Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 108 It's Difficult For You To Do This

Chapter 108 It's Difficult For You To Do This

Until the medium-configured foreign ship warship from the New World entered the dock of the Beihai 353 Naval Branch.

The navy that survived the baptism of artillery fire on the island, they came back to their senses after being stunned, and the thick shadow that shrouded the naval base dissipated immediately.

This is finally the end of a terrible event that they may not experience more than once in their lifetime.

There was a bang when the gangway on the warship landed on the shore, like the sound of the end, and immediately——

"We are saved!!!"

"Wow wow ah ah ah ah!!!"


Driven by an inexplicable feeling, all the navies gathered uncontrollably at the dock, all cheered and jumped up, excited for the navies who stepped down from the warship at this moment.

The cheers of the large number of sailors suddenly gathered into a huge momentum at this moment, as if they could completely overthrow the remaining dilapidated base.

Lieutenant General Dalmesia and his subordinates stepped off the warship and stood calmly on the shore.

Everyone applauded and thanked them. Although they themselves were infected by the atmosphere at this moment, they still maintained good discipline and controlled their emotions.

At the same time, they still had a little bit of fear in their hearts. If it wasn't for that kid Hayden who rushed over by himself and delayed for some time, given the time they arrived just now, the pirates might have already attacked the island.

The consequences...

Dalmesia and others dare not imagine.

At this time.

The sound of "buzzing" came from above the pier where they were standing at the moment.

Everyone present immediately looked up, and then noticed a silver-white trajectory sliding down from the incomplete tall iron wall around the gap at a very fast speed.

Then, the silver-white trajectory stopped in the middle of the field, and the white mist surrounding that thing was blown away by the waves he brought up, revealing the figure inside.

"Yo, uncle."

Hayden, who was straddling the motorcycle, pulled out Sode Shirayuki, pulled a sword flower and inserted it back into the scabbard on his back, "It's just in time!"

Hayden got off the motorcycle and greeted Dalmesia standing on the shore of the warship with a smile.

"Is this navy the one that saved us just now?"

"This momentum, this appearance, this chilling chill."

"Stupid! Is this the navy or someone else!"

Suddenly, such a maverick navy, which has never been seen before, immediately made the sailors of the surrounding naval branch talk about it, but they all talked in a low voice in unison.

The unexpected way of appearing on the stage, the peculiar ability, and the last scene that can be called a spectacle, it seems that all the things that go against common sense have appeared in this navy.

The combination of these things really had to make them feel shocked, even at this moment they can still clearly recall what happened just now, what they experienced personally.

"Hayden, you brat! You really have a hand!"

Lieutenant General Dalmesia heard Hayden's words coming, he was happy and walked towards Hayden, while admiring loudly.

The last time I saw Hayden's ice ability was when he was a child, and the ice ability can freeze a bathhouse at most.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, this strange freezing ability can reach this level. He believes that at least Kuzan's guy Hayden has not reached this level at this age.

"It's okay...basic operation."

Hayden watched the uncle walk over with a smile, he shrugged indifferently and replied.

He blocked the group of pirates just now, but he didn't defeat them after that, which made Hayden feel a little uncomfortable.

When Dalmesia heard it, he was stunned for a second, then shook his head before saying, "You brat..."

at this time.

A navy with the rank of branch colonel walked in from the crowd surrounding Hayden and the others.

"Reporting sir, I am Colonel Jacob of this 353 naval base, please instruct."

The admiral named Jacob saluted the Lieutenant Admiral Dalmesia with the highest rank in front of him.

He has a blessed body shape. After being attacked by pirates that he has never encountered before and staying on the edge of life and death for a while, his body is already covered with a big man.

The chubby figure seemed to be soaked in a layer of oil, just waiting to be cooked, but he felt a little trembling with fear.

Also because the Lieutenant General in front of him is also a high-ranking official he has never met before...

Under the double fear, Jacob's mind was in chaos, mechanically waiting for the commander's instructions.

And the tall Dalmesia looked down at the person in charge of the base. Dalmesia didn't care about his panic-like state. After all, they had just suffered all this, which is understandable.

"Are you the person in charge of this base? You have already received a message from the headquarters before. A major general of the headquarters has been transferred to you."

Dalmesia meant questioning, but the tone of the words was not a questioning tone.

"Yes, Lieutenant General, we have received a message from the headquarters and know that a major general will be transferred here."

Colonel Jacob was like a robot, and he answered the question immediately on conditioned reflex.

"En." Dalmesia nodded, then turned his gaze to Hayden next to him, and said, "This is your highest officer in the future, Rear Admiral Hayden." He introduced to all the sailors who belonged to this naval branch present at the moment.

Colonel Jacob in front of him immediately froze, holding his breath subconsciously.

This... Is this officer their future officer?
Why would someone with such strength be sent to the North Sea? Shouldn’t they be on the Great Route?
A lot of questions suddenly popped up in his mind. Jacob thought that the navy who saved everyone in their base just now was a master of the navy. He didn't expect that he was actually the officer sent to their base.

At the same time, Dalmesia's voice was loud enough to spread to all the space in the dock, and of course the surrounding crowd composed of sailors from this naval branch could hear it clearly.

Everyone also immediately spoke in a volume that they thought the officer in front could not hear.

"Hey, hey, that navy chief is now our chief..."

"Does this mean that no pirates will dare to come to our base in the future..."

"Of course, if any pirates dare to come, this lord will definitely freeze them into pirate popsicles!"

There was a hint of excitement in the whispers of the crowd.

After all, knowing that such a powerful officer will lead them in the future naval career, just thinking about it in their hearts will make them feel at ease.

As for Hayden in the middle of the crowd, he took all the words of praise into his ears without saying a word, and couldn't help but smile.

"You're making it difficult for me..." Hayden shook his head helplessly and muttered.

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(End of this chapter)

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