while to assist with the distribution of the modified means of transportation, and he will be able to get it later if he thinks about it.

Hayden's mind suddenly became a little nervous, he couldn't wait...

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(End of this chapter)

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