Chapter 105

The situation on the field changed in an instant.

At this time, the pirate ship had sailed to the sea that was about to approach the branch, and it seemed that it would be able to rush into the iron wall that had been blasted away by them in the next second.

At the same time, Hayden has also quickly approached.

At this time, the three parties seem to be fighting around the only entrance and exit strait of the Navy Island, using it as the center.

The location of the pirate ship is east of the center point, and Hayden's location is south of the center point.At this time, the distance from the center point is the same, and it depends on which side is faster.

But precisely because of the appearance of Hayden who seemed to be right in front of him at this moment, the sailors on the island began to fall into despair again.

This is the only "support" in sight, and there are no naval warships coming out behind him. There is really only this one naval support that came out of nowhere.

"It's really over now..."

"How can he alone stop that huge pirate ship..."

"We are hopeless..."

Knowing the next fate, the marines immediately sank down, and the dead feeling that had disappeared would become more intense and then sweep back.

Even if the navy here has made such a big commotion and looks very powerful, how can he fight against the pirate ship that can knock him to pieces just by brushing against it?
At this time, the sailors in combat positions couldn't even bear to look at the sea outside, and couldn't bear to see the cruel end of the navy that came here to support.

It was predictable that the next moment the pirate ship would crush the navy and then enter the navy branch without hindrance.

The roar from the constant bombardment and the vibration of the floor under their feet could no longer affect the mood of all of them.

They have accepted the fate's arrangements for them, or maybe this is the punishment God gave them for their own actions...

They have given up resistance in their hands.


Seeing that the pirate ship dared to enter so boldly, Hayden would not allow this to happen.When the time comes to report the situation, what should I say, saying that on the first day I took office, the pirates swaggered into my base?

No, no!
Hayden couldn't stand this.

Hayden, who was approaching quickly, had an idea in his mind.

He immediately twisted the accelerator with his right hand again, and the beast under the seat suddenly let out a more violent roar, and the rear of the car responded immediately, and a more crazy ice and snow storm broke out than before.

The speed of the locomotive under the seat was instantly full, and the speed exploded. The front of the front of the car suddenly lifted due to the great power, and its wild head was raised.

And this is exactly what Hayden wanted, so he pointed the front of the car at the sea between the island and the pirate ship.

"Power MAX Great Wall of Ice!"

After a roar, the silver colt seemed to turn into a stream of light.

At this moment, under the two wheels of Hayden's locomotive, a frightening icy aura suddenly erupted, and a thick block of ice instantly froze.

Under his control, the icing trend gradually increased and gradually increased.The ferocious beast under the seat also followed the high slope it created, as if it was about to go straight into the sky, and the justice coat it was wearing instantly soared into the air.

The streamer quickly crossed the space between the small island and the pirate ship at this time, and then faded into the air here.


In front of the navy with a large number of people on the small island and all the pirates on the pirate ship at this time.

In everyone's line of sight, they all saw the same scene at this time.

A huge, slanted wall of ice suddenly appeared above the sea in front of their eyes.

Inside the shallow transparent shell is a frighteningly deep chill, and neither side can see through the ice wall that appears out of nowhere.

Similarly, just looking at the ice wall from a distance, the cold air emanating from the ice wall that is visible to the naked eye also makes people unable to get up the idea of ​​​​taking a closer look.

At some point, the cold air had spread and invaded the bodies of both sides.

For a moment, the air in the field suddenly became dead silent, and everyone's time seemed to be frozen.

"Just now...what happened just now..."

A branch major looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't believe his eyes, wondering if he was dazzled.

"Sir...sir...does this mean we're saved?"

A recruit next to him looked at the scene in front of him and asked in a trance.

But none of the navy present at this time could answer.

Look at the pirate ship again.

"Who made this ghost thing!!!"

Seeing that he was about to attack, but something unexpected happened suddenly, the captain of the pirate immediately became furious, he had never seen anything in the new world, this bit of ice... this bit of ice...

Ice, alone, on the sea.

These factors were instantly linked together in his mind, and with a click, he suddenly thought of something.

Should...Could it be that monster navy frozen fruit ability user...

Thinking of the pirate captain, his body froze immediately.

Even if he ran into that monster navy when he was full of blood, he knew that if he ran into it, he would definitely die.

At this time, the bow of the pirate ship just hit the ice wall, and there was a slight collision sound, but the ice wall didn't intend to crack at all, and there seemed to be no traces of the impact.

The pirate captain suddenly looked up at the top of the ice wall as high as the mast of his pirate ship.

There was a guy half-hidden by the air-conditioning.

But judging by what's showing, that guy looks like the same navy guy that just came out of the sea, he thought.

At this time, all the navies on the island also discovered that there was a person on the platform on the top of the ice wall, and behind the person with his back to them was the word "justice" written in large characters.

"We are saved?"

The dull people immediately looked into each other's eyes and understood what was going on in each other's mind.

Even sailors like them can understand the situation on the field at the moment. To create such a huge navy, only the guys from the New World branch have such power. The navy of the one just now is their support. .

"We are saved!!!"

In the next second, the marines couldn't help cheering, and the movement of dancing, dancing, and crying was so loud that Hayden, who was standing on the top of the ice wall, could hear it.

"Fortunately I caught up..."

Hayden, who had stopped at this moment, let go of the handles with both hands, and then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Then he looked at the pirate ship below at the moment.

The hull of this pirate ship has already reached a very serious level of damage, and I don't know how to keep the ship from sinking into the sea...
Hayden, who was observing, thought to himself, and then he heard the question from the pirate ship below.

"The guy above...what are you from?"

Hearing the hoarse voice below, Hayden couldn't help feeling amused, as if the pirate captain was telling a joke.

Hayden got off the locomotive and walked to the edge of the ice wall.

Then squatting down by the ice wall, Hayden looked down and saw a group of pirates standing on the deck of the pirate ship.The pirates' clothes were torn and their bodies were in a mess, as if they hadn't had a good night's sleep or food for several days.

Seeing Hayden smile even more, he then pulled out Senbon Sakura from behind, carrying the saber on his shoulder.

The corner of his mouth raised an arrogant arc, and the captain of the ship answered his question with the most obvious temperament among all the pirates.

"I am your god of death, pirate!"

(Thank you for the support of cappuccino, food incinerator, and storm Faiga! At the same time, I also thank all the book friends who have been voting for recommendations and supporting this book!)

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(End of this chapter)

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