Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 107 The Sky Knight Attack Ends

Chapter 107 The Sky Knight Attack Ends
Hayden made up his mind immediately.

This is a different concept from the pirates with a bounty of more than [-] million that he faced before.

If you are not serious, you will die...

Seeing the attack that seemed to cover the entire area in front of him at this moment, Hayden immediately unraveled Senbon Sakura.

Qianbenzakura's blade instantly turned into countless thin blades, and burst into a shape like a surging sea wave.

However, he looked at the concentrated attack that was about to hit him in front of him.

Hayden didn't want to attack, and he didn't want to attack either. If he chose to attack at this moment, no matter how fast he was, he couldn't dodge one of the incoming attacks. He hadn't reached the point of exchanging injuries for injuries.

Therefore, he immediately controlled the countless thin blades that turned into waves, all gathered around his body, strengthening the defense of the 85 cm radius around himself, that is, the "circle of no wounds".

The cherry blossom petal blades surrounding him turned into a huge ball in an instant.

He didn't think that if he didn't use all his strength to defend, he could resist the group attack of this group of pirates who surpassed their previous cognitive strength.

Hayden immediately jumped onto the motorcycle behind him, and at the same time, an attack that gathered a huge amount of energy hit the cherry blossom ball that enveloped him.

Then the cherry blossom ball transformed by countless razor blades suddenly sunk in, and Hayden, who was riding on the motorcycle, could even see that the pirate's attack was about to penetrate the defensive circle and stab in.


Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Hayden slammed the accelerator, and the power from Sode Shirayuki inserted into the car body responded instantly.

The roaring beast suddenly burst out a strong cold air, exuding it, and immediately wrapped the countless petals of thin blades on the periphery at this moment, increasing the defensive power again.

But Hayden didn't intend to stay on it for another second.

"See you, Nima!"

Hayden hit the accelerator again, and broke through the defensive circle directly.

Immediately, the roaring beast soared high into the air, and the two frozen wheels under the car body that did not touch the ground began to spin rapidly.

At this moment, because the defensive ball behind Hayden lost his control, it was killed by the attacks of the pirates with a click and turned into broken ice crystals, shimmering with blurred light under the scorching sun.

Hayden then condensed the spirit clumps under the locomotive under his seat so that the locomotive would have room to run.


Numerous navies on the island are observing the rapidly changing situation on the ice wall.

They saw that the navy riding a silver horse that could freeze the sea was actually riding above the sky at this moment!

"I saw something..."

"Then what is that..."

"Sir, am I dazzled?"

The island's numerous navies responded in much the same way.

It's one thing for the navy that came to support just now to ride over from the sea, maybe there are some special devices, but...but what is it like to ride in the empty sky? ? ?

There is obviously no device on the motorcycle that can provide flight, but that thing can ride on the ground as if it can step on the air.

At this time, the group of pirates who attacked the ice wall also found out that they didn't attack the navy, they didn't hit anything, they hit the air.

At the same time, Hayden's howling from the motorcycle brought him to their attention.

"Captain... the navy is... who is it..."

Immediately, a trembling question rang out from the crowd of pirates on the ice wall. Except for the pirate who couldn't help asking the question, the expressions on the faces of the rest of the pirates were almost the same at this time, and the "violation of common sense" thing was like this happened before their eyes.

Even though they knew that someone in the navy would use the six styles and could fly with only their bodies, the scene in front of them still shocked them deeply.

Just as the navy on the island observed, even they, who were not far from Hayden's position at this moment, couldn't find anything that could allow the navy to ride a motorcycle in the air.

"Captain! The navy is coming to the island soon!"

At this time, one of the pirates suddenly realized this, and he quickly reminded his captain.If the navy is allowed to take advantage of the situation, it will be even more difficult for them.

"Oh shit!"

The pirate captain then came back to his senses, "Hurry up and call me! Let me release any tricks."

His anger at this time can no longer be explained in words, how dare this navy... dare to mess with their pirate group, and run away!
But also because Hayden ran a step first, and the location of the ice wall was still some distance away from the island, the pirates didn't dare to risk falling into the sea to attack Hayden who was going away.

So all the pirates could only use their long-range means to aim at Hayden's figure that was driving away quickly.

But this is just a desperate means at their last moment.


"That's it for you pirates who deserve to go to hell..."

At this time, without the pirates realizing it, the Vice Admiral Dalmesia of the Navy Headquarters had rushed to the battlefield.

Together with his first lieutenant, they stepped on the moon steps and hung on the left side of the ice wall where the pirates were standing at the moment.

At the same time, all the guns of the warships coming from the sea area below were aimed at the pirate group above.

Dalmesia, on the other hand, stared at the leader of the pirate captain, and opened his sharp claws shining with terrifying black lights.

"It's over..."

This is the same idea in the hearts of many pirates including the captain.

Not only one possible guess of the pirate captain has become a reality, but he also guessed another possibility, and the real support is now here.

Looking at these menacing high-ranking navies, the pirates who don't have much strength left are completely finished...

As a result, the pirates on the ice wall seemed to be forced to the edge of the cliff, their hands slowly hanging down.

At the same time, Hayden also stopped.

He just stopped at a place on the top of the high wall on the island that had not been destroyed. Feeling the aura of the uncle and his officers and soldiers, he subconsciously looked back and got off the locomotive.

"Just right, uncle..."

Hayden looked at the direction of the ice wall in front of him at this moment, and murmured.


After that, Dalmesia handcuffed the captured pirates one by one and brought them to his warship. The large number of pirates did not run out until the prisons on the warship were full.

Then, Dalmesia let the warship sail into this naval branch.

After all, no one could have imagined this sudden pirate accident.

If they just sent Hayden and left, this naval branch, which was almost sieved by shelling, might be occupied by the pirates who heard the news in less than a day.

During the few days of recuperating here, Hayden can just get familiar with the environment, and then they can leave.

The movement made by Hayden just now can be seen from a distance by Dalmesia on the warship. He believes that Hayden alone will be enough to stay here...

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(End of this chapter)

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