Pirate's Grim Reaper System

Chapter 110 Encountering an Unknown Ship

Chapter 110 Encountering an Unknown Ship
a few days later.

The warship that Hayden was on, Hayden didn't know which sea area he was drifting to now.

"Boss! Boss!"

"There is a medium-sized ship with no flags ahead!"

On a boring afternoon, Hayden, who was reading this novel on the deck of a warship, suddenly heard the news from the watchman above the mast.

Hayden didn't think there seemed to be anything that needed attention in what he said, but he still opened his mouth and asked, "Did you see clearly? How far is the boat from us?" But he didn't take his eyes off his hands. books.

After waiting for a while, the watchman above seemed to be further confirming what he saw just now—the ship that suddenly entered his field of vision.

There are no patterns or characters on the ship, sails, and mast that can identify meanings. It seems that the entire ship has not even been painted, retaining the original color of the wood when it was first built.

According to his rough estimation, this ship does not have any indication of its identity, and the length of the ship is estimated to be more than forty meters.

However, there seems to be no sign of the muzzle on the hull, and on the deck...

The watchman who thought about this carefully observed the deck of the ship through the telescope, but soon found that there was nothing unusual on the deck.

This is neither a combat ship, nor does it look like a merchant ship... The lookout's instinctive perception of abnormal situations was immediately triggered.

"Boss! There is no information on the ship, it is not a pirate ship or a merchant ship."

The lookout felt that the observation point was almost over, and immediately continued to report the situation to Hayden below, "And the direction of the ship seems to be heading towards us, and there is no intention of avoiding it." He continued.


Hearing this, Hayden felt a little strange. It was not a pirate ship or a merchant ship, and there was nothing to identify it.

He frowned slightly, realizing that something was wrong.

Then he closed the book and put it on the small table beside him, stood up and walked towards the bow of the ship.

Hayden narrowed his eyes and stared intently.That ship really didn't have any intention of avoiding my warship...

In his line of sight at this moment, the ship that seemed to have nothing was coming towards him even though it was not heading towards his warship.

Usually, even if it is not a pirate ship, ordinary merchant ships will avoid their warships a little bit, or they may send some signal to tell them that they are civilian ships.

But the ship in front of me...

Hayden thought that something was wrong with this situation, and he should be prepared just in case, although it might be superfluous.

"Little ones, prepare me for battle!"

Hayden, who was standing at the bow, stretched out his arms and swung back, shouting loudly to the sailors on the rear deck.

Immediately afterwards, another hurried voice sounded from behind him.

"You all heard what the boss said!"

"Get ready for me!"

"hurry up!"

At this moment, his deputy, Lieutenant Colonel Brown, who was behind him, heard what the boss said, and he carried it through without thinking. sailors.

He is a strong, vicious man, and Hayden has chosen him as his deputy for this sea patrol.

The order was quickly conveyed by him to the ears of every combatant on the warship. It didn't take long for the warship to become noisy, and the combatants were fully armed and guarded their respective positions.

Seeing that everyone was getting ready, Hayden couldn't help but nodded, then turned around and looked back at the sea area in front of the warship at this moment.

The nameless ship was also approaching by this time.

Hayden could even see the specific outlines of things on the deck of the nameless ship, and he could also see a few people standing on the deck wearing black clothes who appeared out of nowhere.

It’s fine if you’re just an ordinary civilian ship, but if you’re a pirate ship, then it’s a great gift for me, and I can finally start accumulating points...

Hayden, who was expressionless, stared at the nameless ship that was about to pass by his warship at this moment, thinking in his heart.

The sailors on the ship also tensed their hearts, staring closely at the ships that were slowly passing by their ship.Since it was the boss who told them to pay attention, they were afraid that something unexpected would happen suddenly.


There was really no unusual behavior on the unnamed ship. Although there were only two or three men in uniform on the deck, they didn't seem to be carrying guns or weapons.

Since their ship approached, Hayden's eyes were fixed on the eyes of the person who seemed to be the head of their ship, and he met his gaze, but he didn't read anything from that look.

In the eerie and silent atmosphere, Hayden slowly relaxed his mind, as if there was really nothing strange about it.

Then, the unnamed ship passed by the warship, its tail had already sailed to the same line as the tail of the warship, and the two passed each other without incident...

In fact, it is very short, but it feels long and quiet.

At this time.

A sailor next to Hayden's gun on the left side, that is, the side that touches the unnamed ship, hesitated for a moment, wondering whether he should tell the boss, but he blurted out, breaking the silence on the warship at this time.

"Boss...I seem to smell blood wafting over just now..."

Huo Ran, when he heard the sailor tell him about the situation, the inexplicable feeling in Hayden's heart instantly deepened.

As for the sea soldier who continued to say "Boss, when I was young, I found that my nose is more sensitive than ordinary people", Hayden has automatically blocked it.

However, even if Hayden didn't hear the sailor behind explain why he smelled blood, he still believed that it was absolutely impossible for his subordinates to talk about these feelings.

As if some deep feeling was driving Hayden, Hayden suddenly gave the order to stop the ship.

"Get ready, wait for my signal, and fire as soon as the signal arrives!"

Hayden told the sailors on the deck without any nonsense, and immediately stepped on the moon to catch up with the unnamed ship.

"Lieutenant Colonel Brown, what signal are we looking for?"

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel Brown."

Because the boss spoke too quickly, many sailors on the deck at this moment did not understand what the signal the boss just said was, so they had to transfer the question to Lieutenant Colonel Brown, who was the most senior among them and who was also named by the boss.


Lieutenant Colonel Brown thought I was the same as you.An expression of embarrassment unexpectedly appeared on his slightly ferocious face.

On Hayden's side, it didn't take long for Hayden to catch up with the unnamed ship that had sailed a certain distance, and his feet landed firmly on the deck of their ship.


The sailors on this ship were wearing uniform uniforms, and all the crew members were big men. They immediately gathered on the opposite side of where Hayden was standing at the moment, staring at the navy in front of them warily...

(End of this chapter)

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