Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 109 Sail to the Horizon

Chapter 109 Sail to the Horizon

Time flies, months later.

Beihai 353 Naval Branch.

Today finally arrived at the base that was close to being scrapped, and the day when the overall restoration was finally completed.

After being attacked by pirates that day, the fragmented scene, under the material and building materials that have been transported in the past few months, unexpectedly returned to the radiance when it was first built in the past.

The intact iron wall is one layer stronger than before, and on the iron wall surrounding the island, there are black areas that appear at intervals, where brand-new, shiny black cannons are placed.

Also, the rest of the round island that had been destroyed by shells was roughly completed, and only some details were left to be added.


Hayden, with his upper body shirtless and his eight-pack abs showing, is in the dojo of the naval facility on the island.

He hangs upside down from the ceiling on a steel beam that supports the weight of the roof, holding a left and right barbell with a weight of "5T" in his hand, doing abdominal crunches, and the sweat from his body keeps flowing to the floor below. drip on.

While doing his daily exercise, Hayden asked a corporal next to him, who was lying on top of the beam with his hands firmly grasped.

"Where's the ammunition depot?"

And this corporal who was holding on to the beam for fear of falling, he was really scared to death.

But the job of reporting the situation to the boss was placed on his head, so he had to come here to report the situation to the boss.

"The bomb... the ammunition depot has been repaired..."

The corporal trembled and then reported that he forced his eyes not to fall on the wooden floor tens of meters below.

"The rest... the rest of the important facilities have also been repaired, and they have basically returned to their original state..."

The corporal continued to inform the boss in front of him.

Whenever the boss who is hanging upside down in front of him grabs the barbell and pulls up his body once, his heart will tremble accordingly. The boss's daily exercise is really scary. Hey...


After listening to the report of the corporal next to him, Hayden suddenly pulled his body, and his upper body was almost at the same height as the crossbeam. Then he immediately switched to holding the barbell with one hand and the crossbeam with the other.

At this moment, Hayden looked up at the corporal lying on the beam next to him, "Very well, you step back." He expressed his understanding little by little, indicating that the corporal could leave.

After saying that, he took the barbell and fell freely from the crossbeam, and stepped on the solid wooden floor below with a loud bang.

Immediately after putting down the barbell, Hayden walked out of the dojo directly.


During these months at the same time.

The war between the pirates and the naval base that took place at the edge of the windless belt in the North Sea naturally spread throughout the entire North Sea in the first week.

Germa 66, the Don Quixote family, etc., this war has entered the eyes of many dark forces.

Soon they used their respective intelligence channels to inquire about specific information, and it didn't take much effort to find out that a rear admiral directly transferred from the headquarters had come to the naval branch in Beihai.

And I also heard that he is a powerful man, with the same ability as the lieutenant general Kuzan of the Navy headquarters.

At the very beginning, they all began to think about what methods to use to deal with the new navy. At the same time, they also thought about why the navy suddenly sent a navy here at this time.

But after a few months of calm, the new navy didn't make any moves, and they gradually forgot that there seemed to be such a navy, and they returned to their previous state.


After coming out of the dojo.

Hayden first went back to his room to wash his whole body well, and then packed up all the things for the long-distance voyage.

Then he went out and grabbed a sailor casually and told him to call Colonel Jacob to meet him at the dock.

After a while.

The only entrance and exit on this small naval island is in the dock.

Hayden was dressed neatly all over his body, with two Zanpakutō crossed on his back, just leaving the space for the word "justice".

He was standing in front of a warship moored in the harbor, carefully inspecting the warship up and down.

After all, this is the warship he will be boarding next, even though the boatmen under his command have thoroughly inspected the whole ship, he still wants to take another look for himself.

"Boss, what do you want me to do? Is there anything you want me to do?"

Just when Hayden was fascinated by the inspection, Jacob's voice suddenly sounded beside him, and the voice was a little panting.

Hayden immediately stopped checking, and shifted his gaze to the place where Jacob was standing next to him. In his eyes, Jacob seemed to be a little out of breath, with some sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Why are you here?" Hayden asked him puzzled, "Why are you in such a hurry?"


The fussy Jacob was immediately stopped by the boss, he thought it was something important to call him to the dock, that's why he ran in such a hurry.

But look at the relaxed look of the boss...

"It's nothing... I just came over after exercising, boss."

Jacob noticed Hayden's expression and babbled nonsense.

"Boss, what's the reason you came here for me?" He immediately changed the subject and continued to ask.

Seeing that Jacob seemed to be fine, Hayden thought about it in his mind, and then told him: "Jacob, I'm going to go out later, and it just so happens that the construction of the base is almost completed..."

"Wait..." Jacob hurriedly interrupted Hayden when he heard this, "Boss, what should we do if you go out? What about this base?" He panicked immediately.

Although several months have passed, the scene of the pirate attack last time is still vivid in my memory.

"The base has you. Now that the base has been restored, I believe you can do this task well."

Hayden, who was interrupted, was not annoyed. He patted Jacob on the shoulder and said solemnly with "very optimistic about you" firm eyes.

Hayden wasn't worried that something unexpected would happen to this island again after he went out.

The true background of the previous group of pirates has also been clarified, it is a pirate group from the New World of the Great Route.

That is to say, the pirate attack last time was completely an accident. Of course, this naval base will not be able to hold on when it meets the pirates from the new world.

And because of this, Hayden was able to safely hand over the base to Jacob, and then chose to set sail to inspect the nearby sea area.

After all, he has been in the fish pond for a few months and has never been out once, so how can the points get into his pocket...

Thinking like this, Hayden felt relieved to temporarily hand over the base to Jacob.

In this way, under Jacob's tearful eyes, Hayden drove out of the dock with a ship that was just enough to move a warship, and headed for the distant horizon...

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(End of this chapter)

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