Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 102 Emergency Call for Help!Message from the Navy Branch

Chapter 102 Emergency Call for Help!Message from the Navy Branch

After Hayden parted ways with Smoker, Creedy, Tina and the others, he embarked on a trip to the North Sea with only two Zanpakuto and the "mount" he just got.

This separation, I don't know when it will be when I want to get together again in the future, but it is also inevitable.

After that, Hayden went to the G-1 branch of the New World on the other side.

Although Hayden just passed through the New World this trip, he also saw the ferocity of the New World in a short period of time compared to the paradise in the first half of the great route.His first experience in the New World left a deep impression on him.

Today, Beihai.

On a naval warship that just sailed out of the calm zone.

The front end of the warship deck.

"Alright kid."

The highest officer on the warship, Lieutenant Admiral of the Dalmesia Navy Headquarters, said to Hayden who was lying on the couch next to him: "Now we have reached the North Sea..."

On top of his head is a dalmatian hat, commonly known as a dalmatian hat.Under the coat of justice is his tall and burly figure, always maintaining the orc form of the fruit of the animal department.

Thinking about it now, he still finds it a bit strange, he never thought that he would be the one to escort this escort mission.

Turning his head to look at the terrifying young navy next to him, Dalmesia suddenly recalled in his mind the little brat that Kidina often went looking for when he returned to the headquarters.

Unexpectedly, only a few years later, that little kid has grown into a major admiral of the Navy headquarters...

Dalmesia couldn't help lamenting the passage of time, "Hey"

"Uncle Dog, why are you sighing?"

After hearing what the uncle in front of him said, Hayden took off the sunshade book on his face, looked up at the vice admiral in front of him who had always maintained the form of an orc, that is, Creedy's father, and asked casually.

It was precisely because he was an acquaintance that Hayden didn't care about the attitude between the upper and lower ranks of the navy, and he didn't like having a guy who was bigger than him and had an attitude on his head.

"It's nothing." Dalmesia was still looking at the blue sea in front of him, and he replied, "It's just that you, the kid from back then, have been promoted to major general. When I first received this mission, I still couldn't believe it."

"Hey... Uncle Dog. Time waits for no one, no one."

After speaking casually, Hayden stood up from the reclining chair.

After that, he picked up the two Zanpakuto leaning on the deck chair, "Uncle Dog, do you want something to drink? I'm going to get a Coke." He asked as he started to walk down the bow.

"No." Dalmesia quickly answered Hayden.

He didn't turn around and still looked at the sea in front of him, and continued: "The Beihai 353 branch is not far from this windless zone, and we should be there soon." He wanted to remind Hayden that the time now is almost ready for his something.

"Know it!"

Hayden's casual voice sounded right behind him.


Dalmesia shook his head helplessly, "This brat..."

Just at this time.

The emergency phone bug in the cabin of the warship suddenly made a rush of blu blu blu sounds.

And the sea soldier guarding the emergency phone naturally understood what the sound was about. His nerves tensed instantly, and he picked up the receiver as quickly as possible.

Immediately before he could speak, the voice from the other end of the phone bug came out immediately.

"This is Beihai 353 Naval Branch, we... our base has been attacked by pirates who escaped from the calm zone! Please rescue!"

"Repeat. This is Beihai 353 Naval Branch. Our base has been attacked by pirates who escaped from the calm zone! Please help..."

The voice on the other end of the phone bug suddenly stopped.

From the other end came the sound of misery mixed with the sound of gunfire.

The sailor who was holding the receiver to receive the message was stunned for a moment, and he reacted immediately after a second. He threw down the receiver, pushed the door and rushed out of the room.

"Lord Lieutenant General!"

"Lord Lieutenant General!"

While running in the corridor, he shouted loudly that he had to tell the Lieutenant General the news as quickly as possible.

As for the other sailors he met, their expressions suddenly changed, and they immediately stopped what they were doing.

Because they knew very well what the yelling navy was doing on the ship. If this happened to him, it meant that something bad must have happened.

"Lord Lieutenant General!"

"Lieutenant General..."


Dalmesia heard the noisy movement on the ship within a few seconds, and then dodged to the place where the sound was heard, and intercepted the shouting navy.

Then his eyes narrowed, and he noticed that the navy should be guarding the phone bug, which also means...

"What happened." Dalmesia immediately asked in a low voice, and comforted him at the same time: "Calm down, sea soldier."

Infected by the calm and steady aura of the Lieutenant General and he took a breath of relief, he smoothed his violently heaving chest.

"Lord Lieutenant General, just now I received a request for help from Beihai 353 Navy Branch. He said that they were attacked by pirates who escaped from the calm zone, and they will soon be unable to hold on..."

He spit out this long paragraph hastily without breaking a breath.


Dalmesia was taken aback when he heard the news. Isn't that the destination of the meeting?
"Are you sure? Branch 353?" He wanted to confirm with the navy again.

"That's right, it's Branch 353." The sailor who sent the order was very sure that the numbers he heard were correct.

Dalmesia's face darkened in an instant, "Hmph...the scum who escaped from the New World..." he murmured.

He didn't ask any more questions this time, and waved his hand to signal the sailors in front of him to retreat, and then he started to walk to the control room.

The sudden chaos on the warship naturally did not escape Hayden's ears.

As soon as Hayden in the cabin kitchen felt that the atmosphere was not right, he hurried out of the kitchen.

Seeing the sailors getting busy in front of him, Hayden took a sailor to get the situation and hurried to the control room, because Uncle Dalmesia would definitely be here.

"Uncle Dog, where's my motorcycle?"

Hayden, who stood at the door and looked at Uncle Dalmesia's back, asked immediately.

He wanted to hurry to the base, but he didn't want the base to be destroyed by pirates when he got there.


Dalmesia also immediately turned to look in Hayden's direction, "What are you planning to do? Do you want to go alone!?"

"Of course."


Dalmesia, who guessed Hayden's idea in a second, felt that this idea was very unreliable.

There is no information about the group of pirates who attacked the naval base. I don't know how many or how few they are, how much the bounty is, and how strong they are.

When everything is unknown, even if he is eager to go to the rescue, but letting him go alone, this kind of thing is too worrying.

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(End of this chapter)

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