Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 104 Supporting the unexpected visitor

Chapter 104 Supporting the unexpected visitor
The 353rd Branch of the Beihai Navy.

Initially, because the location of this small island is close to the quiescent zone, there may occasionally be lost super-large Neptunes coming out of the quiescent zone.

Moreover, Beihai's geographical location is separated from the New World in the second half of the great route by the windless belt, although it is really unlikely that there will be pirates from the new world passing through the quiet belt without incident.

But when the navy was building the 353 branch, it built the entire island into a naval base just in case.A total of fifty or sixty cannons were placed on the island, surrounded by a towering copper wall and iron wall, and there was only one opening to enter.

However, after the construction was completed, things developed as normal.

The passage of time told the navy on this naval branch base that there was no need for any security.

The super-large sea kings that got lost by accident ignored the small island after they came out, and went back to the calm zone after wandering around.

As for the pirates in the new world?From the day the base was built, there were no pirates at all.As for the pirates in the North Sea, they didn't want to attack a naval fortress that looked fierce.

In this way, the New World pirates who could beat this fortress did not come, and the North Sea pirates who were no match for this fortress were not interested in this place where the entire island is a naval branch.

Slowly, this naval branch became a place suitable for retirement.

The navies on the island began to loosen up, seeming to have forgotten that they were still wearing navy uniforms. Except for the daily patrols of the surrounding waters for fishing every week, the navies on the island had no sense of being a navy at all.

There is still a rumor circulating among the sailors in this branch of the navy. As long as the navy is sent to this branch, it means that he is a bit useless to the navy. .

The fate of the marines who come here is... to hang around with their salaries, that's all.

However, the time turns to the present.

What the navy on the 353 branch did not expect was——

At noon on this clear sky suitable for basking in the sun, there was an explosion on the iron-walled naval island, shaking the iron wall.

A sailor who was supposed to be on duty on the outer high wall as a watchtower, he was not on duty when the explosion sounded, but found a beach chair and placed it on the ground outside, wearing sunglasses and drinking iced drinks Have a good time.

The sound of the explosion that resounded throughout the entire naval branch naturally reached his height, causing him to drop his sunglasses in shock.

The sound of the explosion, which he had not heard for a long time, immediately brought the second-class soldier in the observation post back to the past, and he immediately remembered that it was the sound of a shell exploding.

The second-class soldier immediately looked in the direction of the sound, which was the location of another watchtower on the outer high wall.

There was already flames and smoke raging there at this time, and the observation post originally at that position had been blown to pieces, and of course the sailors inside had no chance of surviving.


The second-class soldier hurriedly looked at the outer sea surface at this time, and suddenly found a dilapidated ship with a huge hull parked on the sea surface. The flag on the top of the mast of the ship was flying a black flag with a skull painted on it.

Pirate ship! ! !
The second-class soldier who realized it instantly panicked immediately, but he ran into the nearby sentry box at the last moment and sounded the alarm.

Then, the shells fired one after another by the huge pirate ship landed on the naval island, and screams continued for a while.

The navies, belatedly, began to fight back, firing a volley with the large number of cannons on the island.

The sea area where the pirate ship stopped happened to be within the range of the island's cannons, and both sides could attack each other's distance.

But the navy on the island is only the navy of the North Sea, and their opponents are pirates from the new world, so what if they have been through the windless belt.

The navy on the island was almost unable to hold on under the fierce artillery fire, and even the outer high wall had been bombed at this time, and many big holes appeared.

But the navy's shelling didn't work.

The pirates on the pirate ship relied on their respective abilities and the flexibility of only one ship to prevent most of the shelling, while the rest of the shelling that was not very accurate fell into the sea.

The North Sea 353 Navy Branch has no way to resist the pirates' attack, and they only have one hope in their hearts at this time.

I just talked to the warship of the G-1 branch of the new world that was about to come this morning. After I sent an emergency call for help just now, I only hope that the supporting warship can catch up.


The 353 branch, which was struggling to resist the pirates' artillery fire, had passed 5 minutes since they issued an emergency call for help.


hum- hum-

A roar that was very ear-splitting amidst the intense artillery fire from both sides suddenly came from the distant sea.

"Just in time!"

Hayden, whose upper body was lying on the locomotive, stared at the situation ahead at this moment and thought to himself.

The front left is obviously a small island in the naval territory, and the huge ship moving in the front right is obviously a pirate ship. Hayden can clearly understand the situation in the sea area ahead at a glance.

At the moment in the small space where a cannon rests on Navy Island.

"Look, sir!!!"

A sailor who was carrying a cannonball and was about to load it into the muzzle, he immediately noticed the scene of something powerful rushing over the sea.

"Look at you bastard! Don't hurry up and load me with shells! Do you want to die, boy!!!"

His officer next to him cursed angrily without even thinking about it, this recruit is just unreliable.However, he immediately looked in the direction of the recruit's finger.

"What it is!?"

"There seems to be something strange rushing over the sea!!!"

"Hey, hey, hey... the sound of the waves splashing, shouldn't it be the super-large sea kings under the sea surface!?"

Hayden's arrival was not only realized by the navy on the island, but also on the pirate ship at this meeting noticed Hayden on the sea.

As Hayden approached rapidly, he was brought out by his locomotive with a huge ice and snow storm that blurred his own figure. At this time, as the distance got closer, he gradually appeared in the eyes of the two sides in the war.

The movement wasn't anything weird—it was a person.

And it's still a navy, a navy that rides galloping horses across the sea!
"Is that our support!?"


"We are saved!"

"Don't die! Don't die!"

The navy on the island was immediately excited by the arrival of support, and the dead atmosphere pervading the island was also dispelled.

"Damn it!"

"The navy who is alone at sea is definitely not a guy to mess with!"

Hayden's arrival evoked mixed reactions on the pirate ship.Of course they can see that a navy that dares to make such a big noise on the sea alone is definitely not a random fish navy.

Although these pirates are all from the new world, they look down on the navy of the four seas.

But now not only their physical strength was exhausted when passing through the windless belt, but the casualties on the ship were also very bad, not to mention the nearly scrapped pirate ship they were on.

Not to mention the strength of the new navy, as long as he has the ability to punch a hole in the pirate ship, then the pirates on these ships will have nowhere to escape.

Losing the ground to stand on the sea, even they have nothing to do.

"Quickly divert part of the cannon's muzzle towards the navy, and beat him into the sea hard!"

The captain of the pirate ship immediately issued an order, and at the same time directed the attack on the island to give him more strength, and rushed straight towards the Navy Island in front of him while firing.

The round black cannonballs fell into the sea on both sides, blowing up waves soaring into the sky.

The silver horse under Hayden's controller swayed from side to side, and after drawing a graceful curve on the sea surface, it easily dodged every incoming shell without any effort.

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(End of this chapter)

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