Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 106 Look down on me, don't you?

Chapter 106 Look down on me, don't you?
"You navy can't wait to find death!"

"What the hell is our god of death!"

"Navy I can't wait to kill you!"

Hayden's provocative words immediately aroused the reaction of the pirates on the pirate ship below. They were all excited and cursed at the same time, and their ghostly screams were mixed together.

The pirates didn't know what kind of support the navy of the four seas above had, so they dared to speak to them from the new world like this.

Is it the ice wall beneath him?Or was he really impatient to die?Or is it that the navy, which looks very young, has never seen the world?

But it doesn't matter that they want to tear the heart of this navy.

In the afternoon, under the blinding sun.

The golden sun was projected from the sky without limit, and under the cloudless conditions, the scorching sun reached the most dazzling and hottest moment of the day.

But at this time, the pirate captain standing on the deck of the pirate ship can still see who is standing on the top of the ice wall.

--damn it!

Isn't the one above the navy's monster frozen fruit ability user, the navy looks like a young soldier who has just graduated...

The pirate captain who saw the appearance of Ice Wall Hayden in his eyes instantly understood this matter.

Although I don't know where the chicken navy came from, the ability is the same as that of the frozen fruit, but as long as the monster navy doesn't come, their ship of pirates from the new world is afraid of being caught!

The pirate captain who could figure it out in the blink of an eye, his mood immediately returned to his original appearance. Although he was very embarrassed when he came out of the windless belt, they are not the "little devil" navy that can deal with them now. of.

After seeing it clearly, the silent pirate captain looked at Hayden above and said, "You say it's my god of death? Navy!" His tone was as flat as if Hayden hadn't provoked him just now.

Since you are not the one with the monster frozen fruit ability, Hayden at this moment is almost dead in the eyes of the pirate captain, and of course he can't arouse his mood swings.

At the same time, he spoke like an absolute order, and the clamoring pirates around him instantly quieted down, allowing their boss to speak.

all of a sudden.

In the area where Hayden and the pirate ship were located, the atmosphere seemed to be getting weird.

The clamor of the pirates made Hayden temporarily block his ears. After all, no one likes a group of chickens and ducks quacking in their ears.

But seeing the lips of the pirate captain moved, he could barely listen to the last words of these pirates.

"What else?" He said, staring at the pirate captain below with a puzzled expression.

Just now the pirate captain stopped after asking, Hayden is still waiting.

"Hmph." Seeing the indifferent attitude of the navy above them, the captain of the pirate turned cold and didn't intend to entangle with the navy anymore.

"I am the god of death who reaps the life of you, the god of death!" he said.


After the pirate captain finished speaking, he immediately stretched out his hand towards Hayden on the ice wall, motioning for his men to shoot him.

boom! boom! boom!
at once.

At least dozens of pirates on the deck quickly pulled out their spears or pistols.

The flashing flames of dozens of guns never stopped, bullets one after another, and the unstoppable rain of bullets immediately burst towards Hayden's direction.


Hayden froze for a moment and didn't understand what these pirates wanted to do.

Is your method of attack just shooting?

Could it be that you don't like my freezing effect, and attacking with a gun, could it be that you look down on me...

While blocking the incoming bullet with the thousand cherry blossoms in his hand, Hayden changed his mind without panic.

Could it be that they hadn't eaten for a few days and had no clothes to change, so that they didn't have the energy to use their skills?

Where did these pirates come from, and how did they look like tramps...

When Hayden was curious about what they had experienced, the attacks of the pirates on the deck suddenly stopped.

"Captain, it seems that not a single bullet hit the navy..."

Seeing the swordsman swaying his hands to block all their bullets, a pirate standing next to the pirate captain tentatively told him the captain.

The pirate captain is not blind either, so he naturally saw the same situation as his men on the deck saw.

"What the hell, I don't have eyes!"

The captain immediately scolded the pirate next to him.

His mood seemed to have changed suddenly, and he became irritable and restless.

I thought that I was lucky enough to be able to wear it out of the windless belt, and then it was like a big gift from the sky, but under my very bad situation, I ran into a naval base as soon as I came out.

Even if all their strengths are not one in ten, facing the naval branches of the four seas, this is an easy place to win, and it just happens to allow their supplies to be repaired.

But I didn't expect that when the naval site was about to be taken down, their support came, and seeing the current situation of the naval swordsman, he only had one person to come to support.

Now there are two possibilities before them.

One is that this navy is only the vanguard, and real support will soon follow.

One is that the navy who came alone is their support. Judging by the calm expression of the navy, maybe his strength has not been fully displayed.

And their current real situation does not need a navy that can really be stronger than them to solve them...

The experienced pirate captain immediately thought of a series of possible situations that might happen in the future.

He looked to the left and right of the ice wall blocking the way of their pirate ship at this time. Although the ice wall was not long, it prevented them from simply going around. They were now stuck here.

If you waste another second here, it is very likely that their pirate career will be explained here.

It is not the first half of Paradise, nor is it the New World, but the Four Seas, which is even more paradise than Paradise.

Thinking of this, the pirate captain immediately became impatient, and he couldn't care about anything else at this moment, and things would be troublesome if he was delayed by the navy for a second.

"Little ones, let me go up together and kill that navy!"

The pirate captain let out an angry howl, and broke out a life-burning attack. His aura surged instantly with his dilapidated appearance, and he took the lead in kicking the deck, and leaped fiercely towards Hayden's direction.

The pirates behind him also followed the captain's footsteps, with a completely different momentum erupting from their bodies, kicking off the ground and leaping high.


Hayden, who was squatting on the edge of the ice wall, immediately widened his eyes, and couldn't believe the scene in front of him. The group of pirates who looked like the beggar gang just now burst out with such a strong momentum.

The pirate ship they were standing on couldn't bear the strength they stepped on the deck and jumped up. A crack appeared in an instant, and it gradually widened, and finally cracked like a spider.

These pirates are definitely not unknown people, and they are definitely not pirates from the North Sea!
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(End of this chapter)

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